

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    stats for the day - I HATE THE WIND!!
    Ride hm 2 gym- 11.43min 15.2amph 3mi
    walk/skip/sidestep/sprint- 20min, 13.03ap, 4.3-11sp, 1.53mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.10min 11.8amph 1.5mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.28min 8.2amph 2.7mi WINDY
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Yanniejannie your sad saga does sound like an "I Love Lucy" episode! Surely everything will be smooth sailing from here on out!! - Toni
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. I went to the other branch of the Y since they have more machines that I can use. Since there isn't a deep water class tomorrow, I'll just swim some laps after going to yoga.

    After exercising came home, had breakfast, then went and did some more painting on my ceramic ladybug. Now all I have to do the next time I go is put two coats of the clear glaze on it. I wonder if you can see where you've already put the glaze on? Stopped at Lowe's Foods, saved a bit over $30 and paid a bit over $8. Not bad. Came home and made wine cookies to 1) take with me to Jessica's for Thansgiving and 2) to send to her friend. See, her friend is graduating college in the middle of December, I'm very proud of her, so I'll send her some of the cookies, I'm baking a fudge cake right now that I'll send to her and I have some packets of the pieorgi (from last year!) that I'll send. I was told that if I took it to the UPS place, they can send it even tho it's refrigerated.

    pipcd - impressive exercise! You rock girl! I have a favor to ask you, for a little bit, instead of abbreaviating, would you please write out (like ar). Eventually, I'll get used to it and you can just go back to abbreviating. But in the meantime..... what is "dome"?

    Toni - I tell myself that "you're as old as you feel and I feel 39" (up from 29). Of course, my daughter who is 30 doesn't agree with me....lol And of course I don't talk about the days when I feel 69....lol Sad as this may seem, I seem to be trying to avoid holiday "pot lucks". Like they're having one for the mahjongg group and I honestly don't want to go. Plus, it'll just mean more work for me cooking something to take with me. Why they can't do this AFTER the holidays is beyond me! The Newcomers is having their holiday party and we're not going to go. Actually, to me it doesn't sound so much like a "party". Plus, you're supposed to bring a dirty santa gift to the mahjongg gettogether and the holiday party. That'll just be more presents that I have to buy and wrap. Sounds like I'm getting to be a scrooge, huh?

    Sylvia - how do you think your son's wife will take the news that her lease won't be renewed? You're not the only one who doesn't do facebook. Trust me, Vince is no dinosaur (he worked in IT for 23 years and knows a lot) and he doesn't do facebook. The webmaster for Newcomers doesn't do it, either. Pizza Hut used to have this "fit and healthy" (I think that's what it was called) pizza which wasn't all that bad on the calories. However, they don't have it down here. LOL that "healthier" pizza. I agree with Joyce -- relish in your weight loss. Just think, people will see your pic and probably not even recognize that it's you!!! I'm sure the pic the lady took of you is probably outstanding -- no, I KNOW it's outstanding. Loved the joke

    barbie - so glad Jake got good results at the cardiologist

    Sassy - I lost weight on another site, but I'm here mainly for maintenance and because the ladies are so wonderful. Congrats on the loss. Yea, I find it weird, too, that you don't record the directions for your foods. Bosko is so handsome!

    carolbrady - welcome. You don't happen to have a husband by the name of Mike, do you????? lol Fat and sweets (like butter and sugar) are my definite downfall

    dstirratt - so sorry about your hubby. If he can't hunt this season, he'll be in great form for next season.

    Heather - lovely pic! Thanks for sharing. I picked you out immediately! How happy everyone looks!

    Vicki - never heard of putting milk on a blood stain. I'll have to try that. I know the hydrogen peroxide works. A friend of mine who worked in a hospital told me that that's what they wash their sheets with.

    It was nice and warm today, I just had on a shirt 3/4 length sleeves. At first I thought I might need a sweatshirt, so I took one with me to the ceramics. But I wound up leaving it in the car.

    Sassy - really cool tree. Thanks for the pic. I think I've seen pics of turkeys made out of veggies, too. I just never thought of presentation! Are you SURE you don't work for Edible Edibles? If not, you should. I would think that assembly of the veggie tree is probably pretty much like assembly of the fruit tree, but what do you use for the base? Still the carrot-in-the-apple? The topper is probably a cutout of cheese, at least that would be my guess. Looks like you can also use a cutout of a yellow pepper. How far in advance can you make the fruit/veg trees? Is there a special kind of dish you put the tree on?

