

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :D Heather, you look fabulous in your new dress. Your current trip sounds perfect for you :D

    Alison, stay in the moment....do the things you need to do and don't waste your energy fretting over what may or may not happen down the road.....don't cut yourself off from the sunlight of the spirit by worrying about the future. <3 hugs to you
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good Morning,

    Viv sending prayers. :flowerforyou:

    Sharon depending on the situation when I am working with a child who is upset by the words of another child. I tell them do not let them have your power. I explain the other student trying to get you upset because it makes them feel good. (We know this is the wrong way to feel good about yourself) For whatever reason if a person senses they can get your upset they are bound to do it again unless you break the pattern. They will not do it.

    It goes along with one of my favorite sayings "Just because you see the hook you do not need to bite." From experience much easier said than done.

    Heather Stunning. smiley-gen014.gif picture of you. Wonderful view from hotel.

    Carol Happy Birthday! smiley-greet027.gif


  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Viv - Sorry for your tremendous loss. Prayers for you as you grieve. You are not alone.

    Once a month my office declares "Ice Cream Day for Everyone" and today is that day. Using MFP I was able to adjust my meal plan and still take part in a 1/2 cup soft serve and stay under calories. Any other time I would have just chucked the whole day and said "well there goes today" or not had any at all and felt bad. I'm so thankful this helps me understand my options.

    Doing my Thanksgiving shopping tonight. Looks like we will have 6-8 people. My boys will both be gone this year - so that is new. But Hubs and I made plans to decorate for Christmas after the guests leave.

    Diana in Indiana
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    For those who asked, here are my tricks for saving at the grocery store.

    #1 shop alone and with a list (and never hungry). Sometimes I cut out the items from the sale flyer as if they are coupons, to help me stay focused.

    #2 buy extra of items that don't spoil quickly, and only buy what will be consumed of items that could spoil before eating.

    #3 spend a few minutes looking through all the sale flyers and coupons the day they arrive, make lists per store, then compare to the store's Websites. Many of the stores here also offer online coupons, so I can have a sale item with a paper coupon and an online coupon which saves me a lot more money.

    #4 (is similar to #1) stop at a different store different evenings after work, so shopping feels like less of a chore.

    #5 keep a running tab on a calculator, so if a coupon says "with minimum $30 purchase" I only spend a few pennies over $30. I will go back on a different day just to use multiple coupons, like the turkey this week - 49 cents per pound with seperate $30 purchase.

    #6 watch expiration dates. Most of the stores here offer 50% off or better for items that will be expiring soon, but most of these items are still good another week or more after the date stamped. Wednesday, PigglyWiggly had yoplait greek yogurt for 25 cents each, so I bought all 17 containers.

    #7 watch "Extreme Couponing" on TV when I can. I don't get as intense as those people, but it does give me great ideas.

    #8 We also have numerous "ethnic" stores around here, so certain foods have some crazy-good prices, depending on the store. I would rather pay $1.69/pound for fajita meat with sliced peppers and onions already in it, then cut up my own chicken and peppers and onions. When it is that cheap, I get 3 or 4 2-pound packages, cook 1 and freeze the rest.

    Also, Wyler's brand water enhancer is just as good from the Dollar store as Mio for almost $4 at the grocery store. a 4-pack of Muscle Milk is $4.00 at Big Lots, and $3 each bottle at the grocery store.

    Sorry this got so long, but i hope it helps.

    Weather is cold today, and we are expecting freezing rain tomorrow morning. Thank goodness DS bowling is only about 3 miles away. DH gets switched to third shift this weekend for his weekend work, so he can go along on Saturdays, but not on Sundays.

    Hugs and Prayers all around ! ! ! :D

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I hope you are all doing great today.

    I didn't sleep a lot last night. Mind was racing. This morning came too early. The kids were in a good mood this morning, so that was nice. They were laughing at me because I put my hoodie on over my purse strap and couldn't get the purse off without taking the hoodie back off. Glad I could make them laugh by just being my dumb self.

    I forgot to turn the thermostat down in the studio last night, so it was going full blast this morning when I got here. Grrr! Wasted money for heating again! But the up side is that I don't have to shiver waiting for it to warm up now. I sprayed glaze on a bunch of pots yesterday, and have a few more to finish up this morning before I can load the kiln. I'm hoping to get it started by 10:00. It might happen, if I can quit surfing and chatting.

    This Sunday afternoon we have a clay club meeting, so I will have to skip the grandma thing this week. The kids really look forward to Sunday afternoon with Grandma, so I'll have to find something else to do another day to make up for it. I'm considering roller skating...bad idea. Maybe bowling would be safer.

    Hubby is feeling better this morning. Hopefully it was just a bug and it's gone now. He felt a lot better yesterday afternoon when a co-worker gave him some magic pills that made the fever and aches go away. It was ibuprofen. He never takes anything like that, so I was surprised. He must have been miserable to even consider it.

    Well, I'm off to work in the mud. Have a great day!!!!!

    (still thinking of Viv :'( )

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Heather, your LBD is stunning, and you are gorgeous. Please convey my condolences to Viv. I totally understand her need to stay away from the boards.

    Allison, I am so sorry for your situation and your husband's attitude/behavior. If he is open to it at all, maybe some Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover or some other form of financial planning book/workshop might be helpful. Taking control of your financial situation is every bit as painful as taking control of your eating. If he is a nice person when financial peace is restored, then it will be worth it. If he is just a total jack***, then, well, I'm not going there. Please take care of yourself. Congrats on taking a stand.

    Rita, does your DH need a supplement to Medicare? My DH has Medicare, which is deducted from his Social Security and a supplemental policy which is tacked on to my health insurance and deducted from my pension. We couldn't afford his pharmacy bills without the extra policy.

    Moving slow today. Im still in my pjs and it is 10:20. Perhaps I will get dressed.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,945 Member
    Prayers and hugs Alison!

    Staying on track so far..... Next week will be tough!

    Not much to write today...

    Rita from CT
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Thanks for the birthday wishes! I've had very little sleep this week so I am definitely feeling my age.

    Heather - You look marvelous in your dress! It seems to be so hard to find a "dressy" dress that actually has sleeves. My arms don't go out to see anyone but medical professionals! Beautiful view, too. My daughter and I want to visit England so very much. Thanks for letting us know about Viv. I'm never quite sure if it is a blessing or a curse when someone passes that quickly from cancer.

    Katla - Thank you so much for sharing about your fifties. Your words nailed it!

    Beth - Wow! I saw some pictures from the lake effect snow this morning and my imagination won't really stretch that far. Be careful!

    Alison - Hang in there and don't let him bully you!

    I am not going to eat everything in sight today, but I plan to indulge in a few things that I would not normally have. I'm certain I will be over calorie goal but, as long as it is ONLY one day, it will be fine.

    My church is doing a new pictorial directory and my appointment is tonight. I'm getting a little bit better about having my picture taken, but I don't seem to have anything to wear! I'm going to take a quick trip to one of my favorite (non-thrift) stores this afternoon and see if I find anything. Otherwise, I guess I will reach blindly into the closet and see what I pull out. I've been more concerned about how things fit my body than how they look for my face (if that makes any sense) and I don't foresee full-body photos happening!

    Off to do some work! Luckily, the grunt work is done for the week so I get to concentrate on writing a proposal for money to send me to a training conference next May in Dallas, TX.

    Have a great day!

    Carol in sunny but cold NC
  • QuikDogs
    QuikDogs Posts: 194 Member
    Good day yesterday, worked out with the "Iron Maidens", the ladies-only Olympic lifting group at the gym for two hours of fun, chatter, HIIT, and of course lots of deadlifts. I brought my dog with me and she waited in the car, then after the workout we headed straight off to agility class for 90 minutes of play-work. She was so happy, and when we got home boy oh boy did she lord it over the other dogs. lol Tonight is Friday night at the gym with the Iron Maidens but only for one hour. Tomorrow little Ms Princess dog and I go work on some field tracking (it's like Search and Rescue). I would like to us to to get our Tracking Dog (TD) title this winter.

    And, it's RAINING. Yay! (that is a very big deal here in California)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello Ladies.
    I am glad it is Friday. I made it thru another work week. My heart breaks for Viv. It is all so quick that things can change. Barbie is right that it puts things in perspective.

    think of you all and so glad that you are my friends.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!
    Home again. :bigsmile:
    Thank you all for your very kind comments on my new dress. The best thing is it is very comfortable and hides my wrinkly arms! :laugh: I really love the necklace, which is very bling. The two items I bought with a 20% off voucher, so they were very reasonable.
    Washing is in the machine as I am off on another jaunt on Sunday. Won't be wearing the dress though.

    Alison - thinking of you. :flowerforyou:

    My DSIL had left a plaintive message on our ansaphone. When DH rang her back he found out that her daughter-in-law had left the toddler behind in the Philippines as she had threatened and is now back in England. They are getting legal advice and the daughter-in-law could be arrested. DSIL wants to go out to the Philippines in January with her son to get the child back. There is no agreement between the Philippines and Britain, but I guess if there is a threat or actuality of arrest over here then the family might hand her over. This is the little girl I suspect is on the autism spectrum. What a horrible mess! DH'S sister is the sweetest person imaginable. She is now worried about the cost of all this as the builders have just this week started work on her house extension. Of course DH said he would help her out if she ran out of money. :love:

    The good news is that DH is getting himself together over his 70th birthday next October. He has already had lots of positive replies from friends and family so we should be quite a gathering! There are 13 bedrooms, some with twins and some with doubles and you can put in extra beds. Quite a squash, but great fun! We are trying to organise catering for the Saturday night, but it amazes me how slow the companies are being about getting back to us with menus etc. What a way to run a business!

    Yesterday I didn't count calories, but today I have to get back to it. We had a huge Full English Breakfast at the hotel so were able to do without lunch. Omelette tonight. I can only count this mornings walking for my exercise so only have 200 to play with. A bit tight but doable. Don't want to let things slip right now as I have two more days ahead of socialising to navigate. :tongue:

    Love to all. Heather, back in showery Hampshire UK
  • salubrioussteff4ever
    Team_KiKi wrote: »
    Good day yesterday, worked out with the "Iron Maidens", the ladies-only Olympic lifting group at the gym for two hours of fun, chatter, HIIT, and of course lots of deadlifts. I brought my dog with me and she waited in the car, then after the workout we headed straight off to agility class for 90 minutes of play-work. She was so happy, and when we got home boy oh boy did she lord it over the other dogs. lol Tonight is Friday night at the gym with the Iron Maidens but only for one hour. Tomorrow little Ms Princess dog and I go work on some field tracking (it's like Search and Rescue). I would like to us to to get our Tracking Dog (TD) title this winter.

    And, it's RAINING. Yay! (that is a very big deal here in California)

    Yay, it's raining in California…just wanted to tell you how jealous I am of your day…sounds like a blast. I lost my border collie 2 years ago and I still miss him terribly. Best dog ever! two hours of lifting…when did you start and how long did it take you to feel "healthy and strong". I'm scared to death to go to the gym for fear of injuring something. I feel like my body is so weak.
  • salubrioussteff4ever
    Feeling great this morning…went to see "Catching Fire" with my sweet daughter and managed my calories regarding popcorn and drank my 100 oz of water so I could have a soda…it feels really good to be in control of my eating. Chris (DH) and I talked this morning about how everything seems to be better when we are working together to live a healthy lifestyle especially united in the cause! lol.

