

  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Gaaah! Weekends will be the death of me. I work full time so eating on plan is so easy during the week when I plan ahead and pack my meals/snacks. Weekends are so crazy. Saturday was good until dinner when I decided to eat a frozen pizza. I walked for an hour that day so was still under calories by eating back the exercise. But oi the sodium! Sunday we hosted a group for lunch and served taco bar. So again high sodium. Walked twice though so still under calories by eating back the exercise. Back on plan today with my trusty cooler at work. It will take me 2 days to get rid of the sodium in my system.

    My Favorite Things dessert party went as planned. I drank my coffee and did sneak one cookie. With all the other temptations I felt pretty good overall about my choices. Fun with the ladies was the best part!

    Gonna be cold here the rest of the week (20's and 30's) so will need to bundle up for my walk!

    Diana in Indiana
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Meg - Thanks for the explanation about Nikita's feeding schedule. I can sympathize with the oh so sore nipples. No one taught me how to get my daughter latched on properly and that was making everything worse with the pain. Eager to know if she has gained weight by the time she gets to the doctor today.

    I had a bit of relapse last night. I emotionally ate with some jelly beans. :disappointed: I caught myself, logged the calories, and started over right then. I *think* the scale was down about 1/2 lb this morning, but I won't record anything just yet.

    My male best friend is losing weight, as well. However, he is NOT doing it in any kind of healthy manner. I'm really worried about the long term effect on his health, but he is a grown up and has to do it his way. He did offer a challenge last night. I sort of took him up on it, but told him that I will continue to do it my way by making it a lifetime change and, because he's male, it's not fair to even think I can lose weight as quickly as he can.

    I have my food all planned out for the day with a buffer in place for a treat/screw up later. I cooked a Boston Butt roast over the weekend and am looking forward to eating that with my veggies this week. I hope to roast some butternut squash but haven't gotten the gumption to peel it yet. I also have an acorn squash recipe that is sort of like squash fries. The squash is thinly sliced, drizzled with olive oil and seasoning, sprinkled with parmesan cheese, then baked. I might actually get that one done to go with dinner tonight. I figure I can slice up just what I need and then use the rest of the squash for something else.

    Alison - To some degree, your hubby sounds like my ex. If it wasn't going to make money then God forbid I should do something that would take my attention away from him! There is a spirit of cooperation that is required to keep a marriage together, but there is also the requirement to let each person find a way to be fulfilled in his/her own way.

    I can't remember the other things I was going to say, so I guess I'm off to get work done. Have a great day, everyone!

    Carol in beautiful NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    There were over 150 posts since I posted last Friday. I will scan them all in a while. I just wanted to try they smiley directions I was provided. smiley-alien009.gif
    I love silly Aliens!

    Rita from CT
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    love it Rita lol
    im feeling very forlorn today.. just feel so bad that someone that you love so very much can make me feel so selfish, really? I am trying to better myself and help people at the end of there lives and ,because it isnt all about him, It isnt supposed to happen..
    well, I will keep trucking along and do what I think I should do,and take everything a day at time..
  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Hello Ladies! - I haven't posted in a week, so I am out of the loop. I have read everyone's posts and my heart goes out to all of you with personal losses, and to those with current struggles. I am bi-polar and last week I struggled with strong depression. It started with a .6 lb loss (expected more, worked hard and only lost .6 and it hit me hard) then some family issues (nothing very serious, just drama). So, although I stayed eating under my calories, I didn't exercise. I had a very stern talk with myself Saturday, and started to exercise again over the weekend, and {surprise} I am feeling better. Got on the scale today and had a 2.2lb loss last week, so that is at least on track again. Have decided that I need to learn how to meditate. Sounds so 'new Age', but stress and depression have very serious negative effects on my body and health, that I need to learn how to let it go. So, off to the Library on Thursday (my youngest son has some research he has to do for a paper in school) and I will find a book that will teach me how to meditate. Most of what I have found on the internet is too full of 'aligning my chakras' - I want something less spiritual, more technique.

    Anyway, I want to say that this is a great place. I have never been one for support groups, but I have to say that the encouragement shown here, not just for me - but for everyone, has had such a positive effect on me, that I have no words to express it. Just, thank you all for being so wonderful.

    Donna in Western Washington
    Goals for November:
    1. Take an outside walk at least 3x per week
    2. Continue to log everything that goes into my mouth and print report daily for notebook
    3. Only weigh in once per week (Mondays)
    4. Find and contemplate 1 new thing everyday that I am truly thankful for and write it down on the back of each day's printed report

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good evening everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Donna - my husband, who is allergic to anything New Age, has found this book, with its accompanying CD, a great help. Ordered from Amazon.

    - Mindfulness - a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world.
    - by Mark Williams and Danny Penman

    He does it every evening before dinner for about 15 mins by listening to one of the exercises on the CD.

    Carol - I find peeling butternut squash a doddle with a sharp, y shaped peeler. I've just done it in fact for our squash, lamb and fresh peas curry tonight.

    Had a good afternoon todsy, though my back is aching again. I will ring for results of the lab tests tomorrow, just to rule out kidneys. Mobility is good. :ohwell:
    We went and ordered the wallpaper and bought the emulsion and some silk for the fitted wardrobes.
    Then we went and chose carpet and have a fitter coming to measure on Thursday. We got it on offer.
    Then we went to the garden centre and bought yellow and purple pansies for our large pot.
    Then we went grocery shopping.
    Then I cooked the curry. There will be plenty for me to have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. :bigsmile:
    This morning I emailed the solicitor about my legacy and rang a company to estimate for a blind for the bedroom. They are coming to measure up on Saturday. :bigsmile:
    I also texted my DSIL with my choices for the anniversary dinner they are hosting in an Italian restaurant. 3 courses. :ohwell: I have to go on my own, 2 changes of train, because DH is at football. On the 29th. It will be lovely to see my family and DH doesn't really relish their company, so I'm better off going on my own. I will wear my new LBD. :bigsmile:

    Weight holding steady. I'm still eating to lose, although I am at target. I reckon it balances out then with occasional days when I go over. Friday we are out for poshish lunch with DB and DSIL. I won't go mad, but I will enjoy myself. I like a spoonful of someone else's dessert. How annoying am I? ? ? :laugh:
    Nice to have accomplished a lot today. I just am feeling a bit short of personal money and I don't like DH having to shoulder all the burden. I should have a tax rebate soonish and hope I can get hold of at least some of the legacy. :ohwell:
    Had a scare today when the holiday company said they hadn't received the large amount of money I had tranfered to them last week. We checked and rechecked the bank codes and then rang them up. They had just not spotted it! ! ! ! :grumble: Moment of panic on our part! :laugh:

    Love to all. Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Trying to get some work done.
    Allison: I sure wish you had the DH you deserve. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh. <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Kim: I did find the AARP bulletin online and it was illuminating! :bigsmile: Thank you so much for talking about it! I’m tracking sleep now, and have made the decision to leave the room and sleep elsewhere when DH’s snoring disrupts my rest. After only three nights of decent sleep, I’m feeling much better. I can’t say enough about how helpful this is for me. :flowerforyou:

    Maryann: I applaud you for exercising regularly even though you can’t stand up to do it at this time. You’re so wise to do what you can to stay strong. I have never heard of a physiatrist before, but they seem to have an important role in healing from injuries. I hope you get good relief. :flowerforyou:

    CindyM: I applaud you for doing what you can to stay active in the winter. I have suffered from day-length depression for most of my adult life, and I live near the 45th parallel. You are so much farther north, it must be even more challenging for you. A calcium/D3 supplement, daylight temperature light bulbs everywhere in my house, and exercise helps me get through the dark days. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: I’m glad to hear that your daughter’s doctor is helping her deal with the difficulties of nursing. They have an excellent plan. Give Tanya a hug and let her know this is hard for many new moms. :heart:

    Alison: I hope your upcoming trip to Florida gives you the break and rest that you need. Your DH is not the only person who sees life from a ‘me first’ viewpoint. I suppose it bubbles up for all of us occasionally. It seems to me that men are more likely to expect to be served constantly. It is long past time for you to have a turn. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Njitaliana: You’re in my thoughts. I hope you get this sorted out. It sounds as though it will take time. :flowerforyou:

    TrishhasTime: Where are you from? :flowerforyou:

    Michele: My mom crocheted baby blankets for my two children when they were babies, and DD lost one of them while using it for DGD on a shopping trip. :cry: I decided to crochet one like it to replace it. It was a struggle for many reasons. The blankets Mom made were kits from a company that no longer exists, but I did find information online and a pattern. Understanding the directions was another obstacle. I found help, and made a lovely afghan for DD to replace the lost baby blanket. In the process, I found out how much work my mom had put into her gifts and felt close to her. :heart: I also gave myself trigger finger. I “cured” the trigger finger with a heavyweight rubber band exercises, and bought adaptive tools that make the shaft of the crochet hooks big enough to prevent the tight grip that caused the trigger finger in the first place. I also knit, and now have square needles that help with the grip issue there, too. On another topic I love butternut squash but am not fond of spaghetti squash. How do you use them together? :flowerforyou:

    Barb from S LA: DH is also diabetic and the nurse practitioner he sees at his diabetic specialist's office taught us about the glycemic index about a year and a half ago. White rice converts almost immediately to sugar in the digestive system. We looked up the glycemic index on the net and found long lists of foods and values. Knowing about this has really been helpful & has made a huge difference in our cooking and his health. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: We have enjoyed wii bowling right in our living room. Maybe you & Charlie would like it. A person can bowl while sitting on the couch in front of the TV and it is good upper body exercise without a heavy ball to deal with. DH also has MS and he was able to enjoy wii bowling when things were at their worst. :flowerforyou:

    Terri: Welcome back. I hope your family responsibilities do not overwhelm your life and make it difficult to take care of yourself along with others. Good self-care is essential; it is not selfish. :flowerforyou:

    MN Margaret: Snow! We haven’t even had frost yet. I hope you stay safe and are able to enjoy it. :flowerforyou:

    Diana in IN: DH has sodium issues because of high blood pressure problems. I found a taco-seasoning recipe on line that has no sodium and is very tasty. Of course there is sodium is some of the other foods that make up a taco, but the reduction from the salt free seasoning mix is noticeable. We also found a salt free spaghetti-seasoning recipe. :flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: You are correct that most men can lose weight faster than we can. I’m not sure how to make a competition fair except this one idea. Each of you set appropriate calorie goals for the week, and the weekly winner is the one who stays closest to their goal. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: This is a busy group and I love hearing from you. It isn’t necessary to reply to everyone. I love your alien. :flowerforyou:

    Donna in W. WA: I love your goals. They’re positive and motivating. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Can you post a picture of your butternut squash peeler, or a link to it online? I love butternut squash, but have been avoiding it because it is so difficult to work with, starting with the tough “rind.” :grumble: I’m glad your holiday deposit has been found. :flowerforyou:

    Kim, Thank you again for the information from the AARP bulletin. Even DH read it and took notice. I’ve been tracking my sleep and have had two wonderful night’s rest. Last night DH came to bed snoring like a bear, and I moved to another room. So night number three had some negativity attached to it, but I still managed 8 hours of decent sleep. I am feeling better, and sharper.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Heather - Thank you. I will look for the book.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    I had never made butternut squash before this weekend but decided to roast one on Saturday. Looked online for an easy way to peel and used the suggestion to pierce the squash with your fork in multiple places and then microwave for one minute. Let cool for one minute and then peel with a vegetable peeler. I thought it was very easy.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Katla - I am using the Oxo Good Grips Y Peeler which has over 400 good reviews on Amazon, some mentioning butternut squash. :D
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I am looking forward to trying the pumpkin black bean chili. DS loves anything pumpkin so far, so I'll be eager to see how he feels about something healthy. I was able to find some Luna and protein bars on clearance at Walmart, so we'll see if he likes any of them before I invest in an entire box.

    Today I did my "work weight" on that scale at work, and lost 3 pounds toward the 20 for the contest. So, my co-workers gave me a whoop whoop! That felt good. :blush:

    This morning I was late for work because of the dentist, so I worked through lunch. I hope to have enough time and energy to ride the bike in Fitness before I head for home.

    My DH also does not understand charity or volunteering. Luckily, he is enough of a believer in "live and let live" that he lets me do my own thing, even though he won't support it. It's a slippery slope, and I just keep trying to drag us back together, hopefully before we get too far apart.

    Prayers all around ! ! !

  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Not a lot of time but I really wanted to share some joy with the group.

    On Saturday my older dog, Zedd, finished his UDX title (Utility Dog Excellent). This has been a huge journey for us and has tracked my weight loss. I started loosing weight when he finish his UD (prerequisite title). To get a UDX he needed to qualify in two classes on the same day 10 times. It is a title that rewards consistency. He finished just as I am within 5 lbs of my goal. He was also the Highest Scoring Dog (Blue and yellow ribbon) and the High Combined (Blue and green ribbon.)

    On Sunday my "puppy", Talga got the second leg of his UD title. One more to go! He also went High in trial.

    I'm the one in the green vest.



    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Sally W.

  • lcm55
    lcm55 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new to MFP, just joined this weekend. I've downloaded the App to my mobile and adding foods/intake to the Diary is sooooo much easier than the old days of WW and keeping a written journal. I actually look forward to entering into the Diary. I haven't counted calories in a while, tried the low-carb, low-fat, South beach, atkins, you name it, all to no avail. I did lose weight with low-carb, but couldn't sustain it. Yep, gained it all back plus some. So now, I'm 55 and I have a long road ahead of me. I have 17 10-lb goals. Broken down in 10-lb increments make the smaller goals look attainable and then I only have 17 of them to do. I work full-time (9 hour day), plus a 3 hour commute. I haven't kept up my exercise, but I'll get back to that shortly. I can manage 20-30 minutes a day in cardio (exercise bike/elliptical), I just need to make myself do it.

    I just had both knees replaced last year and they are fabulous!!!! So, now that I can walk without pain, I need to add more of that to my day as well.

    I look forward to meeting all of you and getting even more inspiration than what I've already found here. You gals are tremendous!!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, I can only give info on the hospice I was involved in. The classes took quite awhile and they were 4 hour classes for a total of 40 hours. But then we could set our own hours. Some people stayed with their clients for just a couple of hours so the caregiver cold go to the grocery store, others stayed 8 hours. We were only assigned to areas of town we wanted to go to. We were also contacted when we were needed on a case and could say yes or no. So we controlled when and how long we worked.

    Katla, we have a wii and used to have two wiimotes but Charlie is extremly hard on theem. If his game isn't going his way he bangs the wiimote on end table until they are totally smashed. It's like it is the wiimotes fault that is causing his inability to get a high score. So we would have to go buy another one. I hate even going down to the family room. It was our pride and joy when we finished it several years ago and now I can hear in my head all the time his banging that poor thing against the end table. So I just keep track of how many wiimotes he destroys or disc and use that money for me!!!

    65 degrees here today and then we plunge!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon!!!
    hugs jane
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sally W in Oregon: Congratulations on your dog earning a UDX title and your successful weight loss! Both achievements took time, energy, and commitment. You're doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday morning, pension and shopping day here.
    As well as Rememberance Day.
    Well my scales say I have LOST 1 pound since yesterday. I knew I would put on some weigh and lose inches as I trained all last week, week 1 of Jeannette's 6 week challenge. Doctor said NO running until New Year so did Wii Gold's boxing instead. I LOVE to box and kick-box. Today it is her Sexy Abs Cardio Sculpt as well as 1 hour walk.
    No bacon left so having Jeannette's buckwheat pancakes with fruit.
    It was really VERY windy yesterday but refused NOT to walk, I was shivering in my shorts and T-shirt and glad to get home. Nice to scale being NICE again
    OK need to check bank now.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Alison, I am going through the same selfishness with my DH. He blew up yesterday because I gave the leftover pizza from Joey Garlic's to my son to take home. Men can be so childish and selfish sometimes. smiley-sad006.gif

    My son mentioned above is going to court on Friday for his resisting arrest stint from a couple of months ago. He says he has been clean for 7 months now. He seemed like himself when he visited so here's hoping. smiley-think005.gif

    Logged my food but went over more days than not last week. Back to gym today. Had a lot of salt so weight up. Depression does that to me. I didn't go too far over. If I did not drink to cope, or emotionally eat I would be in great shape.

    Have to go back to work now. Meeting.

    Rita from CT
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Alison – I am so sorry you are getting the silent treatment, maybe you should turn the tables and not fix his lunch/dinner – we will continue to talk with you!!! You are doing great things and he is acting like he needs to go back to Kindergarten and learn some lessons over.

    Donna – we are all a team, helping each other as we can… I like the walk outside goal! I walk outside every day about 1 hour ==but my motivator has 4 legs and fur!!!

    Heather - what a busy day! You’ll be the hit of the event in your LBD! So glad that the holiday company found your deposit!!

    Katla – I got laughed at when I joined AARP at 50 but 6 years later am still enjoying the good information and occasional discount… I really feel like it has been a good investment.

    Sally – great pictures your pup is beautiful!!

    Liana – welcome!

    Joyce – I am sorry to hear of Charlie’s remote anger issues…..

    I have a girl friend that LOVES to organize things, well with my love of cooking I have a huge spice/herb collection and she has decided that my "stuff it in the cupboard" system was not ok :frowning: so she bought some cupboard organizers and is working on my spices... I love it!! but do find it a bit funny to have someone else organizing my stuff.

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California