

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Vicki: how’s Toby? If it were my dog I’d say he had to go out or he feels you are leaving. How is it today?

    Meg: good job by DH and glad it worked out. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!

    Jane: how are you doing?

    Heather: wishing your family the best.

    Barbie: you too!

    Michele: {hug}

    Sylvia: good Spot news!

    Kim: that cataloging of cemeteries is volunteer work for the Find-A-Grave site. I noticed how happy I was to find information while working on my own genealogy, and decided to “pay it forward”.

    Carol: {hug}

    May have hit an all-time low yesterday: I ate so much in the evening I had to sleep in the chair the first three hours of the night. It was too uncomfortable to lie down. Still struggling with the evenings; the days are mostly OK. Trying to figure out why I'm backsliding so much, unless it's just stress.

    Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating and hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate!!! Happy Thursday to everyone!

    I'm very grateful for all of you beautiful women! Even though I don't post very often anymore I wish you all the very best everyday! You're always in my thoughts <3

    DeeDee in chilly NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    a quick good morning and Happy Thanksgiving..
    we had some heavy wet stuff, but it has stopped now..and it was only a few inches...
    dont know if it was the shoveling or what but kidneys really bothering me..
    hubby will do the shoveling.. I will be doing cooking..
    I am taking it easy today, we will go see DFIL and hope he is a bit better today..
    I hope everyone has a wonderful safe and Happy Holiday..enjoy your family and friends..
    I am thankful for all you wonderful ladies , couldnt ask for better friends... love each and every one of you <3
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. Happy thanksgiving! I hope everyone gets to enjoy their day with those they love.

    The dogs woke me up at 6:00 this morning, even though I intended to sleep later. I swear Bruno could be an alarm clock. I always try to hustle them out and close the door so hubby doesn't wake up. About 8:30 last night I had chest pains so severe that I took a nitro and sat for a while till it passed, then went to bed early. Therefore, I didn't get a lot done last night, so have to make up for it this morning. The kids will be here about noon and I'm planning to have the big meal about 2:00. There is a giant bowl of fruit for the kids to eat before, if they are hungry. We only have one oven, so it's a little bit of a challenge to try to get everything done at once. I told hubby that when we remodeled last year we should have put in double ovens.

    The scale had been up for a couple of days, but this morning was back down again. Just in time for turkey day. I'm planning to eat a little turkey, some mashed sweet potatoes with orange-ginger gravy (low salt) and fruit. I will allow myself one small piece of pie, but no more. Hopefully that won't put me too far over for the day. I'm NOT going to eat stuffing, scalloped potatoes, turkey gravy, green bean casserole, or bread. It's such a shame to have to make the good stuff but not get to eat it. Oh well.

    Kim, I quit caffeine more than 30 years ago after having a raging soft drink addiction. Also cold turkey. It's really hard but worth the pain. Now, like you, I just have an occasional bit of chocolate. But I still dream of Diet Pepsi.

    Michele, I'm glad Vince is going to pick her up. Sounds like a good option, if she won't come any other way.

    Bye everybody! Have a great day!


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good Morning,

    emoticon-char-005.gif Happy Thanksgiving to all! May you feel like dancing like a Ninja turtle because of your blessings.

    Counting my blessings:
    Available Healthy Food

    I did decide on a Health Insurance. I decided on a bit pricier plan. I am healthy now. After watching what family and friends are going through I realize I am one fall away from major medical bills. I also picked the one that has the highest rating from Consumer Reports. When you are in crisis you want an insurance that is going to give you the least hassle.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Sylvia~ I to cut out soda cold turkey... I was a diet pepsi fan myself.. my father harped on me to not drink it.. but I didnt listen to him... I listen to me.. it is all chemicals that make it taste good, and does major major damage to your body.. my downfall now is tea... I drink any kind ,alot of herbal.. so it does count towards my liquid intake :D
    have most of the sides done, have an almost 8 lb turkey breast I will put in the oven as soon as we get back from seeing my DFIL, then will keep it warm in chicken broth. and cook off the sides.. the pie and cheesecake are done..
    and DH did both of the driveways so all in all ,so far so good. I usually watch the parade, Holiday tradition dontcha ya know.. but have been to busy...
    well ta ta for now... and everyone enjoy the holiday xoxoxoxox
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of Jari Love's Ripped and Chiseled DVD today. Don't know what type of exercise tomorrow will bring since I'll be in VA, but I'll do something. Stay tuned to find out what......

