I bulked and just got fat.



  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    jimmmer wrote: »
    Don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but this here 10 min thingie (re-packaged yoga-type stuff as far as I can tell, but specifically for activating the back for people who sit all day with crappy posture)


    It says it's for the lower back, but it'll let you feel the upper back as well.

    I want to add that up until 5 or 6 weeks ago I thought yoga was a joke, so closed minded to it but since then I started doing it on my own and my flexibility has improved it has helped my squat. I'm still not the most flexible person ever but it is something I will continue to do and thing other power lifters should give it a shot.

    I think some mobility/flexibility/soft tissue work is essential to prevent wear and tear in the long run.

    Yoga doesn't have to be it though. Regular massage, defranco's stuff, yoga or tai chi - there's plenty of ways to skin the cat.

    But yeah, you're only going to get older and less mobile if you don't do anything about it. Gotta look after yourself!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jimmmer wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    jimmmer wrote: »
    Don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but this here 10 min thingie (re-packaged yoga-type stuff as far as I can tell, but specifically for activating the back for people who sit all day with crappy posture)


    It says it's for the lower back, but it'll let you feel the upper back as well.

    I want to add that up until 5 or 6 weeks ago I thought yoga was a joke, so closed minded to it but since then I started doing it on my own and my flexibility has improved it has helped my squat. I'm still not the most flexible person ever but it is something I will continue to do and thing other power lifters should give it a shot.

    I think some mobility/flexibility/soft tissue work is essential to prevent wear and tear in the long run.

    Yoga doesn't have to be it though. Regular massage, defranco's stuff, yoga or tai chi - there's plenty of ways to skin the cat.

    But yeah, you're only going to get older and less mobile if you don't do anything about it. Gotta look after yourself!

    I probably need to work on this some more too, as I have completely ignored stretching/flexibility/mobility work ....
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jimmmer wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    jimmmer wrote: »
    Don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but this here 10 min thingie (re-packaged yoga-type stuff as far as I can tell, but specifically for activating the back for people who sit all day with crappy posture)


    It says it's for the lower back, but it'll let you feel the upper back as well.

    I want to add that up until 5 or 6 weeks ago I thought yoga was a joke, so closed minded to it but since then I started doing it on my own and my flexibility has improved it has helped my squat. I'm still not the most flexible person ever but it is something I will continue to do and thing other power lifters should give it a shot.

    I think some mobility/flexibility/soft tissue work is essential to prevent wear and tear in the long run.

    Yoga doesn't have to be it though. Regular massage, defranco's stuff, yoga or tai chi - there's plenty of ways to skin the cat.

    But yeah, you're only going to get older and less mobile if you don't do anything about it. Gotta look after yourself!

    I probably need to work on this some more too, as I have completely ignored stretching/flexibility/mobility work ....

    Not to go too far off topic, but I listened to an interview with Wendler the other day and it's one of his big regrets that he didn't do more of it when he was younger and now he's more or less forced to do it everyday just to keep moving...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jimmmer wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    jimmmer wrote: »
    Don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but this here 10 min thingie (re-packaged yoga-type stuff as far as I can tell, but specifically for activating the back for people who sit all day with crappy posture)


    It says it's for the lower back, but it'll let you feel the upper back as well.

    I want to add that up until 5 or 6 weeks ago I thought yoga was a joke, so closed minded to it but since then I started doing it on my own and my flexibility has improved it has helped my squat. I'm still not the most flexible person ever but it is something I will continue to do and thing other power lifters should give it a shot.

    I think some mobility/flexibility/soft tissue work is essential to prevent wear and tear in the long run.

    Yoga doesn't have to be it though. Regular massage, defranco's stuff, yoga or tai chi - there's plenty of ways to skin the cat.

    But yeah, you're only going to get older and less mobile if you don't do anything about it. Gotta look after yourself!

    I probably need to work on this some more too, as I have completely ignored stretching/flexibility/mobility work ....

    I don't know how you all do it. I'm lifting 3 times a week- and twice a week I run a full high/low runners stretch hip opening stretch full body routine that can easily take 30-45 min.... then I do the abridged version as a warm up prior to squats sessions- which are twice a week- and that takes 5-10 minutes or so and I STILL feel like it's not enough.

    Also- if you all are doing the yoga thing- get the damn yoga blocks- they had made such a tremendous impact on my ability to stretch. I can reach most positions- and I am certainly strong enough to hold them- but both of those things take away from the depth of the stretch. The blocks enable a deeper stretch. I'd highly recommend them- for 12 bucks off amazon they are well worth the price of admission.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jimmmer wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    jimmmer wrote: »
    Don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but this here 10 min thingie (re-packaged yoga-type stuff as far as I can tell, but specifically for activating the back for people who sit all day with crappy posture)


    It says it's for the lower back, but it'll let you feel the upper back as well.

    I want to add that up until 5 or 6 weeks ago I thought yoga was a joke, so closed minded to it but since then I started doing it on my own and my flexibility has improved it has helped my squat. I'm still not the most flexible person ever but it is something I will continue to do and thing other power lifters should give it a shot.

    I think some mobility/flexibility/soft tissue work is essential to prevent wear and tear in the long run.

    Yoga doesn't have to be it though. Regular massage, defranco's stuff, yoga or tai chi - there's plenty of ways to skin the cat.

    But yeah, you're only going to get older and less mobile if you don't do anything about it. Gotta look after yourself!

    I probably need to work on this some more too, as I have completely ignored stretching/flexibility/mobility work ....

    I don't know how you all do it. I'm lifting 3 times a week- and twice a week I run a full high/low runners stretch hip opening stretch full body routine that can easily take 30-45 min.... then I do the abridged version as a warm up prior to squats sessions- which are twice a week- and that takes 5-10 minutes or so and I STILL feel like it's not enough.

    Also- if you all are doing the yoga thing- get the damn yoga blocks- they had made such a tremendous impact on my ability to stretch. I can reach most positions- and I am certainly strong enough to hold them- but both of those things take away from the depth of the stretch. The blocks enable a deeper stretch. I'd highly recommend them- for 12 bucks off amazon they are well worth the price of admission.

    ^^ This. I love me some yoga blocks!
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    jimmmer wrote: »
    Don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but this here 10 min thingie (re-packaged yoga-type stuff as far as I can tell, but specifically for activating the back for people who sit all day with crappy posture)


    It says it's for the lower back, but it'll let you feel the upper back as well.

    Thanks for posting that. I did have a look at it and tried the first bit but I couldn't feel anything happening in my upper back. I will try the others when my lower back isn't so sore (if that ever happens, anyway).

    I know I'm late to the party, but this is exactly one of the health issues I have, down to a tee, and I also have fibromyalgia chucked in. I was advised that whilst gaining muscle is key, so is not having too much excess to put pressure on the joint. In short, It was recommended that I lose weight whilst maintaining my muscle through lifting. I would suggest to you, stick to around 1800-1900 cals and exercise as much as you can (gentle walking/cardio and lift three times a week only, with rest days between) and you will see better results because you will be feeding the muscles, allowing them to repair well, but not exhausting your body expecting too much of it.

    I lift regularly and it has helped, but I still need to read my bodies signs. My deadlifts are 65kg and my squat 55kg so I know what you're looking for, you just need to start, and work up small when you have mastered each weight, not too quickly.

    If you want to pm me feel free.


    Thanks for your input. It's good to know that lifting has also helped you. It must be very hard having fibromyalgia as well.
    I do feel that bulking is more beneficial for me, personally, at the moment, but I get what you mean about the excess weight. I'll be cutting to lose the fat once I'm done with linear progress.

