Weight loss tricks



  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I imagine you will get a few snarky comments given the use of the word tricks.

    Two strategies I employed:
    1. Changed diet to incorporate more veggies. Eventually my preferences changed and cold raw veggies have become my go to snacks. Thus, ingesting fewer calories. Mix it up so you dont get bored with the same veggies.
    2. Began an exercise program. Which helped with calorie deficit.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Dennis4766 wrote: »
    I imagine you will get a few snarky comments given the use of the word tricks.

    Two strategies I employed:
    1. Changed diet to incorporate more veggies. Eventually my preferences changed and cold raw veggies have become my go to snacks. Thus, ingesting fewer calories. Mix it up so you dont get bored with the same veggies.
    2. Began an exercise program. Which helped with calorie deficit.

    I don't have a problem with the word tricks, I just acknowledge that personal preference plays a huge roll in which "tricks" work and which don't.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Sadly there are no tricks...
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    • Eat less, move more.
    • Make lifelong sustainable choices, aka, don't do crazy redistricted diets, those will end, and more often than not, people end up going back to old habits and gaining everything back once they end
    • Also, accurately weigh & log food, be honest with yourself.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    and there are still no tricks to be found...
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    MBoteva wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    Thank you! That was the idea!
    I apparently didn't make myself clear enough

    no, you did. people just really like to be condescending on here whether it makes sense or not.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    i'm a she and i found the ones telling her to eat a calorie deficit to be them trying to feel superior actually.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited December 2014
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    and there are still no tricks to be found...

    no, there are. drinking more water and eating more filling low calorie, high nutrition foods like steamed vegetables result in my eating less calories overall because they fill me.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    i'm a she and i found the ones telling her to eat a calorie deficit to be them trying to feel superior actually.

    How is telling someone to eat at a deficit being condescending or superior? Do you know how many people on here who are new don't get that part? I don't think anyone here was being condescending. I think you are reading it that way because it serves your bias.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    and there are still no tricks to be found...

    no, there are. drinking more water and eating more filling low calorie, high nutrition foods like steamed vegetables result in my eating less calories overall because they fill me.

    Works for you.....doesn't work for me.

    your way or "trick" is how you get into a deficit....not how I would.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Hack your environment:
    1. eat from smaller plates
    2. serve yourself from the counter rather than putting food on the table and serving from there
    3. keep craving inducing foods out of sight or very inconvenient to access
    4. do not eat from packaging where you cannot see the complete content of what you are eating but rather dispense it so you can see all the food you are going to eat
    5. portion out snacks into clear packaging ahead of time
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    and there are still no tricks to be found...

    no, there are. drinking more water and eating more filling low calorie, high nutrition foods like steamed vegetables result in my eating less calories overall because they fill me.

    Works for you.....doesn't work for me.

    your way or "trick" is how you get into a deficit....not how I would.

    Exactly. I love veggies and steamed veggies make me gag.
  • I love Kellog's Mini Wheats when I have a sweet tooth. BUT - one thing you learn fast is that "healthy" does not always mean low-calorie, right? So, a full serving is still 200 calories or so. The thing is, I'm satiated after and don't keep eating like I would if I was eating chocolate chips or nuts.

    That's another thing: it's all so individual. I like the idea of this thread, that everyone throws out tricks that work for them and share ideas. Nothing is fool proof, but more ideas are good. For example, I can't snack on nuts. I'll actually end up eating fewer calories in jelly beans, because nuts keep me full longer, but don't take me longer to get full in the first place.

    Well, there's another trick. I treat nuts and cheese as flavorings. I have at least 10 grams of nuts every day, but that's cut up and mixed in with oatmeal or other foods. I love cheese, but I've really cut back. I try to think of it as a flavoring more than a food.

    Oh, and if I'm dying for chocolate and after a day or so it hasn't gone away, the only single-serving thing I've found to completely satisfy me is Ghiradelli's Fudge Brownies. Best 250 calories or so you can spend if you're craving chocolate. But have a go-to plan in advance for getting rid of the rest of them. ONE brownie is great, each incremental brownie is less perfect and tasty and they just aren't worth the weight loss stall. Or even worse, weight gain. Don't start if you can't stop!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Actually I think that "Eat at a Calorie Defecit" is the biggest trick in the book

    because it's hidden amongst the Low-Carb, don't eat after xpm, follow 5:2, eat Paleo, weightwatchers, slimming world, juice diets, detox, cleanses and whatever garbage companies, food manufacturers, tabloid and social media like to throw out there

    The amount of noise surrounding something that is really so very simple is deafening and confusing

    So IMHO eat at a calorie defecit is the best trick in the world


    bar none
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    The "tricks" I use are:
    Meal planning (usually plan and shop on Saturday and then prep and cook on Sunday)
    Small plates
    Lots of water
    If I am serving my fiance, I make sure that I don't have a portion equal in size to him
    If I do have a snack, I will portion it out.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    The only "trick" I needed was to realize that this whole thing is just math. Eat less than you burn. Once I realized that weight loss was nothing more than that simple concept, everything fell into place for me. But to break it down more--

    1) Don't rely on exercise to get you where you need to be. Focus on your diet first and foremost.
    2) Don't start thinking that if you only eat healthy foods, you'll lose weight. My dad eats three square meals a day of whole foods, but he is still overweight.
    3) Start small. Aim to hit your calorie goal. Once you get good at that, start focusing on a good balance of macros. Finally, incorporate exercise that will get you the physique you want at the end.