

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    busy day; went to my sunday job (working the front counter and stitching patches on jackets) 4 hours - I get paid by the hour for the front counter and by the patch for the stitching - I haul my machine there... NOT the embroidery machine, just my regular sewing machine - it's about 20lbs... Well this is a little shop with 2 guys who each own little bit and a 3rd guy who owns the big bit... So the big bit guy likes the set up and at the end of 4 hours I take any jackets I have not finished home, finish them up and he picks them up Monday morning... one of the little bit guys doesn't like that - so he decided today that he is going to cover the desk and I can just sew, sewing is where I make the most money but really it would have been nice to tell me before I show up - that is a $60 per week cut in my income... He told me in front of a customer, and there was barely a break all day, so no discussion has been had... wonder if the other two know??? A meeting is going to have to come....probably after the holiday.

    Joyce – you are a better woman than I – maybe that is why I have just a dog for company (lol) I don’t think I could see through the comments and behavior to believe that there was any love there.

    Cynthia – not sure where your mom lives but the cost for meals on wheels is a sliding scale most places based on ability to pay…

    Forblh, felmions – welcome!

    Barbie – I love Pooh!!!

    Meg – hang in! day to day can be so much some times !

    Toni – I’ll give you my pumpkin if I can have the whole pecan!

    Terri – this is probably too late; but quick do some exercise and find a few more calories for dinner! Terri, I don’t bowl – done it a few times in my life, but all these scores have me confused; what is good bigger numbers or littler numbers…

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Joyce ... thank you for sharing about your relationship with Charlie ... I was reminded of the phrase "love is a choice."

    Our church services were cancelled today due to the massive clean-up required from the storm. Very odd day as a result.

    It appears our roof will be ok, although we were concerned when some stress cracks widened. We have a ranch style house with a flattish kind of roof that held a lot of snow. Schools are now cancelled until December 1st ... huge snow banks that are rapidly thawing and threats of flooding seem to be the reason. I suspect Christmas break is going to get shortened as a result. We haven't even had Winter yet so you know we will have more weather events to deal with.

    We've lost a lot of our landscaping... particularly the soft limbed shrubs and arborvitae trees. A long line of arborvitae that stood nearly 40 Ft tall in our side yard have all splintered in half. I didn't really like them, but it's sad to see them destroyed. Shrubs around the house didn't fare much better...

    Our plans for Thanksgiving are to travel outside of Cleveland to be with my Mom and Dad. But there's seems to be another threatening weather system coming through?? We won't travel I-90 with our son and the wheelchair van if the weather is suspect ... we can't risk getting off the road or stranded.

    So I have a fresh turkey in the fridge on standby...

    Meg ... good to see you post ... of course you're overwhelmed right now.

    Lesley ... congratulations on the scale loss!

    Pipcd34 ... great workout! I'd be happy with just one of those activities... but then I'm kind of a slug ...

    When I first started MFP I just focused on the calories ... and did well ... exercise was later. Well, exercise has fallen apart and so has the calorie counting. So starting again ... focusing on the calories. Today was a good day!

    Beth in Western New York

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    I did exactly as I said I would today.......nothing, in fact I'm back in my jammies already. Only ran the dishwasher and one load of laundry. Didn't even step outside. Re-read my last post and decided that the words volunteer and stress do NOT belong in the same sentence........hmmmm, need to do something about my attitude there.

    forblh.........I also let MFP do my settings; it put me at 1200 cals/day.

    Lesley......It's heartbreaking to have such family estrangement.....especially when you have done no wrong and been taken advantage of. ((Hugs)) to you and hopes it will work out somehow.

    Sylvia......The shoes look great! Sorry about al the tension with poor Spot.

    Kim........So sorry about the nasty boss......may he stitch something painful!!!

    Beth........Fingers crossed for your roof.......you certainly don't need any more problems.