    Viv I am truly sorry for your loss, I lost my first husband to a brain tumor 14 years ago and it has been a long process of healing. I was given the advice to make no major decision for at least 1 to 2 years after his passing. I ignored that advice and we have paid dearly for that for these last 13 years. My life is wonderful now, but wow it could have been wonderful all along if I a had taken that advice. Be good to yourself during this time. This year of firsts is by far the most difficult, but with faith, prayer and surrounded by people you love, you will get through it. We can do hard things!!!
  • QuikDogs
    QuikDogs Posts: 194 Member
    edited November 2014
    Yay, it's raining in California…just wanted to tell you how jealous I am of your day…sounds like a blast. I lost my border collie 2 years ago and I still miss him terribly. Best dog ever! two hours of lifting…when did you start and how long did it take you to feel "healthy and strong". I'm scared to death to go to the gym for fear of injuring something. I feel like my body is so weak.

    LOL, I have a ways to go to be really strong. My little BC keeps me going, I need to be strong and fast so that she has a agility partner she won't be embarrassed about! :)

    I also let my heros inspire me. I'm a pretty obessesed Seahawks fan (understatement!!). I *love* watching Earl Thomas (ET3), Sherman, and Wilson's workouts. INSANE. ET3 is so intense, I figure if they can do it, I can do it. I even bought a little ET3 action figure for my desk at work. When I feel like raiding the vending machine, I let him speak to me. lol

    Just join a gym and get a trainer. Gyms can be intimidating...having a trainer is really helpful to get you to walk into the bits of the gym that you wouldn't normally. Honestly, you can spend three hours doing cardio or 30 minutes weighlifting. For those that spend the 3 hours, I congratulate you on having that much free time. I don't, I have to be efficient.

    It's two hours, but only twice a week. Tonight is just conditioning stuff for an hour: foam rolling, and some cable machines. No deadlifts, cleans, or benching.

    You've got this, go for it!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Happy Friday. Today is my 8 hour day and I am off the weekend. I pickup my DGD at school this afternoon and she is spending the night with us. DS and DDIL are going to the Nebraska football game tomorrow. This evening we are going out for supper with our CMA group. Last one for this year. Sounds like the weather is going to be in the 40's next couple days. I can handle that. Sending prayers for all of you with all the snow. What pictures I have seen it seems unreal. Please take care and stay safe.

    Heather--Thanks for the info on Viv's DH. Sending prayers and hugs. Thanks for sharing the view and so enjoy sharing your trips with you. Afraid that is as close as I will ever gets. Means alot. Thanks. Sorry to hear about the little girl. Hope it all works out. Sounds like DH is going to have a very nice party. Glad for both of you.

    Joyce--Hope things are ok with DH.

    Barbie--I would like to know how to send Viv a message. I know she can use all the support she can get. Thanks,

    Allison--Please take care of you.

    I was awake at 3:06 this morning, third day in a row I have woke up about this time. Sure makes for a long day.

    Well ladies out of time today, please take care and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    We can do hard things!!!
    Yes. This!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy fri.
    Taking hubby to dinner tonite.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sending hugs to VIV!!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited November 2014
    Well, I cannot figure out how to upload a photo. I was able to upload back in October, but now all the functionality of my reply task bar is gone. :( Just imagine photos with a lot of white in them!! :D

    Burned a lot of calories today clearing snow. Which is good because we seem to be having cabin-fever carb attacks here and are really doing some mindless eating.

    We are still under travel bans and I still have not seen my oldest son, but friends near him are taking care of him. One even took over his routine medical procedure last night ... which was a huge blessing.

    Hard to believe it's Friday! Have a good weekend ladies!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Pipcd34 – I read that and wondered if you were working on Thanksgiving

    Joyce – so is there something going on with Charlie?

    Heather – great picture!

    Alison – isn’t your son, his son too? Maybe it is time to go to the bank and open an account in just your name and deposit your checks there. As for spending the weekend with him… just don’t – call a friend; visit your family; just leave him be ….

    Beth - Glad friends stepped up to help you and your son out with his medical issues, and snow moving is great exercise! But don't over do...

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California