

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Meg: glad the busy-ness is winding down. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

    Allison: how kind of you to notice the young couple’s problems.

    Sue: Fauré is fantastic.

    Beth: with you on the quick breads, muffins etc. I like banana bread, zucchini bread etc., but it’s discouraging to just be able to eat one *thin* slice.

    Sylvia: Spot is having a great time!

    Weight/eating still not going so well; on the other hand this was a particularly busy week and even with planning I tend to get frazzled and eat the wrong things.

    Got some genealogy resources in the mail, though I don't think they will help me much. One thing was a dvd with archive material on it. After it was in the computer for a while it started to make noises; now it doesn't work at all (lots of noise and computer freezes). Does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking about mailing the people and asking whether they could send the pdf files directly, not on a dvd. I'd be paying again, probably (someone would have to take the time to send the files.

    May have picked out curtain material for my office room. Slowly but surely we're getting down to the details. I will be glad when everything can be put somewhere it belongs (there are still piles of stuff all over the place.

    It's about 50 degrees and sunny; not much wind.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone
    Been away for a few days, but am now back on track. I have scrolled through today's posts, I hope everyone is w ell. Catch you all tomorrow - trish
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning!
    Almost back to normal now. Still a little niggle, but managed my exercises! :bigsmile:

    I had a slip up last night as I couldn't sleep after my nap in the day time so went in the spare room to read. Then I remembered that I hadn't put the guinea fowl carcase in the fridge so went downstairs to do that. Ooooppps! ! ! :ohwell: I'm afraid the rindy end of the parmesan ended up being taken upstairs to nibble in bed. I have logged 150 cals in today's diary. :embarassed:

    Meg - I'm still hugging you. Hope you are keeping your sanity. :love:

    Yanniejannie - yes, he is the triathlon coach. With his depression meds he put on a lot of weight and felt even worse, so I am glad he is turning the corner at last. He is big built and took up weight lifting earlier this year before the depression struck. At his peak form he has an amazing triangle shape, but he does comfort eat and likes a beer. He tends to go in for expensive sports and loves the equipment as much as anything. He's been a champion sky diver, a serious cyclist and then weight lifter. Now a swordsman! ! ! As a child he was into fishing, bmx, county rugby. I'm just glad he didn't take up sailing or horse riding! ! !

    Joyce - we have only just had a callback by our painter. It's been a while, to say the least. Part of me wishes he hadn't got back in touch as, like Cynthia, I hate all the mess renovations cause. And the hassle and work. I was sort of hoping we wouldn't have to do it before Christmas. :ohwell: I have always hated breaking the eggs to make the omelette. :laugh: Hate mess and confusion. Hate hard work. :tongue:

    Alison and the other diet strugglers - I am reading a book about thinking. What is very clear is that if we use up a lot of willpower in one area we have less left for self control in others. So, for example, if we spend a lot of time being nice to people who annoy us we are much more likely to give in to temptation. :tongue: So, the answer is, no more Mrs nice girl! ! ! !
    The thing to look at is where we are stuffing our real feelings down and using a great deal of willpower to keep doing the things we don't want to do. If we can, change that. (Easier said than done, but possible). The book did say though that it can work to act the way we want to feel. Perhaps that's why I nod and smile such a lot, which helps me feel better, but I do then need a break from social interaction to recharge my batteries and get back in touch with the real me. I love people, but I do tire quickly. It is important then not to reward myself with food or alcohol. A nap can work, or a lie down with an interesting book. A cup of tea is essential for this English woman. A magazine feels like a treat - sometimes I get one on my tablet.
    I think we should try to find ways to minimize stress and unwanted duty, but if we can't then we can realise that we are especially vulnerable and plan a non food way to reward ourselves.

    Sorry, that was a bit long, but I am reminding myself as much as anyone else! ! ! ! :tongue:

    Love to all. My friend is dropping in the afternoon on her way home. Got to tidy up!

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • jlisah
    jlisah Posts: 31 Member
    It's been a week so I'm checking in. I walked three of seven days, logged food some days and didn't others, and lost 3.6 pounds. We make most of the food we eat from scratch, and I find myself entering "generic" this and "generic" that, and there's no telling what recipe the person who entered that in the database used and if it has more or less oil, sugar, etc. than mine. I know that there are websites where you can enter all the recipe ingredients and it will calculate the calories per serving for you, but I guess I'm okay not using the log every day.

