

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Thanks to everyone for the kind words about my photos. I am not please with how I look right now and it was really good for me to go back and look at my "progress collage" to see what a change I have made. I am wearing the green sweater that I was wearing in the collage picture and it is definitely bigger than it was in the picture. That makes me feel good, too!

    I went back to the rheumatologist today. My blood work was negative for RA but I'm to keep an eye on the symptoms and call back for an appointment if they flare up. He also gave me an injection in my shoulder. I was to the point I could barely raise my arm enough to pull a shirt on over my head. He said that it was not frozen shoulder this time, but an impingement that was based in my rotator cuff. That was not welcome news, but the injection made an immediate difference and will continue to work for a while. He said that, instead of lifting free weights, I should use bands instead. I have some that I ordered about a month ago so I will learn how to use them. I was really getting into the lifting videos that I had purchased... :disappointed:

    Viv - You and your hubby are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the news from the most recent test will not be as bad as you expect.

    DeeDee - That golf cart sounds so cool! My daughter has some stress, but she is quite happy with her life right now other than the medical symptoms. I advised her today to call the neurologist's office -- again!!! -- and tell them she wanted a different doctor. This guy took a week to give her the MRI results and has not returned any calls since. That is unacceptable and is not normal protocol for doctors at UNC. In fact, I get surveys after my visits to UNC doctors that specifically ask about wait times for appointments, visits, and callbacks.

    I have been on track, with no lapses, all week. I seem to have gotten my head back in the game again. Now, just to keep it there!

    Welcome to all the newcomers! This is a great group of ladies!

    Robin - Keep hanging in there! If you can get your logic ahead of the depression, you know that it will get better. I know that's easier said than done, but it helps when I remind myself.

    Rita - Woohoo! So glad to see you posting regularly again!

    Sylvia - Your soup pots/bowls are gorgeous! I'm loving hearing about your Spot. My Spot just showed up at my house one day and now she thinks she owns it! Hope things are going better for your son.

    Joyce (Indiana) - That quote I posted was mostly to remind myself of my weight loss journey, but it also is very relevant to my life since my divorce.

    Alison - I'm going to chime in with the others: Take care of yourself, too!

    Michele - I'm so glad Lexi found a home with folks who love her so much!

    Terri and Barbie - I purposely cook for leftovers because I have so little time to cook during the week. But, I totally get not having them in the house if they tempt you. I am not tempted by my leftovers, but I REALLY have to watch the other kinds of food (sweets) that I keep around. I am fine having vanilla ice cream in the house. I enjoy it, but I won't binge on it. Chocolate, on the other hand, is sometimes okay, but not right now.

    I know I've missed folks but know that I do read and respond in my head if not on the screen. :stuck_out_tongue:

    I guess I'd better look like I'm working for a bit.

    Carol in beautiful NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Oh! I meant to brag on my shopping. :smiley: I got my email from Harris-Teeter yesterday with the extra special offers that go out only by email and are geared to my shopping habits. I got Special K Protein cereal for $1.77 each and Quaker Oatmeal instant packets for $1.97 per box. I usually cook regular oats, but like to have the instant on hand for days I've forgotten or didn't have time to plan ahead. I don't always get to take advantage of the specials because they're all gone by the time I can get to the store, but I stopped by after my doctor appointment this morning and got my full allotment of each. I was happy to see that there was a reduced sugar version of the oatmeal!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Meg,great news! So happy for you
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    today is 600 on MFP......but as usual,my post was deleted after 1 st line. Pat
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Ladies. Not quite 50 but knocking on that door soon (47). Hope I can be a new friend in this group.

    Some info about me. Married 26 years to a Pastor. 2 grown boys. One in college and one in the Army. New puppy to fill the empty nest void.

    Tall gal at 5'10". Starting weight 236. Current weight 225. Interim target weight 175. Potential-we-will-see-later weight 150 (wedding weight).

    Diana in Indiana.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well it was difficult but I was able to get up at 9 AM for another contracter appointment. So another one says we have no mold problem and no residual problem at all. He questioned several times what we really wanted of him. So it looks like what we really need is a plumber to see what caused the problem and then if we want anything done like remodeling the awful bathroom downstairs then to call him back. So I ham happy about everything. Sounds like we can have Christmas and maybe Thanksgiving here. We still need to really fumigate the house, shampooing the family room will help with that.

