Looking for more friends that need to lose 65 pounds or more



  • Hi everyone I am also looking to lose 75 pounds. My goal is to lose this amount by October of this year. I have set small goals for myself because seeing the 75 pounds in my goal area just was discouraging me when I would not hit my target weight. So I put 30 pounds as a goal for now and when that is accomplished then I will do another 30 pound goal. I hope it works for me. I fell off the wagon and it's been 6 months since I last exercised. to go from going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week to no exercise now is so hard. I wished I had never stopped. It took so much work to be able to exercise that many days for 2 hours each time at the gym. I want to get back their and maybe increase my days and time. I'm so tired of being over weight it has changed everything about me. My confidence, my motivation, self esteem is all in the gutter and I need to bring it back and go back to that confident person I was once. I have 2 daughters 3 and 4 and I have to do this for them as well because I want to be here and see my grandchildren one day so I need to get it together this year and make it happen. I hope I can find some people to talk to and some motivation through MFP. I hope I can do the same for someone else. So please feel free to add me and please can someone tell.me how to add a friend as well because I have no clue.
    Sorry for the long post just wanted everyone to know where I'm coming from :smile:
  • valley2mtn
    valley2mtn Posts: 16 Member
    I have about 70 lbs to lose. I have already lost 55. I am always happy to have encouragement and support from more of my MFPeeps ;). Feel free to add me!
  • irishdoc71
    irishdoc71 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm down 100 but have 65 - 70 more to go. I love having friends to support, be supported, be accountable, and also swap recipes/ideas for meals.
  • jds0405
    jds0405 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I need to lose 65+ pounds and need some support and motivation. After 2 kids it's gotten a lot harder to lose weight. So, I have started a different work out program than I have done in the past. I am 2 days into JIM STOPPANI'S 6-WEEK SHORTCUT TO SHRED....my arms and legs hurt! lol!! but I am trying to do something to kick start my loss, something that will work along with eating clean like I should have been doing all along! Feel free to add me as well, I would love the extra motivation and to help motivate as well!
  • I need to lose 65 lbs too. Taking it one day at a time.
  • Can add me as a friend. Need some motivation with exercise.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    kayokarma wrote: »
    Someone show me how to add friend and I'll add you. This is crazy, I've inspected every key on this app and can't find add friend key.

    click on the persons picture, it will bring you to a different page. you will have two options to send a message only or to send a friend request, which you can also send a message.
  • LosingLaurensWay
    LosingLaurensWay Posts: 86 Member
    I've lost about 140 lbs now and I'll gladly accept any friend requests to help keep you motivated.
  • Hello everyone I'm new here feel free to add me. ☺
  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 33yr old female and 233lbs my goal is 155 and I have lost 21lbs so far. Feel free to add me my diary is open. .. I'm looking for more motivation so the more friends the merrier! !!
    robynrae_1 wrote: »
    kayokarma wrote: »
    Someone show me how to add friend and I'll add you. This is crazy, I've inspected every key on this app and can't find add friend key.

    click on the persons picture, it will bring you to a different page. you will have two options to send a message only or to send a friend request, which you can also send a message.

    Thanks Robynrae, smart phone not as smart as I thought but works great with my laptop. So thanks again!
  • Cosborne02
    Cosborne02 Posts: 13 Member
    Please add me. Need to lose around 75 to 80.
  • ciacyrus29
    ciacyrus29 Posts: 109 Member
    We all need a great support system so add me to the list. I need to lose 65 if not more.
  • czarina526
    czarina526 Posts: 1 Member
    My total goal was 70 pounds. I have lost 34 so far. Feel free to add me!
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    I have about 90 to lose. Feel free to add me anyone!