    sbRaza - welcome, I like your attitude

    Kim - trust me, continue doing your plank and you'll be surprised at how long you can hold it. I think the first time I did HIIT, I thought for sure I was going to die, and I only did it for 15 minutes. Now I can go for an hour and I'm working on reducing the amount of time that I need for recovery. It's just lately that I've gone (on my plank) and added an extra 5 seconds. I think the first time I did it, I only did it for a minute. Keep it up, and you'll be adding time in no time at all

    Cynthia - that is so nice of you to do the cataloging of the cemeteries

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates. I am thankful for for all you ladies, too. So many of you know the feelings that I'm going thru

    Sylvia - what I do is use one of those counter top ovens for the turkey and then there seems to be enough room in the oven for the pies/caseroles. Admitted, I only use this countertop oven once/year, but it's so worth it. As far as Denise is concerned, it just really hurts me that they feel that we "should" do this and that "we should understand". but at the same time, Jess is really hurting and for Denise not to be there would only hurt her more.

    Going to post this now, we'll probably be on the way in a bit.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    Good afternoon from the UK on a damp day.

    Counting my blessings I have not got to cook for a festival today. :flowerforyou:

    We have just finished clearing the books from the bedroom. We now have piles to keep in the study and my bathroom, piles to give away in the hall and boxes of poetry and plays in the loft, which we will probably never look at again, but don't want to give away. Too many books! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :sad:

    DH was coughing with the dust so we have retreated for now. Drawer sorting and furniture shifting on Sunday. Tomorrow we are going up to London to see the grandchildren. I am a bit achey and prickly around the eyes and my nose is tickling, but I feel better in myself, so I guess my aches and pains were just a cold trying to come out.

    I'm making it easy on myself tonight with previously frozen dinner of meatballs and tomato sauce. Shiritaki noodles for me. Hope I can keep my calories down tomorrow. We usually grab a sandwich at the station on the way there, have a light mid afternoon snack and then buy a supper at the station on the way home that we can eat on the train. Usually I get something with prawns and a couscous salad. A tiny bottle of wine usually gets on the train with me! ! ! :embarassed: We are coming home earlier than usual as DH has football the next day and I have the party.
    Got to set the alarm to have time to exercise and do hair, makeup etc.

    Love to all. Thinking of you today. :love:

    Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi ladies, just a quick jump in to say Happy Thansgiving,
    I am thankful that in Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in October so close to Christmas now don't know how you can get that much energy for 2 big celebrations, enjoy your day.
    Greetings to everyone new and enjoy your weekend!
    Doing better here sister is improving everyday, at least I am getting lots of steps in everyday as she is a bit of a princess........lol
    take care and safe travels
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone who celebrates! Hello to all!

    I've been enjoying the parade while I multitask. I decided to take my veggie casserole per everybody's request PLUS make 2 healthier sides - a cabbage/pineapple slaw with 1/2 the Green Goddess dressing and mashed cauliflower. Our dinner is at 5:00 at my DDIL's cousin's home. This couple has tried for more than 10 years to conceive and she is pregnant (due in January). All of us are so excited for them. They call their little one "Blueberry" because they don't want to know the sex. I'm taking a cute stuffed toy for Blueberry instead of a traditional hostess gift or bottle of wine. It will be great to see extended in-law family and spend time with DS David, DDIL Maggie, and DGS Daniel (soon to be 14). My DH's son lives about 30 miles away but they always do their own thing. We've just accepted that and are glad to see them whenever they're not "busy". We tend to be a bit of a dysfunctional blended family.

    Hope you all have a very blessed day!
    Toni from Tennessee
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi ladies,
    No big feast for me today. Just a small(3oz) rib eye steak and half a king crab leg with a bunch of vegies. My kind of dinner. watching football and enjoying the down time with my DH.

    Enjoy your Thursday all.
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    foggy PNW
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving. I count you all as one of my great blessings!

    Michele so sorry the holidays aren't working out; families have a way of being at the worst or best on those days. Can the silly dog come to your house? :o

    Well anyway, enjoy the day whether you celebrate or not! xo Meg from Omaha
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates! To those who don’t, I hope you have a Happy Thursday! I don't often have the opportunity to respond to everyone, but today since I don't have to work or cook a large Thanksgiving dinner, I wanted to say hello to many of you. If I've left anyone out, I apologize. I am very thankful for each and everyone of you on this site and your constant support of all of us who are new and of each other. You are truly a blessing in my life. Hugs for all of you!

    Sweetandsassyfied: I love the trees. I’m going to save pictures so I can make them later.
    Leslie: You are doing such a great job. Congratulations!

    SbRaza: Plantar Fascitis really hurts. Hope you find some relief soon. Have you seen someone who can help you with it? I suffered from it really bad several years ago. Fortunately, I’m ok now.

    GodMomKim: I’m laughing about your plank entry! For a few weeks, some of us would call one another at work and do five minutes of exercises while listening to music. One of my co-workers and I would do the exercises together. They kept talking about planking, so I had her show me what it was and I tried it. We laughed until we almost cried about how hard it was to do. I think your 3 seconds was better than my try! LOL!
    You know, I’ve heard about caffeine affecting breast tissue, but I’ve never heard of how much it affected you. Wow! I’ll have to keep that story in mind!

    Heather: I’ve been following your stories and enjoying them very much! I will never get the chance to travel, so I have always loved listening to people tell me about other areas. Maybe that’s why I enjoy this group so much. There are people from everywhere on here. I just love it. You look so wonderful in you LBD and I laughed so hard at your description about what it takes to look so good and why young people have so much more time on their hands. Have fun in London with the grandchildren!

    Cynthia: I think the work you do is amazing, cataloging graveyards. I hadn’t previously heard of the work. That is truly awesome! I wonder if anyone does that around here.
    I was having a really rough time in the evenings, too. The crazy thing is that I wasn’t even hungry on my way home, but when I hit the door, I just had to eat. I would eat something and then it just didn’t satisfy me, so I’d eat more. I still have the issue, but I think when it hits me I’m making choices that are a little better. Recently, I just grabbed some celery and some of the calorie free dressing from Walden Farms. I’ve been drinking hot tea in the evening as well (caffeine free) and that’s been helping as well. I can definitely sympathize because it’s really hard when you can’t find the food that seems to satisfy that “hunger.” Just know that we are here for you and really care about you!

    DeeDee: Good to hear from you!

    Alison: You are such an inspiration! It amazes me how devoted you are to your DFIL. I really admire your strength in your marriage and all that you do for your family and your community. I have no doubt that you will have a special crown in heaven some day! God bless you!

    Sylvia: I have a lot of admiration for you as well. How bad is your heart issue? That chest pain concerns me, but I’m glad that it subsided with the Nitro. I’ve been reading that you are eating low sodium and I was wondering why. Prayers going out to you.

    NMMargaret: I’m glad that you were able to get Health Insurance. It sounds like you really did your homework so that if you need it, it will be there for you. Wishing you many more years of health without having to use it much!

    Michele: I’m sorry about the issues with Denise and Petey. I really hope that Denise will be able to be there, especially since Jess has been having such a rough time. You are such a wonderful, supportive mom.

    Joyce: Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

    Juanita: You are such a wonderful, supportive sister. I’m glad that your “princess” is feeling somewhat better! 

    Toni from Tennessee: It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time today. Blueberry definitely is a blessing! I love it when people who struggled to have a baby are finally able to conceive and have a baby. They usually are awesome parents!

    Robin: Hope you and your DH have a very relaxing day! Enjoy!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thanksgiving.
    Busy cooking.
    Love you all
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    Happy gobble everyone, don't gobble too much. Husband is going to work. 1st we did a 2 hr spin class. Here R the stats, long version:
    Spin class- 121 minutes, 80 (AR) average revolutions per minute, 112 (AW) average watts aka power, 11-17 (G) gear, loest was 11, highest being 17. Average heart rate for the whole

    After that, went to the store, got a dead battery, came home, yogi (youngest pup) destroyed some new lights, shredded a bag toppled the tree from the ceiling (we hang ours upside down), so we had a mess. No turkey anything for me, he will b at work. Have a good one
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2014
    I agree with Meg. Holidays bring out the best and worst. I told DH he had a choice of being right or being happy. In the circumstances he could not have both. He chose to be right and then had to live with those consequences. Unfortunately I had to live with them too.

    I did have a good time playing scrabble with my younger son. He trounced me. 439 to 298. It was just such a pleasure to play with him. smiley-happy036.gif

    Hoff2002 thanks for the kind thoughts. I appreciate them.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday here and GLAD we do not celebrate Thankgiving in Australia. My maternal great granddad was born in Rhode Island and American through and through. :D
    Day 4 of Jeannette's 15 week challenge and LOVE the structure. Today is Bikini boot camp, Circuit A (chestm tris and booty) and stretch it out. Meals great too. I need structure at home. ;)
    Meals 1916 and exercise is 546, so 1370 so OK. :)
    Scales saying the same, Monday weigh/tape/BF% will be interesting
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi to all and Happy Thanksgiving! The last two days have been a whirlwnd; I've read everything but didn't take notes as I am exhausted so I'll probably miss a lot I would have liked to comment on....the mind is gone at this point.

    Margaret........OMG!! That is a stratospheric Scrabble score for your DS!!! I am thrilled to get close to 300.......

    Caffeine free here too; cardiologist request.........he said no alcohol too, but sometimes I do sneak just a small sip of someone's drink.

    Michele.........Sorry you are having so much drama with your daughter....((hugs to you)) and fingers crossed that something works out.

    Sylvia........Very sorry to hear of the chest pain; please don't over do---delegate what you can.

    Toni.......Yay for Blueberry!

    Sweetandsassy...........LOVE the trees!!! Will be trying that!

    Yesterday was six hrs. of packet pick up for the race which went smoothly. Up at five this am......miserable, rainy cold day for the 10K......Of course we ran out of certain sizes of t-shirts (we always do, as they have to be ordered well before the race day and it's hard to estimate). The mile race for the kids had "walk" instead of "run" on all the trophies.....we will get the plates redone for those who request it. The worst thing was that one of the timing machines didn't work right so some of the winning kids were not listed properly on the computer printout and parents were up in arms; trophies were given to wrong kids (by me, going by the printout I had to work with). I felt terrible for them since I've been in their place; having a cheated kid is no fun after they've run their little hearts out and know they won something. One guy was very mad and verballly abusive because we didn't have finishers medals for every runner---good grief, it's a race to raise scholarship money!!! It was cold, miserable, people were just generally unhappy and angry at the delays and mistakes.......we have had better years, for sure. The DJ missed some of the age groups when announcing and, since we were going down the line with the trophies awarding them, some got wrong age group ones.......oh, it was such a mess!!! Some people were nice and patient and understanding but the level of anger on some was rather scary. Good thing I'm pretty immune (amused actually!!) to being yelled at by strangers! Well, we'll do better next year (and, hopefully have better weather)!!

    I'm off to have some leftovers. Hope you are all having a great day.....love to everyone of you!

    A very, very tired

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, the party's over. The kids just left to go home. It was a really nice afternoon. I didn't do too badly with my food, even a slice of pie. It turns out that I love mashed sweet potatoes. Hadn't tried them that way before, but even hubby liked them and he hates sweet potatoes. I didn't add anything to them except a little bit of Smart Balance. No salt, so sugar, no cinnamon. The turkey was nice and moist. I cooked it in a roasting pan that had a tight lid, and took it out an hour before the meal to put the side dishes and bread in the oven and the turkey was still pretty hot, so everything worked out really well.

    The dogs all got a little turkey, too.

    I hope you all had a great day, too.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    A guy walked into a little corner store with a shotgun and demanded all of the cash from the cash drawer. After the cashier put the cash in a bag, the robber saw a bottle of Scotch that he wanted, behind the counter on the shelf. He told the cashier to put it in the bag as well, but the cashier refused and said, "Because I don't believe you are over 21."The robber said he was, but the clerk still refused to give it to him because he didn't believe him. At this point, the robber took his driver's license out of his wallet and gave it to the clerk. The clerk looked it over and agreed that the man was in fact over 21 and he put the Scotch in the bag. The robber then ran from the store with his loot. The cashier promptly called the police and gave the name and address of the robber that he got off the license. They arrested the robber two hours later.

