

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Just wanted to tell you all that Viv's (wizzywig) husband passed away. She is in shock as she thought they had a bit more time.
    She has really appreciated all your good wishes, but is not feeling able to post at the moment as it would have been his birthday soon and Christmas coming up feels too much.
    I'm sure our thoughts are with her.

    Heather UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Good day beautiful ladies. My DDIL is home and resting, I just keep telling her and myself it could of been alot worse. Not sure what the plan is for the young man that attacked her. DH is feeling alot better and eating again, so glad about that.

    Allison--So sorry DH was so un understanding. If I had the money I would send it to you. You are important. Check and see if you are having this done at the hospital they should have grants to help pay for this. I know we do here. Please take care of you!!! Please Please take care of you. Maybe if he has to do more for himself he will realize how good he had it and lucky he is to have you.

    Michele--So sorry to hear about Lance. Hugs to all of you at this time of saddness.

    Sylvia--Good for you at saying no! We all need to practice that sometime. Hope DH is feeling better. My DH is still feeling tough. Doctor told him it could take a couple weeks to get rid of the cough.

    Joyce--I like the idea of decorating the tree with grand daughters. Memories!

    Cynthia--glad your guy is getting his computer back up and running. I would say he was very lucky to get it back so quick.

    Carol--Happy Birthday.

    Terri--can I give you my list and have you do my shopping??

    Heather--Sounds like your trip is going so well. So happy for you both. You looke so nice in your LBD.

    Prayers to those of you with all the snow. Becareful and stay warm. We are to have 50 degees over the weekend. Thinking about getting my hair cut after work, but see how DH is feeling. He was feeling tough at lunch. This flu bug takes along time to get over.
    Bessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Kim: It has been raining here, too. We’ve had a great deal more dry weather than is usual for us, but our water numbers seem to be okay for now. We all want plentiful mountain snows in the Cascades and Canadian Rockies. That is where our main water comes from. I’ll send good thoughts for precipitation in the mountains of California and everywhere else that is parched. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: We usually put up our outdoor lights on Thanksgiving weekend. We also decorate the interior except for the tree. We use live or fresh cut trees, and don’t want to have them inside too long. Belief in God is sacred, but holiday traditions are for living people and have to be adjustable to circumstances. I think decorating the tree at Grandma’s house as part of Thanksgiving weekend celebrations is a wonderful idea. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Is it time for your mom to relocate near one of her kids or to a retirement community where she’d have more companionship? My mom did NOT want to move to the assisted living place near us, but she was so much happier when she did. She had meals with lively, funny people who appreciated her, and was close enough that I could visit daily. The kids and other relatives came by more often, too. I think her last months were happier that the previous several years. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: Hugs. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Carol: Happy upcoming birthday! I’ve been wondering about the townhouse. I hope you’re happy there. If you get it on Dec. 18, it is like an extra special early Christmas present/late birthday present. My life went through a great deal of change during my fifties, and almost felt like it was churning at times. It was a stressful decade for me and for many of my friends. DH’s health deteriorated, I had a horrid commute that got worse year by year as traffic worsened, and was exhausted much of the time. My kids moved to remote places. I’ve made some adjustments and I’m doing better now than I did back then even though the stresses keep on turning up. I hope you’ll find some stability in your new home and enjoy your new life. :flowerforyou:

    Robin: Sending good thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I hope you’re able to replace your scale quickly. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Happy Anniversary! Your picture is beautiful. :heart: Thank you for the update on Viv. :broken_heart: I’ll keep her in my prayers. This is so hard. :flowerforyou:

    Beth near Buffalo: I agree with you about insurance. We pay dearly for our health insurance policies and come out ahead every year. DH is NOT a cheap date, from a medical pov. The insurance has paid for itself by tax time every year. I hope you’re able to stay safe and warm in the snow. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m sorry you’re an itty bitty tissue picker, too. At least neither of us is alone in our misery. :noway: :bigsmile:

    Alison: Emotional abuse is abuse. I’m glad you’re looking out for yourself. WTG! Sending positive thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:

    I bought new boots yesterday and took them back today. They just weren’t right, too big in the calves. I found some to exchange them for, but there was a flaw in manufacturing, so they’re ordering me a new pair that will be delivered to my house free of charge in about a week.

    Have a good day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Terri in Milwaukee – you can do my shopping for me!!! Great job

    Heather – your anniversary sounds divine!!! WOW look at you in your LBD – you are a hot mama; thanks for passing on the info on Viv’s DH

    Beth - I heard on the news that they were offering free tickets to Buffalo Bills fans who would shovel snow…. You take care; don’t over do! Stay in and safe.

    Alison – I am bursting with pride for you standing up for yourself and telling him the truth he is a bully! And don’t go places with him if you don’t want to! The heck with FL – take your ½ of the money and come to CA you can visit with me.

    Viv – my thoughts are with you and yours – No words :broken_heart:

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    no bike riding today, I feel like a looser driving the car. I will make up for it on turkey day. riding to the gym, doing a 2hr spin class, riding home, then riding to work (10-12 hilly miles) then riding back home.

    what a dork. it will be a 2 hr spin class on turkey day, but no work on that day.. it's THE DAY AFTER, Friday, when I will ride to work and back... oh well, at least I caught myself now.lololol
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, good for you to finally letting your self be heard. Sometimes a person can just take to much and you can't hold it in anymore. The two hospitals in our area will work with you as par as a payment plan. My Mom needed help and they just asked her what she could pay a month and and she said $25. So that's what she paid. But she paid that every month until it was gone. I don't know if there are any medical schools in your area but the residents here, which are under constant supervision of an MD, see patients at a much reduced care. Same for dental school.

    Heather that LBD is stunning but I think anything would be if you are wearing it.

    Cynthia, I take it that since you son has his computer back that they caught the guy??

    I just got a text from one of Charlie's Karaoke buddies. He is asking why Charlie is looking so down in the dumps. Karaoke is his life and they are singing at a senior retirement community. These people really enjoy not only the attention but the kind of music Charlie likes to sing, the oldies. This guy said that Charlie seems sad.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    smiley-sad008.gifsmiley-sad008.gif My heart is broken for Viv.....it puts all the other bumps in the road in perspective. I sent her a personal message. Let me know if you want info on how to send her a personal message.

    <3:'( Barbie from NW Washington where the weather is perfect today and there is a great deal to write in my gratitude journal
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    Can someone tell me how to bookmark?
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Heather ... you look marvelous!

    So very saddened to hear of Viv's loss ... truly makes the events we complain about inconsequential ...

    It only stopped snowing about an hour ago. DH and I gave up on the driveway ... it was blizzard-like and pointless to try and clear it. Schools cancelled again for tomorrow! Four days in a row ... unheard of here! I've lived around the Great Lakes for 30 years ... this was quite the storm! We got over 7 feet these past 3 days. Then we lost power through the worst of it today ... insult to injury! Tomorrow will need to clear driveway as 50° weather with rain coming for weekend. This also means we have to clear the roof somewhat as it's going to get extremely heavy ... there's about 4-5 feet up there. Lots of roof collapses occurring already! Sure wish we could send all this moisture to the drought areas ...

    Joyce ... is Charlie down in the dumps?

    Kim ... the Bills would've paid $10 an hour too ... but no one could get there with the travel bans! Game is being held elsewhere I guess.

    Will upload my epic snow photos tomorrow ... lol!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited November 2014
    Dawna954 wrote: »
    Can someone tell me how to bookmark?

    At the top right of the whole page, right above the little search magnifying glass icon, is a yellow star. Click on the star and it will bookmark. It is even with the title women 50+ etc.

    To find it later click on the gray star that is higher up on the right even with the title Message boards motivation and Support.

    Yellow star to bookmark, gray star to find. Hope that helps.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000 DVD. Tomorrow's plan is to take the deep water class.

    Sylvia - Vince is a very logical person. But that's good because in all honesty, I'm an emotional person. There have been times when I've said to him "Vince, I know I'm being emotional, you need to bring me back down to earth". The logical thing is probably to ask about her first. But I won't do that. I'm the emotional one, I know how a mother feels. Yet, it's something, he gets very emotional thinking about putting down an animal. In that instance, I can be the logical one and rationalize "he's no longer in pain, I'm actually helping him"

    My sinuses were acting up (I could feel the pressure from them on my teeth) so I took a Sudafed. Got about 3 hours or sleep, if that much. But the good news is that I did finish the plastic canvas coasters I was making so now all I have to do is the outlining which I can do at the Green Room;

    Which reminds me, I'm supposed to volunteer there this morning.

    katla - good luck with dd

    Joyce - I think you're starting a wonderful tradition!

    pipcd - I meant to mention to you, one of my biggest problems is that my heartrate comes down so very fast. I can be in the 160's and before I know it, I'm back in the 130's

    Carol - happy early birthday and many more to come!

    Robin - I really like the idea of exercising first thing in the a.m. I know that if I don't do it then, it won't get done

    Terri - great buys!

    Jess has been calling. Seems that Lance is doing better, he's eating more. I just hope this isn't the calm before the storm. Guess in this case I'm being a bit pessamistic (which isn't like me at all)

    Rita - I'm proud of you, too

    Alison - Sounds like you started standing up for yourself. I'm proud of you!

    Laura - good luck at the MD. I like the way you are looking at that terrible weather. Just heard that they're going to move the venue for the football game.

    Heather - you and your dh ARE very lucky, indeed

    Lesley - can you play the US DVD's over there or do you have to get special ones?

    Heather - thanks for posting about Viv's husband. The next time you're in communication with her, please extend my deepest sympathies to her.

    Just came back from Newcomer bowling.

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    A bit blah tonight, nothing specific, just blah. I think it's because I'm dreading Saturday. DH managed to get our phone working; forgot to tell you--the tree guys (the ones who did such a great job) cut the phone line. Can't really blame them; it's in a stupid place and I didn't realize that grinding stumps meant going after the roots too or I could have told them where not to use the machine.

    Heather..........Thank you for giving us the news about Viv's husband; he went shockingly fast. My heart is breaking for her. When you get down to it, we are all such fragile beings and life can change totally in an instant.
    Your meal sounds deliciously indulgent and you are beautiful in your LBD! Sorry the decor wasn't quite what it should have been.

    Laura.........Congrats on the loose pants! Love your outlook about spring being one day closer.........believe me, I think every day down is a plus when it comes to getting to spring.

    Vicki.......Glad to hear both family members are recovering; how awful for your DDIL.

    Beth........Weather junkie here, really looking forward to your pictures!

    G'nite all,

  • Blythe777
    Blythe777 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, 50+ and joining group for inspiration. It's so much harder to lose after living half a century.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member

    pipcd - I meant to mention to you, one of my biggest problems is that my heartrate comes down so very fast. I can be in the 160's and before I know it, I'm back in the 130'sy

    That is great when your heart rate goes down really fast, mine does too. That is not a problem, that is what u wanna strive for, your body and heart recovers fast! Good job!

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley - can you play the US DVD's over there or do you have to get special ones?"
    -Jeannettes' play on bot my DVDs but Jillian's only in bedroom elcheapo
    Both Jeannette's DVDs and HRM arrived today. I did her Circuit A - tris, booty and abs today.
    HRM I have to programme. Did it and lost info
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Having a hard time keeping up with you ladies. I have written a few posts and then when I am ready to post they disappear, so frustrating.

    It's been crazy at work but that's to be expected. I am making sure that I am doing some self care by scheduling a massage every couple weeks, keeping appointments with my weight loss nurse, etc.

    Last night was fun. Challenged my DS to a Wii Fit time. We laughed so hard as did our spectators. Nothing like watching someone use their imaginary hula hoop.

    Spent almost an hour calming a girl down today, too bad people don't think how much their words can affect someone.

    Joyce- Such a joy to decorate the tree with grandchildren. We talk about the history and meaning of the ornaments as they go on. Christmas music plays and we always have cocoa with a candy cane to stir it. Mine will never be a designer tree but it fills my heart with delight and love. Happy decorating.

    Beth- I watch on the news and think of you in that terrible weather. Keep Warm. The artisan bread sounds fantastic.

    grandmallie - So sorry for your stress. I have some of the same issues with my DH. Do what is right for you. I can really identify with your last statement "even though he doesn't lay a hand on me, my soul is bruised and beaten"
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta where the snow is almost gone.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    The view from our hotel window.
    The round building is the Radcliffe Camera.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    morning ladies~
    i went to bed at 4:30 yesterday ,got up after Tom left .. went into turn on modem for computer and I woke up around 7:30 last night and wrote him a 6 page letter,it was crumpled over to the side,which means he didn't read it..
    Barbie~ I would love to send a message to Viv, my heart just breaks for her...
    Kim~I have not access to the money,except for my joint debit card ,so if I dont go to Florida,he wont go to Florida..
    I sure hope he comes to his senses...I am not even in the mood for thanksgiving..
    I have gone above and beyond for Toms family,he doesnt really care to spend time with mine.. very judgemental about my father and son,I understand there quirks,but they are still family..
    with Tom it is all about money... I understand we are in a tight spot right now,but do not take it out on me....he treats the dogs better than he treats me...
    I have the weekend off which will be interesting,because I have to be in the house with him...
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    Heather~ you look stunning.....
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Awake since 3:30............long day ahead.

    Heather...........Magnificent view; Very evocative of what I imagine to be the ambience of the location........thanks for giving us a peep!

    Stay strong ladies!