
  • hi fellow fitness buffs! i belong in this age group (54yo) and i would like to share experiences as I've led an athletic life these past 5 years since I got into running. Endurance activities (marathons/ultramarathons) are goals that I set every quarter to ensure that I maintain my "economical" weight. Lately, I seem to have plateaued and had to add spice by developing my core and biceps thru weights and workouts. I know I'm a bit of odd-man in my age group but workouts are already a part of my daily routine and I would feel week if I dont have my dose of endorphins on a regular basis. Hope I've touched some sensitive chord among you....happy logging!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Looks like Christopher Banks is getting their winter clothes out for sale now. I also got some 40% coupons in the mail. So now I can get some more sweaters. I bought one earlier and I don't like it. after I bought it and wore it once I realized that I had bought one like it last year in a larger size and it doesn't keep it's fit at all. My sister was really wanting one but the gift certificate and the money she had allotted herself wouldn't allow her to buy it. It doesn't fit like a large at all and it just hangs on me. So I think I will give it to her. I talked to the choir directer about what we should be wearing for our Christmas cantata and she said red, green or white. She couldn't believe it when I told her I don't have clothes in any of those colors. So I will now get me some pretty red sweaters!

    Whew, it's over, votes are counted and now we will see how our country can work with this new change.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    11639 steps by 4.30pm Wednesday.

    Dr well pleased with weight loss.
    New breakfast:
    Cereal plus stewed fruit
    Granary toast + egg + bacon (oh goody bacon again)
    Small green salad
    Lunch is still salad + tinned fish (alternating salmon, tuna and sardines)
    Dinner is meat and steamed veg
    She on holiday now and see her after New Year
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Meg, still thinking of you.

    Not much news here. More annoying work today, but probably also a visit from a friend I haven’t seen in months.

    Haven’t seen the painting guy for several days. He said the painting would be done this week, though, so he’ll have to show up sometime. It’s only a couple of windowsills etc. at this point.

    Go Spot! <3

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • auntyfred
    auntyfred Posts: 63 Member
    Hurrah my bike is repaired.
    My daily step target is 20,000 yesterday I did 22,854
    Weekends tend to be my rest days.

    Meg I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Take care of yourself xx

  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    My bad. I've been MIA from the group for a while. I have elderly parents who have been struggling lately, especially my dad who has had a few falls this past week.

    Seeing as, despite my good intentions, I didn't make much progress ditching my last 3 kilos in October, I will be persevering again this month. I have re-jigged my MFP macros to increase my protein, increase fat a little, and decrease carbs. I'm not carbo-phobic by any means, but I feel fuller with more protein.

    I hope everyone is well, and are enjoying healthy eating. I will catch up on everyone's news tomorrow.


    Deb in Melbourne
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,984 Member
    morning everyone~
    Meg~ so sorry for your loss,you sure are in a pickle your emotions must be every which way.. my sincerest sympathies on the loss of your dad, I lost my mom almost 15 yrs ago and it never easy, but I just remember the wonderful times I got to spend with her.. and grandchildren change your life completely.
    go into work at 10:30 so am getting dressed and will go for a walk, and rake some leaves, I have laundry in and have to get the DH dinner and lunch together..
    I dont know what is with me, I and starved at nighttime now and I eat, the large scrub pants I bought earlier this year are tight, and I will NOT get a larger size, just have to get back into an exercise routine..
    one of the girls I work with his a year younger than me, and we are both at the point that , all this is just getting old,
    she has given up fridays so only works 3 days a week, she makes good money because she is a hygienist, and her husband is a college professor,
    Me ,I keep on going, and going and going, no stopping.. doing doing.. would love to have time to do what I want to do, but we have bills to pay,so if and when we get to retirement, it will be nice.. I have nothing to fall back on,DH has his 401k and investments...
    sorta feel left out in the dark,but know what the DH has he will use for US.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,814 Member
    Meg ... so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Praying too that your daughter's deliver goes well. Hoping you'll find moments of peace (and joy too) in the next few days.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,187 Member
    Good morning all! Day 3, going to try to keep count just for a little while to get back in the routine.