    On nursing homes.........I had to bring my mother home for her final days between outright med errors, diet errors (she was diabetic), and poor and neglectful care. I could go on and on (and have in the past). So-called "joint disciplines" care conferences did absolutely no good, neither did speaking with the DON one on one, or the charge nurses, or the head of the kitchen. I swear, if I had tatooed "Diabetic" on her forehead, the routine would have been the same: bring the tray in, open the sugar packets, dump them in the tea, stir it, and hand it to her........ even after I finally posted a huge sign above her bed. Had I the energy left to pursue it, I swear I would have sued. She came home to me having gained MRSA, C.diff, and gangrene which resulted in an amputation. Before you wonder why I didn't transfer her to a different facility........I tried--no one would take her with the MRSA, let alone the C.diff. Good luck; I suppose some good ones exist, but certainly not the one I was dealing with. It was the most stressful and frustrating period of my life, made infinitely worse by being a nurse myself.

    G'nite all,
  • madierdorf
    madierdorf Posts: 73 Member
    Hi all, m
    My name is Mary Ann and I live in Florida. I am married have 2 kids grown and am raising my 4yo granddaughter Chloe. I have lost 30 lbs since Dec 13. I started running 3 months ago. I am running my 1 st 5 K on Thanksgining my goals for Nov are: drink 8 glasses of water a day, exercise 3 days a week. Stay within 2 lbs of my current weight . Hoping to get to know everyone :-)
  • madierdorf
    madierdorf Posts: 73 Member
    Oh forgot to bump
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Best of luck for a great fun run for you on Thanksgiving, Mary Ann.........oh, and Welcome!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :D Sylvia, congrats on your success at the potluck.... I did the same thing today and as I examined the food that was there, I knew that there was nothing that I would have eaten normally......your shoe repair looks great

    :D Terri, success is inspirational, disaster is educational..you sure learned a lot from that impulse eating.

    :D Lesley, I believe it's better to spend money on yourself than on family members who don't want to be part of the family.....enjoy your tent.

    (*) We have to be out of the house by 6AM tomorrow to go to Seattle for Jake to see the cardiologist so it will be an extra early bedtime for me (gotta get up early to walk the dogs before we go).....yes I got soaked when I walked the dogs this morning but we all had a great time and the walk contributed to the 19,000 steps I walked today.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well had our Thanksgiving at church this evening. I am not like some of you that can just drink a glass of water there. I am not saying that that is the wrong way to do it,, it's just the way I do it. I am a moderator. I did have white turkey meat, about a 6 oz portion, most of the veggies were cream casseroles. There was a crock pot of green beans and I had that. One thing I do with potluck or holiday dinners is to abstain from eating things I can get any day of the week like mashed potatoes or rolls and a lot of deserts like pumpkin pie and cool whip or chocolate cake and ice cream. I would rather pass those by and get a slither of pecan pie or something like that. Oh and my corn casserole and sweet potatoes and marshmellows. those things I eat in very small moderation. The sweet potato casserole there tonight had no marshmellows in it. In fact I didn't even know that it was sweet potatoes until I asked the lady who made it where it was.

    I was just thinking about you today Meg. Glad you checked in with us. How's the baby????

    Thank you for your comments about my religiousy comment. I never know how people feel about some one mentioning religion.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did an hour of Mindy Myler's Total Body Bosu workout DVD.

    Tomorrow Jess has an appointment with the vet at 9 and depending on what happens (I personally don't think that Lance is getting much better)....well, we'll see what happens. But I want to be there for her IN CASE so I'll do the Personal Training with Jackie DVD at home. I'm supposed to bring a veg tray to bowling, so what I'll do is buy the tray, take it to the bowling alley early, then I don't know if we'll get there in time for the three games or not because Jess also has a dentist appt. at 11. We may make it, we may not. But at least the veg tray will be there. We'll just go later to get the tray.

    Joyce - the fluid is in a plastic bag (kind of like what you see at the hosp), she puts a needle at the end and then puts that needle under his skin. She doesn't give him a whole lot of fluids at a time so it probably takes about 5-10 minutes. She has to keep the bag above his level, just like when a person gets IV in the hosp. Christina seems to take after you -- wise

    We go to the TSO concert tonight. It's cold and rainy, standing in line shouldn't be much fun

    Aldi had eggs on sale 99 cents, milk was $2.99 and butter was $2.29. That's a crime, but it's still better than lots of other prices.

    sharon - that's how I handle pot lucks, have something at home and stick to fruits and veggies.

    Cynthia - if it were me, I'd honestly put Lance down. But he's not my cat. Yet, I think deep down inside Jess is prepared because I think she sees that he isn't getting any better. Her work with animals probably helps some, too.

    Alison - I've used the cream cheese on graham crackers. The problem is that it's only me who'll eat the honey grahams, Vince will eat the chocolate ones. I'd prefer not to have all the extra calories, don't need the chocolate. But I do like that cheese, sometimes I put it on the low-sodium triscuits or a rice cake. I'm just afraid that by the time I can finish the whole package of graham crackers, they get mushy. Wish I could get them in smaller individual packages. Hey, I'm going to look at Sam's to see if they have anything like that. Sam's just might

    forblh - welcome! I'm sorry, I can't help you with the tracker as I don't have one. But I'm sure that someone on here will be able to help you

    flemions - welcome! Snacks are a challenge to me, too. Lately, one of the things that I've been doing is using a salad as my snack and I usually put about 1/4 cup of avacado in it. The fats in the avacado seem to satiate me. Oh, I just use vinegar on it, but I know that I should probably also use some olive oil.

    Sylvia - so glad things went well for you with the race in spite of that one person calling out.

    forblh - originally I let MFP determine the number of calories etc. that I should be using. They're pretty good (actually, quite good). Let MFP decide for you to begin with, then you can see how its going and modify (which is what I did)

    After the concert we went to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner. I had the creole catch. It's a piece of fish (not sure what type) with sauteed squash and baked spaghetti squash. For a side (and for dessert) I had the salad bar. They do have quite a few good things on the salad bar. I had peas, edamame, greens (I wasn't real crazy about them so didn't get any the second time around), raw mushrooms, cucumbers, carrots, green peppers, onions. No dressing and just water to drink. Having the onions made me drink extra, which is good. Came home and had one of the mini chocolate cupcakes

    Joyce - when I'm lectoring and come across one of those Biblical names, the good thing is that even if I mispronounce it, no one (except God) knows that I did. I'm the same way as you at pot lucks. There is no way I can just have a glass of water or nothing at all. Part of me would feel that I was hurting the people who brought food if I didn't have at least a little bit. But I do find that I would rather have just steamed or grilled veggies and most of the things people bring are high fat. Those I tend to avoid since I know that if I have just a bit, I'll feel horrible afterwards.

    Meg - how are Tanya and Nikita? I didn't know that there was a blood test that could tell you if you are on "the other side" of menopause! Thanks for telling me.

    Toni - when our first cat got hit by a car, I, quite literally, was shaking. He was my cat and it really hit me hard. I don't know that I've ever gotten that close to another cat. PJ came pretty close. I'll still swear to my dying day that when we put Sadie down, he looked at me as if to say "it's OK". I like to exercise in the water, too. You really don't feel like you're working, but you can get a very good workout. I can't get over how much water I drink and how much I sweat! And I don't think I'm having hot flashes each time I'm in the pool!!!!....lol

    pipcd - I was going to start using the ski machine, but by the time I got to it the Y had taken it out. Probably because not too many people were using it. I think it would have been a good workout.

    Lesley - congrats on those losses!

    Those guys in TSO must work out. The ones who didn't have a shirt on (just the vest) -- boy, did they have some guns!!!! I'm constantly amazed at the flexibility of Roddey Chun. There is no way on this green earth I could bend over backwards the way he does, much less while playing the violin!

    Sylvia - I feel that Spot belongs with you, but I know that you need to do what you need to do for the sake of your marriage. I do hope it's keeping Spot, tho.

