

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Alison ... Depakote is a doozy ... repeated blood work needed to ensure that it's at right level (assuming he should even have it). But my nurse friend who has extensive geriatric experience says look for a uti/bladder infection. They mimic dementia and a host of other things in the elderly that they don't cause in younger people. We were ready to put my FIL in hospice when it turned out to be a bladder infection! Just a thought.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday. Slept well so did 30 minutes Jeannette's cardio Dance.
    Stan cooking Sunday brunch
    Clothes washing as it is sunny.
    Going for a drive and walk the doggy.
    Roast lamb dinner tonight
    Another silly possum in the trap to re-home in bush. Refuse to kill animals.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    Stats for the day
    Expresso extreme trail, ascension- 1hr 19min12sec, 151aw 13.9amph beat last time by 14min 07sec, 18.30mi
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    The one thing I feel blessed about being in this group is the support and comfort that is freely given to those who need it .

    My news is been to doctors - got text results back - yuk. Need to think about some things that the dr wants me to do. Told about the Dr about the 1 in 4 person cutback at my job, she now understands were I am at and why I need time to consider things.

    Off for a gentle bike ride this morning - But at least I am out doing something :)

    Thought about putting Christmas tree up today, I bought a new one before my work broke the news - kinda disinterested in Christmas but need to go through the motions for my 13yr GD who lives we me.

    Hope you all have a great day - sending hugs who need them

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    I was on the expresso machine riding an extreme trail that took me over an hr to do. I had on my headphones on as usual, so my music was blasting. After i was done, this guy was looking at me, (i was soaked with sweat). I could tell he was trying to tell me something. I took off my headphones and he says, "boy, u were on that thing for awhile!" I was telling him it was an extreme trail that was one of the harder ones. This guy looked like he was in excellent shape himself and tells me he couldn't do one and i told him of course he could. He told me i had great legs and instead of just taking the damn compliment I was saying , well it's just years of running and biking. As i was taking a shower i found myself smiling because of what he said. As i left, i was hoping I would see him so i could thank him for the nice thing he said. I didn't get to see him but i hope i run into him again. Why is it so hard to accept compliments.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Trish ... hugs to you ...
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    So today was off to a funeral; a friend’s family has been hard hit this year 4 funerals, Mom, Dad (both in their 80’s) and 2 cousins (both young) I am learning my way to an out of the way church they do their funerals at….

    It has been raining a lot; which is really great but added to the driving time today. And so far I have not gotten enough exercise, just a short (45 min) dog walk, so I may try some youtube exercise gig after dinner tonight. But I also have a fire going and sitting in front of it with a book could call me too!

    Alison, laundry, Christmas gifts, menus… that sounds like plenty accomplished! Thinking of DFIL – and remember that nothing is perfect so it might be his time, it might be the meds, it might be something else, or a combo of all… but it is not your fault and Tom better not be verbally abusing you about it. Great advice from Beth!

    Trish - Celebrate the holiday with all the free / cheap things and decorating using what you have is exactly that!

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did an hour of Bob Harper's Inside Out Pure Burn DVD today. Tomorrow's plan is to do a DVD by Mindy Mylera for the bosu. I'm really not that crazy about her DVD's because all of them are for advanced bosu users and I don't consider myself to be advance on the bosu.

    Alison - when I picked up my neighbor to take her to the mahjongg lesson yesterday, I was early and skimmed thru the circular. They have Green Mountain whipped cream cheese on sale. I didn't see it at first and I really like that stuff.

    Heather - the party sounds like it's going to be such fun! So glad that dh is excited about it

    barbie - Jess came here last night (around 2) with her bf. According to Kris (who I think sees things a bit more clearly) he was saying how Lance seems to be cocking his head a lot, Kris doesn't see him drinking a lot of water. Now we're thinking that he had a stroke. The way he's cocking his head, etc. are all indicative of a stroke. Well, Jess has an appt with the vet on Monday (they have the day off from work). Lance was just in our cat tree but Jess said that she brought him to the tree, he didn't walk to it on his own.