    Meg, OMG!!! As someone else said, your emotions must be going every which way! Once everything is over and settled, you can sort things out again and begin to heal yourself. You need to take care of yourself to get through it all. Remember that!

    I love dogs and enjoy the stories on this thread. I would have adopted Spot too.

    Alison, I am right there with you only I have a small 401K and no investments or savings to speak of. My DH has nothing put away and only his disability coming in each month. If I don't work, bills don't get paid.

    My workout yesterday had me with a trainer. Boy are my elbows sore! Kept waking me up all night! The muscle just behind the elbow is sore and cramps. Otherwise, the rest of my body feels great.

    Well, back to work.

    Prayers to all who need them, encouraging thoughts to all!

    Rita from CT
  • CathyMartin1
    CathyMartin1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am new to mfp and interested in finding some support. I am 51 and need to lose 90 pounds. I have been told by people that because of my age there is not a chance in *&#! I will be able to lose any weight and just learn to live with it. I want to prove them wrong. I need all the help I can get.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 535 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm still getting used to this new system. Today I did lower body strength training and some treadmill. I am doing well at maintaining.

    Welcome to all new ladies!

    Meg, big hugs for you. I'm so sorry about your Dad.

    Alison, I agree with DeeDee about DH.

    Sylvia, beautiful soup bowl! You are so talented. Co graduations on keeping Spot.

    Katie, best wishes being sent to your hubby.

    Here is the latest pic of Brian, if I can figure out this new system.


  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 535 Member
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Weak sunshine here, in the low 60's. DD went to the gym with me this am and ran the track while I was in class........downside was she wanted McDonalds after and of course, I got sucked in.......... She's off to one of her barn jobs shortly for the day. Tonight we have a meeting for one of the volunteer horse support groups.

    Heather..........YAY for your ice blue KitchenAid; I was hoping you'd go with that color. Enjoy!!!

    Sylvia.........Your bowls are gorgeous!

    Cynthia.........Sorry about your mom; hoping she has improved by now and that people on this side of the pond communicate with you more effectively.

    Katla..........Hope your DH is feeling better. Glad you are enjoying your company!

    Rita.........Very nice to see you back!!!

    Cindy..........Love Brian's pic, so alert and intelligent looking! Bet he hangs on your every word.

    Hello and best to everyone!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited November 2014
    Michele, I honestly don't remember seeing the pic of Lexi. Was it after the big switch to the new format? Before I could only post little pictures and now I can post big ones. Too big sometimes.

    Meg, put on your own oxygen mask before you try to help others...

    Heather, I LOVE my kitchenaid! I bet you will too. And Ice blue! <3 Mine is just white and goes with anything, but it's a little boring. Hubby gave me mine for Christmas about 20 years ago and it's still like brand new, even though I use it all the time. I love making french bread in it.

    Cathy Martin, welcome! I'm so glad nobody told me there was no chance I would lose weight after 50. Well, I did have a cardiologist tell me it was guaranteed to come back, but I didn't believe him.

    Cindy, great picture of Brian! I am truly still looking for Spot's real family, but it seems that nobody is looking for him at all. He's all over social media, in the newspaper, stapled to telephone poles, on bulletin boards, posted at vets offices and animal shelters. I think I've done everything humanly possible. It has only been a week though. Still, we are very happy that he's in our little family, even if just for a little while.

    I discovered last night that Spot likes to chase balls. If Molly will let him. All balls automatically belong to Molly, after all. I'll go play with him in the side yard later so she can't get to him. Molly has decided to be the "fun police". When Bruno and Spot are wrestling and rough-housing she will run in and break it up. It's kind of funny.

    I am in a pit of despair over the election. Bad results right down the board. I might as well have stayed home. The future does not look bright for those of us in Kansas.

    Well, have to get busy. Drafting work to do today! At least it pays. Take care everyone!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    A very successful businessman had a meeting with his new son-in-law. I welcome you into the family,” said the man. “To show you how much we care for you, I am making you a 50-50 partner in my business. All you have to do is go to the factory everyday and learn the operation.”

    The son-in-law interrupted. “I hate factories. I can’t stand the noise.” “I see.” replied the father-in-law, “Well, then you’ll work in the office and take charge of some of the operations.” “I hate office work,” said the son-in-law. “I can’t stand being stuck behind a desk.” “Wait a minute,” said the father-in-law. “I just made you half owner of a money-making industry, but you don’t like factories, and won’t work in an office. What am I going to do with you?” “Easy,” said the son-in-law. “Buy me out.”

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Went to the lab,the echo report looks good from what I can read.
    Dr appt fri.
    Thanks for all the well wishes.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sylvia - like the joke!
    - it's a funny thing about the KitchenAid - a few years ago I made exactly the same roulade for a Christmas dinner party and was so proud of it, using a hand mixer. I even took a photo of it with my phone. :tongue: I swear the one I made yesterday is twice the size! ! ! ! All that airy whisking!

    Thoughts are with all the strugglers and the troubled. <3

    Today we made our third attempt to get down to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. I swear it is jinxed as this time the train was delayed by 30 mins because of a power failure! :grumble: Anyway, we made it, on a lovely, cold, blue sky day and went round the Mary Rose, a warship that they lifted from the silt where it had lain for over 500 years. It was Henry VIII's special flagship. 500 men died when it sunk in minutes while the king was watching. So many artefacts as well as the structure. A whole story of Tudor life aboard ship.
    Then we went round Victory, Nelson's flagship and the place where he died at the Battle of Trafalgar.
    Both terrific sights. Our ticket enables us to go back any time in the next year and see the rest of the exhibits, including a submarine, a Victorian iron battleship and a gun ship.
    Good to have a day out and do something completely different.

    Tomorrow I will be making sour dough bread with my KitchenAid. It is already bubbling away in the kitchen.

    I also had a delivery of edible silver leaf to put on my Christmas byriani. :laugh: :tongue:

    Did well on exercise today as I got up up at 6.30 to do my strength training, then did my machines and then did quite a bit of walking and stair scrambling while we were out. 668 cals. Even the Millionaire Shortbread I had at the Mary Rose didn't make too much of a dent in that. Mushroom omelette for dinner. Extra potatoes for DH. Me green beans. <3

    Love to all. Happy Heather in cold Hampshire UK


    Fireworks tonight. I can hear the first ones in the distance. It's Guy Fawkes night, the chap who tried to blow up the king and parliament in the 17th century. People burn his effigy on a bonfire. :ohwell:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon.Can't think of a a thing to write about.Yest we had smoked chicken for supper.We both thought it was dry.When DD gets it out of the smoker,very tender & juicy.Ours had only been froze a couple wks.Bone in chicken breasts.
    Tonight it's smoked pork chops from Fl.DD loves the smoked meat & seafood shop,not far from where she lives & brought us a nice box.....the chops & fish....we all like their smoked fish spread.
    Having salad & creamed broccoli to go with.

    We voted yest at 9 am,only saw one other voter.I agree about political ads.By the time it's over,few ppl care who is elected,as long as the TV ads/ ph calls stop.

    Have Dr appt at 8:15 in the morn.Seems silly just to get mammo appt at the hospital.I would think his office help could take care of that.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Again,my note was cut in 1/2............name included.Iwould think MFP could fix that? grrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Hello Everyone! I signed up on this site over 2 years ago. I never really gave it a good chance-shame on me-and moved on. Not a good idea at all! I still have the same weight issues and I do good some days and awful others. I know I need support, but I also know I have to be willing to accept support, as well as give support. I would say I need to be ready, but to be honest, if I wait for that to happen, it may never come about. So, I believe I just need to take it one day at a time and try not to over think everything.
    My goals are pretty simple this month. I plan on getting out of the house EVERYDAY-which entails getting off my butt and walking. I want to make some new friends, try to be supportive, and keep track of what I eat, my activities, and how I feel. Baby steps!
    I would really appreciate some simple ideas from you all and some new friends. Not only do I need these things, but I want them. I have not read all your post yet, but intend to look them over today. Thank you for sharing and caring about yourselves and others!
