

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Just finished my hair and DH has done a good job! That saved me £30 ($45) !

    Forgot to say that I got my tax rebate this morning! Hip hip hooray! :bigsmile:
    Of course the first thing I did was to transfer money to DS#1 for his birthday and Christmas presents! He is having his mediaeval sword made by a Hungarian blacksmith! Apparently there is quite a waiting list. :tongue:
    Next I have to transfer money to DS#2 for DGD'S christening present. Some of you may remember that he twice failed to produce identification evidence for purchasing the government premium bonds after I had paid for them. Both times the government sent the money back to me. In the end I left it to him to do it and said I would reimburse him when he had the certificate in his hot little hand. I am still waiting for the evidence. :tongue:

    I'm feeling hungry now. Shiritaki noodles are coming to mind. DH is having cake.:laugh:
    The pansies will have to wait until tomorrow as it keeps on pouring out there.
    Our wallpaper just arrived at the door. The painter starts on Dec 1st. Still got to decide on gloss or satin for the woodwork and let him know.

    Love again. Heather, a "natural blonde" again in Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited November 2014
    Robin love the picture.

    Well after spending an hour and a half chipping and shoveling after our first snowstorm I just spent and hour and a half scraping and washing egg off our house. :explode: :explode: :explode:

    I guess they wanted a driveway they could just walk up and not worry about slipping and sliding. I told DH I want to get a camera we can set up at night. Have any on you done this, what kind did you get, and did you find it helpful. When I told my neighbor she told me last week her husband was at an ATM when two people behind him purposely distracted him so he would leave his card. They went on a spending spree. I know there are more good people out there than bad. It just means we need to keep each other posted and hopefully stop those who are up to no good. They did get a picture of the person who stole the card.

    Still trying to calm down after cleaning up the mess.

    rose.gif MNMargaret

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Viv (and all struggling) Prayers for strength and peace.

    henseybrown - When I started this journey I did not try to "stay under". I just logged everything to see where i needed to start making changes; now I'm taking baby steps regarding those changes. Sometimes I slip, and I let that be okay and just try harder the next few days.

    The NSV today was regarding yogurt parfait. Apparently the cafeteria at Miller makes delicious ones, but since they are not currently on MFP, another co-worker and I declined, and did a few leg lifts instead (and I have my yoplait light for afternoon snack). I have also been doing extra "laps" around the clinic today, since my left knee is hurting worse than ever, so small doses of walks are good.

    I also set up an account for DS. He got dizzy at basketball practice Monday, so I showed him where he is lacking in his nutrition and water. I then gave him 4 stalks of brocolli, and he ate them when he finished his pizza (can't get DH to change, so I will suppliment instead).

    Congrats to all with successes :D

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I have sourdough starter, and a special one at that. It was a gift from a friend over 40 years ago. It is an heirloom sourdough starter that came to Oregon on a wagon train around 1900. My friend’s elderly neighbor whose family originally brought it to Oregon shared it with her. I’ll try to make sourdough bread with 1/3 rye flour, 1/3 whole-wheat flour, and 1/3 white four. I’ve been so dissatisfied with my sourdough bread efforts in the past that I haven’t even tried to make bread in years. :noway: :flowerforyou:

    Meg: Great news! I’m glad baby Nikita has put on a bit of weight. Things are improving. I LOVE the photo! I like your hairstyle, too. Very becoming, and makes you look years younger. :flowerforyou:

    Lesley in Tasmania: I’d forgotten that you’re a veteran. Thank you for your service! :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Last winter I fell on black ice and cracked a bone in my wrist. I’m slowly starting to put a little weight on it in yoga. You be careful out there! :flowerforyou:

    Barb from south LA: I’m glad you’re with us and on the right track now. I’m also pleased with your doctor’s response to your data. :flowerforyou:

