

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    smiley-bounce017.gifWe're at the end of the best Thanksgiving Day ever.....we don't say that every year, but we have had some great days. Our one guest was great....she brought snacks to eat during the first movie (pecans, gummy bears, wasabi peas), cranberry sauce made with apple juice concentrate and no sugar, and two pecan pies (one for dinner and one as a gift for Jake). I served turkey that was left over from the turkey cooked at the beginning of the month, baked sweet potatoes (butter, smart balance, and brown sugar for others to add), gravy, steamed green beans, steamed cauliflower, and green olives. I ate turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and veggies with no butter or gravy. When the others ate their pie, I ate the rest of the veggies. We watched a second movie after dinner. I rode the exercise bike and knitted for most of the time during the movies. We took several breaks for Jake to walk the dogs. At dinner we talked about the gratitude quotes I printed and put on the table. There was no talk of politics, sadness, indignation, or anything negative. Jake will cut up his pie and freeze it in pieces so he can have it as a treat in the future.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I hope everyone had a good day, or at least good in the way you chose it to be. As I have said, I eat in moderation and for Thanksgiving I do want a traditional meal and I will also have one for Christmas. Thee were several foods I did not eat at all. But there were also foods that I ate very small portions, my sis bought a small pecan pie at Walmart and I took a very small sliver of that with a little bit of cool whip. That was my desert. Besides my bedtime snack and some carrots an apple I met my calories. It was just in one meal. There just 11 people in comparison to 30 at Christmas and Michelle bought a 20 pound turkey!
    I have one brother who lives in northern Kentucky who was on call tonight at his Hospice he is a chaplain at and his daughter in law is due Dec 10 so it wasn't safe for her to come. My other brother lives in Alabama and is never able to come here for Thanksgiving but sister in law is from northern Ky. That's where my brothers met their wives. She goes there every year for Thanksgiving. So they were together last night. I am so, so glad they were able to eat Thanksgiving meal together even if it was at Joes crab Shack! Mom sure would have loved it. Funny how I think of what Mom would have loved right now. I guess it's the holidays. But it was mainly because of Mom that it was so important that we had the grand daughters birthdays up here. And boy did she love the holidays. Holidays were a family time, whether we had much money or not. If we were together we were rich. Ellie loved her dress I bought her. She immediately put it on and then wore it the rest of the evening. My daughter doesn't mind at all that what ever they were during the day they wear it to bed. So she was going to wear this $100 outfit to bed. I had talked to Christina about it earlier in the day and was glad that she told her no.

    Christina and her hubbie are meeting with Michelle and new boyfriend for a late movie and we have the grand kids. Glad they went to sleep with out incident. I hate being the heavy with my grand kids but I will do it. I know Ellie responds very well to 'don;t make me count to 3'. Of coruse I never know what happens after 3 but after 2 she always does what you say after 2.

    Don't know what is going to happen in the future but Walmart had a Black Friday for a 7 in RCA tablet for $29 and $39 on line. My brother in law told me to face book their daughter and buy it and put it on his charge card which she has. My sister knows nothing at all about working any kind of computer. She will be calling me so many times that she can't turn it on, can't send a message to some one. Her main reasons to wanting a tablet is so she can have face book for 2 people only, their daughter and one of our cousins. Her daughter really doesn't want her on face book. I have asked her daughter if I could set up an appointment to set up a skype and she wants nothing to do with that. She is comfortable coming home about 3 times a year. She lives in Arkansas. Might be a disaster that they will have to work out within themselves.

    Sounds like most of us had a good day. So sorry to the family problems many are having. It would be wonderful if at least get along for a holiday.

