What TRULY Gets under your Skin? Just Really ERRRKKSS You?



  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    I hate when a lane of traffic is closing up ahead and even though there's a sign a mile back saying the lane is closing, people still drive right up to the closure and expect everyone to let them in. Mostly annoys me when traffic is super backed up and I'm running late.
  • maggymae78
    maggymae78 Posts: 305 Member
    heanbean92 wrote: »
    heanbean92 wrote: »
    Not writing God with a capital letter. ^

    I'm an atheist and this annoys me too.
    lol. i get annoyed when people DO capitalize god.

    Depends on the context, I suppose. :p

    If you want to get technical on this, the grammar guideline is that if you are talking about the Judeo-Christian God, then it is cap, but if you are talking about whether Thor is a god (for example) then it is down, or if you are asking, "What god do you believe in?" it is possible, that the person will respond with none or that they are polytheistic. <leaving English teacher mode> As a side note, it is also considered respectful if you are referring to Allah, to use God with a capital as well.
  • maggymae78
    maggymae78 Posts: 305 Member
    a) get seriously injured by a spooked runner protecting herself or b) injure a spooked runner and then be subsequently put down when animal control is called.

    This happened to me in Spain a couple of years ago while out running and a dog attacked me. It backed off when I went back at it. On the return loop, the owner had it leashed and muzzled. She refused to even look at me. For a dog owner to have a muzzle in their possession means that surely they know that the dog is unpredictable. Good job it never actually bit me, I would've lost it completely...

    My mom carries a stick when she walks because there are some people in her rural community who let their dogs loose all day and they have come after her when she was on her bike. Now she picks another route, but she still takes a stick, just in case.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    StormiLu wrote: »
    The one thing That I can't Stand is the Feeling of a Nail Filer, The Texture and Scratch sound it makes! So EEERRRKING!!! Also Can Not Stand Spit Bottles!!! Gross as Gross Can Get!! Put a Lid on that S***! I don't want Nasty, Stinking Spit all over me!! What's the one thing that You Can't Stand in this World!!

    Gratuitous capitalization and punctuation. For sure.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    LCloops wrote: »
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    LCloops wrote: »
    When someone....and this is so small but it drives me bat...&*% crazy is people who don't push the toothpaste tube from the bottom... they crunch it at the top then leave it for you to push all the toothpaste to the top so you can get some. :)

    Ugh! My boyfriend does that. Drives me nuts!

    My son... it does seem to be a male thing...

    Nope, gender blaster here! My wife does it and it drives me crazy!
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Going into town and seeing truly cute girls... but they're wearing those Ugg boots with yoga pants and a really loose sweatshirt. That would look good if you were going to Walmart lol.
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    All manner of grammatical errors... :-)
  • jennifercriley1
    jennifercriley1 Posts: 9 Member
    LCloops wrote: »
    When someone....and this is so small but it drives me bat...&*% crazy is people who don't push the toothpaste tube from the bottom... they crunch it at the top then leave it for you to push all the toothpaste to the top so you can get some. :)

    This is my number 1 pet peeve of all time! I keep my own tube now!
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    LCloops wrote: »
    When someone....and this is so small but it drives me bat...&*% crazy is people who don't push the toothpaste tube from the bottom... they crunch it at the top then leave it for you to push all the toothpaste to the top so you can get some. :)

    This is my number 1 pet peeve of all time! I keep my own tube now!

    YES! Thank you!
  • maggymae78
    maggymae78 Posts: 305 Member
    When someone either just puts the new roll of toilet paper on top of the empty roll (like it takes SO long to switch the rolls) or when they put it on facing the wrong way.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I used to work retail.... when people would come in DEMANDING a discount and acting rude and "entitled" to try and get what they want. I would go out of my way NOT to do any favors for that person. You want me to take 10% off that item? Then don't insult me, my staff, or my store. Ask politely... it works wonders.

    This goes for any service industry. Be nice, ask politely, don't be offended if they can't. You will be surprised by how effective it is.

  • yourradimradletshug
    logicman69 wrote: »
    I used to work retail.... when people would come in DEMANDING a discount and acting rude and "entitled" to try and get what they want. I would go out of my way NOT to do any favors for that person. You want me to take 10% off that item? Then don't insult me, my staff, or my store. Ask politely... it works wonders.

    This goes for any service industry. Be nice, ask politely, don't be offended if they can't. You will be surprised by how effective it is.

    Or when people demand we price match a store that has it for like 1 cent cheaper....you think I am kidding but it actually happened.
  • Badger_Girl99
    Badger_Girl99 Posts: 2,220 Member
    People who crack their gum. Get some manners.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    logicman69 wrote: »
    I used to work retail.... when people would come in DEMANDING a discount and acting rude and "entitled" to try and get what they want. I would go out of my way NOT to do any favors for that person. You want me to take 10% off that item? Then don't insult me, my staff, or my store. Ask politely... it works wonders.

    This goes for any service industry. Be nice, ask politely, don't be offended if they can't. You will be surprised by how effective it is.

    I agree completely. You can catch way more flies with honey.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    logg1e wrote: »
    Also, women who tinkle and don't wipe the seat.

    Eh? Is that even possible?

    And why aimed at "women"?

    Because generally this happens in public restrooms and as she's a woman, she uses the women's restroom. Though I thought that was sort of obvious.

    And yes, it happens all the time. It's disgusting.

    I also hate it when people use their foot to flush in public restrooms. If you don't want to touch the handle, use toilet paper.

    Another one: I homeschool my kids and people are constantly asking how we "socialize" them. They aren't wild dogs that need to acclimate to living alongside humans.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    SkFarmMom wrote: »
    ilfaith wrote: »

    Of course I also live in a house with four boys (three sons and s husband) so for me there is no escaping "piddle puddles"

    I live with a (thankfully) fastidious Hubby, and two boys. The house rule is, if you want to pee standing up, head outside and mark whatever tree or blade of grass you want. If you leave pee splattered around the bathroom you WILL have to use the "2nd bathroom" (an outhouse).

    Pet peeves: when other people come to visit and leave "piddle puddles". Ew. Take a seat. You're a poor shot or you're shooting with a smaller caliber gun than you think.

    TV shows and commercials that portray men like bumbling idiots, incompetent fools or self-centered jerks. (While simultaneously casting powerful, successful, "all that is holy and right in the world" portrayals of women...)

    Women who rant about misogyny while spouting misandric crap. (Most "feminists" I've met.) How about respect and equality for all.

    I'm a woman, and even this bothers me. I hate it also when the husband is fat, dressed slovenly, and portrayed as lazy, and the wife is thin, sexy, and does all the work. Give me a break.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Behxo wrote: »
    People that say "like" every other word, I just can't.


  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    oh, I like this thread.
    • people using apostrophes incorrectly for plural and possessive words
    • use of 'loose' instead of 'lose' on this forum
    • people who press the button on the crosswalk, then walk across when there is a gap in traffic anyway. If you weren't going to wait for the lights to change, then don't press the button and hold up traffic for no reason!
    • people who are oblivious to others around them (stand in the middle of the aisle in the grocery store with the cart sideways, people that stop in doorways or the top/bottom of escalator, people walking backwards to talk to someone else forcing others to move to avoid them, etc.)
    • people that chew with their mouths open
    • musicals
    • the word 'gift'
    • saying 'guac' instead of 'guacamole'