

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    NCCarol, love the inspiration pic. That's how I feel about my MS. When I was diagnosed in 1997, the doc said I more than likely had had it for 5 years. When I thought back on the things I had done those previous 5 years, I knew I could do this. We had gone on a one week vacation to the Grand canyon and boy did I hike. Not down in the canyon but still I hiked. And I wasn't tired. I have tried to keep that same attitude

    Nana Meg, I love it. I just hope your daughter rises up to the occasion and enjoys the responsibility of motherhood and lets You enjoy being a Nana. I remember when my MIL died in the nursing home that it was the same way. We were waiting on people to get there and the nursing home took care of us. She was not the easiest person to room with so they didn't put anyone in the room with her. But they brought in trays of cookies, coffee, soft drinks, sandwiches and chips. People we didn't even know came in with tears in their eyes to say good by and offer condolences. It really helped me to know she was loved by the staff. She was one of the longer living residents there. She never was one to make a friend, and I take that literally, and the staff loved her. her paranoid Schizo behavior alienated her form her family but they saw her for who she was, not what her mental illness displayed at times.

    Got stood up on one of my estimates today. He did call an hour ahead but still I was looking forward to another estimate. So now I have 2 people coming. Plus my sister is coming over with her yarn and needles trying to learn how to knit. I don't know how to but I have an iPad with u-tube.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Good morning. Well my rash is really red today. So guess I will have to make an appointment with the doctor. I am working another 12 hour shift today. Hoping to have tomorrow off. We have our CMA meeting tomorrow night with election of officers for next year. Found out this morning that my co-worker with cancer, the tumors are growing again, so upped his meds. Dan is such a nice guy and I am really worried about him. He plans to keep on working as long as he can.
    Got the furnance fixed. Said a tube was dirty, something about the gas coming into the house. Makes no sense we have no control over that and the furnance is just a year old. But it is working now and that is all I care about.
    Good thing today. Last evening at the hospital they had the yearly open house for diabetic's. Lots of good information. Anyway this moring they brought me a $25 gift card to HyVee. Ok with the good comes the not so good. We are having open sign up time for next year's insurance. Anyway my doctor and DH's has dicided not to sign with Unet so we will have an higher co-pay. I do not want to change doctors again, so will just have to deal with it. One good deal is starting this next year the hospital is opening an account for each of us and putting in $1000 to use for co-pays. I do not like change and this is confusing, Afraid it is not going to get easier. Thanks for letting me vent.

    DeeDee- I am beginning to think the rash is from stress. I had something simalur several years ago that the doctor dicided was stress. But that was a different patteran and most on my stomach. This one is upper chest, neck, arms and now around my ears and eyes. I am doing all I can not to itch, not easy.

    Carol--Great news about DD's MRI. Is she feeling better? Glad you are getting out and walking. With this time change it is dark when I get off work so not getting much walking done.

    Viv--Hugs and prayers for you and DH.

    Katla--Hope DH is ok.

    Sylvia--Spot seems very happy with you. I like your list and do think I need to make one. Maybe help me get back on track. Thanks. Love the joke for today.

    Meg--Congrates on the new grand baby. Sounds like your dad was very well liked at the home and that is great. Please take comfort in that and take care of yourself.

    Joyce--Good luck with the knitting lessons. My 6 year old DGD wants to learn. She is left handed so not easy trying to teach her. She wants to make a baby blanket for her sister's baby due last part of Janurary. So we are doing it together. I do most the needles and she does the yarn. She is so proud of what we have done. I do think it will take until close to the time the baby is born to finish. But that is ok, we are doing it together.

    I am looking forward to having tomorrow off. Have a list of things to get done. After work this evening we are going over to DS's for supper. DGD is selling cookie dough for school so going to order some of that. I order something with nuts and I am safe since I can not eat them without my thoart swelling up. Have a good rest of the day.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • ioke17
    Hello Ladies,
    I will be 51 in January. I just re-started MFP again this last Monday. I haven't had a period since August of last year, so I guess I am officially in menopause. My weight has progressively gone up, up, up over the last two years. I am very frustrated by the weight gain and hope to lose the 40 lbs. I have gained.
    I am a newlywed :) I married my amazing husband on the beautiful island of Kauai in May, and while it was the happiest day of my life, my weight was definitely not in a happy place.
    I really need a support group to help keep me motivated. I have developed some negative eating habits. Hubby and I love to dine out, have dessert, etc…I also stress eat, and crave sugar.
    I'm trying to take this one day at a time right now, because I tend to get obsessed with how much weight I should or could be losing in a week, a month, 3 month's, etc…so my goal is to be steady and stay the course of healthy, balanced eating and moving more.
    I wanted to introduce myself, and thank you for being here.
    Looking forward to sharing support and encouragement with you!
    Joyce :)
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    2nd day of bacon and egg on toast. Oh that doctor knew what she was doing saying 2 rashers of bacon!. Well my sodium is UP and so to ONE slice of bacon from tomorrow. Had 1/4 cup muesli with 1/2 cup fresh strawberries as well. Lunch is salad and sardines, Blackberry Chobani yogurt. Dinner is pork steak and steamed veg.
    Training today for Jeannette is Yoga, oh my. Not flexible for her Power Yoga DVD so using the Hatha one of hers I bought in 2006. Plus an hour walk up the road after lunch.

    Also washing clothes, cleaning house and ironing, plus some gardening.

    Mildred beagle is fine and her eyes are normal again. Will only let me do her eyes, snaps at Stan.
    So glad I only had to do 2 weeks of salad and egg for breakfast

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Barbie :) I love your graphics!

    Michele :) Lexi is beautiful! It just hurts to know someone abused her :sad:!

    Carol :) Yay for your NSV!!!! Be careful with that tendon, don`t want to hear you have to wear that boot again! Good news on your daughters MRI! Does she have a lot stress in her life, stress can cause many things! Thank you for posting that quote, I needed to hear that today! You have done an awesome job my friend, you look fabulous :bigsmile:!

    Genealace :) Congrats on the weight loss!!! Are you still making lace?

    Viv :) Prayers for you and DH :flowerforyou:!!!

    Cynthia :) So the painters didn`t show up :frown:, at least the ones I had told me when they wouldn`t be here. It`s so frustrating! It`s nice when you can finally put things where they belong, it took me almost a week to get all my stuff put back, actually there are still a few things that need to be done. I`ve just not been in the mood to do it :tongue:!

    Heather :) Congrats :bigsmile:!!!

    Yanniejannie :) Thanks for the giggle about trying to set up your daughter, if he`s that much older how about sending him my way :love: :laugh:!

    Terri :) Congrats on realizing you don’t have to have the leftovers!!!!

    Mel :) I think you`ll like this group of women! I don`t post as often as I used to, but I try to at least once a week. I`m doing good this week so far.

    Katla :) Oh my…hope DH is okay. Falling down the stairs is scary! Let us know how he`s doing!

    Meg :) Hi Nana :flowerforyou:!!! I know tonight and the next several days are going to be a whirlwind, just know I`m thinking about you and sending you good thoughts!

    Dee :) Hi, I`m DeeDee from NC! What part of NC are you from? I`m in Winston Salem, Michele is in Newton, Carol is in Burlington and there are a couple from Greensboro that post every once in awhile! Welcome!

    Vicki :) Are you taking anything for the itching? Wishing all the best for your co worker!

    Joyce :) Have fun with your sister! I used to knit years ago and enjoyed it, I just might try to start again sometime this winter (if I can find the time).

    Joyce (ioke17) :) Welcome! Congrats on your marriage!!! I think you`ll love being a part of this great group!

    Lesley :) Glad to hear Mildred beagles’ eyes are normal again!!! Pork steak and steamed veggies sounds delish!

    My roast chicken was fabulous last night, it was juicy and flavorful! Hope it will taste as good tonight! The kids are coming over Saturday! I bought a new golf cart for the grandgirls :love:, it will be delivered tomorrow. I had it painted pink and it has eyelashes over the headlights :tongue:, I think they will love it (I love it)! Of course it`s probably going to be a fight over who gets to drive it first, I`m thinking the older one will win that battle. Now I have two golf carts, that means everyone will be able to ride at the same time :bigsmile:, now if I can just keep them from racing. I will have to put a few rules in place I`m sure.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night!

    DeeDee in rainy and now chilly NC

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    edited November 2014
    smiley-sad012.gifViv, I am so sorry to hear about the continued bumps in the road for your DH...you are so right to take it one day at a time.

    :smile: Kim, I have served on several juries and found the experience very interesting. I hope you'll be able to find the positive side to it.

    :smile: Terri, it took me awhile, but I've finally learned how to cook just the portions for Jake and me so there won't be any leftovers...they were always a big temptation for me.

    :smile: Mel, I like reading some of the posts in the morning while I eat my breakfast....it starts my day off in a happy and motivated way.

    :smiley: Katla, you are so right that this journey takes time and persistence

    :wink: Sylvia, I didn't tell Jake how much I weighed until I finally weighed less than he did.

    :smiley: nccarolb, wow...those photos say it all

    smiley-bounce009.gifNana Meg, congratulations

    :smiley: DeeLinda, welcome...you have come to the right place

    smiley-angry017.gifVicki, I have an appointment next week to talk about changes in my insurance....uggh

    :smile: Joyce (the newlywed) welcome...take this journey one day at a time.....I had to make changes in my attitude toward food...I did that gradually

    :neutral_face: Lesley, it's so sad that so many of the really tasty foods are high in sodium so they have to be restricted

    :smiley: DeeDee, I buy whole chickens when they are on sale and keep them in my freezer so I can take one out a few days ahead of a special dinner.

    smiley-talk008.gifI am enjoying my time alone...Jake calls and texts a lot so I know how he's doing....he often asks me to put the phone next to the dogs' ears so he can talk to them. One thing I do while he's away is fix meals that he would never eat.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    November Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good
    *strength training twice a week
    *put important dates on the 2015 wall calendar

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Jillian Michaels Shred It With Weights DVD today. Tomorrow the plan is to do Gilad's 45/45 split workout.

    Oh, forgot to mention that last night I made some chicken burgers out of ground chicken breast. It's nice to have them in the freezer for a quick meal. I also steamed some kale to have in soups or something. I found a recipe for -- get this -- massaged kale. I'd like to try that, just gotta think of someplace where I can.

    Carol - yea on your NSV!!! So proud of you. Glad to hear your daughter's MRI was good. Hope you find the answer real soon.

    Right now I have one of those pineapple angel food cakes in the oven. Something like that is good to have "in case" I need a dessert that I can (and want) to eat.

    Kim - I don't like either how people blow off their duty of jury service. I honestly think employers should supplement what the state pays you. That's the reason my daughter doesn't want to do jury duty -- she doesn't want to lose the money she'd make working.

    Viv - how horrible for your hubby!

    Cynthia - Lexi was abused. She had a dislocated hip so that's why all the bandaging. Then she had air leaking out of her trachea.

    Alison - I hope you don't have a reaction to the flu shot. I got mine on a Tuesday and on Friday I had the reaction. Constantly cold then warm and I felt real achey. By the next day it was gone.

    Yesterday Vince ordered (get this) these lightbulbs to put in the landscape lights in front of the house in red and green.

    Just noticed that it's raining out. That must have just started because it wasn't raining when I went to get the paper. exercised, had a bit of breakfast, made the pineapple angel food cake and while it was cooling went to WalMart. I was surprised how many things they didn't have! Came home and then went to lunch with the Newcomers. Stopped at another WalMart (the only one where I can get my brownie mix) and got the things I couldn't get at the WM by me. Of course, Vince got a few things for Christmas like extra bulbs, ties and some plastic bins where we keep our extension cords and one for inflatables should we need it.

    Went to lunch with the Newcomers. Had grilled shrimp and steamed vegetables (no sauce) and just water to drink. I was surprised at how expensive that was! But then again, anything healthy is usually more expensive than a burger and fries.

    Tonight is Newcomer bowling.

    Just made the marinade for the pork for Sat. Now it's in the refrigerator marinating.

