

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Thank you to everyone with the egg suggestions, and the websites. I look forward to trying some of them this weekend, and for the next few weeks. DS does not need to lose weight, but needs to increase his protein, as he is lifting weights for sports almost every day, and eats like a typical teenage boy (chips until full).

    As for running in the cold. I never did that, but I did work in the parking lot for the Milwaukee Brewers for a few years, and that is rain or shine. One year I wore a boot the entire baseball season for a broken foot that I did not take care of properly. I bought running or cross training shoes 1 size too big, and wore 2 pairs of socks with baggies between the socks when it was either cold or raining. I also applied scotch guard (or whatever brand) to both my shoes and my fingerless gloves.

    I don't know if I am estimating my portion sizes wrong, or my body is being stubborn, but I have been just a few hundred calories under most days this week, and the scale seems to be going the wrong direction. I guess I will stock up on vegetables this weekend, and try to turn this around. Tuesday is my first appointment for Accupuncture, so maybe he will have some good suggestions, too. Or at least reduce the inflammation and stiffness in my joints. It is rare that my RA has so many joints flaring at the same time, so I guess I better start eating more cinnamon and hot peppers (not together).

    Congrats to all with successes, and prayers to everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • claudknow
    Morning, first day here. Today is day 5 of the fun stuff, (getting healthy). Loved all the posts I have read so far. I am 58 years, and 58% over body weight how did this happen. I was the girl who climbed trees, jumped rope, road a bike, roller skated, and hula hooped. Now the only thing I can do is walk. :neutral_face: ... Yes I did try the hula hoop, my bike has a flat tire, (hope hubby will fix, asked, so far still flat). Jump rope would be like step rope. Well trees, unless there are stairs this girl won't make it up. Roller skating well, I have no balance, I feel like a little old lady that hold or touches everything as she walks by to make sure she is balanced. (afraid of falling). Health issues, yes, but learning to over come. (aweful joint pain).. Happy Saturday!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,773 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sylvia ... I'm interested in the breakfast sausage recipe.

    DH and DS are off hunting this morning ... it's snowing and very cold ... but that's how they like it for the first day of deer season.

    I did not realize that you could watch tv while doing the WiiFit ... my son just laughed at me ... obviously electronics is not my thing ... but I was able to get in "steps" this morning.

    Need to do some shopping. I got rid of all my larger clothes last year ... and while I've put some weight back on, I still need to buy some newer, smaller clothes. I will freeze in church tomorrow if I don't get something today. And I hate clothes shopping ...

    Made homemade pizza last night for DS ... the one on the migraine diet ... so it was msg and known migraine trigger free. But I used a sauce recipe with too much salt (which he loved) ... and the scale wasn't kind. Probably didn't help that I ate two pieces and that's more bread in one sitting than I've had in a long time too!! But it was my best attempt to duplicate pizzeria style pizza thus far and my baby was happy!

    Have a great day ladies!
    Beth in Western New York
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,320 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good afternoon everyone! :flowerforyou:

    The blind man came this morning and although it is sooooo expensive we have ordered a grey Roman blind with blackout backing for the bedroom. Bit shocked at the price, but they measure, make and fit the blind and it will be up on Dec 10th. :bigsmile: The bedroom faces southeast so gets loads of morning sun, which wakes me in midsummer.

    Michele - I have just had shiritaki noodles for lunch in an Asian style soup with prawns. I also have them whenever DH has tagliatelli, for any kind of pasta dish. If I am desperately hungry in the afternoon I very occasionally will have them on their own with a scant teaspoon of curry paste. I usually drain, wash and then dry fry them in a frying pan to make them less rubbery. Not for soup though. I love spicy food so I can make them palatable. For anyone who doesn't know them, they are virtually calorie free noodles made from plants. I always eat a whole packet. I get mine from Amazon in packs of five.

    Tonight is Moroccan Chicken with preserved lemons and olives. Not good for the sodium watchers, but delicious. Lots of broccoli to go with it and a tablespoon of rice.

    Tomorrow I'm going to make my very first Stollen. DH bought more candied peel today. I will slice and freeze it, or at least cut it in half to freeze. I do actually like stollen, so will have to devise a system whereby I only allow myself one slice on an otherwise low calorie day and the rest is safely out of temptation. When I tell hardened cake lovers that my solution is to freeze the goodies the moment they are made, they always say that it doesn't work - they have been known to dig a cake out of the freezer at 3 a m and gnaw on it still frozen. I expect some of you can identify with that.