    MaryAnn - welcome! Best of luck on your 5K

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, what would your husband think about an animal behavioral specialist? Sounds like hubbies dog could use some plus give ideas on how to get the two dogs to gradually get along.

    Michelle, have you ever tried the, oh my brain just lost the word. OK, I'll just describe them. They are shaped like little teddy bears and they have different flavors, one is is the honey graham crackers. Teddy grahams!!! That's what they are called. Christina went to college with a minor in psychology. She has some wonderful insight.To bad she didn't have the insight to finish college. Went through the first semester of her senior year and Dad died at the beginning of December. She never went back. She got married Jan 3rd and what she really wanted out of college was to get her MRS degree. Oh well.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    Exermom- it is a good workout for a change. Too bad they took it out
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: do I remember correctly that you were going to consult a dog behavior person? Did that happen?

    Kim: thanks for the tips. Will maybe send you a PB about a meals on wheels thing that looks good on their website. What a jerk to change things at your work without telling you. I think I’d express your point of view to the other two as well, even if you can’t actually have a meeting until later. Who knows, maybe they will fix it themselves.

    Beth: so sorry about all the mess, but I’m glad you’re OK.

    Barbie: good luck at Jake’s cardiologist.

    Michele: good you’re going to the vet too. Keep us posted; wishing you and Jess both strength.

    Working today. During the weekend I got a start on cataloging a small graveyard near here for Find a Grave and another site. I plan to only do small graveyards, but still…this is going to take me a couple of months. Well, it doesn’t matter. Had to laugh at myself. I went Saturday, and then again Sunday. When I came to the spot where I had to start, and put my bag down etc., I said out loud, “Good morning!” Seemed right and polite somehow. :)

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Hi all,
    Ate much, much, much too much yesterday, some of it needlessly because I had too much to drink. I will watch my alcohol consumption tonight.
    Off for a walk along the promenade in a minute and out onto Brighton Pier. It's a lovely sunny day. Then a stroll along to the Fishing Museum and Gallery. Then maybe The Lanes or I may carry on along the front to see if I can remember where my boyfriend used to live in his bedsit. He was an electrician/actor at the Theatre Royal and had the difficult and exasperating job of lighting Marlene Dietrich for a show. I was 16 and used to catch the bus every Saturday to come and see him. ! ! ! ! It took an hour and a half each way.
    This man died at the age of 24. He was born hermaphrodite, with only a vestigial penis and spent a lot of his childhood being operated on to create a penis. His testicles never descended and turned cancerous. I had left him three years before, but it was still a shock. I went out with him for two and a half years from 15 - 17. Memories come flooding back.

    Love to all. Meg - thinking of you. :love:

    Heather in sunny Brighton by the sea, UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    Joyce~the next meeting they are having is dec.18th and I will be in Florida,they will give me any information i need or want as I am down there daily...
    they have been just wonderful to him, all this started after he was moved to wing 2,
    he was a little bit better today..he was sleeping in the dining room, and I asked if he wanted a cookie, and of course he said yes..
    even the housekeeper said gee this isnt like Otto with him being so out of it...
    well one of the CNA'S said that they got the bloodwork back and there wasnt much of a trace of Depakote, so I dont know.. but I will get to the bottom of it..Tom and I will go down tonight after I get home from work to see him...
    Tom hasnt read the note I wrote, but things are going along on an even keel for right now..
    Michelle~ Nabisco makes honey grahams called fresh stacks that are 8 graham cracker halves in a package.. I buy those all the time, those are about all I have, I try not to eat to many cookies anymore
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    edited November 2014
    emoticon-object-060.gif It is my birthday today.

    Yesterday I sang All Good Things from Godspell in church as a quartet. Reminds me to count my blessings.

    Barbie also like the reminder that even in disaster there is something to learn.

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Michele - Feeling Jess' pain about Lance. I remember all too well each time the time came for one of my pets. Just came across this poem sent to another friend who lost her Golden Retriever last week. Maybe it will offer some comfort.

