What TRULY Gets under your Skin? Just Really ERRRKKSS You?



  • StormiLu
    StormiLu Posts: 211 Member
    I thought of another one. When I'm out running and I have to spit (I have to spit A LOT, I have no idea where all this stuff comes from) and I get it wrong if I'm breathing hard and I end up with it all down my chin and my front. Nasty. Even worse if I get it wrong when I'm cycling. I'm going so fast it ends up everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I hate that.

    I've just realised I've made myself sound like a bit of an animal. Oops.

    Lmao we all animals in are on way
  • StormiLu
    StormiLu Posts: 211 Member
    April_KT wrote: »
    When people say "like" all the time, " But umm" and "you know an uhh" Between words -_-

    Hate that junk
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    People who leave shopping carts in the middle of the lot so they can roll into others cars. If you are one of these people and I see you I will call you a lazy a** to your face.
  • JoKnowsJo
    JoKnowsJo Posts: 257 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    people that drive slow in the fast lane and REFUSE to get the F Over!!!!!!
    This after smoking way to much pot yeah its legal here potheads who try and drive.... great they are driving around looking for snacks
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    People who view the over-taking lane as a "fast lane"? ;)
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    Liars. And rude people. Stupidity is forgivable to some extent, but it still irks me.
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Overly dramatic people! Especially when they only want to talk about themselves. Frustrating!
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    Another horse lover - and in NC too!

    People being late. I am a stickler for time. That and people who send me texts telling me to call them. Pick up the stupid phone and call me if you need to talk to me!
  • 21million
    21million Posts: 113 Member
    Know it alls!
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    My boss.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    People who turn on their blinker AS THEY ARE TURNING.
    People getting over into the fast lane only to run side by side with the car they were just trying to pass.
    That awful awful "see-food" joke.
    Anything Channing Tatum does... I mean come on, the ladies may think you're easy on the eyes, but your acting is atrocious. Just quit. I'm embarrassed that his hometown is less than 2 hours from me.
    Selfishness of any sort
    Fran Drescher
  • segastler
    segastler Posts: 207 Member
    When people only take 1 or 2 ice cubes out of the tray. Or when they don't fill up the ice tray after emptying it. People do this all the time at work.

    I also would get sooooo annoyed when I was pregnant and we were going out to eat with people, people would always say, "ask the pregnant chick."
  • DanExcalibur
    DanExcalibur Posts: 7 Member
    1. Threads which are basically just "Please compliment the previous poster by saying how attractive they are"

    2. People who say "Don't read them then!"
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    For those horse lovers at the start of the thread. I hate it when folks say "That's not a sport. You just sit there." Grr... I'd like them to try and just sit there and somehow magically fly over the jumps.
  • segastler
    segastler Posts: 207 Member
    logg1e wrote: »
    People who leave the toilet seat up, it's just basic hygiene to close the lid.

    Right? Who flushes the toilet with the lid up?? Thats just unsanitary.

    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited December 2014
    I have a few, but here are the top 3 on my list:

    1. People who start every answer to any question with "Right, so..."

    Q: Hey, can you tell me how this works?
    A: "Right, so you just pull the handle and the juice comes out"
    Q: And does it remove the pits?
    A: "Right, so it does remove the pits, but not the pulp"
    Q: I don't mind the pulp, though - do you like pulp?
    A: "Right, so... I like the pulp but not too much pulp"
    Q: OK, now how do I get out of here?"
    A: "Right, so you go right, then make another right."

    2. People that hold up the checkout line because they don't "understand" how the credit card swipe reader works; these are the same people who forget their own ZIP code and try to use coupons from last week's circular.

    3. Going "Green"...
  • Kekekylene
    Kekekylene Posts: 112 Member
    People who spell lose as "loose". I actually had to cut down on reading posts because it. There are way too many people that do that on here, and it makes my skin crawl every time!!
  • Bayluvr
    Bayluvr Posts: 115 Member
    That awful Nutella commercial with the woman singing "I found a happy place, it's written on my face, etc...etc...". Makes me want to impale myself ear to ear with a screwdriver...ouch!!!
  • BreonnaQueen
    BreonnaQueen Posts: 58 Member
    Severely chipped nail polish. It just irks me! lol
  • CarolinaAcorn
    CarolinaAcorn Posts: 418 Member
    1.) People that procrastinate and then tell me they want it "ASAP" because they have a deadline. Sure fire way to piss me off and ensure I will take my sweet time getting it to you.

    2.) The word "moist".

    3.) People that slurp their drink or people that continue to suck on a straw after the drink is gone. For the love of God refill the dang thing!!!!