    Love you guys, Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh, oh, oh. I forgot to mention us all putting our Christmas tree up tonight. We already had the tree set up in the corner it will be in. We have an electric fireplace. It's one with a good size mantel for a nativity scene and hanging stockings. I didn't know my sister would want to stay and help. She and Mom were the preschool teachers in our family. Norma had a bachelors and a masters and worked quite a few years. Mom just had common sense. But she is seriously jealous of my kids and grand daughters. She also has two children. A son who lives about 10 miles away and is always with us for holidays. Their child is 18 and getting ready to head of to college next fall. But Norma and hubbies relationship with them is that if they want to talk to us, they know our number. Their son says the exact same thing. So therefore no one talks. But then they both complain that they don't talk. She is a juvenile diabetic and about died having their one son. Now their daughter is a different story. She lives in Arkansas, has said she will never ever have children because she never wants to have a vaginal exam. This child is 35. I don't know what will happen if she ever needs a mammogram. So they have no children. But my daughters and grand daughters love her to pieces. So Trinity, oldest DGD , Michelle and I worked on the tree, Norma and Ellie. youngest DGD worked on the mantel and anything else that could be done from the floor. By the evening she was pretty well shot, in need of her pain medicine. She uses a mobility scooter most of the time but was trying to be normal. Plus mobility scooters just don't go up and down our stairs! So she went home with lots of memories. This year Ellie picked the angel for the top and put it on. Next year it is Trinities turn. Ellie picked the one I don't like, it is much more childlike but she is only 8 so that is OK. But I think I will keep this tradition!

    Joyce, indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just four words: man with a cold! >:)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    grrrrr hit the wrong button and poof everything was gone..
    yesterday was nice ,everything went well, at a little bit of everything but just a spoonful,did cave and have a piece of vanilla mousse cheesecake
    Tom and I will hit one Black friday sale and it is to Petsmart lol. first 100 customers get a stocking with goodies for the dogs... we are just going up to get treats...
    im disgusted with myself I have gained back about 15 lbs because I havent been dillagent on logging and have been eating some un authorized bad stuff...
    have a busy next couple of weeks, have a kidney ultrasound on thursday and have to drop Homer at the groomers, then the thursday after that a physical .. not looking forward to that ,but oh well..
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Friday. Hope you all enjoied your Thanksgiving. I had a very nice time with family and our DSIL did all the cooking and cleaning up afterwards. He does not like having anyone in his kitchen. Worked for me. I did eat to much, but did not go overboard to much. Thats a win for me. Today I am working till noon and then going to stop at Gorman's as they are to have some boots on sale today till 1pm. I figure if they still have some fine, if not I will keep looking. It is to be in the 60's today and tomorrow, so plan for tomorrow since both DH and I are off is get things put up outside.

    Meg--glad to see you post. Sounds like baby is doing better, That is great. Sounds like on Sunday we are to get the cold again.

    Allison--Glad to hear DFIL is slowing coming back. Toby is feeling better, I admit it was scared. Go easy on yourself, you have been dealing with alot of stress and the important thing is you are not giving up.

    Heather--Sending prayers to DH and the baby and family. What a mess! I always think using a child to hurt the other parent is so wrong. DH's last wife tired to us the kids and DH would not give in and we ended up in court alot. But in the end it was better as she learned. Now the kids are grown and admit their mother still has issues.

    Michelle--Sorry to hear family issues with Thanksgiving dinner. Sometimes I wish our children were still young enough to send to their rooms when they are being brats. Hugs to both you and Jess.

    Sylvia--Great news DH is coming around with Spot. He reminds me of my DH he can sound so tough, but is just a softie and the grandchildren and our furbabies know it. Glad your day went well. I love sweet potatoes and only use alittle butter.

    Thanks for all the concerns for Toby, he seems to be better, just he has never done that before and most the time he is a loner. I did give him some cuddle time when I got home from work Wednesday.

    Cynthia--I am having out of control eating in the evenings and not sure why. Seems I don't think about it until after I have pigged out and then I just feel terrible. But not letting myself give up.

    Yanniejannie--Sorry to hear about upset parnets, they sure are not teaching thier children postive actions. So nice of you to do all that work.

    barbie--Sounds like a prefect day!

    Joyce--What great memories were made. I have things lined up so us and the DGC this year. Makes the season mean so much more and trying to show them it is not all about gifts.
    Ladies I am so Thankful for each of you and the support you give. Please take care and know that it is one day at a time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Wonderful Thanksgiving at our house yesterday. Just a few of us but it was delicious and pretty stress free. We put up our Christmas tree last night. I'm moving away from my traditional décor and trying white and silver on our real tree. It is kind of bare right now so I will gather up some ornaments over the coming days and try to fill it in. I'm trying to convince the hubs that a white feather boa would be fantastic! (He's not buying it at this point).

    A local family adopted my Army son yesterday for which I'm thankful. First holiday away from home for him.

    No black Friday shopping for me today. I'm working and besides don't enjoy the crowds. Hubs however is out with the masses and loving it.