    Toni - I didn't realize that you had to put a sign in the window with a body count when you're practicing for a lock-down. How sad!!!! The worst I ever had to deal with (and probably many others too) was the air raid drill

    Beth - you go girl! I love those bargains.

    Joyce - Did people REALLY not want old/infirmed people around at holiday gettogethers? That's so nice of you to work those times

    Vince is doing something working on the Chirstmas tree, not sure what he's doing

    terri - I'm always amazed at how people can't drive down here. They seem to think that having 4 wheel drive means you can go anywhere and stop on a dime. aaaa....not going to happen on ice!

    Sylvia - we had a cat who brought in a rabbit once. The rabbit went behind the buffet and died. For the longest time we couldn't figure out where that horrible smell was coming from. I tried EVERYTHING -- scented candles, air freshener, nothing worked...until we found the source of the smell!

    Steff - so sorry about your hubby, but sounds like you have a wonderful life/family right now. So glad to have ya with us

    Jan - oh, dear, First the opened gravy, then your fall. But sounds like you made the best of the whole situation. Aren't hubby's "wonderful" helps? Guess it depends on your definition of "help".

    Sue in SD - glad you had a great dinner, happy birthday to your dh

    Going to watch the finale of DWTS now.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Terri and Sylvia, I used to have a cat that we allowed outside. One day she meowed to get inside. I opened the door and there she was with a most proud look on her face and a big meow for Mom. Tthen she reached for this big ol' rat to present to me. She was so proud. I took that thing by the tail and flung it as far as I could. The body language of my poor kitty. I had been presented with a fine gift and I threw it away.

    Oh YanniJannie, your poor accident. I couldn't help but laugh through it though. Sorry.

    My hubbie suggested to me this morning that after Michelle brought back our car today, she had to borrow it because hers needed repair, that I go with her to pick up her car and then jsut go on and start my Christmas shopping. See, he isn't a bad thing all the time! It's those little things he does that I hold close to my heart. Anyway, went to the mall. Christopher Banks had their plain turtle necks for 2 for $24 or 1 for $21. Duh, that's a no brainer. You go ahead and buy 2. Then I walked to the other end to go to Justice. I still had not bought a birthday present for youngest grand daughter. She now has decided she likes the clothes I buy her older sister from Justice and they have everything 50% off. She wanted a dressy dress! That is so not like her. I was surprised that all the dresses are sleeveless. Maybe that is so you have to buy a shrug or sweater! But the moment that child steps in the house, any house, off goes the shoes and sweater or coat. So this was good. Bought a head band to go with the dress also. Whenever I shop I am tempted to buy some kind of goodie. I saw a place that just sold 1 cookie for a dollar but there was no one at the kiosk. I waited and waited and no one came so I guess God was looking out for me. Went across the street to go to this nice used clothing/toys/books kids store. It had closed! OH NO! But I knew I needed to clean the house so I just came home and started cleaning. Tonight I remembered that I hadn't ordered a cake for her birthday so off we went to Walmart. No one was in the bakery so I will find another tomorrow early before the stores get crowded.

    Have a good day, Joyce, indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    Exermom- sure thing, I will spell it out and what it means. I live in tacoma wa, and there is a place where I catch the train every morning. I ride my bike 5 days a week from home to the gym, then do my workout. Then I ride from the gym to the train station which is located at the Tacoma Dome so I shorten it to "dome". So when I get to where it drops me off, I don't even count that distance from where I got dropped off to work because it is so close. But when I go back to tacoma, and am at the "dome" the I ride UPHILL dome to home.
    AR = average revolutions per minute. On a spin class it is how fast I was pedaling on an average fo the length of time of the class.
    AW = average watts- how much power I was giving on an average for the class
    G = that is the gear I was on (1-24) the spin bike has 1-24gears, so I may start on gear 12 and go up to gear 15 and in between for the class.

    When on the treadmill- SP= speed that I am putting the treadmill to make it go faster, I may start on 6.4 or 6.5sp and can go up to a 10 or 11 speed during the course of my run, going up and down in speed but that's my range for that exercise.

    That will give you an idea to start with. I will put more in tomorrow. Nite all, gotta start over again tomorrow morning
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Michelle, it wasn't my choice to work those holidays. If the head nurse assigns you to work them, you work unless you can get some one to trade. I always told people I would work Christmas and New years eve if I could have Thanksgiving off. Our family never celebrates Christmas on the 25th. To many preachers and medical personnel in the family. since the 25th can land on any day of the week you never know if you will be off. But Thanksgiving is a given, you know year to year when it is. We celebrate it the first Saturday of January. This always leaves families to go to in laws for Christmas and Thanksgiving was always for the Peterson family. The in laws never minded and actually liked it that way. And yes, we had a lot of old people that we could count on every major holiday would be with us. Some of the families even would admit the they were just to busy to deal with the day to day caring of Grandma or whoever. They would come visit for a short while. I volunteered to work New Years eve because so many people wanted to go out and party all night and then either show up a pretty poor employee New years day or call in 'sick' and then the charge person on night shift had to start calling people at 4 AM to find some one to cover.
    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :o The silly dogs didn't want to walk in the rain this morning. Each of them allowed me to leash her up, go out the back door and then walk all the way around the house to go back in, so I walked by myself for 90 minutes in the rain and came home soaked to the skin with 10,000 steps recorded on my pedometer.

    :# Tomorrow morning I go for my annual fasting blood test so I'm going to have to see how much dog walking I'll want to do with no food. The lab doesn't open until 7:30 so I'm hoping that by staying up a little later, I can sleep later and have less time to wait without breakfast before the blood test. I am so grateful that this is only a once a year event. My line dance class for tomorrow morning has been cancelled because the teacher is ill so I don't have to figure out getting to class mixed in with going to the lab. No line dance class means I'll have more time for knitting. I have no preparation to do for Thanksgiving which is one of the many things I'm thankful for.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning Everyone! l'm a little rushed this morning because Alex had to go to Switzerland yesterday on business. So that means today l am flying solo for the first time in months. Totally independent of my Mr. Man. I'm a wee bit overwhelmed going from pillow princess to self reliant... I have physio this morning 2 hours worth. Weight room, pool, 1 on 1, and lymph drainage massage. Alright the last one is dreamy...lol Before l go, l need to walk Bosko, make my own breakfast, pack my backpack for physio, fix my after foods, ride my stationary bike, and fetch my coffee all by myself. On top of getting ready...~feigns a swoon~ ;) lol

    I am thrilled at the interest in these trees! I will answer the questions about them and put the directions here for everyone. The first will feel awkward to make but after the intial tree, easy peasy and l am sure these will be your go to's too. :)

    I just use a normal pretty plate for home, potlucks cardboard wrapped in something pretty but disposable. I hate carting things home if l dont have too. lol I make both of these a day ahead of time. Which leaves me only the dips on the day. As easy as they are to throw together they do take a little bit of time. I would say an hour with all the slicing and dicing, along with peeling. Lastly, nope not cheese yellow peppers. BUT i do want to do one with grapes and cheese for a wine tasting evening. ;)

    The fruit tree just follow the picture. I normally slice off a bit off the bottom of the apple so its sits flat solidly. Core out half the apple and shove a big ol carrot in the middle. Stick in your toothpicks. Grab a cantaloupe or your favorite melon slice then use cookie cutters to make shapes. or go the easier way and "chunk" (???) a few bits. Push your berries and grapes, kiwis onto the toothpicks. I normally dont have bare spots but on the occasion i do, i use a lil parsley for filler or if i m getting fancy schmancy. ;)

    Same premise for the last veggie tree except i use a styrofoam cone, cover it in cling wrap then shove my toothpicks into the veggies themselves Then onto the tree. broc & cauli are kind of hard veggies and you will ruin your styrofoam doing it in reverse. I can get 4 tree from one cone reusing it with fresh saran wrap each time of course. i like to have lil dip bowls around filled with hummus, tzaziki, and of course everyones fav..ranch. if you like things a lil spicy add a lil sarachi for color and warmth.