    The Last Battle

    If it should be that I grow frail and weak
    And pain should keep me from my sleep,
    Then will you do what must be done,
    For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
    You will be sad I understand,
    But don't let grief then stay your hand,
    For on this day, more than the rest,
    Your love and friendship must stand the test.
    We have had so many happy years,
    You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
    When the time comes, please, let me go.
    Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
    Only, stay with me till the end
    And hold me firm and speak to me
    Until my eyes no longer see.
    I know in time you will agree
    It is a kindness you do to me.
    Although my tail its last has waved,
    From pain and suffering I have been saved.
    Don't grieve that it must be you
    Who has to decide this thing to do;
    We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
    Don't let your heart hold any tears.

    I haven't posted in awhile but have been reading and keeping up. Hope to be back posting soon.

    Tina in MD

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    emoticon-object-060.gif It is my birthday today.

    Yesterday I sang All Good Things from Godspell in church as a quartet. Reminds me to count my blessings.

    Barbie also like the reminder that even in disaster there is something to learn.


    happy bday margaretturk!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies,
    this weekend was a bit of an excitement. I accidentally set my master bathroom on fire. I had an older heater on a timer and it went on electrically shorted and set a handtowel on fire that was near the outlet. Smoke alarms sounded and we got it out with no trouble but my bathroom smells like burnt plastic and the electiral wires are toast and the wall and the vanity are scorched and melted. I guess I will be remodeling sooner than I thought. The dogs were very upset by all the smoke alarms. Our hous has 8 alarms in it. Talk about over kill. But I can't complain because it could have been so much worse if we hadn't been home. I hope you are all doing well.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Tina - thanks for sharing the poem about end of life. After my Mom's fatal stroke, I held her hand for almost 2 straight days waiting for her last breath. I am thankful that I was able to do that. I see that it is about animals, but it still spoke to me. I am also thankful that I forced my DH to drive to visit his Dad after a similar event.

    Kim (N Cali) - Thanks for the exercise info. I wish I would have read it last night before heading to bed. I will remember that next time. I did have pleny of cucumber and green pepper left, so I filled up on a L A R G E salad. As for bowling, yes, the higher score is better. 300 means 12 strikes in a row in the same game. DS and DH (and that whole family) are very competitive bowlers.

    Barbie - You are correct, I learned a lesson. I frequently click in my food before eating, but this time was a moment of weakness. Plus, DS so rarely shares his sweets, I just wasn't able to say "no" at the time. Today, big salad, lots of water, and lots of unsweetened tea. I also changed my goals, to losing 2 pounds per week, since I am obviously under-judging my portion sizes. I will ask for a food scale for either my birthday or Christmas.

    This week at work I am not taking lunch, so my work-outs will be seriously diminished. But I did tell DS that we will go to the gym every day that I don't work, so I can ride the bike and he can lift weights. Maybe we will even go in the middle of the night, since he wants to do some Midnight Black Friday shopping (usually the only kid at that time, but he loves his video games, and since he spends so many hours doing schoolwork and sports, I indulge him on occasion).

    Warm outside now, with rain, and temperatures dropping, which means it will switch to freezing rain, then snow. Luckily, we are on the southern border of this storm, so it shouldn't be too bad.

    Hugs all around ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, I couldn't find a local dog behaviorist (we are kind of in the middle of nowhere), but did find a lot of good information online. One site had a series of exercises to gradually get the dogs to tolerate each other, but it required one of us to work with one dog and one of us to work with the other dog at the same time, and he wasn't interested in helping do that. I talked to a rescue group at Pet Smart in Joplin yesterday and asked them how hard it is to re-home a dog, and they were not optimistic at all. We will work it out somehow. By the way, I love old graveyards. What are you cataloging them for?

    Heather, interesting - and sad - story about your old boyfriend.

    Well, I have to get back to work.

    Have a great day everyone!
