What TRULY Gets under your Skin? Just Really ERRRKKSS You?



  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    On here:

    People who give general advice to those who are not losing, for example "Just shake up your exercise routine". That's not going to help if they are still eating more than they think.

    People who pass on really bad advice from their doctor to others and expect them to follow it.

    In general:

    People who drive 10-15 below the speed limit when there is no reason to.

    Not enough check out lanes open at the grocery store.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    People who use the restroom and do NOT wash their hands. It is absolutely DISGUSTING.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    4ever420 wrote: »
    I hate when a lane of traffic is closing up ahead and even though there's a sign a mile back saying the lane is closing, people still drive right up to the closure and expect everyone to let them in. Mostly annoys me when traffic is super backed up and I'm running late.

    ^^^ this this and this!
  • maggymae78
    maggymae78 Posts: 305 Member
    blukitten wrote: »
    4ever420 wrote: »
    I hate when a lane of traffic is closing up ahead and even though there's a sign a mile back saying the lane is closing, people still drive right up to the closure and expect everyone to let them in. Mostly annoys me when traffic is super backed up and I'm running late.

    ^^^ this this and this!

    I'm one of those who moves over then tailgates the person behind me so the people who do this^^^ can't get over. I waited in line, they should have too...
  • mystiquecal
    mystiquecal Posts: 197 Member
    ilfaith wrote: »
    Happens all the time in public rest rooms, where many women would rather squat that sit directly on the seat. I always wipe down the seat first anyway. It's a good way to check and make sure there is toilet paper in the stall.

    ^^ True! I wipe and then line the seat with toilet paper. I can't use it without doing that first.
  • carlosjenno
    carlosjenno Posts: 174 Member
    people who are oblivious to others around them (stand in the middle of the aisle in the grocery store with the cart sideways)


  • PerfectMisfit
    PerfectMisfit Posts: 360 Member
    Parents that complain about their children continuously.
    People that litter.
    People in the passing lane not passing.
  • JoKnowsJo
    JoKnowsJo Posts: 257 Member
    People who use the restroom and do NOT wash their hands. It is absolutely DISGUSTING.

    This totally, and it was one of my coworkers! Another co worker and I were both there and saw her walk right on out, we just stood there shocked.... so... bad...gross.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member

    Or when people demand we price match a store that has it for like 1 cent cheaper....you think I am kidding but it actually happened.[/quote]

    lol... YES! Its like, are you really going to waste that much gas to drive to the other store and get it for that much less? That being said, price matches I would usually do... except for the people who would insult me by saying I was ripping them off because they could get it at XYZ Store for $1 less....

    It's interesting how the real world works, isn't it? The squeaky wheel will not get the grease. I used to work retail and know exactly what you mean. [/quote]

    Yep. I worked mainly in music retail (selling guitars). It would amaze me on how rude people would get when trying to get a deal. I actually had a guy yell at me (at the top of his lungs) that because my associate as an (insert swear word here that starts with an A and ends in "hole"), that he is ENTITLED to a discount on his order... what did the employee do to deserve such wrath, you ask? He didn't ring up a music book that was in the pile of stuff the guy was buying so he asked the guy (nicely) if he was purchasing it as well..... That was the level I would see daily. I'm sure us ex (or current) retail types have all sorts of stories to share.

  • MaxPower0102
    MaxPower0102 Posts: 2,654 Member
    People who just STOP in the middle of an aisle while walking through a store or on a crowded sidewalk. Like they are the only people in the world. I used to work in New York City, and from Thanksgiving to New Years, my normal 15 walk from the office to the train would take over half an hour. We used to joke that if they wanted to call it "Tourist Season", we should be able to shoot them!. If you are lost or just want to stop and gawk, move to the right and let the people who know what they doing get by!!!!!!!!!!
  • qxana1969
    qxana1969 Posts: 9,330 Member
    people who pick their nose in their car and act like they are invisible.....gross!!
  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    qxana1969 wrote: »
    people who pick their nose in their car and act like they are invisible.....gross!!

    totally agree..... do they think we can't see through the windows ???
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    Anyone who eats/chews with their mouth open. I just want to punch them in the face.

    People who feel the need to have full conversations on their cellphones in public restrooms.

  • MaxPower0102
    MaxPower0102 Posts: 2,654 Member
    ^^^^ How about people at work who want to talk to you while you are in the stall? No thanks, I'm a little busy at the moment...
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    Over critical people these are people with short patient, only thinks for himself or her own. over reacts to mistakes and minor stuff
  • BenjaminS_Fitness
    BenjaminS_Fitness Posts: 70 Member
    people who block the equipment at the gym for dumb stuff.
    i don't mind beginners in the gym - but when you block the rack to do quarter reps without even trying while serious lifters waiting it's just annoying.

    people who use loose instead of lose.

    crying children at a train. (crying/annoying children in general)
  • oniwolf382
    The Friendzone
  • mehwhatever
    mehwhatever Posts: 569 Member
    Bratty children.