    We start birthday palooza today. 3 birthdays in 8 days. Hubs today, son 1 on Dec 2, and son 2 on Dec 6. Sugar Free peanut butter pie for the Hubs party tonight.

    Love and encouragement to you all.

    Diana in Indiana
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    DH and I were alone for Thanksgiving yesterday. That was new! Neither of us were feeling well so we opted out of family time. We just didn't want to get anyone sick and frankly we needed the rest. I cooked a rolled turkey breast in the slow cooker and we had green beans. No traditional Thanksgiving feast. I knew if I cooked it, I would eat it, plus have leftovers for days that I would eat. After lunch, we hit the computers and I honestly worked buying things online until 2 am this morning. I literally forgot to eat for the rest of the day. Not a good thing, but I'll live! I have to say both DH and I enjoyed the solitude. It's a long story, but not terribly long ago we had my DD#3 and her family living with us plus one of her friend's and their family. We had 12 people living in my 1500 sq ft house for a couple of months, so I didn't mind the break! LOL!

    Well, off to do more shopping online and pick up stuff we had delivered to a local store. I'm hoping to get all of my Christmas shopping completed today. Wishing you all a fabulous day!

    Barb from South Louisiana
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi everyone, long time no see! Hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving.

    Thanks to yanniejannie for informing me that someone here was asking about my 10 year old great-niece Mariah recently. For those of you who don't know, Mariah had a brain tumor removed earlier this year and has been going through radiation & chemo ever since. Here's the latest update from Mariah's mom, written at the beginning of November. I do apologize for not keeping you updated on a more regular basis!! I have a cute pic to post, if I can remember how to do it. :) xo

    Dear friends and loved ones:

    This past month since getting home has been a trying one to say the least. Mariah had her latest chemo on October 16th. It was given in the port on her head, the port in her chest and she was also given oral chemo to take for the next 5 days at home. When she receives chemo through the port on her head, she immediately becomes very sick--this time in the bathroom and throwing up for several hours afterwards--regardless of preparing with several anti-nausea drugs. We had thought that this cycle would be slightly easier for her since it was outpatient, however we quickly realized how hard she had been hit. With the type of tumor Mariah had--AT/RT--it is necessary to combat the cancerous cells in as many ways as possible. For that reason, the direct chemo to her brain is done every month or two. This is alternated with the direct chemo that is put in her spinal fluid when she has a spinal tap to check for cancerous cells in the spinal fluid. This is done about every month or two as well. So far, (thanks be to God), Mariah has always had a negative spinal tap.
    After finishing her chemo cycle Mariah has slowly started to return to her "normal". As of right now, her nausea is better and she has lots of smiles--which seem to disappear every time she has her chemo.

    This month has been a trying one also in terms of some planning and decisions. As of last week, we have decided to no longer continue school. We have tried to manage this with the home bound school teacher for a couple months and we have found it next to impossible right now for Mariah to do any school work. She is simply too tired, too weak and has had trouble remembering things. We have her starting Speech, Occupational and Physical therapy this past month. It is hard to believe how much movement she has lost due to her chemotherapy and lack of physical activity. This is a vital part of her overcoming this ordeal and we have to keep working both during therapy and at home to make sure she retains as much movement as possible. We have also adjusted the feeds that she is receiving through her G-tube at night. We now have her on a higher calorie supplement in an attempt to keep her weight loss to a minimum as well as help her gain some weight back.

    We look ahead to a chemo free next three weeks--thankfully. Mariah does not have to go back to clinic for chemo until November 18th. We pray that this won't be such a hard hit for her. I am signed up to run/walk the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation 8K on Nov 8th......in an attempt to raise money and awareness for a foundation that helps families such as ours. Lots of fun things to look forward to in the future....praise GOD.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited November 2014
    Here's Mariah in her new jammies!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings to all this Black Friday! I am home with the doors barred LOL! I’ll be watching the sad NE football team probably lose this game then working on the book and I’ll get a walk in and some elliptical time too. We had a wonderful day yesterday with our friends; Tanya, Dalton, and baby Nikita came over a bit later and had leftovers. Now today the sun is shining and it’s going to be in the 50s…hooray!

