

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did 40 minutes of "Personal Training with Jackie" DVD, then had time so I did one segment of "10 Minute Solution Tummy Toner" DVD and held my plank for 2 min 40 sec. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT at the Y but this time I'll go to the other branch because I know that they have more than one machine that I can use.

    After exercising went to Food Lion to get some veggie trays. We're supposed to take something to bowling today and I signed up for a veggie tray. Depending on what time Jessica gets done at the dentist will depend if we go. However, I'll take the tray there early and at least it'll be there. I'm sure I'll be able to pick it up.

    The carrots were all slimy and one of them tasted very bitter so I had to take it back to the store. I steamed the broccol. To me, raw broccoli can sometimes be on the bitter side. Now I just have it in the refrig cooling.

    Lance peed on some of Jessica's clothes so she's washing them right now. I have a feeling the results at the vet aren't going to be that good. Well, we just got back from the vet. Basically, she's going to take Lance back to VA and give him palliative care.

    Took the veg tray over to the bowling alley so at least it'll be there for when they start. I found out that they can put us in "blind" and when we get there, then we bowl. I am going to go there anyway to pick up the tray. Something like this I don't mind if there are leftovers.

    Joyce - yes, I've used the chocolate teddy grahams. I have a recipe for a triple chocolate cheesecake (Vince won't eat it because it's cheesecake). Only has 272 calories per serving, which isn't bad for a cheesecake. You know, I took that online course in nutrition. Actually, to me it was pretty easy. But I did find that I am interested in nutrition. I was thinking that I'd like to go for my RD license then I looked to see the requirements. You need a bachelor's degree and I only have an Associates. Well, 30 years ago an Associates meant something. Today it just means you did a little study after high school. Vince and I are fully prepared to pay in full (tuition, books, the whole 9 yards) for Denise to get a btchelors but I don't see her going for it. Our one requirement is that she has to be a fulltime student which means that she'd have to move to NC at least while she's studying. She won't do that, I'm sure of it.

    Alison - I'll have to check for those fresh stacks. Thanks for telling me about them. WalMart's website says they carry them. Of course, that doesn't mean that OUR WalMart carries them. I did put it on my shopping list, so we shall see if they carry them or not

    Margaret - happy birthday!

    Tina - thanksjso much for that lovely poem. I'm going to print it out. I have a feeling that Jess will need it in the near future. Actually, I might give it to her now so she has it if she should need to have a vet in VA do it.

    Robin - I'm so so glad you're safe

    Almost had a miscommunication. I had called our Y to see what their hours are for Thanksgiving. They're closed but then the gal said to me "you know wer're going to be changing our hours?" Well, I thought that this was going to be a permanent change, which woud have been a pain for me. But it's only special hours for the holiday. Phew!!!

    Michele in NC
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited November 2014
    Well ladies I have been lurking for a month getting to know you all and really love what l see here. What an out standing lil community you have built for yourselves. :) Before l get to my introduction l want to say; Kudo's! To those who can and do write to each person individually! I admire that ability but will in no way be able to mimic it. lol

    A little about me in a nutshell...

    Past: I had lost 70 lbs between the years of 2007- 8. Was able to keep it off until about 2012. That's 4 years of maintenance! ~ practically pulls a muscle patting myself on the back for that~ lol

    Present: I am recouping from my second Lisfranc Fusion operation. I had the first done on my right foot in Aug. 201. The left foot was done Sept. 26th of this year. From Sept. 27 ;) until Oct. 31st l spent restricted to bed. November 1st l graduated to chair sitting for half the day with the foot up. And on the 7th had the cast removed! ( What a blessing that was!! lol ) Nov. 10th l started physio therapy. In the pool and 1 on 1 ... Also my first grandchild was born!! Elijah Christopher. :D Today the 24th they added the weight room and massages to my therapy. YaY! For the next 2 weeks I am at 50% body weight for the foot, then 75% for the 2 weeks after that. If things keeping going as good as they are now l will be able to kick my crutches to the curb come New Years! I'm also riding my stationary bike for 10 min. on easy peasy twice a day. o:)

    Personality wise: I'm a corker! lol Along with an instigator, motivator! It's always sunny on my side of the street and if it really isn't it will be soon. C'est la vie ;)

    Bio l am a brand new 50!! Raring to begin my second act. I have 3 children grown ( for the most part ;) ) 2 daughters ( 21&19) and a son(17). Married to my best friend Alex for the past 10 years, been with him for 14yrs. We live in Steyr Austria. This is my 3rd marriage, the first passed away. Number two, childrens Father was not my friend ...HaH I crack myself up! I really do think l am funny. Probably way more funnier than l really am. lol Lastly but not leastly as you read above l became a first time Nanna!!

    If you made it through all this ^^ Immmmmmmpressive! Thank you for taking the time to learn a wee bit about me, and allowing me the opportunity to grow, errrrr shrink with you all. :)


    Sassy from Steyr Austria!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Hi Sassy! That foot thing sounds major - I will google it. :flowerforyou:
    Robin - so glad you were there to put the fire out! :flowerforyou:

    Michele - I have never had an animal as an adult becsuse of all the traumas I suffered over losing them when I was a child. Couldn't go through that again. :'(

    Waiting for a photo to download so I can post it. We did LOTS of walking today in the lovely sunshine. Gorgeous to be by the seaside. It's cold out now so I will have to wrap up well when we go out tonight.i have booked a local gastropub.

    Bye for now, Heather in brilliant Brighton UK.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Congratulations on passing the menopause hump! I was remarkably pleased to wave goodbye to erratic production of female hormones. I don’t take the artificial kind, either. I lost three aunties to cancer that was certainly caused by estrogen replacement therapy. :broken_heart::flowerforyou:

    Toni in Nashville: Your post reminds me to set some Thanksgiving goals for myself. The first year on MFP I weighed my food portions. It worked. My family thought I was insane for hauling my scales from Oregon to Colorado and weighing everything on my plate, but here I am at the third Thanksgiving on MFP and I’m doing better than I can remember. I met my weight loss goal a while back. I don’t still weigh everything unless I go up a few pounds. I’m not in that situation at the moment. The family favorite treat is clam dip. I handled that by ditching potato chips in favor of celery, carrots, and slices of sweet peppers, and monitoring my total consumption. I’ve never been a pie addict. :flowerforyou:

    Leslie in Tasmania: I’m sorry there is a rift between you and your DD and DGD. You seem to have made peace with the situation. Good for you. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your shoe repair job looks great. You are amazing! Good luck with the dog situation. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I agree with your position on keeping a good attitude when a spouse is difficult. Over the years I’ve had to borrow some of God’s love for my DH a number of times when I was tapped-out and tired. I’m also a moderator & I love your potluck strategy! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: The time is early but I hope you enjoyed your ferry ride. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I am so impressed with your sensitive support of your daughter through this tough patch with her kitty. You’re an awesome mom. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Happy Birthday! You are blessed to have the gift of song. :flowerforyou:

    Tina: Your poem brought tears to my eyes. Over the years I’ve always had pets, and only had to make the choice to euthanize one time. It was hard, but the kindest one possible. Our dog was hit by a car & his intestines were breached. He really had no chance for anything but severe pain followed by infection & death. :cry: :flowerforyou:

    Robin: I am so happy your fire wasn’t more destructive. Yay for smoke alarms! :flowerforyou:

    Sassy from Austria: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Today I did my sleep averages and noticed a pattern of waking up in the middle of the night that seems to be connected to too much caffeine. I’m starting to address the issue by making sure I don’t go over three cups of coffee and none after noon. I hope that handles the problem. I’ve gone caffeine free before, and it is a long and difficult process.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Happy birthday Margaret :flowerforyou: !!!! I hope your day is filled with love and joy!!!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Yuck. the weather just switched from pouring rain to blizzard. I hope everyone packs their patience for the drive home.

    Happy Birthday Margaret
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Welcome, Sassy. Love your screen name.

    I did not fare as well as some in the church luncheon yesterday. We had a joint lunch with the local Hispanic mission. I had to try the authentic dishes that many of them brought. Tamales and flan, I recognized. One dish that was amazing was angel hair pasta, cabbage, carrots, maybe onions and celery, shrimp, chicken, and possibly beef and pork. Not sure of everything in it, but it was delicious. Do any of you know what it was called? It may have been a Puerto Rican dish, but could be Mexican or Honduran. I asked around but couldn't find anyone who spoke English that could tell me what it was. i did not go crazy with piling my plate with some of everything, but I did sample several dishes that were new to me. I tried the soup made with chicken, tomatoes and hominy that others were raving over, but I was not a fan of one of the spices in it. I do like hominy, chicken, and tomatoes so I think that might be a good combination if I took the "kick" out.

    I took my baked sweet potato and apple dish with only a little real maple syrup and butter added. It was quite popular, but there is enough leftover for supper tonight. We had kale omelets last night in an attempt to keep it light to make up for lunch.

    Yesterday afternoon was cold and rainy. I tried to get inspired by those of you braving it with boots and umbrellas, but the fireplace and a good Hallmark movie won out. I'm back at it today with a two-hour walk and a smoothie made with the rest of the kale for lunch.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sylvia: well, if DH doesn't want to help, he will just have to live with the situation. ;)
    I do (small-scale) cataloging of cemeteries for the Find A Grave site.

    Michele: hugs to you, Jess and Lance.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sassy, Welcome! I can't wait to hear more from you here. I think you are going to be a good fit! I don't think we have anybody from Austria yet. Is English your first language? You sure write it well. Tell us more about that new grandbaby!

    Hubby was here for lunch and we talked a little about poor little Spot. Cleared a little air, and now I feel better. He said he's not asking me to get rid of Spot...yet. Hopefully that means he will try a little harder to accept him.

    I filled the kiln with more glazed work, and will be dreading opening it in the morning to see what happened. Well, a mixture of hope and dread. Fingers crossed.

    Now I have to go to the store and find some things for DGD#1. She needs a pumpkin pie for tomorrow at school (it has to be store bought and sealed, not home made - for safety) and a big box for girl scouts tonight. They will be decorating the boxes as gifts and wearing them in the Christmas parade. Sounds like fun. So it has to be big enough to fit over her winter coat.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    A man was in a hurry to meet his friend down at the nearby lake. On the way down there, he was stopped by a man fully dressed in red. The man pulled over, and the red man asked, "Hi, I'm the red jerk of the highway. Have anything to eat?" The man smiled and handed him a sandwich. He continued down the highway and was yet again pulled over by a man fully dressed in green. He stopped and the guy in green said, "Hi, I'm the green jerk of the highway. Have anything to drink?" Without smiling, the man handed the green guy his coke. He started off again and started to speed down the highway. Yet again he was stopped by a guy fully dressed in blue. Sighing, he pulled over and pulled down his window, leant out and said, "Let me guess. You're the blue jerk of the highway. What do you want?" "Registration and license please" came the reply.


    Later, ladies!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, ladies.............windy and gray here but very warm......70's; where the H___ was this Saturday am when I was freezing in 22 degrees????? Geesh......old mother nature sure has a fine sense of humor!!!!

    Sassy........Yep, I think you are the first from Austria; welcome!

    Margaret...........Happy, happy birthday!!!

    Tima..........What a touching poem!

    Heather.......Terrible trauma for a teenager to have happen; no wonder it was all a shock.

    Cynthia..........I think it's lovely that you would greet those interred with a cheery salutation!!! THANK YOU for your work cataloging those names and dates; do you take pics too? I have used the find-a-grave resource and been extremely grateful to those who made it so easy for me.

    Gym this am, then grocery shopping, then spent a few hours with a neighbor I rarely see lately due to conflicting sched. Good day so far. DD is at one of her barn jobs.


  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday and pensions in the bank so going shopping, list made.
    I over-trained yesterday 1048 cals on 1708 cals food just too much. I was on a mission lol;
    I have come to terms that my daughter and granddaughter not worth me worrying or my money. Going to buy the tent next pension and live life for Stan, me and doggy.
    Doggy coughed up blood this morning, she is nearly 12 and full of lumps and bumps. She was coughing lots. She picked up some bones on the road yesterday. Yes typical Beagle and I think one shard may have cut. She is now on spare double bed washing her paws, doona covers in the wash.
    I did 30 mins Wii Gold's boxing before breakfast, JJ's SA cardio sculpt for 30 mins shortly. Walk this afternoon. = 799 cals.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • lena100ca
    Hello! I am new here and this seems to be the right forum for me. I am 57, overweight, out of shape. Due to Health issues I am determined to loose weight, exercise and try my best to be the best I can be. So far (on my own) I have lost 8-10 lbs. Very new to exercise regime and could use all your help and support. Isn't it hard to ask for something? Where do I begin and I am a totally basic beginner.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited November 2014
    Cynthia..........I think it's lovely that you would greet those interred with a cheery salutation!!! THANK YOU for your work cataloging those names and dates; do you take pics too? I have used the find-a-grave resource and been extremely grateful to those who made it so easy for me.
    Yes, I always take pictures!
    That's why I started doing that; I was using it for my own research and decided to start working on it myself to help others.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Monday beautiful ladies. Well today my son is 40, that sure makes me feel old. It was a busy weekend and I ate alot without thinking. I really need to get a handle on this. Seems I don't even think about it until I am stuffed. What is wrong with me?? I need to take a step back, breath and pay attention.
    Friday afternoon when I went to pickup DGD at school, they were in lock down as acouple blocks away at a church was a man with a gun. It turned out well and in the end he didn't have a gun. I was impressed at the reaction time of those police and the safety of the children. When she came out they had not told them what was going on only that they were doing a drill. I tell you I was scared at first. Things like that just don't happen here, but the world is changing all over.

    Oh Allison--Hugs and you take care of you co-pay be dammed. You are an important person, don't let anyone make you feel you are not!! Sorry to hear DFIL is not doing better, I do hope you get some answers from the supervisor. I can understand being scared. Prayers sent for both of you.

    Barbie--I need to see if I can knit while riding the bike. Thanks for the idea and good luck. DGD and I are knitting a blanket for her sister who is having a baby the end of Januaray. She is so excited to be doing this. Hope the trip to DH's doctor went well.