    Michele - an elliptical without arms! ! ! ! Over here they are called cross trainers and the whole point is it does arms and legs together. Mine also has a heart rate monitor.

    Did 609 cals exercise today. Whoever asked the question - I do eat them back and enjoy every single calorie. I always have as I am a greedy person. I have gradually upped my exercise so I can eat more. I eat delicious and nourishing food, no junk. If you are putting on weight then you are eating too much. Or not exercising enough. The only exception might be an illness with a lot of water retention, or a very intensive weight training session when the muscles take on water to repair themselves. That is temporary. It is very easy to overestimate calories burned and even easier to underestimate calories consumed. Everything must be weighed on a digital scale. As I am at target I find I have to be extra rigorous if I want to lose weight rather than just stay the same. If you follow the calculations faithfully, then you will lose, none of us can defy the laws of physics. Most people are wildly optimistic about how many calories they are consuming and "forget" about that extra slug of oil or teaspoon of butter. Being half hearted about logging won't get the job done.
    My huge achievement isn't so much that I got the weight off, which has its own rewards in terms of happy surprises and improved health and mobility, but that I have kept it off for a year. I have lost weight several times in my life, but never kept it off. That is down to you ladies and your support, my exercise regime supported by my DH,, and rigorous logging every single day, even one year later. Without logging I would be a gonner. 96 % of dieters put the weight back on. How depressing is that! Logging is the best tool for staying slim.

    Love to all and may we all keep our strength and dedication! :flowerforyou:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member

    I almost bagged a deer on the way home last night. One lolloped in front of my car. A dangerous and expensive way to get a deer. I unfortunately did hit one about 10 years ago. I wasn't hurt, but the car and deer did not fair so well. At that time the cost to repair my car was $2700. That was the year there were 84 recorded deer accidents in our neighborhood. We have an 880 acre park near our home. Bow and arrow hunters with a special license cull the herd once a year. Our hard winter last year also reduced their numbers. I was actually surprised to see one this year.

    Venison is not my favorite either. I would much rather see the deer when I am out walking in the park.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Sorry I haven't had the opportunity to read the posts from yesterday. I will catch up later. Yesterday was a disappointing day. After doing really well on my diet every day last week, I got up and had gained 0.2 lbs. My 19 month old grandson, Val, slept here because his mom had class and I had the day off. He woke up with a temp and later had really bad diarrhea. He wanted his Nana all day long and was really picky about what he wanted to eat.

    It was one of my granddaughter's 6th birthday (Gabriella). She had arranged since last week that she was going to spend the night last night. We brought everyone out to eat Chinese, her favorite place to eat, while her mom was taking her brother to the clinic.

    I guess between the stress of having gained weight, taking care of my grandson, etc, my resolve to eat right just flew out the window. When we woke up this morning, I was upset that I had gained another 3 lbs. She said, "Nana, it doesn't matter how much you eat, or what you weight, you are always beautiful!" I love that sweet girl! My husband just gave me one of those knowing looks! There are worse things in life than not having lost weight...life is good!

    Today is a Gabi's "Nana & Papa date" day! I love all of my precious little angels. God has really blessed me and I need to try to remember that!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »
    Baby Nikita and I lounging on the couch. It's not sideways; we are lying down!

    That is a great picture, Meg!
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    edited November 2014
    well i am sitting resting my feet..
    I did go out for a walk, and have gotten my 10,000 steps in already.. made cherry nut bread,and baked mac and cheese and will take that over next door when they get back from the hospital..
    we will go over and check on DFIL and then will make the DH his dinner. and lunch

    Grandmallie, I am amazed at how many steps you get in. How do you do it? I'm picturing you delivering mail, LOL.


  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    November Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good
    *strength training twice a week
    *put important dates on the 2015 wall calendar



    Tell me about being mindful and how you are doing that. And how do you get in those 18,000 steps a day? I am in awe! How is your strength training going? Do you do it at a gym?


  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    CathyMartin - I will be 55 in a few weeks. It can be done!

