

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sylvia: I hope your kiln is filled with successful pots and no rubble. I’m happy for you that you were able to have a positive conversation about Spot with your DH. Loved today’s joke. :flowerforyou:

    Lena: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Where are you from? Basic advice: Log every bite and swallow. Measure portions with a scale or measuring cups so you know how much you’re really eating. Drink plenty of water and get regular exercise. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki: When I was in school we had fire drills and air-raid drills. When I was a teacher we had fire drills, earthquake drills and lockdown drills. Once in a while we had a real lock down if there was a police action going on in the vicinity of the school. We had kits in the school in with a backpack for each child with food, water, and space blankets in the event of a devastating earthquake. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hope that today is a better day for you. I live in a family of gun enthusiasts. I do believe that certain people should NOT have guns, and the law does require checks when guns are purchased from a licensed dealer. The problem is that guns are available from private persons and there is no check. A few years ago we had a young man who murdered both his parents, and then took the gun to school and shot students some of whom died. He had long standing mental issues and he parents supplied him with the guns because he liked them. You can’t legislate common sense. :flowerforyou:

    Sassy aus Austria: I love your quotation, “If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” I also love the picture of your dog. I lost the weight and I’m still here to help me keep it off. Years ago I lost the baby weight and then resumed my old habits. Old habits yielded old results. I regained it all, and then some. Maintenance is a challenge once you reach your goal. That is why I’m still here and have no plans to leave. I hope you’ll reach your goals, and then stick around.:flowerforyou:

    CarolBrady1: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Juanita in Canada: Nice to see you! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Fabulous photo!:flowerforyou:

    I’m out of time and have to leave for yoga. Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    have a great day!hugs
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    hi carol... welcome! I hear you on the sweets. I am famous for my "C" words being a cure all; cakes, cookies, chinese, carbonara, and choclate. If something is going wrong in my world one of those c-words will fix it! lol

    Juanita... good luck with your sister

    Dr Katie & Diana... Will try this. I would hate to lose all my hard work thus far. It really isnt that big of a deal starting 66 lbs in the hole. It can give me 2 celebrations, one start weight and the other goal weight. lol

    Heather... how did you resize the photo ? I wasnt given that option. Seaside, shellfish, sunshine and friends. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

    Sylvia... How exciting! What's the name of the newspaper?? I do believe dogs were given extra hard heads. I hope your schnozzola feels better soon. For the dark circles a lil shading, highlighting, contoring nobody will be able to tell. ;)

    Diane... How awful! Prayers for Mr. Man. I think the cosmos got confused, it's suppose to be a baby reindeer dies for every Christmas tree brought up before December. Not your hubby! Is he part reindeer by chance?? ;)

    Pip... I adore hearing how you ride everywhere! I walk everywhere and leave the car at home. 5-10 kilometers a day l did. Any further than that and l will take the bus or a train. We have the BEST public transportation around here.

    As far as those husbands... I do believe l will keep by competitive nature at bay and stop while I am ahead. ;) But come January, perhaps you and I could get a round going on some of those exercises you do! :)

    Barbie... I'm so happy that hubby got to hear got good news regarding his tests.

    Robin... When l read about your fire my heart beat a little faster. l love how your handling the whole thing. l think after all was said and done by the evening my knees would of been shaking and l would of been in tears. Now l love to redecorate just as much as the next gal, how about next time no fire. ;) hugz

    Yannijannie... What a great t-day tradition!

    Beth.. You shop like l do! lol A couple for them, one for me, cuz carrying fee. Seriously l am distracted by all things shiney even more so when they are on sale!! lol

    Kiki... click the Following star again to unfollow.

    Katla... Thank you! I have 2 quotes that really speak to me. I chose that one for now but soon you will see;

    Being fat is hard.
    Losing weight is hard.
    Maintaining is hard.
    Choose your hard.

    I know which one I choose! lol

    Jane... hugz back!!

    Michele... While in my lurk phase You definitely caught my eye. I love hearing about your exercises, life, and your personality. l just know we will be fast friends! :) I can't tell you how many of my vegetable trays have been skipped over during the holiday pot lucks. Which of course I really didnt mind but still a part of me went awwwwwwwww. So then I got it into my head that presentation is Everything and started bringing fruits n veggies Trees ( picture coming ). This fruit tree is easy peasy. Core an apple, stick a carrot in it, then using toothpicks broken in half start placing your fruit onto the carrot. I used cookie cutters for the melons. :) I do this all year round. lol I also have so many recipes that no matter the potluck these are figure friendly and finished before I get a chance to have a taste. lol


  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    Here are 2 vegetables trees. The first easy peasy, the second just easy. If anyone is interested on how to put these together message me!

  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited November 2014
    l'm sorry they wouldnt let me put them both together... forgive me for going picture happy on you all.

    With these veggie trees, you can surround them with varying dips. My personal favorite is hummus. :)

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sassy, I LOVE the fruit trees!!! But how does anybody eat them? They are so pretty! I may try that for my kids at Christmas. They love fruit. The newspaper is the Joplin Globe. I'll post a link when I get one. Should be Sunday.

    Hubby came and took me to lunch. He said it's a good thing that I didn't go back home after the newspaper interview like I had planned. He went home after going to the Y and found a very dead, very chewed, rabbit on the floor in the great room. Nobody would confess to doing the deed, but we suspect it was Spot. Early this morning he went outside and stayed for quite a while, even missing out on mooching my breakfast, so we thought at the time he was up to something. Molly had not been out at that point, and Bruno came running in and out like a crazy dog. Yep, something was definitely up. Hubby said they are finding their own chew toys now.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    Bob, a 70-year-old, extremely wealthy widower, shows up at the Country Club with a breathtakingly beautiful and very sexy 25-year-old blonde-haired woman who knocks everyone's socks off with her youthful sex appeal and charm and who hangs over Bob's arm and listens intently to his every word. His buddies at the club are all aghast.

    At the very first chance, they corner him and ask, 'Bob, how'd you get the trophy girlfriend?' Bob replies, 'Girlfriend? She's my wife!'

    They are knocked over, but continue to ask. 'So, how'd you persuade her to marry you?' 'I lied about my age', Bob replies. 'What, did you tell her you were only 50?'

    Bob smiles and says, 'No, I told her I was 90.'


    So long again!


  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello, hello!

    Just home from the "Y" and going to the park with a friend to "help" her walk her dog. I must admit, I am not much of a dog person (probably too lazy) but I LOVE HER DOG and her dog loves me. It is a beautiful sunny day in Nashville so we had a good time. It sounds as if some of you put me to shame in the exercise department. It makes me feel slothful, but I am telling myself you "busy bees" might be 15 years younger than I.

    Every time I check in there are new people. I love that about this thread.
    Lena and Carol - welcome.

    Sassy - love your name and your spunk. Where are you from? I know Austria is home now and not that a native Austrian couldn't communicate so cleverly - but I am curious. I love the picture of Bosko, by the way. He might be another dog I could get cozy with!

    Katla - you mention being a teacher. What did you teach? I just retired from teaching elementary kids ( about 80% of our school was English second language) I miss them but I am loving leaving the political mess of public education behind! BTW didn't it make you sad when we had to start doing lock-down drills in schools. It is hard to explain to six year olds , smiling as you lock doors, cover windows and put a sign with a body count in the window for the police to see - that it is only practice "in case". To me that just seemed like a turning point that left a permanent shadow on my heart.

    Sylvia - I bet you did great with the newspaper folks. It's nice your community recognizes your efforts. Sorry about your collision with the pooch!

    Well, ready to eat some sardines for lunch and then cuddle with my cat.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sassy... I ditto Sylvia! Love the fruit and vegetable trees! I can think of at least one event where I would be the star if I brought one of those...

    dstirratt ... I shuddered when thinking of your husband falling backwards ... thankful he wasn't more seriously injured and hoping that he will heal quickly from his fall.

    Michele ... I was shopping again last night :blush: and I thought of you as soon as I added up all the savings. I've wanted a Kitchenaid Mixer for a long time, but couldn't justify the cost. I received an email from Brad's Deals that Kohl's was running their Black Friday sales early online. So here's what happened. A Kitchenaid Artisan (5qt bowl) ... RED ... regularly 449.00 on sale at Kohl's for 349.00 but last night was 314.99. Had an additional sale promo that brought it down to 267.49 ... free shipping. They added a ridiculous handling surcharge of 7.50 (free shipping my foot!!) and then NY's crazy tax of 24.08. So total price was 299.32? Nope ... not done! Rebate of 50.00 and 9% cash-back going through ebates.com brought it down to 225.00. Still not done! Kohl's gave me $75.00 Kohl's Cash which I will definitely use for Christmas shopping! So ... a Kitchenaid Mixer and 75.00 worth of merchandise from Kohl's for 225.00 ... I think I did ok ... and I didn't even have to go into the store! Score!

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Beth - all I can say is, "WOW"! Congratulations on a great deal!
  • salubrioussteff4ever
    Sassy: So then I got it into my head that presentation is Everything and started bringing fruits n veggies Trees ( picture coming ). This fruit tree is easy peasy. Core an apple, stick a carrot in it, then using toothpicks broken in half start placing your fruit onto the carrot. I used cookie cutters for the melons. :) I do this all year round. lol I also have so many recipes that no matter the potluck these are figure friendly and finished before I get a chance to have a taste. lol These are the coolest things ever…I so want to try this.

    Viv: thinking of you…holidays and firsts are tough. Hang in there. We can do hard things.

    Sylvia: Why do we love our fur friends so much that living without them seems impossible. Uggg. DH thinking of getting another dog? Are we crazy? YEP!

    Katla: no giving in here…another good quote, "we only fail if we fail to try"

    Hugs everyone and Happy Thanksgiving! :D
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Juanita, welcome back. You are a good person to help your sister and put your own needs on hold for a while. I guess I am a weird one because working the holidays was one of my favorite times in nursing. Back in 'the days' when a person would stay in the hospital for more than just 48 hours we would have peoples casts off in the hospital. The doctor would think up some kind of diagnosis like possible pneumonia or possible UTI and wha-la they could be in the hospital for a couple of days. These were the people who stayed with their kids because they were old or just couldn't take care of themselves. But some times they were confused or had to use diapers and family was having a big get together and they didn't want them around, they were embarrassed about elderly Grandma. So we became their family even though we didn't even know them. Some of these people would come in every year so we did get to know them. The girls I worked with back then were a great group of people and would sing Christmas songs, bring goodies in for each other and our 'special guests'. Now those days eventually passed because of medicare laws and people weren't able to stay as long. But the doctors would do their best to discharge every one they could so they could be home for the holidays but there was always that few that couldn't go home and some how the families treated them differently. It was always festive with these people. A fake Christmas tree in almost every room. Families would want to spend their day with their loved one instead of sticking them with us so they didn't have to be at home when they had their wonderful parties. These other people were wonderful. They wanted to be with their loved ones and we were just one happy family. Sorry I am going on and on. It's just that nursing meant so much to me and my multiple sclerosis kind of abruptly stopped that.

    Talked to my daughter who lives out of town and she will be here around 5 tomorrow night. Was quite a reminder that I don't have my house ready yet! I had plans of spending this afternoon doing Christmas shopping. Still can't decide which one to do. But I am excited that I have my girls, and son in law for longer than what I expected.

    Sassy, your dog is gorgeous! So huggable.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I am already sick of winter. Why do so many people think their vehicle can stop quicker than mine? This is the third time in 4 years that I have been rear-ended at a stop light. So, with a herniated disc from decades ago, and RA diagnosed a year ago, there was NO WAY I was going to get out of my car, into traffic, on an icy road, just so the man behind me could prove that he didn't do much damage. Now I have to get up and stretch every few minutes just to get through the workday, and will take some muscle relaxers to sleep the next few nights (last year it happened the night before Christmas Eve). And besides that, there really is no such thing as "not much damage" on a Cadillac that is now on it's third bumper.

    Diana in Indiana - Don't get me wrong, my injuries are nothing compared to your DH. I hope he heals quickly, and that his injuries are limited. And I hope this does not ruin his hunting season. Prayers ! ! !

    Sassy - LOVE the veggie and fruit trees. I plan on trying them soon, too.

    Sylvia - Gross on the rabbit. I used to have a cat that did the same thing at least once a week, but with numerous different animals or rodents. And of course they consider it a gift, so you have to offer praise. :p

    Beth - Nice Shopping. That sounds like my kind of deal. I love stacking savings, especially on myself. ;)

    Thanks everyone, for letting me vent about this morning.

    Congrats to everyone with successes.

    Prayers to everyone with needs and struggles.

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    sassy - yeah, I think I will stop on husband #4, so far so good with him, lololol. I do bike everywhere. so far going on my 4th year of year round biking. I also am a runner. all my stat abbreviations do mean something, if you're curious, just lemme know.
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    HaH! Who would of thunk that l would need to post directions on how to eat the Tree's on a weight loss site!! lol I love this group! Biggest belly laugh of the day. It really is the little things in life that can make or break or your day. This made mine! :D

    Serving the trees at home: It's usually my centerpiece and with family/close friends, we use our fingers.

    Potluck serving: I place sugar cube tongs on the tray of the trees so people can pluck off what they want.

    Like l said the fruit tree is my go to most often because i always have the apple, carrot and odd bits of fruit around. The thing is completely edible!

    With the second veg tree l use a cone Styrofoam and cover it in cling wrap. Then the same premise with toothpicks and veggies.

    And on that note... I am off to bed ladies. Will catch up in the morning. Thanks for all the smiles today. :)

    Terri I am so sorry bout fender bender.

    Sassy aus Steyr Austria

    If you want it, You'll find a way. If you don't, You'll find an excuse.
  • salubrioussteff4ever
    oops, forgot that I never did the introduction part, so here goes. I am a mom of 5 biological(4 girls one boy), 4 (three girls one boy)step (although I never call them that because we are a full time family) children and grandma to 4 (two girls two boys)grand babies. I am married to my best friend. I lost my first husband to a brain tumor in 2000 and remarried shortly after to a not so good guy but managed to get my sweet Lilli out of the deal. And then found my best friend and the best of 3. I vowed it was either third time's a charm or three strikes your out and I'm never doing this again…well I am grateful to say that third time is definitely a charm and so much more...Chris and I have been married for 7 years and we have blended 9 children. 7 daughters and 2 sons. Mine are 29, 28, 25, 21 and 12, his are 21, 19, 16, and 12. We have two daughters named Emma that were born on our 29th birthdays. And our 12 year olds are two daughters that spend just about every waking moment together. WE are beyond blessed as a blended family, our kids love each other and as a matter of fact, two of them are in China for 4 months teaching children english at a private school.

    My goals are to successfully change my habits regarding my health and become a happy, healthy wife, mom and grandma.

    Thanks in advance for the support, this is a wonderful group.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    Well, there were times today when I looked over my shoulder expectng to see Lucy and Ethel. The turkey which I have been defrosting in the fridge was a gift from one of DD's jobs. When I slit the plastic open it was covered in a light brown slimy smelly substance; the gravy packet had burst.........not only had the plastic had a hole in it, but my fridge all the way down, every level needed to be cleaned. Then took the whole mess out to the garbage and slipped in the mud from where a tree was removed and fell flat on my back........mud from socks (I had on Crocs) to my hair. I could have stayed there in the mud and cried!!! I stripped right inside the door and headed to the shower. Then I had no turkey. The only thing I could come up with was to run out and buy a fresh one. Well, my first stop was out of them...........my second stop wanted $45.00 and up; so I just bought a fresh breast which is now in the oven. I can already hear DH and DD about how there are no legs. Cranberry sauce is made and in the fridge, as is sweet potato/pecan casserole, green beans are ready to cook, potatoes are ready to get boiled so I may have a handle on it now, finally. Dnner will be about 7:00..............keep your fingers crossed for me, ladies, please..............no more disasters.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here. Mildred beagle slept really well last night, then at 6am crawled in bed for cuddles for an hour.
    When our male beagle George (yup his name) died we said "no more dogs" and went on holiday to NSW. Came home and house quiet and no doggy to walk and talk with, so after 2 days we went to pound. There was Mildred beagle, yes named that. She had been dumped the night before and look really sorry for herself, we decided George had guided us there and we adopted her. She is 12 after Christmas and Stan put the tree up for HER! She loves her walks with me and just LOVES her daddy to bits.
    I am happy I joined Jeannette jenkins' site. breakfast was cheesy egg white omelet, lunch is turkey veg chili. Braised steak for dinner Cals = 1763. Exercise is her core and stretch it out DVD, plus I did 36 mins Wii boxing before breakfast, and will walk doggy 30 mins = 596 cals.
    I see the dietitian at 3.15pm today and am taking meal and exercise printouts..
    I CAN and WILL do JJ's 15 week program and eat her breakfast and lunches.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    tngram2seven: I taught for over 25 years in various assignments. I was a TAG specialist in a number of elementary schools over the years and finished my career with several years as an 8th grade Social Studies teacher--all America, all the time. History, government, and economics. I really enjoyed that once I learned to deal with 8th graders. :devil: :laugh:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    And it goes on .........DH "helping" to clean up, threw out all my saved turkey juices that I was going to put in my soup...........
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Hello to all: Happy Birthday a day late to Margaret. DH's birthday was yesterday too. We went out for dinner last night and I did fairly well but I did have the Maytag blue cheese dressing on my salad. We only go to this restaurant 2-3 times a year so it was worth it.

    The wellness center is having a Frosty Challenge over the holidays. You get a punch on a card each time you come and then are entered in a drawing depending on your number of punches at the end. A little motivation to keep exercising.

    Our cat recently has chosen to sleep in a too small basket so when we found a poufy, fuzzy cat bed at Walmart for $6.88 the other night we bought it. She adores it and has been spending lots of time there. However, enter the standard poodle who thinks this is not fair although she has an old blanket to sleep on. She tried very hard to fit herself in the cat bed, just hilarious, so guess who will get a new poufy bed for Christmas.

    Went to hear a brass ensemble over the weekend playing seasonal music. Everything from a soprano trumpet to an EE flat tuba. Wonderful music!!

    Robin - Very glad the fire was not more serious and that you were home to deal with it.

    Love the fruit and veg trees. What a great idea!!

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD