Eat Clean??



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Raccoons wash their food.
    Raccoons are never overweight.
    Therefore, eating clean = normal weight.

  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    Raccoons wash their food.
    Raccoons are never overweight.
    Therefore, eating clean = normal weight.




  • lthurm0409
    lthurm0409 Posts: 5
    The people who say it doesn't matter are probably referring strictly to weight loss. If you want to be as healthy as you can manage, then it does matter. Processed foods have all kinds of non-nutritive additives that can sabotage your health. The basic idea of eating clean is to use raw ingredients, organic when it's practical to do so, and always know what you are putting in your mouth. It's not a magic bullet for weight loss, but it can help maintain good long-term health, which is why it's a lifestyle choice and not a diet, because there's not much benefit to eating that way short-term.

    I couldn't agree with you more. I am trying to eat cleaner myself. It also means staying away from deep fried foods and limiting intake of complex carbs. I've been shopping at my local farmer's markets. That helps to cut costs for me.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Raccoons wash their food.
    Raccoons are never overweight.
    Therefore, eating clean = normal weight.





    Okay the ONE fat raccoon on the planet. You're feeding him unclean food, admit it! He's living in your crawl space.
  • lthurm0409
    lthurm0409 Posts: 5
    Tosca Reno has some good recipe books as well as recipes online.

    She also has Clean Eating Magazine. I find fabulous recipes here as well as
  • nncantrell
    nncantrell Posts: 4 Member
    Check out the book "It Starts With Food" by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig. It is a fast read and very, very interesting. I'm on day 25 of the Whole30 program and I can't even begin to list all of the great things clean, healthy eating is doing for me.

    If you aren't into getting the book you can look around their website, which is really helpful as well:

    Good luck!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Eating clean is not "new." Eating clean is the way we had always been eating up until the advent of processed foods within the past 60 or so years. Basically it means you prepare your own meals whenever possible, using fresh meats, produce, and if your personal diet allows for it, whole grains as opposed to bleached/enriched grains.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Let's ask the question...what is "clean?"...and this will confuse you. it is intended to, so that you may question the concept of a "clean" food, and maybe form your own opinion on rather if such a thing exists. For the sake of argument, let's say we're concerned only about weight loss...which I assume is your main driving motivation for living healthy. Healthy is also a very fickle people with ripped six pack abs may be quite unhealthy all together.

    Is a strawberry clean? most people would say yes (let's not get into whether the strawberry is organic).

    Is a grain of whole wheat clean? again, most people would say yes.

    So I grind up the strawberry into jam, I grind up the wheat into flour, bake it, and wrap it around the jam. It's now a pop tart. Is this clean? most people would say no.


    Because pop tarts have added sugar. And the flour is bleached and enriched..ergo "Processed", and preservatives are added for shelf life (preservatives do not have any relevance to weight loss, generally).

    Sugar is made of sugar cane, or corn, or any sort of thing that can taste sweet. Are these foods clean? What about the sugar derived from them? Is that clean? Then, what about natural organic that cleaner than high fructose corn syrup?

    The overwhelming answer is no. Your body in absence of your ability to cognitively categorize foods into "clean" vs "dirty" cannot tell the difference between sugar from bee honey and sugar from processed corn. In fact, their chemical make-ups are almost identical.

    So the pop tart, full of clean and non clean things, are processed indiscriminately by your body, and partitioned into its various components. If you eat a no sugar added whole wheat strawberry pop tart with no preservatives, you are getting the sugar from the strawberries, the fiber from the whole flour, and the vitamins and nutrients that are associated with those two foods.

    If you eat a pop tart that is a regular pop tart, you get the sugar from the strawberry, some more sugar from corn or sugar cane, no fiber from the flour, but flour nonetheless, and all the vitamins and nutrients associated with those foods.

    So then, there's not really any clean foods are there? There are just foods broken down, enriched, processed into parts of their whole self, metabolized by the body in their distinct parts as well.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    look at my diary - that pretty much sums it up

    I eat about 85-90% clean - sans chocolate.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Within the first week, the whites of my eyes were whiter.

  • IronFiend
    IronFiend Posts: 44 Member
    Eating clean = unprocessed foods. I am a fan.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    My interpretations of eating clean is: eating as much fresh, local, self-prepared food as possible. Very little from a box, bag or package. Mostly it's meat, veggies, fruit & nuts. Food that hasn't been "processed" per se.
  • uneik3
    uneik3 Posts: 68 Member

    Is this^^^ Eating Clean???