    Will catch up later with everyone. Keep in mind this Turkey day that stuffing isnt bad, stuffing yourself is. ;) lol


    Sassy aus Steyr Austria
    If you want it, You'll find a way. If you don't, You'll find an excuse
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday and dietitian very happy with my progress. Said to deduct training from food cals so 1200 and NO LESS remain. Happy I am doing Jeannette Jenkins' 15 wekk plan and so am I
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    good morning my friends~
    worked a 10 hr day yesterday and my poor body isnt used to that ;)
    went to see DFIL yesterday morning he was dressed but still in bed, cant get out by himself..
    I told you all I wrote a sort of scathing note to the nursing department after seeing DFIL on saterday.. they just got the note yesterday :\
    anyway they started scrambling after that....I got 3 calls yesterday...
    they had a major pow wow, with PT,OT,ST and the attending Dr.
    most likely it is the Depakote that has caused all these problems ...it will take at least another week for him to be totally weened off this med, a week after that they will do more bloodwork to make sure it is out of his system..
    He can not stand,he cannot roll over, he can feed himself ,but shakes quite a bit so they have downgraded him to a modifed soft diet and sippy cups..
    I hate to see him like this all because of a medication and have let them now,we want to know when they change his meds,what they are,what the dosage is and WE will give them permisson to give him the meds..
    they have been calling Douglas,my BIL since he is POA he and Iris now that he is out of the house could really care less about him.. it is Tom and I that do..that is why he is near us now...
    I am upset that he wont be able to spend Thanksgiving with us , again because of one medication....
    YannieJannie~ I feel so bad for you,but sounds just like something that would happen to me. I sure hope your feeling better....
    I get out at noon today and Mary ,Zina and I will be putting up the office Christmas Tree.. then home, will check on DFIL before work.. and we will go see him tomorrow...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning all! :flowerforyou:

    Feeling very under the weather this morning with a sort of fluey bug, but no temperature. DH says he always knows when I'm ill as I have lost my appetite. :laugh: Must be why I felt so tired and achey on my way home yesterday. Could be a cold developing. I pulled up my big girl pants and got up early as I couldn't sleep and did 19 minutes of strength and circuit training in front of the TV. Then after breakfast I did my rowing, elliptical and bike. Then did some weight lifting with dumbells. Managed to clock up 618 very sweaty calories. :bigsmile; Got to lose my Brighton overindulgence by Saturday when my DB and DSIL are hosting a huge family restaurant meal for their 17th anniversary. I am going to wear my LBD again. It is quite a long time since some of the family have seen me and I was about half way through my weight loss then. I want to look great, but will be very careful not to crow as a lot of my family, including DSIL, are very overweight. If anyone seriously wants to know then I will tell them about MFP, but I won't expect comprehension. :laugh: More usually people just look thoroughly baffled if I tell them about my exercise regime! :tongue:

    Yannie jannie - my goodness! If it were me I would just have thoroughly washed the turkey and soaked it in brine and then well cooked it. But then i am both mean with money and lazy. :tongue: So sorry about the mud!

    Beth - your Kitchen Aid cost less than half of mine! Well done ! :flowerforyou:

    I hope the husband whose ladder broke is OK. :cry: My DH will be going up into our loft today or tomorrow to clear our bedroom before the painters arrive. We have a huge bookcase that needs stripping and masses of books to store. Your DH'S accident made me warn mine! :tongue:

    Kudos to all those who are keeping a grip during your holiday season. Getting in a bit more exercise will definitely help, but you would have to run a very long way to work off that pumpkin pie! ! ! ! ! :laugh: DH is gradually working through all the goodies I made with my new Kitchen Aid. Today I am thawing out coffee and walnut cake for him. :love: He is a skinny mickey. At teatime I often have a wholewheat wrap with a bit of Philly Light and a blob of sriracha. I nearly always prefer savoury to sweet, but some things do tempt me. If I haven't had any alcohol I am good at resisting, but after a drink I am a pushover. Monday night saw me tucking in to treacle tart with ginger ice cream. :cry: (My dad used to make great treacle tart. He was the fancy cook in our house.) I have calculated I need to have a 2, 000 deficit to undo the Brighton damage.

    Love to all. Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Vit F
    Missing you all so I skim through once in a while. Just wanted to say I am grateful for all of you wonderful friends here! MAy you all be blessed!
    Best wishes
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good morning!

