I am afraid to even post this...



  • Heaffym
    Heaffym Posts: 6 Member
    It's so awesome that you're working to lose the weight again and I wish you the best of luck! Lots of people gave good advice for losing weight, and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but I thought I would throw this in. In my experience, one really important aspect of weight loss is dealing with why you might overeat the way you do. Some people can just change the foods they eat and lose the weight and keep it off. For me, at least, this was different. I found that the reason I would binge eat or just eat junk food was when I was having emotional issues. Trying to find a new way of expressing myself was, and still is, the most difficult part of the weight loss journey for me. In my opinion, I think that figuring out why we do what we do is really, really important and if we keep with the same habits then we'll just gain the weight back the next time, for example, there is something that really emotionally affects us. Hopefully this helps a little, sometimes finding the underlying cause can really help. Good luck!!
  • cybergaluk
    cybergaluk Posts: 24 Member
    Hi and welcome......you got this!!!

    Friend request sent... :oD xx
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    All you really need to do is eat healthy (control your portion sizes) and exercise. I know that's the hard way, but it's the only way that will ever work and stick with you. Do NOT eat fast foods, processed foods, and heavy meats. Lean meats, lots of veggies, and move around more. You have to get in at least moderate exercise, and you have to stick with it. It is super hard, especially from where you are starting, it is going to be very difficult for a while, but it is worth it, and you want it, need it, so just remember to stick with it. Instead of letting go in a month when it's getting hard to stay the course, clench your fists, grit your teeth, and dig your heels in. You are the only person who can really help you. You have to want it. Good luck my friend.
  • jkleinknecht
    Hi Tom,

    We will be here cheering you on through the entire weight loss journey. You have taken the first and sometimes hardest step already.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Bump to read later.
  • blondegirl102511
    You're very brave. And I will be sending a friend request. I know you can do it.
  • beckydragonpoet
    beckydragonpoet Posts: 50 Member
    You can do this Tom!

    I've been working on this for a long time. I've come to the conclusion, that goals are what keep me motivated. I want to move faster that a Zombie if one/many comes for me and be strong enough to fight it off if it/they can catch me.

    In the meantime I'm also working on a healthier diet. Vegetables, fruit, fish, chicken, even extra firm tofu. Healthy non-processed food. It makes me feel good and satisfied.

    Just remember each day is a new one. Yesterday is not Today. We all fall off the wagon and eat like tomorrow is not coming. It’s ok. Today and all the tomorrows are yours. Just get back on the 'wagon' if you ever fall off.

    In the meantime I suggest get a nutritionist. You will need a way to slowly lower your calories in a way that is safe and healthy for you. Don't just stop eating, you body will think you are starving and it will save your calories instead of using them wisely.

    I would also get trainer at some point. Since I'm not sure of your physical status, such as can you stand on your own or walk ok...I don't have a training ideas for you per say, but I know from myself weights help along with cardio. These combined help you lose weight as well as give you strength to accomplish your goals.

    Don't forget to have goals, small ones, big ones, medium ones. These will push you forward, and help you every time you get down in the dumps you look at your list of all you have accomplished. Trust me it will be EPIC!

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    ~~Friend request sent~~

    Don't ever forget your "why". Can't wait to watch and cheer you on through your journey!
  • bateslin
    bateslin Posts: 67
    There's not much that I can say here that hasn't already been said. Welcome to MFP! The first step is getting started. I would encourage you to take it at a reasonable pace. Don't jump in trying to do too much too soon or it will cause more problems for you. Do what you can and build off that each day. If you start walking (it can sometimes be difficult on joints depending on weight etc.) then walk until you are at your limit. (even if that is to the end of the street/driveway. Then, build off it daily by trying to take it a bit further. Before long you will be amazed at how much more you can do. I wouldn't start some strict diet that will likely cause you to give up at times. Cut your portions of what you eat down. I've seen people use smaller plates so it appears fuller than it is and drink a lot of water. Drink water before your meals as it helps fill you up. If you don't like the taste of water or find it boring, you can add fresh fruit for a mild flavor (lemon works great).

    If you have access to a pool, I would recommend this 100% as a good place to start. The benefit in the pool is you get resistance from the water but not the gravity strain you feel on land. You can walk, run, lift weights etc in water. I started in water aerobics because I had flipped a car 3 years ago and my back and shoulder have never fully recovered. You can get a great workout in the pool and see weight/inches fall off. I have slowly changed my routines to use both aqua aerobics/classes with land classes and regular gym. One thing you can also do is if you feel you become plateaued or aren't seeing results after a time period, disrupt your routine and try something new to jump start more loss.

    I would also say don't focus so much on the numbers on a scale as it can get depressing. I will say I know this 1st hand because I stayed the same weight for 1.5 months even though I was working out 5+ days a week. It can mean that you are gaining muscle as you are losing weight. I recommend taking measurements as sometimes you'll notice changes there when the scale seems to be a broken record. In the 1.5 months that I stayed the same weight I lost 20 inches in my body (arms, legs, stomach, etc.). So, I recommend taking measurements all over and not just chest, stomach, hips. Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    Best of luck to you!
  • jandjcassidy
    jandjcassidy Posts: 143
    Its great that you have reached out that is the very first step!!! I'd love to help you with your journey!! I'll add you!
  • kwyndroski
    kwyndroski Posts: 4
    What you are doing is very brave. you will find a ton of support here. I will also join your support team. I am in my 40's and menopause has killed my weight. I am in a different boat than yours but I fully understand not being comfortable in your body. I feel the same way.
  • 260ToGo
    260ToGo Posts: 16 Member
    Once again, I can not thank you all enough for how motivated I feel... for the first time ever I feel like I have the support system I need to accomplish my goals. Hopefully I can help you all in some way as well! :)
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Good for you for taking the first step to a healthier you!! You will find a lot of super awesome people here to help motivate you.

    I wouldn't be a good friend, though. I like to talk about cats. :wink:
  • allyson8706
    You can do this! I have really been struggling with my weight the past few years. Even though my weight fluctuates I feel so much better when I eat better better and exercise and I try to remember that when making my food and drink choices. It is hard but we have to strive to do better and if you fall down dust yourself off and start again...I do it and I am sure many others do too! It is hard to break habits we have had for so long but not impossible!!
  • ChanceTakr2131
    Instead of trying "one final time," try every single day! Don't give up if you don't succeed, or if you stumble along the way; losing weight and becoming fit is a long, hard process and NO ONE is perfect at it!! You can do it, but not if you don't change your mindset first. Weight loss comes from your mind, your outlook, and your attitude, not from your body.:flowerforyou:
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I know how it feels :), I may not be 100% to your weight, but I am close-ish..I would love to help motivate you and be a friend through this! It will not be easy starting out, you need to get all that "junk" out of your system. What I did was get it out of my house and out of my diet. For 1 week I did fruit as my need for "sweets" and then just ate healthy unprocessed foods. Having it here and their is not what hurts you, its the constant eating it like I was that really hurts you. Also don't dread posting for help, yes their are trolls out there, but for the most part there are AMAZING people as well!! :)
  • LazyBearGrrr
    LazyBearGrrr Posts: 35 Member
    Do yourself a favor and take a "before picture," so when you succeed, you'll have proof!

    I have been on a million diets, and so far, the beautiful simplicity of myfitnesspal is the only thing that has worked.

    I can't wait to see your "after picture" :-)

  • NeverTooLateForChange
    NeverTooLateForChange Posts: 131 Member
    You are in the right place. This site is awesome. These people are fantastic. We are all here to get healthy. We hold each others hands along the way. I am reaching out my hand to you.
  • Goddessmiamia
    Hey Tom,

    The first step is the most challenging. You will get there and being part of a community where a majority of us suffer the same fate is a good support system to keep you honest and keep you going.

    I participate in a hospital regimented diet called HMR Healthy Solutions diet which allowed me to cook fruits and vegetables but requires us (my husband and I) to have 3 protein shakes and 2 entrees (HRM food) a day. I'll be honest, I never thought it would work but it did. It helps us keep on track because we have to go to class once a week with a dietitian and email mid-week to check in on our progress.

    This is a very similar method to Weight Watchers but since we can't trust ourselves to cook healthy and we needed to learn how to eat again, we needed this type of guidance and assistance to keep us going and keep us honest.

    The hardest part for me was admitting I had an eating problem and that even though I was an athlete (tri-sport and captain) I was no longer that person anymore at 256 lbs.

    The fact that you're on here takes courage and strength, and it takes 1 step a day to keep you moving, and keep your mind occupied so that you stay away from food.

    You can do it as you did before and you can keep it up to meet your goal. Take it one day at a time, if you have a bad day, no biggie, don't get down on yourself, keep walking, moving, eat better, prepare for the next day, do not sabotage yourself and you will succeed. Best of luck to you Tom!!!
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    wow I admire you so much; so much courage!

    I wish you well on your fitness journey!

    Alex :)