    Mel - good idea coming here early for support!

    katla - that pic was taken when we first got Lexi probably about 6 years ago. Today she runs around like nothing is the problem. It wouldn't surprise me if when she gets older, she's more susceptible to aches and pains, but for now she's a happy kitty who is even "meowing" a LITTLE bit. Only a tiny bit, but that's more than she's done for a long time.

    Sylvia - Lexi is a girl. After that she had a polyp in her ear. It was so far down that the vet here didn't have the equipment to get it so we had to take her to NC State Vet School to be operated on. They went up thru her chin to get the polyp. Fortunately, there hasn't been any problem since then. She does NOT like being washed but she's so fastidious that we've never had to give her a bath. We think that's one of the ways she was abused (kept under water). She's about 6 lbs. And does she ever have Vince wrapped around her little paw!!!! I know his heart breaks whenever he thinks of all she's been thru

    Carol - impressive photos

    Meg - congratulations!!!!

    Dee - welcome! Another North Carolinean, there seems to be quite a few of us. What part are you in?

    Vicki - good luck with the doc. Prayers for your friend

    Joyce - welcome and congrats on your wedding

    DeeDee - or should I call you "chef DeeDee"? Great the chicken turned out so well.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Congratulations on the birth of your first grand child. I'm sorry about the loss of your dad. All of this at once must be very emotionally difficult. Sending hugs and good wishes.
  • TeddyCharlton
    TeddyCharlton Posts: 46 Member
    I am restarting my weight loss with mfp. I have roughly 100 lbs to loose. I recently had 4 foot surgeries in the last 2 and 1/2 years. I have a bad knee that should have surgery...but I'm going to enjoy my mobility for a while before I think about having it worked on. Our youngest is 15 years old and then we will be empty nesters. We farm and ranch and I enjoy our lifestyle. I like to cook and have a tremendous sweet tooth, I have started the 20 minute Pilates and that is helping. I am doing a restrictive every 2 hour mini meal of protein and vegetables. Seems to be working. I weigh myself every day, but I haven't logged it in as I often have swelling and water retention....so I'm not certain of whether I am actually loosing or just sending water. I figure I will weigh each Monday and use that as a marker of weight loss. I need to be more conscious of drinking water, so I set a pitcher of infused water and that seems to help. We will see. I have set a 9 week goal, which would put me into the first week of January. So here's to the first week. I am 49 years old. Thanks for the great group....oh and I would love a few friends for moral support. Thanks again.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Teddy, I weigh every day but only record the weight on a Wednesday. Although I am very delenquet in recording since I have weighed the same for about 2 months now. Welcome

    Yeah, another Joyce. You will have to start putting your state you live in or something to distinguish you and me. Of course your picture looks nothing like mine!!! Congratulations on your marriage.

    Vicki, I also am left handed so a lot of things are difficult for me when it comes to learning from instructional videos, etc. That is so wonderful your 6 year old DGD wants to knit an afghan for the baby

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Today was a mixed bag. Day started off nicely, weather was so nice and loved the sunshine on my face. Took DD and one of my DGDs to Cora's for breakfast. "Grandma, I love the sunshine place. I love you more than sunshine." I think my heart expanded 2x the size.
    On the hunt for a new winter coat. Warm, stylish and affordable. Looks like I'll have to settle for one out of 3. Still a few places to hunt.
    The other DGD looks to be on the mend. She played with Grandpa and then with me. I love the sound of her laughter.
    More tests for DH. I am going to have to miss a few days of work. We have to go to Calgary and the prep is complicated.
    I decided to go to the dance school with DD. Bought our tickets for Alice in Wonderland. The granddaughters are cast as Cheshire cats. Dance teacher asked to move one DGD up to a more advanced class.

    Meg- My heart goes out to you on your loss. It is so very difficult to lose one's parent. I hope your memories will comfort you.
    Welcome to the world, Baby Nikita. Nana Meg, I am sure she will bring you joy.

    auntyfred - Sounds like you are very active and in very good shape. I'm sure your hiking holiday will be wonderful.

    Barbie - Thanks. I am trying my very best to stay focused on what I want my life to look like.

    Heather - How lovely for you. Icy Blue Kitchen Aid = Awesome. DD opened one under the tree last year and she has loved it ever since.

    Cathy- You will prove them wrong. We will be on this journey with you.