    I knew that walking in the dark was not something I would push myself to do, so I'm going to set a new goal of 15 minutes on the exercise ball, free weights, etc. to do on days when I go from my full-time job to part-time job and don't get home until late. I am a trail maintainer for the Appalachian Trail and am supposed to go hike my section to look for blow downs, but that will have to wait so I can get up all the leaves from the yard. A Polar vortex is supposed to come later this week and I don't want to be gathering leaves once they are covered with snow! ~Janelle in the NJ Highlands
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning!

    Cloudy here, supposed to be sunny later, doing some shopping later with a friend for a dinner she's doing for volunteers at a phone-a-thon. DD off to the show barn job; I know she's only working part time at the three jobs, but I counted up the work days from her sched. and she's now worked 36 days in a row, most at two of the jobs. I say she needs a complete day off to recharge, but this is how overboard she just goes on stuff......from zero to 150 miles an hour; it concerns me.

    jlisah.....MAJOR Thank-yous for your trail maintainer work; DD and I did part of the Appalachian Trail last summer in Pa near Harrisburg............hardly a hike, more like a short walk, but it was lovely! Also......fabulous loss!!

    Sylvia......Thanks for the tip on Fiesta Citrus, will look for it.

    Meg.......I also congratulate you for allowing reality to set in, maybe, just maybe, she will realize (even at this late date) that adoption is the best way to go. I might go as far as giving her a number to call for la leche or the hospital lactation consultant. I breastfed for almost 2 yrs. and the beginning was rough but I firmly believe that sticking with it was more than worth it. (((((hugs)))))) to you for all you've been through.

    Beth.........Delicious cooking!!! I had one of the best pears of my life last week!!! Pear bread sounds wonderful!

    Heather.......WOW!!! DS1 does sound like a superb athlete........all those sports!!! He's certainty found the right fit for a career. Congrats to him for all the talents he's developed and honors he's gained.

    On contractors...........I had only one of three I called show up in two/three weeks since I've started taking bids for the 3 tree removals..........who are all these people who need paychecks and work???? Not even showing up for estimates or having the minimal courtesy to make a phone call does not say you need business.........or that you will be in any way reliable!!!!!!!

    Michele.........I'm with you being amazed with that bowling score!!!

    Carol.......How is your DD's dizziness?

    Off to my steel cut oats and another cup of tea!!!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Oooohhh! Just because the painter said he could start first week in December I got all stressed and frothy with DH and he has gone out for a walk. I can't even remember what it was I lost it over! :embarassed: I think I am worrying about the cost as I have no money at the moment so DH, who has had loads of money to shell out lately, will have to pay for it. :embarassed: I just got overwhelmed with having to get a new carpet, blind, linen etc. I think we will shelve the carpet until next year and the linen can wait a bit longer. Will give him a hug when he comes back, a cup of tea and a scone. :love: I will have a scone, no butter, just a scraping of jam. My friend emailed me to say she doesn't want a scone as she is trying to lose weight. :tongue:

    Yannie jannie - DS' S day job is as a head designer for a model games company. He did Product Design Engineering at Gasgow uni and School of Art - the one that burnt down recently.

    It's pouring outside. Hope DH has worked off his hurt and comes home soon. :ohwell:

    Heather, contrite in rainy Hampshire UK
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    NC Carol - I am signed-up for numerous Crochet eNewsletters. I look at the finished product, read the pattern, then create my own. I am confident you will find a nice pattern soon, because finding the right shade of blue should speak to a beautiful end product. I hope you post a picture when you are finished. I am working now on Christmas presents, then will start on stuff for Special Olympics, because a friend asked me to.

    Michelle in NC - Yes, my son, and all the others on my DH side of the family are over-achievers in bowling. My high in life is 101, so when DS was 6y.o. I was told that I am no longer allowed to talk to him about his bowling while he's bowling. Actually, the kids his age are starting to pass him up in scores, so it's time for him to make the positive changes happen. He is the same with basketball and baseball. He also won't run sprints for the Track team, because he says "I know I'm the second fastest runner, so I have nothing to prove".

    Meg - both DS and DD struggled to nurse at the beginning. I am very thankful that I had physical and emotional support, and they both eventually learned. Prayers coming your way!!!

    Heather - Supporting an athlete is exhaustingly rewarding. Congrats on raising such a child. Getting them to adulthood is stressful. keep up the good work ! ! !

    Today we are going to skip weight-lifting, because DS still has stiff muscles from all day outside (40 degrees) basketball. So, watch some of the bowling tournament, so DS can cheer on his friends, then some healthy grocery shopping together, so I can help him choose his snack for between school and try-outs or practice. I hope I can find some good prices on protein bars and/or jerky.

    Terri in Milwaukee


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Heather: 'stressed and frothy': love the expression!
    I've ben known for some frothiness myself....
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Joyce: I’m sorry your contractor has been frustrating. I hope you get your laundry room dried out and whatever caused it to get wet resolved. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Woo Hoo! A compliment on how you look in your Speedo is an amazing NSV! :flowerforyou: I found my most recent suit at Lowes last March. It is a two-piece tankini that looks like one piece when worn, and I bought it so that I could use the “loo” without too much hassle. :blush: So far I’m satisfied with it even though the top feels something like a corset. I think they’re marketed so that people can fit the top half and the bottom half separately which is helpful, but you pay twice the price of a real tank suit. I hope you enjoy the lake. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your son will really end up with strong shoulders if he stays with this new sport. Mine ache just thinking about it. Don’t be too hard on yourself about the parmesan rind. At least it wasn’t filled with sugar! Hugs to you and to your DH. :flowerforyou:

    Lesley in Tasmania: I admire your athleticism. It sounds to me as though you’re doing a fabulous job working on your health. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: I just went through the birth of DGS with my daughters family, and I’ll tell you that he lost weight the first week or more after birth despite being nursed frequently. It took time for DD’s milk to come in and she resorted to supplementary formula for a while. He’s put on quite a few pounds since then, and is thriving. Post Partum depression is a relatively common problem for women who have given birth. I didn’t experience it, and neither has DD. Perhaps you can find out how to help your DD through it. I wish you best luck. You’ve had a load of worry and stress lately. I hope you’re taking care of yourself. I have my father’s flag, too. I treasure it. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: Your life seems to be active and full of music these days. You’re a lucky woman! DH seems to be doing well enough despite the fall. He needs to get started with physical therapy but has been dragging his feet. In all fairness, it is hard to tend to matters like that with a houseful of relatives. No excuse this week! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Spot has landed in an excellent place. I’ll bet he thinks he’s in heaven. I remember today’s joke from the past. I laughed at the joke and feel happy with the memory, too. I’ve got a hunch that your DH won’t forget his jacket on the next trip to the cabin. What a picture he must have been! :laugh:

    Carol in NC: Congratulations on 7 days without a screw up! WTG! Sorry about your very bad, horrible bad dream. :flowerforyou:

    Barb from South LA: Your daughter’s gumbo sounds great. White rice isn’t my favorite, either, and we’ve switched to brown for better nutrition and less sugar surge. According to the nutrition information I’ve seen, white rice turns to mostly sugar as your body digests it.

    Kim: We’re AARP members, too. I have an October/November magazine, and can’t find a stress article. I wonder whether I can find the bulletin online. I want to read the article you recommended to Alison. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’m sorry Loki is having such a hard time with things. I’d love to see your blanket project. Have you tried blocking the one you’re unhappy with? :flowerforyou:

    Janelle in NJ Highlands: I’ve done okay logging food using generic recipe values rather than entering every ingredient, although I’ve done that occasionally, too. I’ve put some of my own recipes through the MFP recipe calculator. It is quite a bit of work. Sometimes it is worth it. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Your daughter’s work schedule sounds exhausting. I hope she’s getting enough rest that she is not wearing herself out. On the plus side, the company of horses can be restorative. The physical effort combined with the stress of commuting and lack of down time is another matter. Good luck encouraging her to get some balance into her life. :flowerforyou:

    I had a good night’s rest last night. That makes two in a row! Whooppee!! I think my two new goals are already helping me do a better job with my health.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    well i am sitting resting my feet..
    I did go out for a walk, and have gotten my 10,000 steps in already.. made cherry nut bread,and baked mac and cheese and will take that over next door when they get back from the hospital..
    we will go over and check on DFIL and then will make the DH his dinner. and lunch
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Janelle ... I won't use the generic recipes found in the database ... huge calorie fluctuations by the various submitters. But then, I can be obsessive about the calories. The MFP recipe builder works well ... I tend to use the older one not their newer one.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    edited November 2014
    Barbie, I go to physical therapy twice a week and use heavier weights (5 lb and 10 lb) there with my legs. I might use some of the heavier weights to do some upper body work, too, if I have time. I am thinking about getting heavier weights for home.

    Janelle, You did a great job this week! I hope the polar vortex moves away from NJ! After last winter, I'd be happy to never see snow again!

    Heather, What is the name of the book you are reading? Sounds interesting. I guess that's why so many people find evening harder regarding having self control. We think all day and then we want to relax in the evening instead of thinking more! After a day of writing, I often say I've "used up all the brain I have for today," LOL! And I'm serious!

    Kim and Barb, Thanks! I miss being able to do standing-up exercises, and I don't want to lose my strength, so I'm persevering.


  • cmcis
    cmcis Posts: 300 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm looking at getting back with keeping track of calories. There was a hiking group I joined the previous summer and I have loved it. I went on several exiting trips in Jasper National Park. Loved the scenery. Exercising helped me get through last winter. I was doing well and got tired of recording my calories.

    In September I had a mishap where I fractured three ribs. Had to stop hiking. I'm still feeling twinges when I cough. My mother was very ill and I was not as active while visiting her regularly. Wish I could say things worked out well, but I recently lost her. For the past week I have had an extra large English Toffee from Tim Horton's daily and have eaten McDonald's quite often. I haven't logged it not wanting to see how many calories I have consumed. I know it's an unbelievable amount though from my past experience.

    My goals for November are to hike at least 3 times a week and continue to record my calories. Also to start drinking water again, logging it to ensure I drink enough. I hope to loose the 13 pounds I gained and another 20 on top. I'm considering joining a recreational club in my home town so that I can take up swimming. This might help me get through winter. Winter is pretty long in Alberta, sometimes it seems like half the year is winter.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Maryanne - it's called "Thinking Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahnman.

    Terri - I did zilch to raise my son as an athlete! Apart from once driving him to rugby and I do remember running round borrowing fencing equipment for a competition he signed up for. I did take them to the swimming pool on Saturday mornings to get their Aqua Gold. They were both excellent swimmers. He has done it all by himself. I always say my method of child raising was "benign neglect". :laugh:
    Both my boys continually amaze me at how well they've turned out. But I do seem to have handed the depression gene onto DS#1 , sadly.
    Also this boy will be 38 this month. :ohwell: And I see him about once a year. :cry: Luckily the younger one lives in London and has two beautiful children.

    Heather UK
  • Chickaboo2014
    Chickaboo2014 Posts: 136 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member

    Your daughter just had a baby under trying circumstances. The death of her grandfather added to the mix. I hope everyone involved finds what they need , so your granddaughter gets what she needs. Babies have a way of making themselves come first. The adults need to take care of themselves, so they can best take care of the new baby, Nikita.

    It is hard for me to write this because it is not a likely scenario that either of my sons will have children. You and your daughter have been granted a precious gift.

    It is possible your daughter may be suffering from post -partum depression. It is treatable. If she is the sooner it is treated the better it is for her and your new granddaughter.

    Much love to you and hugs and love to your new granddaughter.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    HI gals. It’s a beautiful day here. Working on a test bank; figured out yesterday that I wrote the last version of it 4 years ago, so updates will be easy LOL. DD#1 seems to be allergic to her pain meds. Maybe that’s why she appeared so dazed yesterday…pain meds. She was only on ibuprofen at the hospital so I didn’t consider she might be on something stronger at home.

    Alison: so sweet of you to offer to help your neighbors.

    Sue: what a beautiful piece of music to get to enjoy

    Jan: of course the tetanus shot and antibiotic were necessary. Tell DH we will all gang up on him if he doesn’t finish the meds! I think DD#1 has seen a lactation consultant or at least one came to see her at the hospital, but knowing her, she listened politely and that was it

    Beth: we enjoy our wii too, usually only use it in the winter though. We even weigh our pets on it! I like the boxing!

    Sylvia: I’ll remember that Fiesta Citrus seasoning! I know I missed this but who is Spot? Sounds like you have a new dog? Maybe an older one?

    Njitaliana: I have missed getting to know you; why are you on non-standing status?

    Carol: baby seems better today. They want her on a strict schedule supplemented with formula every three hours because she is latching on literally 24 hours straight. Unless Tanya pulls her off, she sucks constantly. Both her nipples are bleeding too from too much nursing. So they want her to nurse for 20 minutes, pull off and get formula to fill her up and get used to a routine. No one there has slept literally since they have been home for the nursing and the baby is still losing weight, so Tanya’s milk is probably still colostrum and doesn’t have much nutrition. The pediatrician said that once she gets filled up she will start nursing on her own 2 ½ - 3 hour schedule because that’s when she gets hungry. I talked to both of them this morning ( and his mother was there last night) and she says she thinks Nikita looks better today.

    Barbie: sounds like Jake is out of town? It is fun having some quiet time isn’t it but I know you miss him!

    Barb: thanks for the prayers and good wishes!

    Kim: I read that same AARP article. I like their health related articles because they are accurate and written for the lay population in terms that are understandable.

    Genealace: you were here before, weren’t you? I seem to remember you! G lad you are back

    Michele: I have never gotten into Downtown Abbey but always say I am going to start watching it. Maybe I’ll have to look it up.

    Jmkmomm: Does Charlie want to bowl still? He could use the platform thing that kids use; there’s a guy at our local alley with moderate PD and still bowls like that. He shows up with a bunch of grandkids, some in their teens, and they all use it! It looks like they have such fun!

    Cynthia: we have lived here 8+ years and still have things not in their “right” place!

    Heather: thanks for the continuous hug! Only you the gourmet chef would be eating parmesan rinds in bed instead of plain crackers!!! :D I’m sure DH will appreciate the hugs!

    Janelle: I would love to see the trail one day…it’s on my bucket list. I had to be reminded by you how north it goes; I always picture it in the south

    Terri: I can’t believe how expensive those protein bars are!

    Katla: I’m thinking of putting the flag in a shadow box with my dad’s medals and the shell casings from the gun salute at the cemetery.

    OK gals time to get to work. I need to do at least 2 chapters of the test bank, do my poor nails (2 have been broken all week!), and make the menu for the week starting Friday. Too bad there is no baseball on tonight to watch. Getting back on track tomorrow. We still have tons of leftovers from the funeral dinner that need to be eaten. So I’ll take my lumps in the weight division and just start fresh tomorrow. Take care all and thank you for all your support. You’ll never know how much it means to me. Meg from deceptively sunny Omaha…winter is coming!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, sounds like little one is getting on a good program now. Hope Mom's nipples get better so that she can truly see if she can breast feed. I know it is a wonderful experience. Just that I wasn't able to do it right. My sister did it with her daughter for almost 3 years. My daughter did it with both my grand daughters. It is extremely economical.

    Choir was wonderful this morning. We sang a song called 'Statement of faith'. It is a wonderful anthem type song just stating what we believe in. It has a solo in him and it was sung by a lady who is classical trained and sometimes it feels like you have gone to the opera when you listen to her. But it also had an extensive part that was just 'stated music' and that was the highlight of the song. He did a really good job. It's hard to just say, not sing, the words and keep up with the music. We even got a standing ovation and a traditional Southern Baptist Church just doesn't do that very often. But it is a very moving and inspirational song.

    With cleaning out the bathroom yesterday and closet under the stairs, it no longer stinks in the house. I was wondering if my car was going to stink after having our donation stuff in my car overnight. But it smells fresh as a daisy! Now I just need to down there with a mop and Lysol and clean, clean, clean. Which means I need to get the laundry cleaned out of all the clothes in there, stuff that we may not need

    Joyce, Indiana

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    im just sitting down and putting my feet up.. am I pooped...
    brought over the mac and cheese and cherry bread,one less thing they have to worry about..
    went to see DFIL, he seems a tad out of it, dont know if they have been upping his meds or he is just tired.. a few of his pictures fell down that I put up yesterday, will bring more command strips tomorrow and fix them...
    DH had baked stuffed shrimp and bake potato for dinner, his lunch is all set, I was good had a small piece of fish and a sweet potato and having a glass of ice water.. inbetween all that we ran to Sam's Club and picked up a few things..
    I am soooo tired.. do have the suitcase on my bed to start packing the things that we dont need here but will in florida.. I am counting the days... I cant wait.. I soooo need a break..
    did skype with Taliah and boy does she have a long Christmas list....told her to write it down for me and send it so we can pick a couple of things to get her, because she has a BIG list lol
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy sun.Felt pretty good,still have cough,but got to church today.