    Alison ... so sorry your FIL's problems are from a medication... but thankful too that it is something that can be remedied! We are dealing with medication related problems with a family member so I understand how very upsetting and frustrating it can be. Your FIL is lucky to have you in his corner!

    Yanniejannie ... shaking my head ... hope today is a better day! (sorry, I laughed too!)

    Anamika ... how has life been treating you?

    I've been thinking of Mikala ... forgive me, can't remember whose family she's associated with here ... how is she doing? Will she be home for Thanksgiving?

    Heather ... get well quick! You have got to be better so you can rock that LBD again!

    Lots of running to do today!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Dear Yanniejannie, if anyone dares complain I'd pop them one! Hope you're feeling OK.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Yesterday I made 3 pies for Thanksgiving. 1 is sugar free (still about 200 calories). Today I'm chopping veggies and making the mashed potatoes. Maybe I will attempt one of Sassy's pretty trees??? Potatoes will rewarm in the crock pot on Thursday.

    Tonight we are going to get our Christmas tree which we will put up after the guests leave on Thursday.

    Hubs is feeling some better on the bruised parts, but the shoulder is definitely damaged. Can't get in to see the ortho doctor until Monday though. Thanks for your warm thoughts and prayers for him.

    I didn't eat very healthy yesterday but did stay under my calorie goal. That's ok but I'd sure rather those have been more nutritious. Thankful for another new day.

    Diana in Indiana
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    It is warm this morning so Bodi and Ritter were just fine with going out to their kennel for the day and this dog mommy has no guilt. I am looking forward to the 4 day weekend and I have no prep to do for meals so it is all good. Have a great day.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sassy love the healthy edible food. Yum! smiley-eatdrink051.gif

    Heather hope you feel better soon. smiley-sick032.gif

    Preoccupied today in trying to figure out what medical insurance to sign up for. The company my husband worked for is easing out of insuring us retired employees and spouses. I still consider myself fortunate in that I live in Minnesota and not Wisconsin. Minnesota gives you some of the better options. Unfortunately they are all expensive. The other plus is his company will still pay part of the premium. We have friends where the wife was carrying the insurance and she was let go at age 62. They have to find insurance for both of them with no one to help with the cost and both have chronic conditions. My husband is on Medicare and the company is still helping cover the cost of supplemental insurance for at least one more year. For me health care insurance is one of those things it is difficult to live with it but you cannot be without it.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! Not much time to talk this morning. Lots to do to get ready for tomorrow. I just dropped Spot off at the vet for a Spa Treatment (he was scooting on the carpet) and now am at the studio. Want to start a glaze load in the kiln before noon, then hubby and I are driving out in the country to the pecan store. Then to the grocery store for last minute stuff, then home to bake pies, make deviled eggs, clean house and plan for tomorrow's feast.

    Sassy, I'm really looking forward to doing that fruit tree. I have two pottery show receptions to do in December, plus family dinner with the kids and those will be perfect. I'm already planning which fruit to use.

    Meg, I'm getting worried about you. How are you doing? How's the baby? Write when you can.

    YannieJannie, you poor thing! How awful to go through all that!

    Diana, Sorry your hubby got hurt. Hope he can get in to the doctor and feels better soon.

    Animika, so good to hear from you! We've missed you.

    Well, gotta get busy. Have a great day!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    my phone wasn't charging yesterday and I NEED it because it's my heart rate monitor and tracks my rides :(. my husband is off today so he is on it. :0). so I wasn't able to track my calories on my morning ride and spin class because while my phone still had juice, MY HRM decided not to work! ugh.... so my ride to the gym and spin class didn't record my calories. HOWEVER, I am using his phone and hrm strap so he can fix my phone, so I was able to track my calories for my ride from the gym to the train station and then when I ride home. hopefully its just that my hrm strap needs a new battery, we'll see. so far CRAPPY morning, we'll see how the rest of the day goes. good day all.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,962 Member
    Well, yucky weather here today. It is doing what I call 'slushing'! A mix of snow, rain, sleet, and anything else it can throw at us. We are supposed to get 1 - 4 inches of the white stuff. I sure hope it doesn't mess up our trip to my mom's house tomorrow. She lives 1 1/2 hours away, all turnpike, so if DH doesn't complain too badly, shouldn't be too bad. Got to go. Busy, busy!

    Rita from snowy CT!