

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! The good news is that hubby started running a slight fever last night, so I decided not to worry so much that it's his heart. It's probably just the flu, in spite of getting a flu shot. He's feeling pretty crummy this morning but is determined to feel better by noon because he has to hear oral reports at school today.

    I got to the apartment to pick up the kids this morning and they had all overslept, so I woke them up. Then it was a mad scramble to get to school on time, but we made it by 3 minutes.

    Then went to Dillons to get some fruit for lunch and now am at the studio waiting for the heater to warm up. Lots to do today!

    I hope you are all having a wonderful day and that the snow stops falling in New York.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    My stats for the day.
    No biking today, have an appointment
    Jog- 34.55min 8.44ap 6.7-7.5sp 4 mi
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning, all!

    Alison - Although my ex did not have an explosive temper, I was still treated to the same sort of behavior when there was a medical expense for myself or the children. I wish he could have figured out that the amount of stress he was putting me under made the medical issues so much more frequent and serious. Like someone else said, if you can get the ultrasound done somewhere other than your hospital, the cost is generally lower. Good luck!

    My own insurance is going to be much worse in 2015. To stay on the same plan I'm on now will cost almost $100 more per month (and it's not very good) so I'm figuring out how much I want to gamble. I think I'm going to gamble that I won't need hospitalization at any point and take the huge deductible with a reasonable co-pay for doctors (and for my therapist!) policy so that I can afford the routine care that could prevent anything worse. I should be able to keep my free care at UNC-Chapel Hill for another year, so I do have that to fall back on if I need specialized care of any kind. It just seems ridiculous to me that I live literally within three minutes of my local hospital but I can't afford it's care (and don't want it's ER "care") so I have to drive 40 minutes instead.

    Michele - I'm so sorry that Lance is so sick. I'm glad that Jess is taking his needs into consideration above her wants. What a hard thing to decide!

    Pat - I'm hanging in here. Where in NC is the hunting party?

    Sylvia - I would hate to live with someone who told me what to do all of the time, but isn't it nice when you have someone to get defensive of your well-being when needed? My male best friend will do that for me sometimes and it just makes me feel cared for. I'm glad you stood up for yourself and found relief in it. (And, I agree with you: If grandma can buy cigarettes and lottery tickets, she can pay for a cab!)

    Beth - OMG! I can't even imagine. I wouldn't worry too much about the eating since you're getting such a calorie burn shoveling snow.

    Let's see...It's been about an hour since I started this post. Interruptions abound this morning!

    And, as a result, I've forgotten who else I was going to try to respond to on an individual basis...

    Oh, to whomever posted about soup - I'm planning to make a batch of Ms Skinny's Superfood Soup this weekend. I need to get to the store and get some V-8 to go in it, though. I also roasted a butternut squash this week and am not too fond of it so I'm thinking about making it into a squash and sweet potato soup, too.

    My heat got repaired yesterday. To the tune of $400! I have given the go ahead on securing the mortgage for the townhouse and it is supposed to close on December 18, so that averages out to $100 per week for heat between now and then. Arrgghhh!

    Some of you may remember the icky time I was having at work a month or so ago. Well, the same woman who has been tormenting me for the past 6-8 months has now begun tormenting the pastor as well. I don't think he is quite as upset with me as he was before since he is getting a taste of this woman when she is not on her Sunday best behavior.

    My daughter is finally feeling better. She went to work yesterday but the big boss saw her have an episode and sent her back home. She's back today to try again. Hopefully, she'll last all day.

    Tomorrow is my 55th birthday. I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I never dreamed my life would be in such flux at this stage of my life. I'm trying hard to look towards the positives instead of the negatives, but it gets difficult. The stress of so much financial insecurity is really taking its toll.

    Well, my son seems to be happy and doing well. I guess that is a good note to end on!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC

    EDIT: Cynthia - I am so sorry to hear about your SO's computer/burglary and your mom. I hope things are better today.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Birthday TriciannT !

    We had a very nice treadmill about 8 years ago. About 5 years ago we let my oldest son sell it to his grandpa for $75 to help fund a band trip. Then Grandpa sold it for $75 to Uncle Randy. We just bought it back from Uncle Randy for $75. So it has come around full circle. :smile: It will be nice to use on those very cold/snowy days when we don't want to go outside for very long. No excuses now!

    We have been crazy busy with both the Hubs and my jobs. Home life is busy too with the Hubs hunting as much as he can while deer season is open. So we have just been passing each other coming and going. Cooking ahead to be able to grab and go has been the saving grace.

    Busy crocheting a new winter scarf for me and a hooded scarf for my mother-in-law Christmas gift. Puppy keeps steeling my yarn so it takes longer when I have to chase and detangle (but I love it!)

    Hugs to you all!

    Thankful - Diana in Indiana
  • salubrioussteff4ever
    girlbean wrote: »
    Hi! I'm a groupie newbie. I've been doing MFP for two years but recently feel the need to reach out. Not many of my friends have stuck with it and I would like to have some friends to share the journey with!
    I've lost 58 pounds and would like to lose a few more, but am most interested in maintaining the loss and keeping up with my exercise! I'm from Missouri and I'm 51, almost 52 years old. My husband and I have 2 kids who are in middle school and high school.
    Hello Girlbean, I'm new too and thought this would be a good place to find others in our age category that are working on losing weight and what works at our ages. I'm finding it a little more difficult at this stage of life than in my 30s. Sounds like you are doing great on your journey. I hope to be as successful as you have been. Motivation is what I need the most. So far so good…going on two weeks now….yay!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hanging in there ladies. Today is a not so great day. I am on edge and anxious. I hate this feeling. I hope I can make it thru the work day. I need some Bodi therapy when I get home. :bigsmile:

    I am going to buy the 10 minute trainer. (tony horton) I figure I can get my butt out of bed 15 minutes earlier and get some work in first thing in the morning.

    Here's to all you wonderful women :drinker:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    In the PNW
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sylvia - I like the idea of the new tradition. My family goes the Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving to the mountains and we cut down our tree from a tree farm; then I put it in water outside for a week or so and bring it in and decorate it the first week or so of Dec. Christmas has a religious significance for some but for all it seems to be a time of gathering with family and friends, those dear to us, and time with just your family decorating seems to support that family time.

    Cynthia – thank goodness for backups! You’ll catch up! As for mom eating with others; does she like to cook? If she does maybe encourage her to invite another single for dinner once a week, then there would be some leftovers to cover a meal or two.

    Carol – happy early birthday!!!! smiley-gen013.gif
    Robin – sending you some MFP friend therapy ((((((hugs)))))))))))))

    So yesterday afternoon my kitchen scale broke… just stopped working, changed the battery nothing ! Banged it on the counter (thinking a crumb got in the workings) nothing… I was surprised in just the two meals without it how dependent on it I have become – So off to replace it today.

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Allison - Hugs to you, and prayers that your find what you need to succeed and be healthy. One book that I read whenever I need it is "The Dance of Anger". It has examples of how to act differently to other people's bad behavior. When I used it on ex-husband and his family, it stopped them in their tracts, and made them a little afraid of me (or that I would just leave the relationship). When I use it on my daughter, it increases her anger and bad behavior, until she finally gives up the fight (or breaks something and gets injured). DH and DS now, just roll they eyes and eventually walk away.

    Hugs and warmth to all in the cold and snow. And to everyone with needs and struggles. My youngest sister has dogs (not kids), and they struggle "putting them to sleep" at the end of their lives, yet I have always leaned more toward "quality of life". I know it is a difficult decision.

    DS struggled at bowling again yesterday, so DH drove him 20 miles to get his thumb and finger holes redrilled on both balls. Eventually they will need to be plugged and re-drilled, or he will just need new balls. DH is doing a great job getting his "girls" ready for their first match. One girl keeps the ball out of the gutter almost all the time now. He beams from those accomplishments.

    Today I put 3 large chicken dark quarters in the crock pot with apple juice. Really thinking about supper all day so far :D

    Yesterday was a success at the grocery store (alone, yay). Stocked up on everything we need for Thanksgiving dinner for 6 or more + leftovers. Between store sales and coupons, my $100 cost $53. I like that kind of discount. :) The best deal was the Greek Yogurt for 25 cents each. I bought all they had left, which was 17 containers.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Good evening my friends from lovely Oxford! Next time you watch Lewis or Morse you can imagine me walking round the beautiful buildings and visiting the old pubs.
    Hotel very nice with a lovely view. I will take a photo in the morning. When we arrived there was a chilled half bottle of champagne for us! :love: Went to the Ashmolean in the afternoon and saw the Alfred Jewel, lots of Anglo Saxon stuff, early Italian art, amazing porcelain and pottery. Then we had a coffee and a cake! (Well it is our anniversary :laugh:) and finished the day with early Mediterranean art and Greek and Roman. I love the Cyclades figures.
    We then wandered up to DH 's old college and buzzed ourselves in. I saw his old room and the dining room with all the old oil paintings looking down. And the wall he used to climb over when he got back late!
    Then we sampled a couple of historic pubs that he used to drink in, also featured in Lewis and Morse.
    Now back at the hotel and going to get ready for our posh meal out. We have ordered a taxi as I will be tottering in high heeled ankle boots.
    Truly a lovely day! (*)

    Heather in gorgeous Oxford UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    It has been snowing again since midnight ... at an incredible clip. We were not in the hardest hit yesterday ... today we're the ones getting the brunt of it! Yes, we have plenty of food (and toilet paper)! Even if you disobey the travel bans ... which we can't because we can't get out of the driveway or onto the street ... the store shelves are empty. So I baked my own artisan bread this morning. Will try again to post a pic tonight of our snow mess later tonight. Getting ready to tackle the snow again. Going very slow at it because if you have a heart attack, they can't get to you. My husband's health is marginal, DS and I are doing our best to help ... it's so overwhelming though!

    Son with disabilities has been blessed with people coming in to help him ... but I'm very anxious to see him soon. He needs a routine medical procedure performed today (I do it for him every few days) and I don't think I can get to him. Will delay it till tomorrow, but it will make things difficult for him.

    Soup ... absolutely love all kinds! Just finished up broccoli/cauliflower soup today.

    Joyce ... Thanksgiving is late again this year with Advent starting on the 30th ... it would not be that far out to do the tree on Thanksgiving ...

    Robin ... just take it moment by moment! You can do it!

    Alison ... hugs ...

    Insurance ... it's a necessary evil in my opinion. Get the best you can afford! Unfortunately, none of us has a crystal ball and none know what the future holds ...

    Viv ... thinking of you and your DH today ...

    Beth near Buffalo in Orchard Park ... where the NFL wants the Buffalo Bills to start getting ready for Sunday's game?? Huh?? I guess that's a true "state of emergency " to football fans!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi all,

    Sunny here and in the 50's.......will be short-lived, I'm afraid. I'm making food today for the police event.........doing several bags of ranch pretzels and a huge container of the macaroni salad. Trip to Sam's yesterday for gigantic cases of hot dogs and hamburgers, condiments, and buns.....which barely fit in the fridge at the barn. Tomorrow will be at the barn early to clean up a bit and decorate.....have a car full of various items. Saturday I will do set up and registration at the 5K and help there until about 12n then go up to the police event until about 4pm. To make matters more chaotic, the head of our police group has been hospitalized so more for everyone else to do....the very few who actually do the "work". I've noticed that lots of members are willing to just show up and stand around at these events. I will never ever ever do two of these things on the same day again!!!!!!!!

    Sylvia...........Sounds like your DH is very attuned to your stressors and advises you well; glad you found your "NO."

    Beth ........Still keeping an eye on TWC and hoping you all get some relief from falling snow and get dug out..

    Heather........Wow! That sword is both gorgeous and lethal looking! I suspect DS will be very pleased. Love both Lewis and Morse--now I'll be reminded of you walking around the scenes when they are on! Glad you are having such a good time. Let us know all the details about the posh meal!

    Katla........We share the tissue issue with laundry........I am sooooooo sick of picking those little bitty teeny tiny specks of white off of everything, I've gotten absolutely paranoid about checking pockets!!!

    Carol.........I wish you a very happy birthday!!!! Hope you can come down on the side of the positives and find your joy in your day.

    I'm a soup person too..........just about any kind, any season!!!

    Hi to everyone I missed!
    Stay strong!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good day.
    Hubby`s b/day so took him to breakfast before work,we`ll celebrate over the weekend.
    catching up today.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,954 Member
    On insurance.... I realized that I was paying for my DH when he is already on Medicare. Dropped him so my deductible was lowered from $6,000 to $3,500 and my monthly pmts in half. Big savings there...

    On tissue in wash... I think we have all been there! LOL!

    Alison, I don't even tell my DH when I need medical procedures. I just get it done and let him B***h after the fact. Easier to apologize than to ask permission. My DH also has a quick explosive temper. It can be nerve racking!.

    I am still in a 'funk' today. Forced myself to go to the gym and do the strength machines. Didn't change my mood any. I am proud of myself for logging every day so far this month!