    Cathy, You look fabulous!!! What an inspiration!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Barbie: After reading your post I visited the Columbia Sportswear website. They have rubber boots that are about midcalf height, $50, and made in the USA. I think I have a winner! :bigsmile: I need to try some on and see what size I need and how well they fit. Thick socks can modify some issues very well. I have hiking boots that are quite satisfactory; I want these for walking on the beach and wading shallow streams. I am not as disciplined as you :noway: and when the weather is horrid, the dog chases a ball inside the house or DH stands at the top of the stairs and I stand at the bottom and we call him back and forth. I ride my bike in the garage for exercise. Gentle rain is not an obstacle to walking. I looked at more substantial hiking boots like yours and am interested in them, too, although I may not need them. :flowerforyou:

    SallyW: The closest thing that passes for a farm store around here is Linton Feed, about 20 miles away. There are plenty of people with acreage all around us, but not many working farms except on Sauvies Island. There are those who have some cattle or horses. I don’t know where they get supplies. Ace Hardware is a possibility for boots, but I’ve got a lead I want to see about first, thanks to Barbie and you helping me focus on function rather than form. I tried on some rubber “Wellies” at Macy’s yesterday that are made in China. They didn’t fit well, were ridiculously expensive and not too sturdy looking. They came in two sizes—too big and too small. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    EthansNana: I get salads at Mexican restaurants. I am fond of those that have chicken, lettuce, and vegetables. They let me choose dressings and I order them “on the side.” :flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group! If you stick around, you’ll get to know everyone. Basic advice: Record every bite and swallow, including the good, the bad, and the embarrassingly awful. That way you’ll begin to see what you’re really eating, and you can adjust your choices in a better direction. Also record your exercise. Calories in; calories out. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: It sounds like you’ve gotten much of your Christmas shopping done, and supported a good cause. WTG! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: When I walk outdoors in cold weather I wear wool socks. They help! They’re available in several weights and I’m able to find comfortable ones. I am not a jogger, though, because of knee issues. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: Good luck getting yourself to the condo gym. Our little community doesn’t have facilities like that, but we have a lovely dock. It is wonderful from March to November, but isn’t a good “exercise” asset in bad weather. :noway: :flowerforyou:

    Marley: When I’m trying to lose weight I eat back part of my exercise calories, but not all of them. My metabolism seems to be sluggish. My maintenance goals are only 60 calories higher than my weight loss goals. You can always add exercise to “pay for” extra calories. Barbie spoke to you about being an “abstainer.” The two main strategies are to abstain from trigger foods, or to moderate the calories you take in by using portion control. My basic strategy is portion control so I'm a "moderator." There are things that trigger binges and I have to abstain from them. Luckily for me, I don’t have to abstain from dark chocolate. I can use portion control. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Good luck shopping tor teens and tweens. You don’t have to compromise your values, but you will find yourself challenged. Boots are really expensive this year. I know, because I’m finding rubber boots from China that are over $100. Ridiculous! :angry: :flowerforyou:

    I froze my bippy at the riding lesson yesterday, which I’m sure I mentioned already. I’m warm now! Of course, I’m inside my house sitting at my computer. I’m thinking about putting together a duffel bag of weather moderation clothes to leave in the car. That way, I can add clothing if the weather up on the hill is seriously colder than at home.

    One week sleep report: I’ve gotten at least 7.5 hours sleep every night, and more than 8.5 hours sleep the majority of nights. I’m feeling better every day. I am getting “me” back. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    It's so nice to read everyone's posts and updates. Glad to see all the progress that has been made.

    I joined a group on here to lose 5 lbs during the month of November. I have lost 3 so far. :smiley:

    I had lots of trouble with my ankle and back last weekend and had a hard time moving at all. I went to physical therapy Monday and asked the PT to check my hip alignment. She did, and she found that my hips were out of alignment. She adjusted my hips and had me do some back exercises. I couldn't do much at PT because of the ankle.

    Then, Tuesday, I went to see my physiatrist (pronounced fizz-i-a-trist; a doctor who specializes in recovery from injury by helping you to become reconditioned). She did a procedure called dry needling, where she locates the trigger points (adhesions) in the muscles that cause them to be tight. She dry needled my entire left calf and my entire right buttock/low back.

    Immediately, I was able to stand pain-free on my ankle, and my low back/buttock pain was gone. My ankle still felt weak, though.

    I rested on Wednesday.

    Thursday, I went to PT. The PT did some Graston therapy (they scrape your tight muscles to remove more trigger points) on my calf and she helped me to stretch my calf. My ankle felt much stronger and I was able to do a lot more at PT.