    Just went to Aldi. When I got home Jess had gone to the vet and gotten a bag of fluids because she was concerned that Lance wasn't drinking. She said she's only going to do it over the weekend. I'm not a fan at all of keeping a person/pet alive using extraordinary measures. But I need to keep myself quiet. When Sassy had cancer, Vince was bound and determined to give him chemo. To me, chemo just prolonged it. But that's Vince's way. That's not my way. I would have just let Mother Nature take its course. Now if Sassy had been a young kitten, that would have been a different story. But Sassy was like 12 or 13 years old.

    Kim - I was thinking of a programmable thermostat for Sylvia, too. I know we have one in the house.

    Alison - prayers for you and Tom. Yes, it is possible for someone to go downhill that fast. You always took your FIL cookies, he isn't eating them, either?

    Right now I'm baking some brownies for Thanksgiving. I'll just put them in the freezer until then.

    Trish - ((((HUGS))))

    Jess and Kris went to the movies. To be honest, I don't like the way Lance is looking. Perhaps the trip down here took a lot out of him. I don't kinow what Monday when she takes him to the vet will bring. To me, Lance is looking so thin and lethargic

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone. I'm going to a club meeting tomorrow which is always a pot luck. Anybody have a suggestion for something I could take? Someone else always brings fruit and another person always brings vegetables. I don't eat much at these things. Everything is so packed with salt and calories. And I don't do wierd stuff. I'm afraid of dishes other people bring because they might have put Worcestershire sauce in it , to Smart Balance that has fish oil, or something like that, and I'm allergic to fish.

    Our grocery store sent out coupons for a free turkey, so I went to pick it up tonight, then went to Walmart for dog food. Somehow our dog food is going awfully fast these days.

    I found out Spot is a world class cuddler! He got up on the bed with me last night and snuggled. It was so sweet. Hubby seems to have relaxed his "no Spot on the bed" rule, since the fleas are gone. Tonight I took Bruno and Spot out in the side yard to play with tennis balls. Molly was in the back with hubby. But Bruno is so conditioned by Molly that he is terrified of balls, even when Molly wasn't near him. It was funny. He wouldn't leave the porch. But Spot had a lot of fun.

    Kim and Michele, my thermostat actually IS programmable, but I don't know how to do it. I've lost the tiny booklet that came with it, so I guess I'll have to look online and see if I can find instructions for it.

    I opened my kiln this morning and was disappointed with the results, as usual. My two nicest bottles cracked on the bottom. Some of the mugs turned out ok, so that's something.

    Michele, my heart breaks for that poor kitty. I understand how hard it is to say goodbye though. I had a wonderful old dog with a hugely enlarged heart and we kept him going for a year with thousands of dollars worth of medicine and tests. In the end I still wasn't ready, but he was.

    Good night everyone. Sleep well.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    Sylvia, I never eat at potlucks because there are too many foods I don't eat or that have ingredients that I can't identify. I eat my normal meal at home before I go, then bring a bottle of water and spend my time talking to people instead of eating. If my husband goes with me, then I bring a dish that he likes (usually cole slaw made from two bags of bagged cole slaw and Litehouse cole slaw dressing). If I go alone, I bring nothing because I'm not eating. If someone asks why I'm not eating, I just say, "I ate at home already". :D
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all.Had a nice dinner last night .Today went and met my mom and the inlaws for brunch to celebrate the nov b/days.
    looked at new cars and came home with a new used car.The van has seen better days and it was killing us with the repairs.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good evening!!!! Well it's after 10 so I guess that's not evening.

    Michelle, how is DD giving your cat IV's? I am wondering that maybe her frequent fluids he is receiving is hard on his old system. I am also with you about letting nature take her course especially if it is an elderly pet. It is so hard when we think of how much we love our animals and how mush joy they have brought us. But love is also letting go to relieve the suffering.

