

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    Weak sunshine and temps in the low 50's here right now. DD and DH both long gone off to work; DD lifeguards until 2p then on to the show barn. Neither will be home until mid-evening so I really should come up with a decent meal for them.......not sure what sounds good to me today, leaning toward something beefy at the moment. Have a few errands on my agenda but not much more today; actually, should get winter clothes out and summer stored

    Lesley.......Your calorie burn amounts always impress and amaze me!

    Cynthia.....Very sorry to learn about your DH. A retirement home for horses; how interesting but I can see where it would be heartbreaking too. Kudos to you for even considering doing something like that! If that's your dream, I certainly hope it works out for you. I'll tell you, since DD has been working at the 2 barns--our friends and the show barn--she says she definitely prefers the friends barn with mostly older horses. There's a 2&1/2 yr old uncut stallion at the show barn which is super hard to handle and drives the mares to fear thus making them hard to handle even walking them by him.

    Barb........Both DD and DH bring "no-nos" in this house. She can, at 22 and a constantly moving athlete, but he is diabetic and shouldn't. I got to goal and lower, then slowly lost it and have been fighting the weight creep ever since........some days more successfully than others.

    Michele.......Fingers crossed for Lance and hugs to your Jess and you and Vince too; we ache when our kids do. Hope you come up with a fabulous distracting movie to take her to.

    Heather..........Yeah, your food makes me drool too................

    Belinda........So sorry about your medical issues, good luck; hope you find the method that works for you.

    Got to get a move on here.
    Stay strong!!!

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Everybody! Just stopped by for a moment. Hope you are all well!

    Tere in RVA
  • EthansNana
    EthansNana Posts: 10 Member
    You are all amazing women! I’m so glad I found this board. We are all going through our own trials and tribulations yet you are all so supportive of each other; a friendship like no other.

    I contacted a friend this morning that I hadn’t spoke with in a while and reminded her how important she was to me and others. She was so grateful and said my message couldn’t have come at a better time.

    My thought for today: reach out to someone in need. You just might brighten their day.

    My foot pain yesterday increased because the doctor changed me from a boot to a brace and it’s not supportive enough. On a positive note, I was actually able to sleep in my bed last night with minimal back pain. The boot I was wearing for my foot was causing my back to hurt and the brace seems to be calming that down somewhat. Yay!!!!

    My progress: Carbs and calories in check yesterday….on the road to success!

    A friend is someone who knows all about you……and loves you just the same!

    “A friend loves at all times.”
    ~Proverbs 17:17

    Blessing to All
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Finished up the Christmas gifts for my side of the family. We are going to meet up in Lancaster PA this weekend (8 hours for me and 5 hours for them). I only get to see my sister about once per year. For my dad's gift I took some old family photos from when he was a child and put them in a frame collage. For my mom I crocheted a hooded scarf that buttons on the side. My sister gets homemade laundry soap in a pretty glass container and 2 mason jars with pumps for lotion and hand soap. All cheap but personal.

    Keeping my hands busy at night has stopped me from the late night munchies.

    Hope all have a great day!

    Diana in Indiana (we are having snow flurries!)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    Carpet measurer just been. Apparently the old sisal type carpet is STUCK to the underlay and the grippers,! ! ! ! ! ! :ohwell: Makes it all a bit more complicated and expensive. :cry:

    But I have bought four more Christmas presents! That's five today! All on line with 20% off. They are all very nice photo frames. Only got DS#2 and DH'S Santa presents to get now. :laugh: For our 10th anniversary next week I have got him a book about the Premiere League (soccer). Must get a card.

    Hi Tere !!!!!!!! Let's hear a bit more from you! (*)

    Robin - sorry to hear Bodi isn't liking the cold. My hip has been playing up too - especially when I sit on the lavatory! ! ! Give him my empathy! :bigsmile:

    Heather in very gloomy Hampshire UK
  • henseybrown
    henseybrown Posts: 7 Member
    Wow, it is going to take me a while to catch up with all of you... getting to know you I mean, this is a very active board! (which is great, but a bit overwhelming for me,) but I'll try..

    I did better yesterday, actually, ate least calories that I should, which is my problem, I under eat.... therefore my system stalls.

    Needing to replace old habits with new.....

    Have a great day
    Be happy
    Enjoy your life ;)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good Afternoon Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.

    DeeDee what fun!. I think Penelope is great!
    Sylvia rofl.gif

    smiley-bounce017.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.


    I needed to bring spinning person back. That is how I felt yesterday. It turns out a neighbor a couple blocks over from us has been egged 3x in the last six months. She is the sweetest person. I could tell by her expression she was not feeling so sweet. I do not know if a camera will help. I want to give it a try.
    Taking it easy today, so I will be ready to work tomorrow.
    2014 word:contentment


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Michele: fingers crossed for Lance! It’s so hard. I’m with you on the slippers. My thing is hand sanitizer. Surfaces in public areas…yuk. Food burned onto pans: some washing soda in the pan full of water, boil it for several minutes and let it cool off. Usually this takes the burned stuff right off.

    Heather: ambition? Do I have ambition? <looks uncertain> Oh wait! The retirement home for horses! No, I’m not going to start one; I’m thinking about taking my horse to one.

    Thanks everybody, for mentioning my husband’s death. It seems like a long time ago, but I really appreciate the good wishes!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,923 Member
    Good afternoon all! Had a busy morning and just 'chillin' here even though I shouldn't! Big bosses here today. Stopped me as I walked into the door with a problem to solve. Started the day off. smiley-chores015.gif

    Took the time to go to the gym at lunch and worked on upper-body. Tired now. Not sure why. smiley-stargate016.gif

    Love the pink jeep!

    You all are so supportive! smiley-happy094.gif Every time I get on this board, I am impressed and feel better about myself! So keep on keeping on!

    Back to work for me! smiley-computer012.gif

    Rita from CT
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Today I spoke with my DS's personal trainer about the resistance I am getting about his food changes. Trainer thinks I should allow peanut butter sandwich for breakfast 3x a week, and try to fit 2 eggs in each other day (breakfast and/or snack?) 14 y.o. athletes need protein, and pizza is NOT cutting it. Also agree that DS can substitute 1 bag of chips at lunch for either fruit or veggie (he likes carrots or broccoli as long as he can have ranch dressing). Milk has never been a problem, except being able to afford the purchase.

    One of my favorite grocery stores has both chicken and salmon on sale this week, so I think I will stock the freezer, and try to find the energy to cook about 1/2 of it (RA still in both knees, so hard to stand longer than a few minutes).

    Most of DS's High School bowling team is in a Saturday League that is different from his current league, so we are giving his 2 week notice, and changing houses. The coach at the new place already told us they have a team of high school boys for him, and will get him into both City and State tournaments. Let's see if the change helps his average and attitude. The boys on his High School Varsity team teased him a little at practice yesterday, so they should all be having a good time soon. He doesn't like bowling third, but he'll have to get over that.

    My car and I are not happy about the snow. Car gets new brakes tomorrow, so I will need some practice soon.

    My job is getting a new Computer Program in the next few weeks, so it's hard to say how much "free" time I will have. If I don't post too often, please know that I am reading and praying for good health for everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday morning here. Got up and did 30 minutes Wii Gold's boxing, JJ's Bikini boot-camp later and a 1 hour walk = 715 cals. Food is 1725 cals, Fibre a little low but hey!
    Going to drive to Allandale Gardens owned by friends, about a 1 hour drive, walk round the gardens and rain forest. Then talk to Lorraine and Max, both in their late 70s, who own the place and have a Devonshire tea and coffee. yes all logged.
    3 days running we caught a possum in the trap. this had its baby with it. Stan let it go nearby, thought bad to relocate it miles away. We never kill them but relocate them
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    WOW! Decided to do a slow oven BBQ brisket........have not bought one for quite some time (about 2yrs).....absolutely gobsmacked on the price!!!! It cost as much as my monthly car payment on my first car!!!
    I know it's going to shrink but I'd better have at least four more meals out of this sucker!!

    Weather has turned to a very cold drizzle........yuck! Very glad I'm in for the night!

    Hey, Tere.......come in and visit!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,773 Member
    evening ladies!
    well this mornings appt with the hospice volunteer coordinator went splended, they loved me just have to all the prelimanary work now.. but that will be great,
    went and picked up the 2 aunts, one of them was having severe panic attack, she went with us but was having panic all along, I felt so bad for her.. the 3 of us went out for lunch and then to visit there brother, my DFIL,well those meds just have him totally out of it, and im not keen on it, but we did try and facetime with his brother down in florida,my DFIL basically snoring in his wheelchair, nurse said they did a stepdown on the meds but I dont see it, if so will speak with head nurse and see what other alternatives we have, i dont want him totally zooed out on meds, but his sisters were so happy to see him.and glad I can bring a little joy to them where I can..
    but left the house at 8 this morning and didnt get back until 5 pm so I am exsausted and going to bed,,,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jan, I know what you mean. The last time I bought a package of ground chuck it was almost $15, and it was less than 3 pounds. Talk about sticker shock. I remember it being $1.99 per pound only a year or so ago. I was window shopping for a roast, but that was way out of my price range.

    I went to the mall this morning and bought a shiny new pair of very expensive running shoes. $130! Ive never paid that much for shoes before. I've been having trouble with my heel hurting, and these shoes take all the pressure off the heels. They have good arch supports and feel good. I thought hubby would throw a fit, but he didn't bat an eye.

    Well, it's time to go out to dinner.

    Have a great evening.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Robin, your story about your elderly dog just about had me crying. My Michelle has an aging dog, Timmy, and she knows she may have to put him down next year because of his arthritis. She doesn't have a lot of money and most of what the doctor has him on is homeopathic. She does have to give him a good strong prescription med. His two brothers from other mothers are very active, think 3 year old boxer, and he jsut can't do it anymore. You can see in his eyes how much he wants to. She lives in a very old two story house and the boys are all used to sleeping in her bed. One night she saw he had pulled over a cover right buy her bed and made his own bed on the floor by her bed. Sometimes she has to carry him upstairs, other times he hobbles up.

    Diane, your gifts are so thoughtful and an inspiration to make something instead of buying expensive things.

    Allison, we could have told the hospice interview team how thoughtful you are. I don't know if the nursing home has a family gathering room or not but when my Mom was in a nursing home for her hip rehab they had a room where we could all eat. All we had to do was reserve it. Didn't even have to clean up. They provided the regular dinnerware so we didn't have to use disposable wear.

    We had snow earlier but none now. It was just flurries. I have been exhausted today, don't know why. Maybe because it's because I have forgotten to take my MS medicine for about 2 months now.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I will be checking in more. I am 53, joined this group awhile ago, but I didn't follow through on "myself". I need to do this for myself!! I will go backwards and read your entries!!
  • LovingLifeLivingHealthy
    dstirratt wrote: »
    Finished up the Christmas gifts for my side of the family. We are going to meet up in Lancaster PA this weekend (8 hours for me and 5 hours for them). I only get to see my sister about once per year. For my dad's gift I took some old family photos from when he was a child and put them in a frame collage. For my mom I crocheted a hooded scarf that buttons on the side. My sister gets homemade laundry soap in a pretty glass container and 2 mason jars with pumps for lotion and hand soap. All cheap but personal.

    Keeping my hands busy at night has stopped me from the late night munchies.

    Hope all have a great day!

    Diana in Indiana (we are having snow flurries!)

    Diana in Indiana. .your gifts sound great! Especially the photo collage for your Dad! We had snow flurries in Lancaster County tonight!!! I was shopping in Lancaster and came home to Etown in the snow/rain mix. Enjoy your early Christmas here!! Kathy in PA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :D One of the smartest and most useful things I've done for myself is to purchase coats, jackets, scarves, socks, hats, etc. so that the weather doesn't interfere with my enjoyment of walking. I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer receiver in the bathroom where I get dressed first thing in the morning to walk the dogs. Because I can see the outdoor temperature, I know as I'm getting dressed, what to wear---how many layers and extras. I am colder than most people so I have a lot of wool and warm clothes including long underwear and can add and subtract layers as needed. I go out before daylight so I have a great flashlight.

    :D The Thursday morning line dance class has been busy for weeks practicing for our upcoming performances at assisted living homes and convalescent hospitals. We'll dance nine dances--some to their usual music, some to Christmas music, and one to Hanukkah music. We'll dance at three places one afternoon and three on another afternoon. I've done this every year since 2005 and it's a very special event for me.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    November Resolutions (with mid-month comments)
    *walk 18,000 steps a day (every day so far)
    *don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good (takes effort, but it's worth it)
    *strength training twice a week (good, so far)
    *put important dates on the 2015 wall calendar (finished and the calendar is hanging on the wall)

  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Gah, almost a week has gone by since I last checked in.

    I am now at the stage of life where my parents are starting to need some assistance. They are both pretty spry and healthy 82 year olds, but lately my father has had some difficulty with his memory and low blood pressure. To stop him driving this week, I drove them to some appointments (they live 100km from me). I'm more than happy to do it, and I would love it if they could be supported in their own home for the last stretch of their lives.

    So now I've got my son with disabilities on one side, and elderly parents on the other. It is a challenge to find time to exercise and shop for food.

    Hope everyone is well, moving and eating well.

    Deb in Melbourne