20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What a nice day for us misfits love getting to hear from all of you. We love hearing from each and everyone. Abakan and how are you doing? Come back often and soon
    <3 Marie
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Esther-I hope the doctor is ready to do your knees, I am sure he will be pleased with all your weight loss and how much walking and swimming you have been doing.

    Connie-Glad the beans dont give you gas, it must be me , thats the gassy one with beans. I agree with you and Nancy, its much easier eating at home, but I am trying not to panic everytime someone wants me to eat out. Sorry for no loss, but atleast no gain and you are getting to eat more.

    Shirley-The boats look pretty, sounds like it was a good time for all. The boats and water make me ready for boating, or atleast swimming, we havent put my pool up yet, my husband has felt bad since Wednesday and I thought last week I just gad a touch of it , and now today, I woke up with sore throat and sinus problems.

    I do need to report a 1lb. loss, today, I was pleasantly surprised, its the least I have recorded, so far. I hope my weight loss speeds up again, I feel like I have been on a long plateau, but it has been up and down mainly, one step forward, two steps backwards. Have a good day everyone. Janice
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - No that is not our boat, I was on our boat when i took the picture.

    Janice - I know what you mean about a touch of something, I had a burning eyes and watering attack yesterday at our
    festivities. I think I am having allergy eyes this year, never have before. I am using drops right now.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Glad to see everyone is doing well! I stepped away from posting on Saturday, and stayed pretty busy yesterday. We went to make an offer on a house on Saturday, the house had been on the market for 36 hours, with 24 notice needed for showings, so the morning we saw it was the first opportunity for seeing it. The house had already been sold. They accepted an offer from someone, had 7 back-up offers behind that, and went ahead and listed it on the market and allowed several realtors to show it to several people(including us) on Saturday. There was no gain to be had from this, it was just a cruel spirited listing agent doing it for who knows what reason. I wondered what stupid thing would keep us from house #5, and that was it.
    Yesterday we went to 3 open houses in 3 different counties, all represented by different selling agents. Two of the 3 open houses were houses that had already been sold, and the listing agents didn't feel the need to cancel the advertised open houses or to remove the "For Sale" signs from the yards. These selling/listing agents are really disgusting me with their practices.
    We saw a house today, and it has good space and a good yard, but it didn't wow us. We're feeling kind of numb to it right now. It was only 13 years old, but it looked like the owners never did normal maintenance over the years and didn't clean very often, so it seemed like a much older house.
    At least I was able to drown my sorrows in tasty food over the weekend, haha.

    Shirley, your boating excursions look so nice!

    @tenpets Don't get down, you can do this!
    (Btw I love garbanzo beans!)

    Stephanie, the movie in the park was great! We had a good time, and I got to hang out with my sister. And I ate a lot of tasty foods.

    Marie, it's the same thing when it comes to my husband cooking. Several years ago when I was working 2 jobs and he had a strick 9 to 5, he used to cook dinner for us almost every night. He knows how to make some good food, but there's no way he could make a meal within my calories these days. I wish someone else could cook for me sometimes! I make fewer and smaller meals these days too, so I don't do a very good job feeding him any more. :/

    Tami, CONGRATULATIONS on being 2 lbs. from goal!!!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Wow where did the day go!!! Cooked a meal and took it to someone who had surgery.
    Got my exercise in for today and am sitting down for the first time in a while.
    Enjoyed reading your posts. Looks like a fun and busy group.
    Have a good evening.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    So I just got a phone call from the doctors office in Seattle. They need to move my appointment from 10:30 up until noon!!!!! B) that is so in my favor. The ferry lands in Bellingham at 8:00 and it is a 3 hour drive with no traffic to get to Seattle from Bellingham. I only had 2.5 hours to make it on time. Now I have 4 hours to make it!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope things keep going in my favor.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Esther, Hope your appt. goes well and you get good news!!! When you get your new knees you will really be dangerous!!!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Esther, Hope your appt. goes well and you get good news!!! When you get your new knees you will really be dangerous!!!

    >:) Don't I know it!!!! >:)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Esther that's awesome! That'll take a little stress off for sure. I look forward to hearing what your doc says!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifTami, congrats on your loss.....I hope you'll try line dancing...if you go to a class, make a commitment to go several classes in a row because it takes awhile to get the hang of the steps and the dances.

    :) Esther, good news on getting some extra time for the travel from Bellingham to Seattle for the doctor appointment.

    B) Rachel, do not be discouraged....your house will be there for you.

    :) Marie, you are right...I have fun wherever I go....I do what my father taught me....he told me to always be sure to "take the right attitude"

    smiley-bounce013.gif Barbie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Tami..great loss!
    Esther..I am so excited at the prospect of you finally getting your knees! The trip overs sounds awesome!
    Ray..it takes a while, but you will get the right one!
    Barbie, Janice, Nancy, Cristina, Steph, and Marie ...hi there!
    Four more weeks for the July 4 challenge.

    Hope you all have a great day!
    It's rainy and humid here, but I'm still going to the gym for body pump and need to go to store AGAIN!

    Stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    That a good one Barbie. Good advise from your dad's We all could used that advise on our weight loss journey used a good attitude about it

    Which remind me of a question. I have this morning.

    what have your life change since starting the Easter Challenge?
    My answer....... Found .a plan that is suitable for me and I think I have for sure at least I hope so..
    Found so many friends here on the Mitsfit bunch such a nice supported group. And getting to know Connie and her support has kept me going We are all from difference part of the world but we are all in the same boat, our only wish is tofeel fantastic in our clothes. let's keep fighting this battle we have Lets finish the fight right here on the Easter Challenge
    God Bless you all.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited June 2015
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    That a good one Barbie. Good advise from your dad's We all could used that advise on our weight loss journey used a good attitude about it

    Which remind me of a question. I have this morning.

    what have your life change since starting the Easter Challenge?
    My answer....... Found .a plan that is suitable for me and I think I have for sure at least I hope so..
    Found so many friends here on the Mitsfit bunch such a nice supported group. And getting to know Connie and her support has kept me going We are all from difference part of the world but we are all in the same boat, our only wish is tofeel fantastic in our clothes. let's keep fighting this battle we have Lets finish the fight right here on the Easter Challenge
    God Bless you all.

    <3 My life has changed for the better since meeting you, Marie, and the rest of the Easter misfit bunch! This thread has kept me focused on the task at hand.
    <3 It is hard to keep up the fight, and I'm not so sure today that I am going to win it. Every day it is a monumental struggle to stay above water and sometimes I feel like I am drowning in a sea of self pity.

    God bless you, too, Marie.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I hear ya, Connie I am struggling with getting down to my ticker weight. I have not changed it in a long time.
    I weigh everyday and yesterday I caved and had a chocolate bar Grrr! I should know better. My calories were still under
    but that's not the point. We have a club cruise coming up this weekend and a pot luck on Saturday night.
    It is hard this summer with all the pot luck dinners. I do go around the table now first, then go back and pick what
    I want and don't go back for seconds. That is one thing I have learned.

    Esther - Good luck with the apt. and hope all goes well.

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    I am floating in the self pity boat this morning, it is a place I don't like to let myself or others go. my little guy is still struggling a bit, he doesn't really see it but I do. last night, I went to town on the mms and feel gross and guilty this morning! I have been so good and was down so hopefully after a few days....we need to get off the glass is half empty and go to the glass is half full! things are not that bad! we are all healthy, ester is getting new knees, summer is here, marie found a plan that works and we are all making progress whether it is inches or lbs.

    I am grateful to have this place to go to and for the dog :) no judgement!!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    My life is definitely better since finding this MFP group. Connie and Marie are such great motivators and embraced
    me in such a warm way when I joined this group. Then I got to know all of you wonderful ladies and I am so grateful for
    each one of you.
    This is a unique group from all over the place and I enjoy sharing our happy times as well as our struggles on this
    weight loss journey.
    It is so difficult for me to lose weight and has been for the last several years but I want to press on and hopefully one
    day I will not hate to look in the mirror and see I see now.
    What is so difficult for me is wrestling with the same few pounds, down then up, over and over!!! Gets to be a struggle.
    Thankfully I am down 1.1 pounds this morning but the sad thing about it is that is .5 lb from my lowest on the Easter challenge.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Stephanie, I had a close call with M&Ms last night too. I felt so hungry yesterday because I got up earlier but didn't go to bed earlier, so I had the same amount of calories to stretch over an extended day, and I was peering in the pantry and almost grabbed the bag of peanut M&Ms. Don't get down on yourself, just change things around today, because there's no point worrying about yesterday.

    My life has changed thanks to the Easter Challenge. This has kept me accountable much longer than I've ever been before with weight loss. If I didn't have you all and MFP I would have given up and given in months ago, and I would have been back at a very unhealthy weight again. And unhappy in the process. Being able to come here and see your all's success, or to vent over life things, is a privilege for me. I am very happy to be on this journey with all of you. <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nancy I fave the same problem. In the 7 years I
    I have bounce around on five pounds. Up and down.. slow going but the older we get the harder to lose. What work in fourth does not work as we age.and nothing else in our body works like it used too except for our bladder and it work overtime.At least in my case.

    So now what news. Jerry and I go to Walmart to pick up sone good food. And etc. I am wanting a pattern for a pleasant blouse so will check there patterns out. They have some pretty polka dots fabric there I will like to get, maybe ki can get a figure like Dasiy Maet

    This is our warmest day coming up today 94 degrees so lots of ice tea today.

    Have a great day and remember We shall overcome.
    <3 Marie
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Hot cloudy with a little bit of sprinkles here in the high desert. I'm in transition. Got a new job working with children with autism. I'm only in the training phase right now. I'm singing with the worship team at my church again. So excited about that. Transition can be stressful but it is necessary to get to a better place.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) One thing that helped me was to expand my focus from weight loss to health, fitness, and longevity. The more I learned about eating for health, fitness, and longevity, the less willing I was to feed myself anything that didn't contribute to those goals. It wasn't enough to just stay under a calorie number, it was essential that every calorie contributed to well being and none of them contributed to diminishing health. Also, the healthier I ate, the more energy I had and the more active I was and the more calories I burned.

    :) Above all, do not be discouraged and never, never, never give up

    <3 Barbie