    Belinda: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Liana fro BC: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce in IN: I’m sorry your waitress was such a loser. :devil: If she were my employee, she’d receive a warning on her personnel file at the very least. If this incident was part of a pattern, she’d be looking for work. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I finally understand why you bake all those sweets. I am so impressed with your self-control! I doubt I could stay out of the goodies at all if they were in my house. :noway: I’m guessing the Prolia is more expensive than Reclast and that is why the insurance company is not responding. I hope the situation with your DD’s kitty turns out well. :flowerforyou:

    Viv: You and your DH are in my prayers. :flowerforyou:

    Anamika: So good to see you! :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I’m sending good thoughts your way. I hope your vacation in FL is truly restful, refreshing, and fun. :flowerforyou:

    Diana in IN: If you’re up two pounds today it is probably water retention from sodium. Drink plenty of water and I’ll bet the pounds disappear. :flowerforyou:

    Robin: I love the photo. What sweet dogs! :flowerforyou:

    I am still hard at work on rescuing myself from chronic exhaustion, and have had four nights in a row with at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I’m feeling better day-by-day. Unfortunately, DH and I are not sleeping in the same bedroom at this point. He gets up repeatedly at night to take medicine, etc., and that doesn’t work out for me. I don’t manage to sleep through it. I’m also not staying up late to watch the shows I’ve recorded on TV or surf the net.

    Thank you Kim, for the link to the AARP article that is guiding me! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Katla - I am glad you may have a new yaga instructor. I hope she works out well for you and your group.

    Meg - Good to hear Nikita gained some weight. I keep her in my thoughts and pray she continues to do well. Beautiful picture.

    Leslie - Wow! Congratulations on the 1027 exercise calories! That is wonderful and so inspiring.

    MNMargaret - That sounds like a lot of hard work chipping the ice off your driveway! Just had our first frozen morning, but the weather has been clear. Just frost on the windshield. Sorry about the egging. I don't know why people do stuff like that. It's just destructive. I have trouble understanding people sometimes...

    Belinda - Welcome! I hope you can find someone close to exercise with. Unfortunately, I am too far away.

    Beth - As I was running errands yesterday, I thought about getting a bite somewhere, but was afraid of having the same situation as you did, so waited until I got home to eat. It can be frustrating when you want something, think you are ordering well, and find out it was anything but. :)

    Viv - My heart goes out to you and your husband. Pray things ease up for you both.

    Heather - Great job with the exercise calories! The dinner sounds wonderful. Glad your 'natural' colors are shining through again! It is admirable that your husband does that for you. :)

    Terri_Mom - I set up an MFP account for my younger son as well. He is trying to gain weight. I also 'add' good things to his eating habits. Thankfully, he has never had a struggle with his weight and can eat whatever he wants, but now he adds a lot of healthy foods to his daily diet (along with the Whoppers and fries!).

    Yesterday was just a day. A few minor DD#2 dramas, but nothing awful. I had an odd feeling all day. Nothing specific, just anticipatory, anxious. I used that as an excuse not to exercise - so today I will make up for it. So many excuses out there.... Anyway, this morning was cold, 29F, but beautiful and sunny. I bought a winter coat at a second hand store yesterday, so I will get to walking today. I hope everyone's day goes well.

    Donna from Western Washington

    Goals for November:
    1. Take an outside walk at least 3x per week
    2. Continue to log everything that goes into my mouth and print report daily for notebook
    3. Only weigh in once per week (Mondays)
    4. Find and contemplate 1 new thing everyday that I am truly thankful for and write it down on the back of each day's printed report