    Cindy - Brian is a real cutie.

    Bidding you all a fond adieu
    Up much too late for a 5 a.m. alarm
    -Sharon in Sunny Southern Alberta
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    DH going for liver biopsy today so I'm a nervous, every test so far has been bad news.

    Trying to be positive but it's very hard.

    I'm trying to look at calming pictures to help and one of my neice's little boy always makes me smile, he is so adorable and smiley.

    Think I might contact the Macmillan nurse when they open.

    Thanks for being here and all your good wishes.

    Viv xx
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Viv - OXOXOXOXOXO :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning ladies~Viv you and DH are in my prayers my friend...
    Michelle~ so far ok with the flu shot, just a sore arm....whole there, they had me schedule a physical saying I havent had one since 2011, well at least I will be down weight from that one lol..
    working at 9:30 this morning and have the weekend off.. watching the news they said snow for next friday... please say it aint so... I HATE snow....
    have to get the DH dinner together.. went t visit the DFIL yesterday, he was doing ok, then stopped to see my DB he was fine then went to see my D dad, spent about an hour there, I feel guilty because I dont spend enough time with him, he is still very spry and gets around and is ok.. his dog which is named lightening is aptly named, if he gets out he takes off, and he took off in the rain and ran up the road.. he wont come when called and was running through neighbors yard, until I finally rounded him up eating cat food.threw him in the car and brought him back to dads, then came home and did stuff around the house..
    really the first of november they have started with the Christmas commercials , geesh..
    I remember when I was younger they didnt put any of that stuff up until after thanksgiving..It is all about selling stuff, and that isnt what Christmas is all about,
    going to finish my tea and get up and get going
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Viv, I'm sending good thoughts for your hubby's tests. You need some good news for a change!

    Meg, congrats on becoming a Nana! I know you will soon love her more than life itself. They have a way of grabbing your heart.

    My scale was up more than two pounds this morning. It has to be water. Has to be.

    Michele, poor Lexi! How long have you had her?

    Not enough time to write this morning. Welcome to the new ladies! Bye for now.

  • myrtfgo
    Good Morning Ladies.....
    Viv....my heart goes out to you and I too will think good thoughts for you and your husband.

    Dreary overcast day in Mpls today. BUT....focused on health and good choices.

    Working my part time job next 3 days. Demoing food in an upscale grocery store. Can we say it's like putting the alcoholic to work in a bar? I am in OA tho, and have a sponsor, and I've made a commitment to her to not eat any of the free samples. She will text me later in the day to check in. Funny how that little thing can keep me in a good place.

    Have a healthy day ladies. Today and only today do we have to bring to mind.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,942 Member
    Viv and Meg, you are both going through so much! :'( My heart and prayers are with you. Take care of yourselves first. You cannot cope if you are not well.

    Alison, my DH got the 'senior' :s shot (double dose) for flu and became very sick with a fever. I got the standard and had nothing but a sore arm, so hope only the sore arm! o:)

    Welcome to all the newcomers! This is a great group, even when I drop out for a while, I always come back. B)

    Well, I broke down and signed up to work with a personal trainer once a month for the year. I've already had two sessions which were included with my membership and boy am I sore, :s but in a good way! This will make me accountable and I will hopefully be able to track and see improvements each month which will be encouraging. I get depressed very easily so that should help.

    So far as my goals:
    Logged food 4/5 days (today not done yet!)
    Gym: 4/5 days (going at lunch for cardio today) Goal is 3 times a week.
    Weight loss ?? will check on Monday. Goal is 4 pounds in November.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
    Rita from CT
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    myrtfgo wrote: »
    Good Morning Ladies.....
    I am in OA tho, and have a sponsor, and I've made a commitment to her to not eat any of the free samples. She will text me later in the day to check in. Funny how that little thing can keep me in a good place.


    Marilyn, I'm not in OA but I use one of the OA tools of planning my food for the day and sticking with the plan, no matter what. Congrats to you for keeping in touch with your sponsor and staying with your food plan.

    :smiley: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where the sky was clear and the moon was bright while I walked my dogs.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,942 Member
    PS.. how do you get the animated smileys in the post?