

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Bumping & saying hi to all my fitness pals. Haven't been in a chatty mood so have gotten behind. Wishing you all well.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    well back from work, and the old boy is ignoring me, which is fine.. ill keep on doing what I think I should do, and live with it...
    I am an emotional eater, and this is doing a number but I am trying.. it is like your sailing a long in a sailboat then, all of a sudden there is no wind in your sails...
    going to get in my jammies and then go to bed...
  • shenderson1041
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good Evening Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Sally W you look great in the picture. Your collie is a beauty too.

    Katla I agree about the SNOW! So far it is only three inches. Two more tonight, so not as bad as they predicated. Unfortunately it is the heavy wet kind that makes everything icy. It took fifteen minutes to chip out my car after work.

    Donna when I had a very stressful job I used the book Meditation as Medicine by Dharma Singh Khalsa. He does order his meditation by chakras and some of them are long. You can get it at the library and see if any of his meditations work for you. He also breaks down his meditations by conditions people have and makes suggestions which meditations to try. He also offers chants you can try. I admit when I do his meditations I find a quiet secluded spot.

    smiley-bounce017.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.

    2014 word:contentment


    Today working on keeping a positive attitude and getting extra Vit D3 to combat the early winter.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Alison, my heart breaks for you, and Rita and anyone else suffering from selfish bullheaded husbands. What I want to tell you is "LET HIM MAKE HIS OWN DAMNED LUNCH, WASH HIS OWN FLOORS, AND TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN FATHER!" But of course, I'm too nice to say any of that. What colossal jerks these guys can be! I used to have one just like that, so you have my very deepest sympathies. Why can't he step back for one second and see what all you do, and how his behavior is causing you needless stress. He does not act like he loves you, he acts like he OWNS you! It just burns me up! I think you need to get your financial ducks in a row and then kick these guys to the curb! Seriously! You would be so much happier.

    Ok, off my soapbox.

    Now that I said all that, I gotta go make hubby's dinner. But this hubby is a good guy, so I do it with a happy heart. I know that he does many things to help me too.

    Goodnight everyone!


  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Behaving with my food today. DH and DS stopped at Subway, so I'm having a salad and added my own dressing. I also stayed late at work to ride the bike 15 minutes before leaving for home.

    DS was selected for the Varsity Bowling Team, but he is not happy. There are 9 boys on Varsity, so he is worried that he won't get much play time. But if he makes the basketball team, none of this even matters, so I hope he keeps an upbeat attitude and continues to do his best.

    Sometimes (ok, often) I think the men are just brain-damaged. When my DFIL was sick, I had to tell DH to visit. Same for going back to MN for the Memorial Bowling Tournament. He thought he could just skip it, but it's important for all the kids and grandkids to get together, at least so Grandma can see them for awhile. DH also thinks it's a big deal to run the dishwasher, yet wonders why the rest of the house is not spotless. He will just never understand, so sometimes I stop picking up after everybody, and he will finally say "ok, I get the point. Can you please start doing some housework again, and I won't be mean about it anymore". But, when my ex was the same, that theory did not work.

    Hugs to all ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We had a dog fight tonight in the yard. All three dogs were out there. Hubby was playing frisbee with the other two and I was playing ball with Spot. Molly decided to attack Spot, and Spot fought back. Hubby grabbed Molly and fell backwards on the ground with her while I grabbed Spot by the collar as he was lunging toward her. Somehow hubby was bitten once on the arm and once on the leg. More like scratches, but they clearly came from teeth. He doesn't know for sure which dog bit him, but he blames Spot, and I blame Molly. She started it. Molly got a couple of bloody dots on her face and a rip about two inches long on her neck. She's going to have to go to the vet tomorrow and get sewn up. Spot came through unscathed. She's not used to having dogs fight back when she attacks them. She's a big bully and likes to make sure every other dog is afraid of her. She has attacked Spot several times already, but this is the first time he fought back. She is hubby's favorite, so I'm afraid he is thinking badly of Spot at the moment. I hope it will teach her to leave him alone.

    So, Spot's position in the family is a little less secure tonight. I'm afraid hubby will insist on getting rid of him now that he hurt the princess. Anybody have suggestions? I know he needs a tetanus shot, but he won't get one.


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Did 1 segment of "10 Minute Solution Belly Buster" DVD, held my plank for 2 min 40 sec, then took the extremepump class. Tomorrow's plan is to do a 20-40-60 workout on the treadmill.

    exercised, then stopped at the Salvation Army. I found 5 tops/sweaters that actually fit me! Then went to Aldi just for a handful of items, then home and on to bowling. Now home for dinner. We're probably not going to have mahjongg tonight, not sure if one gal wants to come over. If she does, we'll recruit Vince to play Mexican Train. I have a feeling that she won't. Update: she didn't -- no surprise there

    Kim - wish you were closer, we watched episodes 1 to 4 of the next season yesterday. All's I can say is that Barrows is in fine form!

    Barb - would brown rice in gumbo do the same to your blood sugar? That's honestly all I ever use in my gumbo. No, I'm anything BUT "artsy". Like with the xstitch, I'm OK as long as I follow the pattern and use the colors they tell you to use, but do it on my own? Comes out a big mess. Same with the ceramics thing -- I can follow a picture and use the colors, but don't ask me which colors would look nice someplace instead. Honestly, I think in some ways I'm addicted to exercise. And it has to be done in the morning or it doesn't get done. Just recently I was asked to count money at the church at 9 on Mondays. Well, that's the time of the extremepump class. Do you know I told them that I'd be glad to count the money, but I couldn't get there until around 10:30?

    Joyce - then it's probably a good thing if Charlie doesn't bowl, the doc surely doesn't want him to get upset.

    Sharon - what is crockinole?

    Alison - you know, the silent treatment doesn't sound so bad to me

    Terri - welcome

    Carol - how do you peel your butternut squash? Do you use a vegetable peeler, how far down into the squash do you go?

    Rita - Vince loves aliens, too. We have alien inflatables, he has a lava lamp with an alien in it, one of his vehicles is a Saturn so he got this decal of an alien with the plant Saturn in the background to put on his Outlook. Everywhere around here you'd see aliens

    Donna - so glad you're feeling better. Exercise is a very powerful drug. Best of luck to you learning the meditation

    katla - I don't "use" the spaghetti squash and butternut together, I have them as sides. What a moving experience you had crocheting! Loved reading about it. My grandmother was a fantastic crocheter. How I wish I'd learnerd from her when she wanted to teach me! but I was a "know it all teenager" who didn't want anything to do with that "old lady" stuff. Now I regret it. Wii bowling is an excellent suggestion for Joyce. I never thought of it!

    Heather - I'd love to see what your butternut squash peeler looks like, too.

    Sally - congrats (and to the dogs, too). What a gorgeous collie you have there

    Liana - welcome! Sounds like you have a good plan

    Terri - I agree with you, men sometimes just don't have a clue. The other day we had friends over, Vince knew they were coming. He heard the doorbell (he was downstairs). Do you think he'd come up and say hello? Not until I called him. Then he couldn't understand why he needed to come up. I had to tell him "out of courtesy"

    Sylvia - I wish I had words of wisdom for you, but I don't. We're sure Loki bit Bonnie a while ago. I don't know what gets into animals who normally get along well.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, how about some one who is like a dog whisperer, or behavioral therapist? I am so sorry the two dogs got into it. I know how special Spot was to you.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hi all: Busy day today. I got called in to the hospital to work in the therapy pools because someone was sick. What a Monday! The pool lift broke and we had a patient who weighs about 400 lbs stuck in the pool. He was not upset at having to stay in the pool longer but I was really wondering what we were going to do if the maintenance guy and I could not fix it. However I remembered there was an extra part in the back room that came with the new lift and we were able to replace the damaged part and get the patient out. Then a guy came out of the locker room and told me there was water running down the wall. When I looked there was indeed water running down one wall, also water dripping from the ceiling and water in the light fixture. Yikes! Plumbing guys from maintenance took care of that problem thank goodness. Then found that one of the acid tanks was empty and the acid that was ordered last week still has not been delivered. It was a long day and I was glad to get home but have to go in again tomorrow as Jess is still sick. Hope things go more smoothly. The good thing about today is I got in more than 10,000 steps without even thinking about it and no time to eat.

    Donna - You might try "The Full Catastrophe" by Jon Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness and yoga meditation.
    Margaret - We have only a sprinkling of snow so far but the wind is awful.

    Allison - Hang in there lady.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Joyce, Indiana - It's not easy living with someone who has a really bad temper. Sounds like you've been through a lot. Sounds like a good thing to give the ball away! Sending positive thoughts your way. It's so hard when old habits creep back in. Have you tried putting just one serving in a bowl and putting the box of cereal away? Cereal isn't my weakness, but sometimes it helps me to measure it out. I eat absentmindedly sometimes.

    Sharon - Aren't grandchildren just the best! I'm impressed that your DD and DDIL helped you with the house...wish mine did! LOL!

    Cynthia - Sorry you are hurting so much. Do you have your knee surgery scheduled yet? How will you manage with the ankle problems, too? Hope the pain gets better soon.

    grandmallie - I'm sorry your DH didn't support your decision to volunteer for hospice. It is an important job and someone with your compassion would do a world of good. I hope he comes around. Good luck!

    Terri - I have definitely been in the situation with parents who need help. I think back knowing that I did everything that I could, but sometimes I still wish I had been able to do more. It is very, very draining to be the primary caregiver. Do remember to take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. It's only by taking care of yourself that you can take good care of others.

    Barbie - Good suggestion about the cereal...I've got a list, too.

    MN Margaret - Wow! 5-10 inches of snow...it's definitely looking like winter!

    Beth - I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a long list! LOL!

    Diana in Indiana - Sounds like you did a great job! Your exercise paid off! Congratulations!

    Carol in beautiful NC - Congratulations on logging what you ate and getting right back on track! Awesome!

    Rita from CT - Your aliens are awesome! So happy for you that your son is doing better. Hopefully your DH will come around, but then sometimes you just have to do what you feel is best and let the chips fall where they may.

    Kim from Calif - Sounds like your friend means well, but sounds like she should have asked permission first!

    Sylvia - My DDIL is a vet. Once I was concerned that the dogs were fighting and she told me they had to establish dominance. It might take a while, but eventually they will get along. Spot is new to the family so she'll have to decide how much she's willing to take...sounds like she just did.

    Donna in Western Washington - Depression is not fun! So many of us suffer from it and those who haven't are very blessed. I'm so proud of you for eating right and exercising and I'm glad that the exercise made you feel better. I don't personally meditate, but my son does and he loves it. It's a great tool for him! Good luck!

    Heather - You certainly have had a busy day. Don't know how you do it all, especially when you're not feeling up to par! Hope you get good news from the doctor.

    Katla - Isn't it wonderful what a good night's sleep can do. So glad you read that article and have had some sleep!

    bwcetc - Thanks for the butternut squash idea. My husband likes to microwave both the butternut squash and the spaghetti squash. He cuts them in half, takes the seeds out and just puts them in a microwaveable container then puts cling wrap over them. He sets the microwave for about 15 minutes and they're cooked. I never tried roasted. I wonder if it tastes different.

    Terri - Congratulations on the weight loss! You are doing a fantastic job!

    Sally W - Zedd is absolutely beautiful. Looks just like Lassie. I used to love that show! Congratulations!

    Liana - Welcome! Like you, I hated writing everything down and then having to find the calories or points. MFP is awesome! Smart of you to make your goals attainable in smaller segments. You'll get to celebrate reaching your goals more easily. Awesome idea!

    Michele in NC - Ok, but you're still more artsy than me! LOL! At least you can follow the directions and your stuff comes out good. I'm laughing out loud seriously about the counting money! I wish I was that disciplined. I would have counted the money and given that as an excuse not to exercise! Since I was brought up eating white rice, brown rice is ok with some things, but I'm not crazy about it with gumbo. I find my blood sugar goes up a lot with just about any carb. That's not to say that I don't eat any because I do, but I try to make sure I know how many carbs there are and make sure I like it enough to eat it! I do like brown rice with rice and gravy, but I try to stay away. I'm a carb-a-holic! If I start eating them, I will just binge! Wish I could just get everything out of my house that I have a problem with, but DH likes a lot of it and so do the children and grandchildren. I've just got to learn self control.

    Sounds like everyone had quite a lot going on over the weekend. It's been a bit busy here as well and I almost blew it when I brought my seven year old granddaughter to eat frozen yogurt and hot chocolate! (What a combination!)

    Night everyone...it's past my bedtime and tomorrow is a work day! :smile

    Barb from South Louisiana

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Back from shopping and all put away. Cals a bit high today but will be better tomorro. Want to do Wii Boxing when get up and JJ's kick-boxing after breakfast. Plus an hours walk for the doc.
    Need to walk Mildred beagle round our paddocks and do ironing. Stan cooking tea.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :D<3 Jake is home....he got an earlier flight so I had to rush to make the hour long drive to pick him up at the shuttle...even so I was late. We had lunch at a nearby Vietnamese restaurant...ate half and brought the rest home for supper. Even though we talked a lot while he was gone, he still had a lot more to tell me. We took a nap with all the pets since we both got up so early.

    :D I am so grateful for his safe return and the pets are beside themselves with delight.

    :D Barbie from NW Washington where is it getting colder (not like Minnesota)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions about my cereal obsession. I like it ( the prescribed amount) in my bedtime snack but I know the box is still in there. Does it count if it takes extra steps to go in the kitchen to get more?????

    Barbie, glad Jake is safe at home.

    Yes, it is good that we just donated Charlies bowling ball. He seems more hunched over all the time from his Parkinson's. His energy level just isn't the same. When Michelle was helping us clean and organize the other night he just kind of hung out with us. He did help a lot in taking the stuff out to the trash or to our car to donate. And yesterday he took it and donated by himself. Of course the Goodwill guy also assists a lot. When he was unloading the car he found an old suit bag that Michelle and I had decided to throw away. He apparently decided on his own that he couldn't throw it away. It jsut needed to be cleaned and he would use it. Geesh! This man never uses a suit bag. We got it at a yard sale and he never once used it. So when we found a couple of other things we could drop off he went ahead and put the bag in the car and donated it. He thought I should have kept the printers and sold them on line. I was throwing them away because they were outdated or didn't work. I believe the man is a hoarder.

    Tomorrow is our monthly lunch with the Sunday school class. I have a nice sandwich to pack, that is all we are supposed to bring, I hope the hostess doesn't serve anything high calorie. I might pack some carrots in my purse and only take them out if needed.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm reading page 11, while me thinks the rest of you are on page 14. :D

    Could be busyness is the culprit. Be well, my friends.

    in mesmerizing Vancouver Island. BC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Kim: your friend is more than welcome to do my spices!

    Allison: I know the feeling. Hope you got a good rest.

    Sylvia: I’m on the soapbox with you! Dog fights: they don’t have to mean the end. A lot of times it’s just showing one of them who’s boss. Please don’t make any “rash” decisions.

    Barb: thanks for the good thoughts. Knee surgery is not scheduled yet. I have to lose 20 kg first, and with all the stress recently I’ve gotten seriously off track (after getting off to a great start).

    Renny: glad to hear from you!

    We were supposed to go to the dog chiropractor today (2 hours each way), but he had to cancel. He said we could come Thursday or Friday; waiting to hear which it will be. Luckily, this isn’t such a busy week.

    Picked out curtains for my home office and will bring the samples back and discuss. We also picked out a carpet (cheaper) for a small room that’s just for books. We’re almost done with everything, phew.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    morning ladies~
    got a good night sleep, the DH didnt say he was sorry, but I left him a note yesterday saying if there was something he was interested in I would support him,and that it hurt that he was being so selfish.
    I think he knows how good he has it, and he better keep the lip zipped...
    my foot is bothering me a bit,and I havent been great about eating and exercising, I want to get back on track but it has been a bit of a struggle..
    I am taking both of my DH aunts down to see there brother my DFIL on thursday..
    9 am I have an interview with the Hospice volunteer coordinator, I have to pick them up about 45 minutes away from here, and then bring them to visit either we have them keep him in the rec room and not have lunch and we take him out or we do something because by the time we get to the nursing home,it will be lunch time.
    will worry about that when the time comes..
    DH will have to fend for himself for dinner,because I wont be getting home until 5 or so... he gets home at 3:30..
    33 days until we go to Florida :D can ya tell im excited ...
  • LovingLifeLivingHealthy
    over 50 and need support. . . so joining
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just wanted to share this pic of the dog who belongs to one of the people at the curtain store. She knows I have treats in my pocket. They don't want begging rewarded, but I ask her to sit, lie down etc., and then it's OK. :D
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Welcome LovingLifelivin.......! This is a great group! Post anything, anytime! Sign it with your location so we can learn a little about you.

    Alison, my DH does the silent treatment too LOL.. Not so bad really.... smiley-alien010.gif
    DH complaints: He cooks but does not clean up, He claims to cook and clean all day -nothing looks different when I get home, He screams and yells about dumb things, He does pass the vacuum but 'around' things, He is very good at woodworking and other creative stuff-but again doesn't clean up after himself, He IS a hoarder. smiley-alien005.gif Enough of that!

    I am feeling much better since my surgery. The lethargy is gone and I just feel better overall. The leaking silicone must have really been playing havoc with my system!

    I have a meeting with a personal trainer shortly so off I go.

    Rita in CT