    Now waiting on the other appointments of the day, my sister coming over and trying to help her learn how to knit. I do't know how to knit either. But I have internet and she doesn't so we will go to u-tube and watch some videos. I am left handed and she is right handed so she wouldn't be able to learn from me anyway. Then another contracter coming out at 3:30. He is the one who is a friend but wouldn't be able to start until after the first of the year but will give us an estimate just to have something to compare to. I haven't seen him in a long time. He was a deacon in my previous church. He is a hugger which I love in a person. But he was recently sued for hugging a lady at his present church.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Diana, just read your post, we must have been posting at the same time. I am a preacher's kid. It takes a strong woman to be a preacher's wife. You are under the microscope at church, many times you feel like you are raising your children by yourself. I admire you. Where in Indiana are you from?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Decatur, just south of Fort Wayne 20 minutes. We've been in pretty good churches who haven't been too judgmental (although there are a few select individuals). We had one tough to raise son which caused some turmoil and unwanted comments but he has since made a great turn around. Over all I love being a Pastor's wife. Thanks for asking.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Good evening my friends. :flowerforyou:

    Well, the back ache turned out yo be a UTI after all. :ohwell: I suspected it was, but hoped it wasn't. Hate having to go to the doctor. Well today it got worse so I had no choice. I'm now on antibiotics. Still in pain, but glad it's diagnosed. :cry:

    Good news- yesterday we chose a wallpaper! :drinker: We only went to the shop to take the wallpaper book back and DH spotted one we both loved. :bigsmile: Also found some matching paint.

    More good news - eventually the venue guy got back to us and DH has booked the 70th birthday venue in the Cotswolds. We are waiting on caterers to get back to us for the Saturday night. :drinker:

    Welcome to the new people! Stick with us and you will see miracles!

    Today I used my KitchenAid to make granary rolls. I made 16 - 8 to keep and 8 to take to a charity bazaar tomorrow. The WI are raising money for a Shelter Box. It is a prepacked box with everything in it for a family who has lost everything in a disaster. Including a roomy tent. You get to hesr where it has gone.
    Then I cooked 36 meatballs and a large saucepan of tomato sauce. We are having 12 tonight, mine with broccoli. The rest in the freezer. :bigsmile:

    Another good news - I heard from DS#1 :drinker: I told him I had been to see Mary Rose in Portsmouth. He and I watched it coming out of the water in 1982. He was nearly 6 yrs old and was riveted. He said he remembers it well. He is flying out to join his dad and family in France for Christmas, but will come back via our local airport, so we will pick him up on the 28th and see him for a night or two. :happy: He said his depression was much better and he has taken up fencing with Medieval Germanic swords. :ohwell: He wants money towards kit for Christmas and birthday. Saves having to choose something. He used to be a fencer at school. :bigsmile:

    Katla - hope things are ok your way. Sad to see the DGC go home. Hope DH is ok.

    Lots of love. Got to cook the meatballs. At least the UTI means I am not drinking alcohol! ! ! ! :bigsmile:

    Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, ladies,

    Viv........Fingers crossed that you get some good news......thinking of you.

    Dee Dee.........Your golf carts sound like so much fun........I can imagine you barreling along with your hair flying out in a dozen directions trying to catch the DGD charging across the field in front of you!!!!

    Heather.........Boooo for the UTI!! Very happy DS1 is feeling better and that you have plans made to see him. YAY for the wallpaper and the venue!!!

    Lesley........Gald Mildred beagle's eyes are better, sounds like she's a mama's girl!

    Vicki........Hope the rash has faded!

    Sharon.......Your DGDs sound so sweet and congrats to the one who got promoted in dance! Best of luck for smooth sailing for hubby's tests.

    Meg.......Hope everything is going as well as it can. Get some rest!!!!

    Pat.....WHAT in the world is happening to your posts??? Can't imagine why they are cutting off like that on you.......how incredibly frustrating!!!!!!!!

    Well, ladies, I did something today that I've never done before.......went on morning tv to help promote a race I'm on the committee for........it was actually pretty painless, traffic getting to the tv station was the worst part. Did not tell anyone I was doing it as I was a nervous wreck. Had lots of company there with other committee members and runners and we all made it through.

    Stay strong!
    mid-Atlantic........chilly with sun, lots more cold on the way shortly!!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~feeling lousy,see the dr today.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Oh dear poor Jane! :cry: This has been going on far too long!

    A lot of people are having their Guy Fawkes tonight it seems. WW ll has broken out!

    Heather in noisy Hampshire UK. :ohwell:
  • Lyby
    Lyby Posts: 42
    Day 7 of the new month --- Day 9 of eating 'low carb' --- I'm tired, cranky, and feel old. There's been no movement in the scale (although I had to replace the battery last night and was hoping it had been so low on power that it weighed heavy) and I'm not sure I'd trust it if there were. My scale seems to wander between 184 and 188 in a willy-nilly fashion. It scared me last week when it got to 190! I don't think I shall ever see the 170s again --- but of course I didn't think I'd see gasoline under $3.00/gallon either so who am I to forecast anything.

    Exercise is not on the table at the moment --- waiting on neck surgery on December 1st and hoping that I'll feel better afterwards so I can start to move around again. But I haul myself out of bed and go to work everyday anyway.

