

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Jane - Prayers being sent! Hope the meds work and you feel better soon!

    I have over 10,000 steps today for the first time in almost two months! The heel is talking to me a little, but it's mostly a whimper. I finally feel like I can begin normal walking again and that makes me feel better. It is somewhat offset by having something wrong with my shoulder. I made a movement last Friday with my hands in a "goalpost" position -- nothing drastic or anything -- and, since then, I am having lots of trouble moving my left arm. I see the rheumatologist for a recheck on Friday so I will probably be getting a shot of steroids in the shoulder (we talked about that should bothering me when I was there last month). It is so aggravating because I had just begun a new weight lifting regime.

    I have spent lots of time recently chauffeuring my daughter around since she's still avoiding driving. She still does not have the results of the MRI that was done last Tuesday. I am not a happy camper about that! Today, I took her to see the psychiatrist to get the new meds for migraines started. She was crying when she came out and said that the psychiatrist didn't know anything about the new meds because the neurologist had just referred her for a psych evaluation. Katherine was furious! She is so miserable physically and it is really beginning to take a toll emotionally since her money has pretty much run out and she has been out of work for a month yet is still no closer to an answer.

    I am still working both jobs. The pastor of the second job (the one who told me he was not "putting any skin in the game" regarding the matter of me having work dumped on me at the last minute), has actually volunteered to help me get stuff together for the thing that I told him I didn't have time to do. That made me feel a bit better, but I still feel uneasy about the job.

    In cleaning up and partially packing up my house, I evidently put my extra checks somewhere very safe. You know, the safe place where even you can't remember where it is! I am so frustrated! I typically don't write too many checks except to church so I will probably have to have them sent directly from the bank for the time being. I need to have the job thing settled so that I know whether to proceed with the loan for the townhouse or not. Arrggghhhh!

    As for eating back exercise calories, I eat part of mine. I am set at just over 1400 calories and that is not enough if I am active. I typically don't eat all of them back and I let my Fitbit do all of the calculations for me (meaning I don't enter exercise into MFP). I figure I'm getting more exercise than just the steps so that it works out in the end. When I am able to exercise regularly again, I am going to attempt the TDEE method again which would bump me up to around 2,000 calories per day but no exercise calories.

    Rita - I'm so glad to see you! I hope you are feeling better.

    I am so proud of myself! I made it all the way to November 1 without turning on any heat. Of course, November 1 was when our temps got only to the mid-forties with no sun so I was just lucky.

    I apologize for not responding more individually. Time has been scarce and I've been barely keeping up with the reading. Know that prayers have been said, kudos awarded, and giggles shared as I have read.

    Carol in NC
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone
    For the first time in a long time, I clocked up 18,000 steps (garmin) . I try not to eat my exercise calories back but sometimes do. I was following the 12wbt program which allocated me 1200 calories. I sometimes find it very tough and wonder if that is why I have fallen on the wagon so many times this year - some thinking to do :)

    Hope everyone keeps warm, we are having lovely warm weather here in western Australia. Melbourne Cup is on today, put my $1 bids on in the work sweep

    Trish (Perth)
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” ~ Zig Ziglar

    Hello Friends,
    Happy November. Welcome to all the ne w ladies joining this supportive group. Thank you, Barbie for getting us started with a declaration of your monthly goals. I know how much it helps me to commit my SMART * goals here, so here goes:

    (*) Research natural arthritis pain management.
    (*) Eat slower. Try for 20 chews per bite.
    (*) Continue working out for 50 minutes per day, 6 times per week.
    (*) Once per week, practice my Spanish.
    B) Word for 2014 = Release

    Stay well. Stay strong. I am cheering you on. :D
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    SMART Goals refer to
    S – Specific: Be clear and unambiguous when setting your goal. Don’t leave room for guessing.
    M – Measurable: Set a goal that allows you measurement toward your goals progress.
    A – Attainable: Ask yourself, “Is this realistic and attainable?” If not, back to the drawing board.
    R – Relevant: Create a goal with importance and meaning. Make sure the effort is worth it to you.
    T – Time-bound: Commit to a deadline. Open-ended goals tend to go forgotten.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    myrtfgo wrote: »

    Question on exercise, trying to decide what to do. When you exercise, do you eat those calories back to still hit your minimum intake for the day or not? Marilyn/Mpls MN

    Welcome, Marilyn. There used to be an extensive thread on that topic, written by an expert. I will try to find it. The answer lies somewhere between yes and no (how's that for clarity). If you do tons of exercise and are at your goal weight, people typically eat their exercise calories back. Most of us are not in that category, however and overestimate our calorie burning ability in my opinion. I have heard that MFP often overestimates calories burned.

    Best to you.

    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good news! Spot figured out the doggie door! Hubby had all three in the yard playing when I took DGD to Girl Scouts, then he noticed that Spot was gone. He found him inside on the sofa relaxing. Then after I got home all three went outside. We heard flip-flap, and there was Molly. Another flip-flap and there was Bruno. Then a third flip-flap and there was Spot. Maybe I can sleep tonight knowing he can go out when he needs to.

    Voting tomorrow...yippee! Will be glad when it's over.

    Good night ladies!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did a segment of "10 Minute Butt Lift" DVD, held my plank for 2 min 40 sec (that's 5 seconds more than previously!) then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a downloadable spinning program

    Joyce - I'm so glad things went well with Michelle's bf and you both. It' so neat how Charlie made a turn around regarding him. I also like the fact that he had such good manners. Sounds like someone Michelle deserves. Someone once recommended that when you have pie, not to eat the crust. I tried this and it wasn't that bad.

    Sharon - have fun at the concert! Willpower? What's that? I eat out of boredom, but I do find that if I take healthy snacks with me to the movies, I eat those and don't have the soda and popcorn. What movie did you see?

    Well, I may be in NC, but to me "where's summer?" I've had enough of winter already. I know, I know, it's only November.

    Alison - those political ads will end tomorrow. That's what I keep looking forward to

    cherbrundage- welcome. barbie always says "never, never never give up". I know you're going to fit in so very well. So sorry about your mom.

    Heather - vent away! We're here. You certainly have had a lot on your plate

    Pat - Now I totally understand about the ground beef. I thought maybe you were going to use it in a casserole or something. When my kids were little and we lived in the Poconos, I always had meats in my freezer. Actually, we used a food service. It was so convenient to have things right in the freezer and not have to go out to the store all the time. Sounds like you buy it already vacuume packed. I don't think I can recall any store that does that, you are so lucky.

    Penny - thanks for that listing. I have such a hard time leaving a bit on my plate. I don't have a problem not taking much, but there is just something about my not being able to leave a bit on the plate. I'm sure this is ingrained in me from the "clean your plate" theory. I'd say that for the most part, I do all the other things, but I have the hardest time leaving a bit on my plate. Now if it's something that I don't care for (like a roll), that I wouldn't have a problem leaving. But not some veggies or meat

    Marilyn - I think most people eat back their exercise calories. I really don't. I just find that adding in my exercise (and getting more calories to eat) gives me a false sense of security. If I go over somewhat on the calories for the day, I know deep down inside that I have a "buffer"

    lavagirlangie - welcome! Why not have an appetizer of fresh veggies? I remember one year I made a sweet potato casserole with bananas in it. This year I'm thinking about making a sweet potato casserole (since I'm probably the only one who'll eat it) with merangue on top.

    terri - have a good time at the concert

    Rita - welcome back! You've been missed

    jane - prayers being sent your way

    Carol - I'm so sorry that happened to your daughter.

    Sylvia - good for Spot!

    I don't know what it is, but lately things seem to be getting real hectic. Exercised, then had senior bowling, then came home to fix dinner and bring in 95% of the Halloween decorations. Mahjongg tonight. Tomorrow I'm supposed to volunteer at the Green Room, then I want to do some more of the painting of the ceramic ladybug I got. I don't want to lose my momentum for that. Tonight the gal whose house we were at invited me to her house on Wed at noon to watch the next season of Downtown Abbey (before it comes to the US -- not sure how she gets it, I think her son somehow does). I asked Ken & Lynette over for dinner sometime this weekend and the other day on the weekend I'll take the drive from the gal with the DA episodes and can show it on my TV. I know at least one lady can't go on Wed. afternoon. Then Thurs we're supposed to go out to lunch with the Newcomers and then bowling in the evening. Friday night Vince is going to go to a Lionel train show, don't know if I'll go with him or not -- maybe I'll do the cooking for when Ken & Lynette come here.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Michele – they did have apples to buy, some loose but most in 10lb boxes.. which for a single person is overwhelming.

    Joyce – I am so glad that the meeting went well with Michele’s boyfriend and Charlie… I know you were glad!

    Cherbrundage, Lavagirlangie – welcome

    Heather – my my we could be twins I get in and try to sort things out for others when I see disaster coming too!!! I have a friend who shared a saying with me …and while I can’t remember it completely but the basic was be concerned with world peace, justice, and hunger but let go of everything else….

    Marilyn – great job! 4lbs off!!! I exercise everyday (a dog walk) and most of the time eat under ½ back; but then there are those days when I eat every single one and have to do something more so I stay under!

    Terri – I used to love Kenny Rogers; saw him in concert a number of times he does a great job.

    Kat – could it be the level of activity you have put yourself at? That affects the calorie count….

    Sylvia – LOL on the sod!!!

    Rita – welcome back!!!!
    Yanniejannie – I have transported folks too and no one has ever even suggested that they show that to me… THANK GOODNESS! Oh my – TMI

    Jane (((((((hugs))))))))))))) take care!

    Barb – the D stands for Darling or Dummy or…. Then H is hubby, S is son, D is Daughter, DDIL would be Darling Daughter in Law…. Some times you just guess…

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    Just finished riding the exercise bike for 43 minutes while watching TV and voting for my favorites on DWTS....we'll watch the recording of the show in the mornings...now it's time for bedsmiley-sleep018.gif

    smiley-talk008.gifBarbie from drizzly NW Washington

    My word for 2014 is "mindful"
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: Your eagle photo is fabulous. I see eagles but seldom so close. I’ve never taken a picture of this quality. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I hope tomorrow is easier. :flowerforyou:

    I don’t have the energy to read and respond as I’d like, so I’m going to keep this short. I hope everyone is doing well and this is a good day. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, we can't forget about DGD or DGS. Dear grand son and dear grand daughter. I had always thought of it as dear and didn't even consider it to be darling or dummy.

    Since I am the Queen of Procrastination, I finally called contractors today, water mess was over a week ago. We had gotten 2 from our insurance agent. I have a feeling that they probably have a deal with the insurance company, then two from trusted friends. I was only able to physically talk to 2 of them. One will come out Wednesday for estimate. The other wouldn't even be able to get to us until after the first of the year! OOPS. WE have Thanksgiving and Christmas down in that room that is actively growing mold. I sure hope that the others can get to us earlier. But he said he will give us an estimate anyway just so we can have another one to compare with. He is an old church family friend from my old church I went to. He did some work on the first house we bought right after we were married and the end price ended up to be more than the estimate was. My DH about flew through the roof. He never wanted to see that guy again. So when I told him I was going to call Ron he emphatically said no. I reminded him of all those shows on HGTV and how they fix up old houses the end price is more because you never know what is behind the walls, roof, etc. His reply was that once a crook, always a crook. So I asked him if he didn't believe people can change for the better. Nope, doesn't happen. So I reminded him of some of the things he did as a younger man, not teenager type age but a man in his 20s and 30s. He saw my point there. He did make some mistakes and has learned and became a better man. So I guess I'm kind of glad that we can not give the job to Ron because Charlie will always be questioning him. For one thing, he is always leary of 'Christians' doing work for us.

    18 hours from now, no political ads

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Long day, I blame it on the time change and the weather. Today everything that could ache did. Now it looks like DGD who lives in my house may have strep and has the rash for scarlet fever. Back to the doctor for her and hoping I don't get it.
    Cherbund- Sorry for the loss of your Mom. It doesn't seem to matter how old you are losing your Mom is one of the hardest things ever.
    Barbie - I think I'll try to adopt your friend's "That's not my food". I'm always afraid of offending someone but really if it is about my health that shouldn't be an issue.
    Terri- Thanks for the suggestion about the popcorn, I will try that. Enjoy Kenny Rogers. I saw him perform with Dolly Parton years ago. Talk about entertainers!
    Yannijannie - Have a number of colonoscopies and have never shown anyone. My DH on the other hand likes to share.
    Michele - We enjoyed the concert. The movie we went to was the "The Judge"
    Hard to go wrong with Robert Duvall and Robert Downie Jr.

    More appointments after work tomorrow. I hope I feel good enough to put in some exercise time. Also hoping the snow will be gone for a few days.
    Good night all

    Sharon, Alberta
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Jane: goodness; take care of yourself!

    Carol: glad to see you. Good luck with all of your frustrations.

    Tori: if you find anything interesting about natural arthritis pain management, you know where to find me. ;)

    Sylvia: yay for Spot! He's doing great!

    Margaret: amazing eagle photo.

    Doing some annoying work today. Have to do a conference call later on. In the meantime try to clean up a bit here and there (stuff is still all over the house because of the renovations).

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Got to go to yoga so no time but wanted to say

    HAPPY 30TH ANNIVERSARY, VICKI . :flowerforyou: :drinker: (*) <3

    Heather UK
  • auntyfred
    auntyfred Posts: 63 Member
    Good morning from Nottingham in the UK, yep the very same Robin Hood/Sherwood Forest Nottingham. I'm 57 and very active.
    I cycle around 500 miles a month however bike currently needing repairs so using the car for the next couple of days.
    I ride my horse around 5 times a week plus all the walking/heavy work that goes with keeping a horse.
    Five times a week I work out for about 40 mins.
    Twice a week I have a personal trainer.
    Three times a week I go running/walking for 30 mins.

    End of Nov we are going away on a hiking holiday for a few days. This is the place where I said earlier (pre-mfp) in the year "I think my hiking days are over", looking forward to seeing how I get on this time.

    My goal is to lose 7lb this month.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies`
    the DH got cranky with me last night, I got home early ,threw a load of laundry in and then he told me to order the orthodic's for his shoes, I ordered myself a pair, well he ran over to Walmart after I got home to get Chester's meds, and I should have taken the dogs for a walk, but I had put my jammies on..so when he got home, I was on the computer ordering the orthodic's, and he flipped out on me and started yelling because I didnt take the dogs for a walk.. needless to say I slept in the other room, then I told him they sent him the e-mail for the receipt for the orthodic's, then he yells at me from his office, and said you ordered yourself some too?I had texted him this afternoon when he said to order them and he never got back to be, so it was another fight about that.
    I got the cash and left it on his desk,because I dont want to hear it...
    This is his first time wearing them, I have been wearing them for a few years...
    I told him you have to change them every 4-6 months depending on how much your on your feet, and I was waaaaaay overdue..
    Carol- has your daughter ever thought about maybe seeing a naturalpath,or a kenetosist?(sp) sometimes it can be food or something with your body that traditional Drs dont understand. just a thought...
  • traveler61
    traveler61 Posts: 8 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Hope everyone is doing ok.

    Was skimming through the posts, how do you all get so many steps in? Yesterday was a good day for me and I was still under 8000 steps. That was with 45 mins on the treadmill and going to Walmart last nite. Jayna - over 11 miles in one day?
  • traveler61
    traveler61 Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry meant to add this to the end of my post

    Mary - WV
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new! It`s so nice to see so many new ladies joining this wonderful group of women!

    Margaret :) I love the eagle photo! He or she looks so majestic <3 !

    Joyce :) I`m so glad things went well with the boyfriend! I am tired of the political ads too :frowning: ! I think you have a great plan for holiday eating, if it`s nothing special, skip it!

    Pat :) Thanks for the link to the recipes!!!

    Terri :) Hope you enjoy the Kenny Rogers concert, I got to meet him once, what a sweetheart <3 !!!

    Rita :) So nice to see you again!

    Sylvia :) Sounds like you are the proud mom of 3 dogs now!

    Vicki :) Happy (belated) anniversary :flowerforyou:!!!!

    Yanniejannie :) I took my brother for his colonoscopie a week or so ago, he felt compelled to show me the pics of 4 tiny polyps they found…just yuck :sick:! Good for you speaking up about the service and getting a month free of premium channels!!!

    Jane Martin :) Prayers being sent <3 !

    Barb :) DSIL, could mean… dear son in law or dear sister in law, I can usually figure it out from the content of the post. Sometimes with all the abbreviations it gets confusing! NSV means non scale victory, like clothes fitting better, or inches lost, or someone compliments you, etc. etc.! Good for you realizing that you`re making more good choices than bad!

    Carol :) Wow, can`t believe your daughter hasn`t heard from the MRI yet, I would be furious too :mad:!!! I`ve put things in that “safe” place too, they`re still safe, no one has found them, including me :laugh:. I finally turned my heat on Nov.1st too, it was just too cold in the house, couldn`t stand it any longer!

    Rori :) Love your SMART goals!!!

    Michele :) I`m missing summer too…. :cry: !!!!

    Katla :) Is your daughter and grandchildren still at your house? Sounds like you had a wonderful Halloween with them! How is DH`s back?

    Sharon :) I don`t like the time change, I just call it “dark thirty” , I was ready to go bed last night at 7:30…! Hope your granddaughter feels better soon!

    Cynthia :) Love the backpack for your friends son! How did he like it? I do annoying work everyday! How are the renovations going? My landscaper finally got in touch with me and they will be planting the week before Thanksgiving, I thought it was going to be done in Oct. The sound system equipment has been ordered but hasn`t come in yet. I`m hoping to be totally finished before Christmas!

    Alison :) I think the D in front of your H should not be dear, or darling :mad:!

    It`s 7am already…where does the time go?

    Have a wonderful day ladies!

    DeeDee in chilly but clear NC
  • PennyGK
    PennyGK Posts: 5 Member
    Good morning all - it's a new day! Loving my new exercise routine - only been two days but some intense cardio is exactly what I needed to jump start my brain! Dogs don't seem to mind the shorter walks . .it's all good.

    Michele - I hear you about leaving a bit on our plates. You are so correct when you mentioned the mentality of "cleaning your plate", a very hard habit to get out of . . .it takes 21 days to form a habit . . .I'm still working on it myself.

    Rori - thanks for the info on the SMART goals. Goals really need to be set up to help us succeed. This info is very helpful!

    Everyone have a wonderful day and remember--Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!

    Penny in Connecticut
  • myrtfgo
    Good Morning all....
    Off to vote after cleaning up a bit.

    Thanks to all who gave their experience on eating the exercise calories. I will record them on site, but not typically try to eat them. Then I think as one said, if I do, I know I have that buffer. Not eating htem typically, makes me feel even more successful!

    If I had the time (out of my work day), I'd walk over to the polling place. That'd be sweet! But sadly I don't

    Eating out tonight with a friend, then a movie. Looked at the menu already and am prepared. I might have to add some extra protein either before or after.

    Sunny, 50s in Minneapolis today. We best enjoy it, I heard a chance of snow this weekend.

    Wise choices today for all!