    Rita from CT
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    edited November 2014
    alright ladies~
    how much more stress can I be under :s ,I have been running all day, went to get my haircut, check on my DFIL,picked the dog up from the groomers,came home and made the jacka** oh I mean DH his dinner, got the laundry done and folded, and when he got home I told him I was going to the Hospice meeting tonight and he threw a fit,said no your not,thats it we are finished, I told him really over 4 hrs of volunteer hours?he said if I have time for that,I have time to get another job,you dont understand how hard I am working to make ends meet and they dont,I called him a bully and told him I never said a word when he goes to Watkins Glen,he went hunting at thanksgiving time for years and years and I never said a word, but all of a sudden I cant do what I want..
    told him he was my boss or keeper.. and he go do what you want !! but things are gonna change...
    how does he expect me to get another job when my week is different every other week, the weeks I dont work the weekend ,i work mon. 10:30-5,tues 9:30-6,weds-10:30-6,friday 9:30-5,weeks when I work a saterday are mon.12:30-5,tues. 9:30-5,weds.1-6,friday 9:30-5 saterday 7:30-12...,
    they only other job I could get would be something overnight or early early morning and where do I find that?
    I really am not in the mood to go anywhere with this man anytime in the near future...
    I will attend the classes and if he really is going to get in an uproar over it,then I will turn alot more responsibilites over to him.
    He is being a martyr and not eating his food is in the microwave all heated up.. oh well...
    even though he doesnt lay a hand on me my soul is bruised and beaten...
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Prayers ! ! !
  • EthansNana
    EthansNana Posts: 10 Member
    Wow! You ladies have been productive on this board. I've been busy the past few days and bam!!! Over 100 posts. lol

    Prayers to all those dealing with bad weather and personal trials. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    A pat on the back for those meeting fitness and nutrition goals! Way to go!!! For those having a hard time.....NEVER GIVE UP!

    Welcome to all newbies. I'm a few weeks into this as well. You will find this board very active. lol

    Went to the foot doctor the other day. I'm still having issues. We are trying something different for a few weeks to see if that helps. It's frustrating because I want to begin walking on a daily basis. I'll just have to be patient because if I do it now, I'll just be in more pain by trying.......patience, patience, patience.

    My calories and carbs are doing good, giving myself permission to not be 100% perfect all the time. My weight must be going down because my pants are starting to become loose. Yay!!! I go back to the Doctor in a about 4 weeks to get my A1C tested and I'll be weighed then. I'm looking forward to it.

    I'll part with one final note: With all the bad weather most of us have experienced recently just remember......we are one more day closer to spring!!!

    Laura :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    no bike riding today, I feel like a looser driving the car. I will make up for it on turkey day. riding to the gym, doing a 2hr spin class, riding home, then riding to work (10-12 hilly miles) then riding back home.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    edited November 2014
    Alison - (((((HUGS))))))

    Well we went out for our meal and the food was posh, but the place not so much.
    I enjoyed it and they brought us a complementary glass of champagne each for our anniversary, but the surroundings were not super smart. I had a crab and raw tuna salad, but I fancied DH'S scallops and belly pork more. Then we both had rib eye steak, bearnaise and triple cooked chips (fries). Then we finished by sharing a cheese board with nice preserves and a tawny port. Had a Rioja Crianza with the steak. All excellent, but I was a bit chilly and the place was a bit "laminate".
    We did spend some time saying how lucky we felt, both to have each other and be so happy after ten years married and to be in a position to be able to treat ourselves to a night away like this. (*) We do realise how lucky we are.
    Time to relax now, get ready for bed and have a good night's sleep, I hope. We are going to wander about a bit more in the morning, have an early lunch in DH'S old pub and leave so as to get back home before the Friday rush hour on the motorway. Then I have got to wash my preferred clothes before I go off to Brighton with my old school friends on Sunday. Oh my! ! ! !

    Heather, in superbly beautiful Oxford, UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley, when you order things, how far do they have to come? I know that I live a long way from the metropolitan area and things take longer to get to me."
    Jeannette Jenkins' DVDs coming from US. It is shipped to mainland Australia, then Tasmania and then goes to shop in Yolla with card in our box to pick up, about 2 weeks. HRM says it should be delivered today, left warehouse on 19th
    Friday here and done Wii boxing, about to do hatha yoga, then walk after lunch
    Food = 1683 and exercise = 731.
    Scales stayed same this morning
    Raining a little so cleaning house, washed clothes in lounge room to dry