    I really am a carnivore so eating more meat and beans is not a problem, but I'm missing potatoes and bread. I am a big cheese and cracker eater so it hurts to lose the crackers...they were a better option than chips but nevertheless off my good list.

    Working on portion control and a 1200 calories/day meal plan --- I don't feel guilty when I go over and I refuse to go under. I have an appointment on 11/20 to have a proper CO2 test for Resting Metabolic Rate --- post hysterectomy I know that my RMR is much lower than the "chart". At 1800 calories/day I gain weight. At 1200 I don't seem to lose weight but I'm not gaining. I have a coworker who tested with a RMR about 900 calories --- she's fortunately 5'4" and 105 lbs. ringing wet but it is difficult for her to go out to eat. I can't imagine how intimidated I'm going to be if they tell me that mine is under 1200. I will burn that bridge once I get to it.

    Fifty is harder than I thought it would be....
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    yanniejannie - I knew you could handle the TV thing. It just takes calm quick thinking and a vibrant personality. My DD and I have both done TV and radio, even for groups that we are not involved, just because we are able. I'm glad you had a good time - It's fun ! ! !

    Tonight is the big Kenny Rogers concert. Drive rush hour from Milwaukee to Chicago to meet my friend that I have not seen since High School. I have been saving plenty of calories, so I can afford a wrap at the "Grille" for dinner.

    Tomorrow DS has bowling, then he is going to a local park with a bunch of friends for a "pick up basketball tournament". I plan on grocery shopping alone :) Sunday we will watch his friends at the Hall of Fame bowling tournament. He is not participating this year, because he doesn't think it is fair since he already won it a few years ago. But he only has a few more weeks to get his doubles partner and team set up for City and State.

    Then next week starts High School Basketball try-outs. That's the team he REALLY wants to get on. The coach is already sending forms to purchase the shoes. How can we buy shoes before we even know if our kid made the team? I mean, 5'4" and 130 pounds of lean muscle doesn't guarentee a great basketball player at the High School level. I think I will just not get the discount, and head to Foot Locker or someplace when I get word that he is officially on that team.

    Oops! Time to hit the road. Have a great weekend ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2014
    Pat.....WHAT in the world is happening to your posts??? Can't imagine why they are cutting off like that on you.......how incredibly frustrating!!!!!!!!
    Lucky me,saved the sentence I posted.....as you see,wasn't on my reply.
    for sure! Sent e mail to MFP....will see what they say.If not fixed,won't be able to post.....Pat

    Ps.....Yannie,now I can say I know a TV star! Good for you.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    edited November 2014
    Click on some ones animated character and it will take you to the web site to select a character or characters. It is fun to look through all the different figures. You select the one you want and click on the top box. (hrl) Then click and paste.

    groupwave.gif so many fun ones to choose from.

    rose.gifMN Margaret
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday morning and day 6 week 1 of Jeannette's 6 week Challenge, she says choose what to do, I have chosen Cardio Dance for the day.
    Was hot yesterday afternoon, sat to watch a programme on TV after lunch and YES fell asleep. Stan said I looked so peaceful he left me. ARGH! Must have been the Yoga I did before lunch.
    Today i just had ONE slice of bacon with breakfast and soduium is 1248, THAT is better, Jeannette says under 1500. Being good again

    Stan managed to fix our Video/DVD player/recorder in lounge rooom. Good man.

    Ordered 2 more Jeannette DVDs, should be here in 2 weeks. LOVE her DVDs

    YES Mildred Beagle really is a mummy's girl, she snarls at Stan if he tries to do her eyes.

    LYBY Low carb is really BAD, you need to eat between 200 and 230 grams. Otherwise you will be tired and cranky and unable to train. Learned nutrition years ago as fitness trainer. listen up GF

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    afternoon kids~
    watching triple D and having some tea and then to bed..., im tired and tomorrow is raking and picking up leaves, mowing lawn and laundry ,,,,
    Rita~ got the regular shot, just a sore arm...
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    On jury duty… I don’t mind doing it, but was so glad I got released from this one it was scheduled to go until 12/23 !!!! 4 days a week 9-4:30 the courthouse is about 1 hour each way in traffic from my house…and that would have been a huge hit to my business, I would have had to try to work nights – So glad the judge was understanding! If it had been a week or less I would have been able to make it work.

    Off to the 2nd to last football game for my nephew tonight...

    Welcome to all the new gals!!!

    Viv – my heart goes out to you and your hubby… reach out to get all the help you can!!!

    Heather – my yogurt this time came out really good – but a bit weepy – so I drained it in a coffee filter…yum

    Meg – I am so sorry! Losing a parent is so hard. But congrats on a healthy grand baby!

    Carol – Heather’s comment about the white tshirt, got me to look at your pictures --- AMAZING!!

    Sharon – do you have 2nd hand stores near you? I love shopping at the ones near me; always get a good deal.

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good evening. Will try again,tho doubt it will post.Boo Hoo :'(