    Allison, there used to be laws to protect people in hospitals and Nursing homes against 'chemical restraint'. Basically keeping them jonked out so they are no bother to them. But let it be a tremendous comfort to you just knowing the loving care you have given him. and even though he doesn't remember your name, he did verbalize that you were the one who has been so good to him. Just hold that close to your heart

    I think one of the reasons Charlie tries to be so generous with our girls and the grand daughters is because he feels such shame and guilt over the kind of Dad he was to them when they lived at home. Didn't go to games, recitals, musical, etc because they weren't perfect like you would see on Broadway or professional teams. His famous saying for them was that you have the right to your opinion but your opinion is stupid and idiotic which makes you an idiot for thinking it. They never got a lot of praise from him. He always told and showed them he loved them by giving them hugs and kisses. He also smothered them. We are two houses from the end of the block which is the bus stop and even in high school would stand outside and watch until they were on the bus. Knowing that some mental illness can have a genetic tendency he has often worried that he is like his Mom with her paranoid schizophrenia. We took Michelle to a child psychologist as the suggestion of her teacher one year because she could be disruptive in class. After he examined Michelle, well her mind, he asked to speak to us privately. He said that the only problem Michelle had was that she was extremely smart and needed to be in an advanced class. But he would like to see Charlie by himself to treat him for a lot of his issues. He has never, never pursued this. He is right and everyone else is wrong.

    We were going to get a couple of things looked at on our car Monday since the warranty is to be over soon. But Michelle's driver's side window won't stay up. That's a bit more of a priority so she is borrowing one of our cars tomorrow after she drops hers off. She is getting it as high as she can get it and then sticks a screw driver in down where the window hits the door frame to hold it there!! They say it might be an 'actuary' whatever that is. I know how to start a car, put gas in and clean the windows!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana Dry today, 100% of rain tomorrow.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Back from Sunday drive and steps at 9377 at 4pm. SO glad I decided to do JJ's cardio dance before breakfast.
    Had 20 min walk in River Walk in Ulverstone and 40 mi walk on a beach in Burnie.
    Stan put the tree up for the dog!!!
    Have been blocked on FaceBook as I posted Camilla was a HAG on a Royal Site. Oh dear.
    Now doing my HRM again
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    sylvia - you should be able to find directions on line, and then get a kid to program it for you - they might not even need the directions... I have brought the zucchini tots to a couple of events and they were a hit!

    joyce - I can't imagine being told "His famous saying for them was that you have the right to your opinion but your opinion is stupid and idiotic which makes you an idiot for thinking it." You are amazing to have figured out a way to make this work.

    well, did a bunch of stretching in front of the fire then finished my book.

    Good night all,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »

    joyce - I can't imagine being told "His famous saying for them was that you have the right to your opinion but your opinion is stupid and idiotic which makes you an idiot for thinking it." You are amazing to have figured out a way to make this work.

    well, did a bunch of stretching in front of the fire then finished my book.

    Good night all,

    Kim, I work it out by remembering how my parents were. They had their differences and yet knew that they had to work it out. I know what battles to fight and what not. I have the solitude of my PC and lap top and iPad. We don't watch the same TV shows, so he goes downstairs to the family room and I stay up in the family room. Yes it was more difficult when the kids were young but I had family and church and job and kids to raise and I just concentrated on that. I will always remember Christina's advice to Michelle when Christina left for college and left her younger sister at home. Those were some bleak years for Michelle. I think Christina is wiser beyond her years. She told her sister that she figured out how to love her Dad by realizing that with all the bad things she did in her life that her Dad's love for her never waivered. Of course at that time we didn't know what all Christina did as a kid. She made us think that Michelle did all the stuff. I just remember that God loves me and I have not always been a good person. I can love Charlie through God's eyes.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Hi folks!

    Just wanted to check in this morning before I go to Brighton. I will shortly be doing my exercises so I can eat moderately at the nice restaurant I have booked for tonight. Weather not good. :'(

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Long day but okay. Had to fit in some training today. "You don't mind if I interject?" Yes, actually, I do mind but I can't say that and so an extra 20 min. is tacked on to the training. grrrrrr......
    Exhausted this afternoon so slept until GC came through the door. It got a little noisy.
    DGS decided he wanted to cook for us again. Hoping he will like the Jamie Oliver cook book that I got him for Christmas. It seems a strange gift for a 12 year old.
    Played with DGDs and did delightful Dora puzzle.
    Played sequence with DS and DGS. It was a good game although my patience was wearing thin by the end.
    DS Birthday celebration tomorrow. We moved his birthday because of his daughter's ballet performance. Steak, shrimp, stuffed potatoes, etc and my daughter is making an ice cream sandwich cake. Danger zone for me.