    Oh, in regards to the stretching discussion - my husband has poor flexibility and has been using PNF stretching techniques (if I'm remembering the name right). It seems to have helped him significantly.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Just seeing your second lot of videos. I still think you need to deload - it sucks (I had to do it myself a few months back) but better now than later. If you think the empty bar is too far back, start there and work up gradually (it'll count as a warm up anyway) till you get to the weight where the issues start to show up or slightly below.

    I think you're relying on hubby too much, in regards to bar placement. When you go under the bar and stick your chest out/shoulders back, the place where the bar sits should feel obvious - if you can narrow your grip more it'll create a bit more tightness. Try spending a wee while just taking the bar off the rack to see if you can find it for yourself.

    And I'm not sure (could be totally wrong) but I don't think Jo meant narrowing your stance, more about the angle of your feet? If they're at 45 degrees, for example, your hips might not have the flexibility for your knees to track that, hence the collapse.

    Is it worth trying with your heels slightly raised (on a plate or something) to try to fix the 'good morning' situation. You might be able to drive through your heels more if they're slightly raised. If you tried that and it worked, you'd know you had to work on ankle flexibility. Disclaimer: I'm not sure on this one so maybe others could chime in, I know it helped my mum but it might not be what you need.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Well, I've had a bad week. Couldn't complete my lat pulldowns twice, couldn't do all my deadlifts, then I couldn't do a single bench press today (just 1kg increase from the last session, which wasn't even too difficult). Took .5kg off the bench press and managed about one set before failing again.

    Also, my squats weren't good enough to bother videoing. I'm still swerving my hips a bit. Knees are better but not good enough yet. I talked to my husband about how my hamstrings were completely relaxed at the bottom ever since I started to try to go deeper and he said to try and sit back more (knees less forward) - this resulted in me assuming a resting position, just about managing to get back up again screaming all the way (not in pain!), and my husband rescuing me somewhere near the top. Still managed all the others though, but we're going to work on getting me to achieve depth without losing all hamstring tension.

    3laine75 -
    I did deload a bit more and I'm repeating this weight (whatever it is now, I don't remember) until my form is right. I get what you mean about not relying on someone else for the bar positioning, but it basically all feels the same to me, so it's that or get a different position every time. :/

    And yes, you're right, it was some other people who suggested a narrower stance, not JoRocka.

    That is a valid point about the good morning thing, but my ankle flexibility is fine, so I don't think it's that. It's difficult remembering everything at once, really, but I think I'm slowly correcting it.

  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited March 2015
    Does anyone else get a kind of (not painful, just uncomfortable) 'clunking' feeling/noise inbetween the knee and hip when trying to rotate the hips/knees out, mid squat? Just with bodyweight? (trying to practice getting my knees out before tommorow's squatting)
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    No, but if it's on the outside of the quad side of the thigh, it sounds like your IT band might be catching a bit. Foam rolling along it might help.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    It's more at the back - sort of feel like it might be the hamstring. It does feel like it slides over something though, which I'm not sure the hamstring would do... still, we have a foam roller, I'll give it a go. :)
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    edited March 2015
    It's more at the back - sort of feel like it might be the hamstring. It does feel like it slides over something though, which I'm not sure the hamstring would do... still, we have a foam roller, I'll give it a go. :)

    Not to throw a bunch of videos at you, but last time I had an IT band issue, this is the thing that sorted me out (after a good few iterations):


    Skip forward towards 2:20 if you want the exercises and are not interested in the waffle.

    If you've got a foam roller and give this a shot, you'll soon know if your TFL or IT band is giving you gyp...
  • petter26
    petter26 Posts: 9
    I like pie
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Jimmmer - thanks :)
  • LazySwine
    LazySwine Posts: 5 Member
    Why are you bulking if you're overweight?
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    LazySwine wrote: »
    Why are you bulking if you're overweight?
    I'm not terribly overweight and have a medical condition which means gaining the muscle is a lot more important at the moment than losing fat.
    This. (It was on the first page of the thread, by the way)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    LazySwine wrote: »
    Why are you bulking if you're overweight?

    way to read the whole thread.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Well, the SN is accurate...