    Margaret: I love playing scrabble. DH has dyslexia though so he’s not a good partner! LOL

    Yanniejannie: isn’t it odd that some people find fault in everything,,,big or little, you’d think people would understand that mistakes happen!

    Sylvia: hilarious joke. I make my mashed sweet potatoes with bourbon. Everyone loves them LOL wonder why?

    Barbie: what a nice day you had

    Joyce: I can’t imagine being 35 and never having a vaginal exam!

    Alison: this time of year is dreadful for putting on weight. You are so dedicated that I am sure it will be gone quickly once you get back on track with all that “unauthorized food” That made me think of my dad; he was a diabetic and about once a month we brought him “illegal donuts”. What the heck….he couldn’t even turn himself over in bed; what’s an illegal donut once in a while.

    Vicki: sounds like you had a great day. We will still be warm on Saturday but Sunday is a different story!

    Barb: it is quite the challenge to figure out what to do with all those leftovers, isn’t it? I started my turkey soup last night because I couldn’t find a container for the carcass!

    Jb: I have been wondering about little Mariah. Sounds like she is a real trouper. I admire her family and her for all they are having to adapt to and sounds like they are making very wise decisions. Those jammies are just hilarious and if you didn’t know how sick she is, you’d never guess. What a dolly! I wish nothing but blessings on her and her family.

    Well the game is on in a couple of minutes, so I’m off. Take care all, meg from sunny (for now) Omaha.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    JB: what is that "pumpkin pie" on your dog's head made of? That is crazy cute!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »
    JB: what is that "pumpkin pie" on your dog's head made of? That is crazy cute!
    I don't know, Meg, it must be cardboard?? It's just a pic I found while looking up "dogs in turkey costumes" LOL

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    JB: so cute, both Mariah and the dog with the pie on his head! Hope Mariah is through the chemo soon. Sounds pretty tough. :flowerforyou:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Jb ... I was the one who asked about Mariah ... But had her name mixed up! That photo is amazing given the horror she is going through! What an amazing little girl...

    Typing on my iPad in the car so will post more later.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Mariah is adorable. and praying that that chemo just blasts that nasty cancer away..
    well we did do some shopping.. but it wasnt horrible...
    went to Petsmart at 7 am, got both puppies a free pet christmas stocking with treats inside and spend almost 40.00 on treats, but they were all 1/2 price.. so they should be set for close to 4 -5 months , we had a laugh on the way home.Tom said Chester would probably make those last a week :D
    then we went to Bobs stores I had a 10.00 check and 30% off coupon, so the DH got not one but 2 pair of sneakers, i showed him the ropes on how to save, so one pair was 19.17 , the other was 29.00. both without coupon were 40.00, so he is set for the year..
    from there we came home had a cup of tea, took the electric car off to Walmart... now I figured it would be crazy.. we park in the garden center, and I go in and out that way... they had HUGE box (50 piece) Russell Stover candy for 10.00. bought 3.. got a 20.00 gc from work so used that.
    2 of those will go to the convelecent home to each wing for the employee's, the third one will go to my girls at work.. will bring it the last day of work before we leave for all of them to enjoy...
    we did go visit DFIL this morning, still quite sleepy,but slowly coming around.. just hope it is before we go to Florida
    .. just hanging out for the rest of the day.. sooo nice to relax
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Jb thank you for the up date on Mariah, she is a beautiful and strong little girl, who will continue to be on my prayer list.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Boy was I tired after all the cooking.Today is gonna be a rest day.
    Work on some cards for kids.
    hugs jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    Stats, long version. I wanted to ride to work today but it is just crazy raining!
    Ski machine- 35 minutes, level 3-5 incline, 20-40 resistance 1.77 miles
    Jump Rope fast- 10 minutes
    I backed oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (don't like raisins) 70 cal. A piece, not bad. A neighbor brought me a turkey dinner plate last night, that was sweet of her.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday.

    DH and I hit Big Lots at 7am Thursday for deals and coupons while his turkey cooked. Then the 4 of us had Thanksgiving dinner together ( I went for quality of food). Then we drove around Milwaukee to look at all the people in line at Walmart, Best Buy, etc. DH dropped me off at OfficeMax so I was #4 in line for a $49 laptop and $89 tablet.

    Today DS and I went to weight lifting and my favorite Greek store for vegetables, now he wants me to take him bowling, so I will post again later.

    Hugs to all ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee