I am afraid to even post this...



  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    watch these 2 movies>>>> Forks over Knives and Hungry for a Change.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    watch these 2 movies>>>> Forks over Knives and Hungry for a Change.

    Def love both
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Check out this blog for inexpensive, healthy meal ideas. She calculates the cals and cost at the bottom of every recipe:
  • 260ToGo
    260ToGo Posts: 16 Member
    watch these 2 movies>>>> Forks over Knives and Hungry for a Change.

    Def love both

    Watched them both about a month ago. Gotta love Netflix Documentaries <33 Also; Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. :) 8$ a month for such inspirational and informative content.
  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome Tom and congratulations to you on taking this step. As you can see this is a fabulous place, I have only been on about 2 weeks and the support and encouragement is amazing! You can do this, take one day at a time! :)
  • NeverTooLateForChange
    NeverTooLateForChange Posts: 131 Member
    watch these 2 movies>>>> Forks over Knives and Hungry for a Change.

    Also, "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead". On Netflx & Hulu I think.
  • 260ToGo
    260ToGo Posts: 16 Member
    watch these 2 movies>>>> Forks over Knives and Hungry for a Change.

    Also, "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead". On Netflx & Hulu I think.

    Lol, I just commented above on how I watched that. I tried the juicing thing but 30 days with only juice... the things that were happening to my body after day 6 I would have preferred death.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Just adding my support, you've been given great advice, some excellent support. All I can do is stress, life style changes. Baby steps if you need too.

    Good for you Tom.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Tom, Tom... you're the bomb! (Cheesy I know... :P)

    Congrats on taking this first big step! As you see, there is plenty of support on here. Also, don't be discouraged by the bad support... there are always some bad apples here and there but the good ones far out weight the rotten.

    If you need to know the right direction to take, just follow your instinct and reach out to one or more of the many people who have PM'ed you and probably offered to start you in the right direction.

    You're goal is very reasonable... and there's no reason you can't begin losing weight and working toward that goal like- tomorrow!

    Best of luck!
  • katiebenson12
    katiebenson12 Posts: 80 Member
    Rather than being afraid, you should be PROUD!! Coming to terms and asking for help is an excellent step. I feel very similarly, motivation is hard when you don't know how it feels to be in shape. However, I celebrate the small accomplishments. Like taking the stairs every day rather than the elevator, staying under my calorie goal. Every week, I reward myself with a meal off, in which I eat whatever I want, no calorie counting, nothing. Small steps, small steps, it will work. :)
  • Fuzzbang
    Fuzzbang Posts: 19 Member
    You are awesome and inspiring! Patience is the most important thing that leads to success that I know of.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I'm proud of you buddy! There are thousands of people out there that won't make the change. That won't stand up for their own lives and do something about it.

    Read alot of the posts/articles on this site. Peruse the success stories.

    There are many here who have done what you are undertaking, and have succeeded! You can do this too! The mind is the most powerful thing in your body...fuel your mind and use it to your advantage. Tell yourself what you are going to do, and do not give up. Never give up.

    I wish you the greatest of success!
  • jennilee1985
    jennilee1985 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Tom,

    I think that this is a very friendly website and we are all here for the same purpose. Thanks for posting your comment. You are stepping in the right direction just by being here and making a post. I hope that these comments will let you know that there are so many wonderful people in this world.

    I just want to ask you what do you like to do? For fun, what are your hobbies? Because I find that if something is fun and fulfilling you will stick with it. Maybe incorporate something you love doing into an exercise. Not to bring up cats (I am not a fan of cats) but I get out with the dog and it's quite enjoyable. I don't notice the time I spend outdoors. Maybe try out a new hobby. I love knitting and thought..hmmm...maybe a person could use the eliptical while knitting??? Okay maybe the wrong example but, you could turn something you already like to do into a calorie burning exercise. Maybe make a list things.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Oh another amazing thing I would recommend investing into, Bodymedia Core Armband ( wait for the new one coming out this fall, easier setup then the old one :) ). I simply love mine!! it has helped me better understand my body and so forth :3
  • 260ToGo
    260ToGo Posts: 16 Member
    Oh another amazing thing I would recommend investing into, Bodymedia Core Armband ( wait for the new one coming out this fall, easier setup then the old one :) ). I simply love mine!! it has helped me better understand my body and so forth :3

    Thanks for the tip, I'll keep that in mind!
  • fightingthefood

    I know where you are coming from. I can't remember a time when I was a normal weight, was always the biggest kid at school and never had any luck with diets. There are six kids in my family and not a lot of money so mom always filled us with whatever carb (rice, noodles, potatoes ) that she could with what money she had. The results ended up being six fat kids with weight and eating problems that have followed us all our lives. Not to mention the high blood pressure, diabetes, gout and joint problems. I started in April of 2013 and have lost 32 lbs. so far but still had some problems sticking with it. One thing I am finding that helps a lot is trying to plan my meals at least a day ahead. I find I am more likely to lose my way if I try to figure out what to eat when I am hungry. I also save a lot of my meals so my diary with be quicker to fill out for the next day. Just pick three meals that I want for the day and I am good to go. Don't know if you have anybody else to cook for ( I have a wife and four kids) but trying to cook for me and something different for them just didn't work. So they just had to learn to eat the healthy stuff. Best for them anyway. Did buy them some pastries for breakfast one morning and my eight year old asked if I was trying to kill them with that crap as it was unhealthy. I just smiled and made her a chia seed omelet. So keep with it and when you have a bad day learn from it and move on. Play around with the site and learn all the ends and outs. There are a lot of great people here that with be happy to help and encourage you. You will run into a few that have a bad case of optical rectitus (where their optical nerve is wrapped around their a**hole which gives them a sh***y outlook on life ) but ignore and enjoy the others. If I can be of any help just let me know and good luck on your new life journey.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Tom, you have done the hardest part, and that is knowing that you need help, and that you want to change your life. I know you can do this. This website is filled with motivation and support. You will be amazed, that if you post everyday, and really watch what you eat, you will lose weight. But I would not set a deadline of December to be at a certain weight. It is small, baby steps. I have tried so many times myself to get weight off, but without a support system, it is really hard. Even with a support system, there are days when I just want to give up, but I don't.

    I have found reading the success stories to be so encouraging. There are so many people that have lost over 100 lbs, so I know you can do it.
    I would love to also be your friend, and support you every step of the way. Your life can be so much more, and you are worth it to try. You can do this!
  • jbetch
    jbetch Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome Tom! You are taking the first step to a healthier you. Its not going to be easy and there will be many temptations along the way but you have to be true to yourself and keep the big picture in mind. Wishing you the best!! Feel free to add me, along with anyone else that wishes to do so. I look forward to watching your success!
  • Jadidas81
    Jadidas81 Posts: 1
  • Supertrekie2013
    Supertrekie2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Tom,

    I consider you brave and upfront. I'm hoping that you go forward and help me. That's why I'm here. I'm a yo-yo'er and hope that I can stick with it with support.

    Let's go get'em together.