    Common food= fuel there is no dirty or clean foods. Hit your Macros and you will be fine.

    well it could be but I prefer to put my food in the washer on "gentle wash" It makes the meat and veggies more tender...

    FYI apparently greens in a pillow case in the dryer's fluff cycle works great to dry lettuce. So I've heard.
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72
    Its not pointless, thats pretty ignorant! Clean eating in its simplest form is eating natural food (like we would have eaten before all this proccessed food came about). Eating natural food is 100% better for you than eating processed food. Granted 100 cals of fruit and 100 cals of chips will make up the same calorific content, but the health benefits and nutrients of fruit massively outweigh the proccessed food. I try to eat as clean as I happily can, ie I will allow myself things proccessed treats as eating clean be a little dull in the snack department. This is an example of my day when I am "kind of" clean eating... and TBH its quicker than making things like pasta etc!! I suffer from IBS and since ive cut out complex carbs and sugar this has massively improved my digestion and bloating!


    Porridge Oats made with unsweetended almond milk, banana and Manuka Honey
    Green Tea

    Chicken Breast/Prawns
    Steamed Mix Veg (Brocolli, Carrots, Spinach, Baby Corn and Kale as an example)..usually mixed with cayenne pepper
    Cottage Cheese
    Lots of water

    Afternoon "Snack"
    Beef Jerky or Veg Stick/Fruit

    Salmon Fillet/Steak/Mince
    Lots of steamed or stirfry veg mixed with spices
    Sweet Pototo Mash/Fries
    Pepper/Mushroom stuffed with lentils/Quinoa

    Yoghurt with fruit
    Hot chocolate (1 scoop of belgian choc protein powder or cocoa and almond milk)

    Its works for me, but not saying its gospel!! Hope thats helps :)
  • emma19797
    emma19797 Posts: 18
    Try out this website:

    Clean eating is like a healthy lifestyle...but mostly about making the right know, instead of milk chocolate try black chocolate, instead of chocolate bars try some raisins and nuts, choose low fat over full fat, fruits over dessert, eat lots of fish, grilled skinny meats and oven roasted meat, salads with less mayo dressing but with olive oil and some seasoning...and so on.
  • RichOC
    RichOC Posts: 243 Member
    Wait, I thought it meant to clean your plate?
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    "Clean" is just an expression - ignore the word and focus on the meaning - the meaning is real foods that occur in nature, not made in a lab and assembled in a factory.

    Also ignore the raging debate over processed vs unprocessed.

    Sure - we all know that bagged salad and grated carrot is technically "processed" but they are still just carrot and salad - with nothing added.

    Also Ignore the facetious people that say all foods are chemicals - yes, we know this., we paid attention in high school chemistry.

    Clean eating means sticking to real foods - avoid the stuff where the ingredients include artificial colours, flavours, preservatives, nitrates, texture enhancers.

    Nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with not wanting to eat a bunch of weird stuff that is totally unnecessary to ingest.

    I'm a clean eater that believes if it fits with your macros then eat it - e.g. hamburger - YES PLEASE (but I don't need my bread to have sugar and preservatives in it and I prefer my beef pastured and organic)
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    This whole eating "clean" thing really bothers me. It sounds like a religion or cult or something. If you say you don't "eat clean" some people look at you like you're a three headed monster. Just stay within your macros and you'll be fine. Who cares if you eat canned soup or something out of a box. If you like it, and it fits with your calorie budget for the day, GO FOR IT!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Eating clean just means eating normally and rejecting all the crap that has started to get into our food chain in the last 50 or 60 years.

    Nothing sinister about that.

    Infact the food companies are far more sinister/cult like if you ask me.

    "Coca Cola - Open a bottle of happiesss"

    PUR-LEASE!! Open a bottle of tooth decay more like.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    In terms of weight loss alone - it totally doesn't matter. At all. But if you're interested in a healthier lifestyle, then I definitely think it's worth it (as long as you can afford it).

    I've seen people lose 100+ pounds on diets like Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem - and sure, they lost a LOT of weight, but they end up with high blood pressure from all that salt. And migraines from the preservatives and artificial color/flavors. But they're probably a whole lot healthier, in terms of medical risk, at the lower weight with those fairly manageable issues than they were when they were morbidly obese. So make your decision based on what's right for your body, priorities and wallet.