    Sylvia--sounds like a fun time at bowling. Sorry to hear about the drunk. Sounds like you did a great job on the shoe repair. Hope things with Spot and Molly work out. I know when we bought Oscar (my dad's dog) home after the funeral him and Toby got into a big fight acouple times. But they have learned to get along as they both are going to be here.

    DH and I went looking to replace the plug in candle we had for our son that passed away. Since he pasted I have kept a candle with a red bulb going for him. I can't explain it but having it going gives me comfort. Anyway the one we had quit working. I was surprised how hard it was to find one. Most places at the ones that ran on batteries and you can not change the bulb. But finally checked WalGreens and they had a package of 2 for $4. So once again I am happy to have that going. It sits by the TV.

    Tridh--I understand how you feel. Christmas is my favorite time of year. But at my job they are making us cut back on hours and contracting depts out. One day at a time. I am trusting God to figure things out. Please take care of yourself at this time.

    Meg--glad to see you post, been thinking about you.

    Kim--hope you get things worked out. Does that guy have the right to make that decsion?

    Beth--sorry to hear about your landscape. Pray it works out for your Thanksgiving plans.

    Michele--thinking of you and Jess today.

    Margaret--HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY. Hope you are having a good day. Celebrate you!!

    Tina--Thanks for sharing the poem.

    Robin--So glad you are all ok. How scary!!

    Heather--Thanks for sharing, I do think first loves have memories and feelings that are never redone. My first love died almost 2 years ago and someday I just wish I could of had one more day. It seems like every 5-7 years he would turn up and mess with my mind. now he never will again.

    Sassy--Welcome, you are like a breath of fresh air.

    Have a nice rest of the day ladies, thanks for being here for me. One day at a time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Sassy - welcome. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your intro. Love your outlook on things. Congrats on the birth of your grandchild

    Just got back from the bowling alley to pick up my tray. Almost everything there was either cookies or chips and dip. Not one fruit that I could see. It looks like not too many people had the veggies. I guess what I should do is look for a dip tray that's smaller than the one I have. On the good side, I have a lot of leftovers!

    Will leave in a few for mahjongg.

    Tomorrow I want to go to ceramics (trying to establish a habit) then need to stop at Lowe's Foods and then stop at the place where we play mhajongg. Don't know if I'll play but they're going to buy chocolates for the staff where we play. Personally, I think the last thing most of them need is candy...but I'm the exception

    Lesley - I'm so sorry you're going thru that with your daughter and granddaughter. How horrible for your doggie! You know that if you put hydrogen peroxide on (unwashed) blood, it will take the stan out? It really does work, even for blood that's a couple of years old, as long as the bloodstain hasn't been washed and/or dried

    lena - welcome to a great group!

    Vicki - happy birthday to your son

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    To Margaret, hope this has been a special day for you
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Margaret ... Happy Birthday!

    Sassy ... Welcome!

    Robin ... glad you are ok!

    Vicki ... I was unaware of your loss. Your mentioning it reminds me that sometimes we feel like we are the only one with problems or illness or sadness ... and this just isn't so. Everyone has a story. I'm glad the light brings you comfort.

    Today was another good calorie day. Amazing how something so simple as being "under your calorie goal " can make you feel so good!

    Started some Christmas shopping online. We have very few to buy for and those we do buy for are already incredibly spoiled so just looking for unique and inexpensive gifts. Have purchased a few items from PinkEPromise.com ... part of the proceeds go to breast cancer research. I've been impressed with both the prices and quality of some jewelry items I've purchased .... i.e., sterling silver earrings for 3.00 and free shipping! (confession ... I bought those for me)! :)

    Beth in Western New York

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,721 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 12.58min 13.7amph 3mi
    Spin- 35min 78ar 121aw 13-14g 13.4mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 8.14min 10.3amph 1.5mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.57min, 8.4amph, 2.6mi
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    edited November 2014
    smiley-hug008.gif Thank you to all sending me birthday wishes.

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Margaret, I will add my wishes, too. I hope you've had a great B-day.

    Vicki - i know what you mean about our kids making us feel older. My son turned 38 this month. How could it be 27 years since I was that age?

    Congrats to those of you handling the potlucks and holiday meals. My plan is to eat turkey breast and pie and leave everything else alone! We don't host the Thanksgiving meal so I won't have to deal with any left overs.

    I weighed in today and had lost 2.8 lbs. I have been bouncing up and down 2-3 lbs. for about 2 months now. I need to get on board to lose every week. Tendinitis is keeping me from any strength class workouts right now so I am going to try to amp up my water workout and maybe add in some walking.

    I really enjoy hearing from all of you. It is interesting to know women from all over who are facing many of the challenges I do.
    Hugs and encouragement - Toni