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Katla I think that is why I am so upset. I worked so hard so our driveway would be clear of ice and snow. Now in the patches where I had to scrub off the egg is icy. We are at 20 degrees today and it does not look like it will be much warmer for at least a week. Why anyone was out in that cold last night causing that kind of mischief is beyond me!
  • EthansNana
    EthansNana Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning everyone. My name is Laura and I’d like to join your thread if you will have me. I live in Iowa, and at the perfect age of 50. I am familiar with MFP and a repeated friend of dieting and exercise but have neglected our friendship over the past few years. A few weeks ago my doctor told me I’m pre-diabetic so we are working on my diet to hopefully correct things before it’s a full blown problem. I’m currently on a 90 gram a day carb diet plus lower calories. My exercise is currently on hold because of a foot injury and back problems but with the help of doctors, I am on the road to recovery. I log my food daily and that’s what I’m using as my progress, not the dreaded scale. I find that if I look at that number every week, I get discouraged and throw in the towel. My approach this time is to log my food and allow the nutritional graphs to show my efforts along with listening to my body and how I feel. Like the stock market, the graphs will have their ups and downs but this time, I’m content with that. I have a doc. appointment in December and at that time, I will re-visit the scale. On a side note, I’m a woman of faith and know that my 50 year journey and struggle with my weight will lead me to greater things. I’m looking forward to a great future!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    well went to see DFIL, things not really well on that front..my spelling is horrific, so wont try, but they have him on heavy duty drugs that have him out of it, he cant really function properly, as in get up out of bed,toilet himself, etc... he can eat and get around in the wheelchair,but they are trying to regulate the meds to where they work but not have him so loopy and sometimes that takes a few weeks, soooo for right now cant take him out anywhere, so we will just go and visit, left word with both of his sisters to his condition..
    so it wont come as a suprise... hopefully they can get it settled before thanksgiving so that we can bring him here...
    he asked me today if I could help get the baby out of a box.. and a whole bunch of other weird stuff... asked him who I was bringing tomorrow and he did remember it was his sisters so thats good.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited November 2014
    Katla - That starter sounds amazing! The first thing to do is to get it into really good condition so that it is bubbling away and smells like a cider factory. It takes about a week for mine to really get going when I have recovered it from the fridge. I scrape off the top dead layer, put some in a fresh bowl and start feeding it daily, adding flour and some water.
    - Then, when I think it is sufficiently volcanoish I mix 4 to 5 tablespoons with 300 grams of mixed flours and a mugful of water in a large bowl. Cover with clingfilm and leave overnight. It should look like lava! Add the same quanity of flour again and 10 grms of salt (or a bit less). You may have to add a tiny bit more water. Knead for a short while. I then put it in a muslin lined and floured proving basket and loosely cover with oiled clingfilm. I make a pleat in the film. Leave until nearly doubled in size. Heat the oven to high. Put a metal baking dish on a lower shelf to heat up. Turn the dough out on to a metal baking tray. I cover the tray with baking paper to be sure it won't stick. Cut two slashes in the top of the risen bread with a very sharp knife.put in the very hot oven. Throw a mugful of water into the lower tray and shut the door. You have to move fast to keep the steam in. Bake for 35 - 40 mins. I look and tap the bottom after 35. I also turn the heat down a bit after 10 - 15 mins. Voila! I wish you luck! It is truly a labour of love and not everyone likes the textiure or flavour, but my family all do. :flowerforyou:
    - Heather UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Wow........life has been a blur.... unable to read for a day and a half and well over 60 posts to get caught up on!!! First, welcome newbies!!! Slept well last night and had NO pain or stiffness this am........so happy, now if only it would happen again. Taking advantage by doing things around the house and plan to lift and divide the iris this afternoon as very cold weather is coming. Race committee meeting at Panera tonight......I think this might be the last one before the event......at least that's what I'm hoping!

    Went to see a movie: The Judge, yesterday early afternoon........I liked it very much. Shopping (way too much) then met three other friends for dinner at a Mediterranean Cafe; didn't get home until almost 10pm. We laughed and laughed and laughed......... it really felt good......no agenda, no meeting to discuss, decide, or plan anything..........just good conversation!!! Heaven!!!!

    Sylvia.......Poor Spot!!! Love the idea of your blog; will check it out shortly.