    I wish I had known about dry needling, Graston and hip alignment many years earlier, as I wouldn't have become so deconditioned from pain and weakness. Regardless, I'm thrilled that I know about it now!

    I hope you are all having a great weekend.


    "I'm not where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be!"

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is my turkey breakfast sausage recipe:

    Ground Turkey ( I use a package of Honeysuckle White 93% lean - it's about 20 ounces)
    1 1/4 teaspoon Ginger
    1 1/2 teaspoon Sage
    1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
    1 3/4 teaspoon black pepper
    4 Tablespoons of maple syrup
    (The recipe calls for 2 teaspoons salt, but I don't use it in mine)

    You can adjust spices to your own preferences.

    Mix together, form patties and cook in skillet or oven.

    The only sodium in mine is from the turkey itself, which is 85mg per serving.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,773 Member
    Sylvia .. thanks for the recipe!

    I just lost the rest of my post ... arghh!!

    NSV ... even though not losing weight right now and not really exercising as I should ... I WAS able to buy smaller at the mall!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Saturday from snowy Nebraska. It started really coming down just after I got to work this morning at 6am. It sure does look pretty coming down. I work until 5 so see how much we get by then.

    Rita--Sounds like you are doing well. I know weekends and days off are bad for me. Not busy and food close.

    Yanniejannie--I always enjoy spending someone else's money. Sounds like you are going to make alot of children happy this Christmas. What a Blessing. We wanted to just have two big trees at our house topped out. They wanted about 800 just to do that. So yours sounds about right I guess.

    Marley--I try and only eat part of my exercise calories back.

    Joyce--I would just buy what you are comfortable with for the DGD. I don't buy makeup or shirt with says that I think are wrong. Like about boyfriends or thing that give ideas about sex.

    Beth--great NSV.
    Well looks like the snow has stopped for acouple hours. So looking forward to nice evening at home cuddling with the furbabies in front of my fake fireplace. Have a great Saturday! DH has made chili in the crockpot for supper. Sometimes he is like my dad and likes to add things. Used to upset me, but anymore I just go with it. Long as he does not put raisins in. One time my DD put raisin in beef stew. It looked like big bugs floating, the dog would not even eat it. OH the memories. LOL
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    Hugs to all
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yoga this am, then out with yoga friends. Just totally chilled and couldn't get warm when I got home, on couch with heating pad and had a nice nap.

    Sylvia.........I think it was you who asked about socks.......my DD wears Balega only; we get them at the local running store. I do think they are more for comfort than warmth though.

    Going to local community theater for a show tonight.

    No time, running late, hi to everyone!
  • MarleyJoe63
    Barbie -

    I started eating back my exercise calories the day I came home from a two hour walk and thought I might faint.....that's when it occurred to me that the more energy I expended, the more fuel I would need for my body. I am vigilant about limiting my foods to those that are nutrition dense---that means no sauces, salad dressings, candy, desserts, etc. and I underestimate calorie burns and measure my food carefully.

    I read your food diary and your note about peanut butter......after countless vain attempts to prove that I could eat peanut butter like a normal person, I had to ban it from my house. I am an "abstainer" which works better for me than trying to be a "moderator"....one bite of peanut butter (or cheese or granola, etc) is too many and a thousand aren't enough

    Thanks for your input Barbie, that might be what I have to do. I sometimes find myself waiting for the toast to pop up and realize I have already ate 1 or 2 spoonful's of PB right out of the jar. I am easily frustrated when I discover I have mindlessly eaten extra worthless calories.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    I guess yesterday was my lucky day. I drove by that same spot I almost stuck a deer yesterday. At about 11:30 this morning and some one had hit a buck in this same spot! I need to remember October and November are a time of year deer are very active. It was in October I hit a doe 10 years ago.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday here and my rest and re-feed day. Bacon, eggs, tomato and hash browns. Roast beef and roast vegies for dinner. Going for a drive and doggy walks only.
    10352 steps yesterday in the sunshine.
    Was feeling a bit down as my daughter, 44, who lives in Victoria never rang us on her birthday. Stan says NOT to bother as she will ring when she wants something and for me NOT to give in. Good man, he looks after me.
    Stan's eldest sister, in England, rang at 11 pm last night and they had a good chat. She is the sensible one.
    I do NOT abstain from any food, just eat in moderation these days
    Lesley in Tasmania