REBOOT Fat sick and nearly dead



  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »

    Source vetting is important. If all you have to justify a "detox" is a misnumbered (in true Violent Femmes fashion, he forgot what eight was for) list from a guy that wrote a detox book ... that should say something. He lists a 514 page CDC report tied to something about the gut centric nervous system when babbling about "maximum detoxification" without linking the two or saying how either provides the benefit he claims. He claims coffee as a diuretic, yet it has a net hydrating effect on the human body ... ...

  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    SKME2013 wrote: »

    Did you read the article? I am sure on any regimen the same thing would have happen.

    Yes I did read this article and I did watch the film. The point is that by doing a juice fast over a prolonged period you are not really changing your eating habits, something that is vital for long term success.

    A juice fast is not sustainable in the long term and that is why most people put back on the weight they have lost very quickly. In my opinion this can lead to yo yo dieting as you tell yourself that you can easily lose weight again doing another one.

    A juice fast lets you lose weight very quickly, but what happens if you go back to "normal" eating? You have not worked on portion control, you have not made changes to your diet...if you do control your eating habits after your juice diet good for you. Most people don't and that is why the success rate is not very high.

    The link above demonstrates one example and he was one who should have had higher chances to succeed as he was not only a promotional speaker but part of the movie. Yes he had private problems, but frankly I don't think he ever dealt with the root problem of changing his dietary habits.

    Anyhow, if it works for you great. Let us know how you get on with it.

  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    edited January 2015
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    Take a look at the References section of the article. Not a single one of those links backs a word he's written. His "references" are utterly irrelevant to the claims he makes in the piece, so it would be wise to reconsider using his article as a source of reliable information. Vet your sources. Just because something pops up when you search via Google doesn't mean it's true.
  • CJDaniel7
    CJDaniel7 Posts: 149 Member
    The earth was flat to many, cigarettes were healthy, and there is no such thing as global warming.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    The earth was flat to many, cigarettes were healthy, and there is no such thing as global warming.

    You just keep digging when you find yourself in a hole.
  • CJDaniel7
    CJDaniel7 Posts: 149 Member
    Stay tuned. Hey as I said before. This is for me, not you, not anyone else. It may fail. I am loving it right now. Hopefully the hole won't need to be as big.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    The earth was flat to many, cigarettes were healthy, and there is no such thing as global warming.


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You post articles that fail any simple logic test ... but use them to support your position (although the references cited don't coincide with the selected citations ... nor do they meet minimum citation specificity for any method). You've resorted to ad hominem statements and reductio ad absurdum points. You're engaging in a shortcut that has no scientific backing but has a high recidivism rate (indicative of it's failure as a long term solution, or even a part of a long term solution).

    Name one toxin that this cleanse removes that the body doesn't already remove on its own. Explain how a short term liquid LCD teaches one sustainable eating habits. How much of your rapid weight loss is actually fat versus water or, worse yet, lean body mass?
  • CJDaniel7
    CJDaniel7 Posts: 149 Member
    I am not arguing anything, I am experimenting. I watched a movie, (The first) I liked it. I feel great. Which person did I attack? I made a general statement of which, in my opinion is true. I didn't make it about anyone in particular, but from my time on here.

    Re: the Juice Cleanse. I read about it, I read about juice cleanses. There are a million different opinions on a million different eating regimens. I picked one of his, is it a Juice fast, well maybe for 5 days, as I indicated. It was all plant based foods/juices and smoothies day 1-5, 11-15. Juice for the 5 middle days. Not drastic, was it.

    When I was growing up working as a waiter, a heath conscious meal in a restaurant was a ground beef patty, a scoop of cottage cheese with a marachino cherry on top (i guess that was the dessert) and a half of a canned cling peach on a bed of iceberg lettuce. Thank God I wasn't heavy in my youth.

    Before that was the Mayo diet which was vigerously defended in the medical community . There is still people swearing by this nurtitional guide. Then we have, Pineapple, Beverly Hills, Jenny Craig, Paleo... a million others with their findings and their doctors endorsements.

    Do we know, all we need to know, about nutrition? about space? about science? I think not.
    The only way we learn is by experimenting.

    I have lost weight before on MFP, WW, it worked, I gained some it back, through nobodys fault but my own. I think WW is a great model, I think it had its place and time and MFP has certainly made a dent in its base. Nothing works unless you have the mindset to do the work and make it work.

    The community is great for the most part, still as all boards has it share of trolls as can be witnessed in many of the threads. If I struck a personal nerve, I apologize. I didn't stalk the people who replied to her in her thread, nor did I notice who those people were. But I know for being here for a few years, the general statements I made to be true. Don't be so sensitive.

    This fired me up and I want to try it, and if I share it no harm done.

    My Goals:
    To get around 200. (I think below that I will be too thin) but I want to get there and decide.
    To get off all medications.
    To get my glucose numbers in line. I am diabetic Type2
    My blood pressure has been increasing for the last several years.

    As of today 1 week into the Reboot:
    -My sugar is at levels lower than they have been in several years.
    -I have stopped taking all stomach medication (under my own advice and lack of any pain or symptoms) I have never slept through the night since my late 20's because of stomach issues waking me up.
    -My Blood pressure is improving.
    -I have lost weight, I think about 10-12 pounds as of today. (Yes I know some of it is poop, some of it may be water) But my body fat (measure daily by my scale daily has moved 3% points.)
    -Best of All, I feel great. My focus is clear.

    When I stop do I expect to gain some immediately? Yes, He says that clearly in his book. Will I juice after that? Yes, I will. Sure I could eat as many vegetables as I put in the juicer but I won't. There is not one breakfast out there their I like the taste of better, than these juices. I like vegetables, I cook them in many a healthy dish now. Will I smoothie?, yes, I like smoothies. But I am also eating all other foods after this, that was always my goal.

    Will I keep it off? Thats my goal, if I don't you win, I guess. How about this: If anyone cant hit goal weight by say, May, I say lets start a challenge to keep it off. I will tell you I am 6'2" and currently 228.? today. I played football, am big boned so I do not think I want to weigh anything less than 205 but want to determine that when I get there. If anyone wants to accept the Ultimate Challenge of maintaining for a year or two with monthly/weekly whatever checkin's. I am on board.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited January 2015
    Daiako wrote: »
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    The earth was flat to many, cigarettes were healthy, and there is no such thing as global warming.



    Right! I can't believe that was said.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    OH ... you actually believe the body fat readings on those scales? They are grossly inaccurate. What you're losing that fast is not body fat, it is water and possibly lean mass. To lose 10 pounds of fat requires a 35,000 calorie deficit under near ideal conditions ... you'd have to average a greater than 1500 calorie net negative per day so far while somehow preserving all lean mass to lose that much fat weight in such a short period of time ... something you simply are not doing.

    Your ad hominem statements have been repeatedly countered .. yet you continue to act as though you didn't make them.

  • CJDaniel7
    CJDaniel7 Posts: 149 Member
    Ancient Chinese Proverb - A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood.
    - No takers, discussion over.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited January 2015
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    The earth was flat to many, cigarettes were healthy, and there is no such thing as global warming.
    People stopped believing the Earth was flat a few thousand years ago. Around the time science became a thing.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    Ancient Chinese Proverb - A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood.
    - No takers, discussion over.

    I notice you can't refute the science. Until you can talk based on fact, you can't even join the discussion.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    Ancient Chinese Proverb - A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood.
    - No takers, discussion over.

    Having an open mind doesn't mean blindly believing any old bulls**t people say. Just because people are refuting your "cleanse" crap (which is scientifically proven to be baseless and crap,) doesn't make us closed minded. In fact, it makes you closed minded for refusing to listen.

    The fact that you've drastically reduced your food intake is the "magical" reason for your improvement in health, not because of a mysterious voodoo juice cleanse. It really is basic science. I could point to several experiments done that show the exact same results. Nne was dubbed "The Twinkie Diet" because the experiment was to control calories while eating only foods like snack cakes and sugary cereals. He (a professor of nutrition) lost significant weight and saw his blood pressure and cholesterol numbers all improve. Another was by a high school science teacher, who ate only McDonald's, by having his class carefully plan a menu to hit macro, micro, and calorie goals using McDonald's menu. He lost weight, and also had his cholesterol and blood pressure improve.

    The common theme? Consuming less calories and losing weight. That's the entire reason it works.
  • 365toAwesome
    365toAwesome Posts: 13 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    CJDaniel7 wrote: »
    Ancient Chinese Proverb - A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood.
    - No takers, discussion over.

    Having an open mind doesn't mean blindly believing any old bulls**t people say. Just because people are refuting your "cleanse" crap (which is scientifically proven to be baseless and crap,) doesn't make us closed minded. In fact, it makes you closed minded for refusing to listen.

    The fact that you've drastically reduced your food intake is the "magical" reason for your improvement in health, not because of a mysterious voodoo juice cleanse. It really is basic science. I could point to several experiments done that show the exact same results. Nne was dubbed "The Twinkie Diet" because the experiment was to control calories while eating only foods like snack cakes and sugary cereals. He (a professor of nutrition) lost significant weight and saw his blood pressure and cholesterol numbers all improve. Another was by a high school science teacher, who ate only McDonald's, by having his class carefully plan a menu to hit macro, micro, and calorie goals using McDonald's menu. He lost weight, and also had his cholesterol and blood pressure improve.

    The common theme? Consuming less calories and losing weight. That's the entire reason it works.

    Hi there, I read that book about all calories being equal. Are they nutritionally equal,though? In terms of vitamins and enzymes? If this were true palegra wouldn't exist. Gerson therapy, wheat belly, China study... All good reads :)