    Meg......I always adored the way newborns draw their legs up and cross ankles like they don't realize all the room they have to stretch out now.

    Michelle........Such teasing about D.A.!!!! I'm closer than Kim, may just show up on your doorstep!

    Rita........Not a huge sci fi fan but Tim Allen did one that kills me everytime it's on.

    Heather........That bread is beyond gorgeous! DD gave me a trim and I saved about the same amount.

    Katla......Glad to hear your yoga will continue; I really enjoy my class.

    BMcQ.......Until you pointed it out, I didn't realize it's been 100yrs. since WW1 began, so sad we've had so many more..........

    Viv........Thinking of you every day.........hoping for more good days than bad....(((((Hugs))))))

    Stay strong, everyone.
    Hello to everyone I've missed!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    Meg,she`s so precious.
    hugs to all
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Just got back from the gym. Did not feel like going, but forced myself and am glad for it. My manager stopped me to ask where I was going. He was all for it as long as I don't go much over an hour. No problem. Took a shower at the gym b/c I worked out hard and was groused out! wtf.gif A pile of long black hair in the drain. yuk! Must buy flip-flops for shower.

    Love the baby and grandma pic. So cute. Glad to hear baby is doing better. smiley-angelic010.gif

    Love the dog pics. I am a sucker for puppy-dogs. smiley-sw025.gif

    Thanks for all the support concerning DH. Been with him for 21 years and still learning to ignore his fits. He is such a **** sometimes. I know he is abusive but am resigned to the situation. smiley-sw018.gif

    Have to get back to work now.

    Hugs and prayers!!!!!

    Rita from CT (Just found the Star Wars Smileys!)

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Laura, welcome! Where are you from? I find I have to weigh myself every day, which keeps me aware and motivated. Once I made peace with that huge number, it was ok. My scales show decimal places, so it really helps me know if I'm on the right track. If I just weighed once a week I'd be wondering where I went wrong.

    Ok, we all love the picture of Meg and Nikita, but isn't anybody going to mention the sunglasses? I think we need to photoshop a tiny pair onto Nikita. That would be cute!

    We just started off on our 4 hour drive to Columbia Missouri. Hubby is driving, so I can surf and read posts on my ipad. Ain't technology grand!

    Later, ladies!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good morning from COLD Nebraska. We had our first snow Monday night and I am so glad it was just enough to dust the ground. DH has been sick since Saturday. I ended up taking him into the ER on Sunday as he was having trouble breathing. Said he has a bad case of bronchitis and gave him meds. He tried going to work Monday and Tuesday and was sent home. This morning I took the car so he has no choice. Why do men have to act like that. Doctor told me I could expect it in 7-10 days. I sure hope not. My rash is better and almost gone. I have been doing so so on eating. Seems I can do well alday then come evening and I eat everything I can get my hands on. I was surprised at weigh in yesterday I was down several ounces. New day!

    DeeDee--Your pink golf cart sounds I bet the girls will love it.

    Vivi--prayers and hugs for you and DH.

    Allison--I agree, seems they start earlier every year. I refuse to put anything up or watch any Christmas movies until after Thanksgiving. You are such a caring and sharing person and I am sorry DH can not understand that. Working with Hospice is very rewarding. Prayers and Hugs.

    Heather--Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you have been getting alot checked off your to do list. Great news about DS#1 and his up coming visit. Thanks for the reminders, we all need them from time to time.

    yanniejannie--Congrates on your TV appearance. Just think the next time will be easier.

    Terri--Glad you enjoied the concert. I have a friend that I have known since I was 16 and we only see each other maybe every couple years and we can start up just like it had seen each other last week.

    Meg--Sounds like the service for your dad was very nice. I know the flag part is very moving. Saw the picture of your new grand daughter. She is beautiful and so tiny. Hope things are getting better for them.

    Lesley--Sounds like you are doing well.

    I tried putting the squash in the mirowave to soften up to peel and I love it. So much easier.

    Sally--Congrates on your puppys and on your weight loss.

    Liana & Gail--Welcome, You have found a fantastic group for support and freindship. Come back often and get to know us and us to know you.

    Rita--I understand what you are saying, I do fine until evening and then I have gone over alot most days. I have pretty much have the house cleaned out of anything to eat so should get better.

    Kim from N California--I would love to have someone come put my stuff in order. Acouple weekends ago DH and I went and redid all the kitchen cabnits and so far only one is back a mess which could be a record for me.

    Katiebug--Sending hugs, miss you!

    Sylvia--Sorry to hear about the dog fight. Sounds like Spot was just protecting himself. Once DH calms down hopfully he will be more understanding. I checked that out and thanks for sharing, I have had that happen

    Belinda--I sure wish I lived closer I could use someone to go to class with and walk.

    Liana--grown sounds pretty, would enjoy seeing a picture.

    Joyce--Good for you about the cake. I know last week when we went to Perkins we had a young girl waite on us and the service and food was terrible. I said something to the manager and they gave us our food free and thanked us as she has been having problems with the teenage staff. I don't make a habit of it, but sometimes you need to speak up.

    Margaret--I do not understand why some people feel the need to destory other people's things. I hope you can find out who did it.
    Well ladies time to get some work done. Just talked to DH and he still sounds terrible. May have another trip to the doctor tomorrow. I am off tomorrow so put that on my list. The temp is still only 10 with windchill -8. So planning on going right home from work and stay in rest of day. I love Fall just not so cold. I have to get my winter coat and gloves out. So far on track today with eating.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • EthansNana
    EthansNana Posts: 10 Member
    Laura, welcome! Where are you from? I find I have to weigh myself every day, which keeps me aware and motivated. Once I made peace with that huge number, it was ok. My scales show decimal places, so it really helps me know if I'm on the right track. If I just weighed once a week I'd be wondering where I went wrong.

    Ok, we all love the picture of Meg and Nikita, but isn't anybody going to mention the sunglasses? I think we need to photoshop a tiny pair onto Nikita. That would be cute!

    We just started off on our 4 hour drive to Columbia Missouri. Hubby is driving, so I can surf and read posts on my ipad. Ain't technology grand!

    Later, ladies!


    Thanks for the welcome! I'm from Central Iowa.

    Maybe someday I will be comfortable weighing myself again, but for now I don't think it's a good idea. I've been tempted but then I remember the mind games I've played with myself in the past when things go bad 'or' good. Seeing good numbers even gives me a reason to cheat.....yikes!!! This is something I've learned about myself recently. I know I'm loosing weight because I feel it in my clothes and my joints are beginning to feel better.

    Have a safe trip to MO.
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Sylvia – Dog fights are horrible, scary things and whippets are going to bleed win, lose, or draw. Hopefully some time boarding will give them a chance to cool their jets towards each other. One thought: in a “normal” (no body is REALLY trying to kill anybody), most injuries happen when the people try to break it up. The dogs may have a measured grip on each other, then people try to pull them apart and their instincts is to grip harder not let go. That leads to tearing. People are also likely to be bit when the dogs either redirect or people just plain get in the line of fire when the dogs are snapping at each other. It is best to either let them be and leave the room (especially when they are fighting over your attention) or use an object (chair works well) to just sort of push between them. I hope you can find someone truly knowledgeable to help. There are a huge number of dog training quacks out there. (The Dog Whisper and Bark Busters are definitely quacks – in my opinion)

    Viv – Sending good thoughts to you and you DH.

    Meg – Grandbaby is sooooo cute.

    All you in the Midwest – stay warm and dry!!

    Heather --- your bread is beautiful. Bread is my weakness…

    Newbies – Welcome from another newbie. This is the best group ever!!

    Thank you all for the nice comments on my collies. I do adore them.

    I deserve a major pat on the back today. I’m trying the C25K running program. I have never really liked running, but this program is intriguing in its design. The trainer in me wanted to see how the scheduled interval and breaks work to build desire. (Wow does it build “want to”!!) I’m on the first run of week 3. Anyway, this morning was 27oF with wicked winds whipping on top of my hill. After I fed the cows, my fingers were frozen! I still put on the running cloths, grabbed the Talga puppy, and we went for our run!! It is my first real test of the commitment to building strength now that most of the weight is off. Yeah!!!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.

    Sally W.
  • LovingLifeLivingHealthy
    Michele in NC . . I live in Elizabethtown, PA Kathy
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here in Tasmania and going to be warm again.
    Love the photos.
    I re-set my Wii Gold's boxing to start again, and waiting for breakfast to settle before doing some, plus JJ's Bikini boot-camp, and a 1 hour walk after lunch.
    I started body building in 1980 when I joined the army at grand old age of 32 and had to be fit and strong. LOVE body building. I am re-doing Jeannette Jenkin's 6 week challenge again. (doc said a good idea, but leave Jillian, Bob and weights alone until after New Year when i see her) I am also NOT allwed to run until I see her but can race-walk. (I used to compete with over 40s a while back)
    I was so under cals that I had my Lindt choc treat last night, tasted so good and NO damage on scale this morning.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Meg :) You look fabulous, and baby Nikita is adorable :love:!!!

    Cynthia :) Love the sweet doggie under the fabric samples!!!

    Sally W :) Beautiful doggie and beautiful owner!!!

    Kim :) I would love for your friend to come organize my spice cabinet!!! It needs a lot of help :laugh:

    Heather :) Beautiful bread! I`m lucky bread doesn`t interest me much! What a sweet hubby you have <3 and now you`re naturally blonde :bigsmile:!!! Have the painters told you how long it will take to paint? Mine said two weeks, they were here for almost 2 months :grumble:!

    Katla :) Love the sailing analogy!

    Bj :) Hi!!! So nice to see you post!!!

    Michele :) I hope Lance is okay!!!

    Viv :) Keeping you and DH in my thoughts and prayers :flowerforyou:!

    Anamika :) Hi! It`s so nice to see you again!

    Robin :) Bodi and Ritter are adorable <3 ! I`m glad you`re feeling better!

    Margaret :) I`m so sorry some delinquent egged your house, I would be boiling mad :mad:! I have a camera system for outside, I have 8 security cameras that span the front, back and sides of my house, I LOVE it!!! It was a bit expensive but it`s worth every penny I spent on it! I started out with 4 cameras and added 4 more. Because I live alone I consider the cameras and my alarm system a must! I would check online for security cameras for outdoors, good luck!

    Jane Martin :) Are you feeling any better?

    Rita :) Loved your little alien!

    Vicki :) The girls love the golf cart!!! I`ll post a pic of it! Hope your DH gets to feeling better soon :flowerforyou:! So glad to hear the rash is almost gone, did you find out what it was from? I`m like you, no Christmas anything until after Thanksgiving! I have satellite radio in my car and the station I listen to most has gone to all Christmas music already :grumble:, now I have to find something else to listen to.

    Welcome to everyone new!!! This is a great group of wonderful women!!!

    It has been a busy time for me. I spent all weekend and the first part of the week celebrating my birthday :bigsmile:, whew….I think I`m actually feeling my age tonight. I think I could crawl in my bed and sleep for 2 or 3 days straight:yawn:! I bought the new golf cart and said it was my present to me, actually I bought the cart for my granddaughters :love: and they were absolutely thrilled! They have named it Penelope, and since I still have the old golf cart they named it Parker, her boyfriend :laugh:. As long as my little girls are happy, I`m happy too!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night!

    DeeDee in gorgeous mild (for now) NC

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Okay, there used to be something at the bottom of the page to add a pic, I`m not seeing it anymore. Can someone give me a short version of how to add a picture...thanks!