    Katla- Thanks, I'll give that a try. As to the shopping thing, it is DH who is the shopper. I think his motto must be "2 is always better than one"

    Alison - Sounds like you have some good people in your corner. Let them be there for you. It must be frustrating to have someone take all of your lemons.
    We lived on an acreage in British Columbia. We had been babying our pears along all summer. Imagine our surprise when we went to pick them. All that remained was one pear high up on each pear tree. The frustrating thing was that a neighbour had watched the van load up but he thought we just had more relatives/friends come to visit.

    Trish - Good for you!!! A bike ride! fresh air and exercise can make your day. Do put up the Christmas tree and make it a special memory with your GD.
    It is always an event at our home.

    Sylvia - You are right. Pot lucks can be a mine field. Eat something healthy and filling at home then stick to fruit, veggies and water

    Should have been in bed hours ago,
    Sharon from Alberta
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Michele: thinking of Lance. I had to give my cat subcutaneous fluids to see whether he would perk up with a little help (flush the toxins out of his system etc.). But the vet said he had to start eating and drinking on his own. When he didn’t, I had to make the decision.

    I have been a little AWOL, but have read the posts. Hugs to Viv. Also hugs to anyone else who needs them!

    About my mom moving: uh-uh, she won’t yet. And it doesn’t look like it’s time to force the issue (and I hope we won’t ever have to; I hope she can stay in her house). She goes to a senior meal once a month (that’s what they have there), but of course that’s not enough. I’ve been looking into what’s available by meals on wheels or something. She’ll complain that they cook the food “differently”, of course. ;) And it costs money.

    After several days doing OK with food, I’ve been doing pretty badly again the last few days. I really hope I can get back on track, because I need that new knee!

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    well I got a good nights rest and have alot of things to think over..
    today I am writing a long note to the nursing supervisor...I will only be working 2 1/2 days this week so will be working from 7:30 am to 5-6 mon and tues,and 1/2 day on weds.. so dont know when I will see her..
    I dont think Buddy(DFIL nickname) is ready to give up the ghost .. I think it is all med related..
    I am laying down the law.. dont want him on any of those heavy duty drugs... want to know what medications he is on,the dosage and for us to be informed before they change meds..and get our permisson to do so, even though he is on title 19 now, doesnt mean his family has no say.. I am there almost every day..
    I looked up the side effects of Tramadol and it is horrific, first few say,dont give to a person with asthma (hello) he has that, and someone who has had head injuries,he fell down the cellar stairs years ago and had to have a shunt in his head,now he hydrocephilis(sp)
    I will be nice about but curt...
    geesh when we saw him yesterday we though we only had days... Tom has said he will be going down every day after work until we go to Florida.. I think this gave him quite a scare...
    Michelle~ that is the cream cheese I use ,for a little snack if you want just a little something sweet, I have found a few graham crackers with a smidgen of that cream cheese and a cup of tea is divine
    I havent been doing great in the diet and exercise department, my plan is once I find out what is going on with the kidneys,ultrasound on Dec 4th.. I will plan a course of action after that..
    I know I will be quite active down in Florida.. I stepped on the scale down there last year and I was 146.9 and now I am back up to about 158, that is sad, but this year has been a stressful year, I am going to forge ahead and not beat myself up about it..
    gonna get to the grocery store when they open at 6 am, i like when the store is quiet and I can concentrate...
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi ladies. I've been trying to catch up on reading posts, but was several 100s behind.

    What I did understand from Heather however is that Viv's husband passed away. That is so sad and heartbreaking. My condolences.

    I hope to respond more fully over the next couple of days.
