

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Wow ... I think I got caught up!!

    Made it home from work .. rained all the way. I DO NOT like rain in January when it is -6 Celcius...

    Rori - I like Zumba too.. last winter there was a class in town - but this winter I haven't heard of any being offered!!

    I really like the idea I read several pages back..open your word processor and take notes and then copy paste into my post . I will jave to do that.

    Must go now and get in my 20 minutes of mini trampoline. If I keep it up Friday I will add 5 more minutes to it.

    Good night everyone and take care

    Lillian in Mid west Saskatchewan
    (Freezing rain warnings all over the place)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Toni, I taught in public school for over 30 years and loved every minute of it until the day I retired. Now there is nothing in the world that would get me back into the classroom. I have been retired since June 2004 and I love retirement. Now I teach a beginning line dance class and sometimes people say that they can tell that I am a teacher because of how clearly I explain and demonstrate everything. I taught for many years in a neighborhood that was predominantly ESL.

    smiley-happy110.gifI gave up all sodas years ago after reading about the bad effects they had. I missed them at first, but like many other things, it got easier with time.

    smiley-sad015.gif Katla, Jake isn't sure about how he hurt his neck, but he thinks it might have been Monday morning when he lost his balance and bumped his head and the aftereffects weren't felt until after sleeping all night. He has been very good about wearing the cervical collar and icing his neck and not doing anything strenuous. I skipped going out to lunch with my line dance friends (not too much of a sacrifice for me because I don't really like going to restaurants) so I could come straight home after class to walk the dogs.

    smiley-happy020.gif Kim, when I first started on MFP, my hubby was concerned that I'd be meeting dangerous people and suggested that I be very careful with personal information, so at first I was very vague. I have become more open on this thread and I encourage everyone to maintain as much anonymity as they wish, but it's nice to know a short name and a general geographical location so when someone says it's so cold or hot, I have a clue what they're talking about.

    smiley-sad015.gifRobin, sorry you are having a rough time....dog kisses are good therapy

    smiley-happy020.gif I put the ladies on this thread on my gratitude list frequently. You remind me that staying healthy is important and that we can be there to support and encourage each other.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif20,000 steps today-- three hours of dog walking, line dance class, exercise bike,

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    January Resolutions
    *walk 18,500 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif
    *review our will and documents of personal information
    *don't expect praise or recognition
    *learn and teach two new dances253149qtzkf0ld22.gif

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Went to yoga today and then took the deep water class. Tomorrow's plan is to do Gin Miller's Simply Endurance DVD (another new one)

    After exercise stopped at Bell's Outlet to see if they had any bras for me (they didn't) then went to Big Lots to get Vince his rye bread then to the Salvation Army. Not sure if one of the sweaters I got I really like, but I don't mind buying something there if I'm not sure of it because it's so cheap. Got a Very Bradley one and one by Liz Claiborne (that's the one I'm not sure about). Then came home and made an apple pie. Last night I microwaved the apples and then let them sit in the refrigerator over night. I don't think the microwaving did much, but letting them sit in the refrigerator got a fair amount of the juice out of them.

    Joyce - Vince's physical went well, too. Afterwards he went to Waffle House (without me, not that I would have cared to go) to have a chocolate chip waffle, bacon, hash browns, and orange juice (the only decent thing)

    Beth - I've been known to fall asleep at the computer! Thanks for the update on Ashley. I'm so so sorry about your son's predicament (and yours). How horrible that must be! I know I was going crazy when I couldn't drive for 3 months, I can't even imagine what he's going thru

    Margaret - I didn't know about the truck blind spot, either. Thanks for telling us

    - my hubs is on warfarin and there's so many veges he can't eat. But then again, there are so many that he WON'T eat, so it all evens out

    - when our first cat "followed Jessica home from school" (yea, right!), it was the mangiest looking thing you ever in your life saw! We got the worms taken care of, the fleas, got him brushed -- and I've never seen a more beautiful looking cat! How nice of you to help your friend out. I always thought it was the vitamin K that was the culprit with warfarin. I know Vince should be careful about it.

    Sylvia - so glad you're OK, but that must have been so scary!

    Maybe I'd better lie down. Getting sleepy for some reason and that translates into wanting carbs (sugars) which I DO NOT need. I've already had a small piece of the apple pie. Pretty good flavor, if I do say so myself. Not too much juice which is good.

    - why not walk around while you're sitting at your teen's (girl or boy?) activities? Depending on the type of activity, if it's football, go up and down the bleachers. Same at doctor's appts. Hey, it's something. Now depending on the age of that grandbaby, you're either running or else you can walk in place and the baby won't know the difference.

    - (((HUGS))))

    Margaret - good for you talking to that woman. Proud of you. Loved the pic

    - I think it was you who decided not to finish taking that nutrition course at Corsera. Well, I just started one but at edX (it's free). I tell you, it is MUCH more indepth, I don't feel like I'm wasting my time at all.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Oops, forgot:

    jane - glad hubby got it worked out, but it stinks that he won't get paid
  • Samanthadee2015
    Im Samanthadee2015 and from Western Washington state. I'm determined to get this weight off this year. I need the support of people who are as determined as I am... 2015 is the year to get healthy. I would love to be part of this community.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    stats for the day - train having issues, so i rode home in the dark - bright side, over 1000cal. burned
    - Ride hm 2 gym- 18.09min, 10.2amph, 3mi (light issues slowed me down) = 133cal
    Expresso Moderate trail- farmers bluff- 29.28min, 110aw, 14.4amph, 6.91mi = 276cal
    Expresso Basic trail- Expresso Speedway- 3.34min, 130aw, 16.7amph, 1mi = 76cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.10min 11.9amph 1.4mi = 128cal
    ride wk 2 hm - 52.13min, 11.3amph, 10mi = 481cal
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hello to all of you -- I'm happy to say I'm feeling terrific after my 'overhaul' and 'suspension job' surgery. ;) Not really in any pain, so I can see it will be difficult to stay within my restrictions. I am doing some needlework and short spurts of walking around the house, while still trying to behave and get plenty of rest/recovery.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Very long day. DD took one look at my face when she came in last night and knew immediately what had happened to Isabelle (the horse). I gave her the message that she did everything she could have and she handled the bad news pretty well; better than I anticipated. We had a cry and she had a long day at work at the other barn today; seems OK tonight. Thank you all for the support and kind words to both of us; it was quite a shock for everyone involved. According to my friend who owns the stable, this is the third horse that this poor woman has lost for one reason or another......one previous one had cancer and she wasn't sure about what had happened to the second. This was the first horse boarded with my friend.

    I have read everything but too tired to write much...mush brain. Enjoyed all the grandchildren's photos.........all gorgeous!!!

    Beth....Is there any public transportation in your area; we have handicap city run vans that you can call and have someone pick you up for transport. Good luck in your quest for new transport. Glad Ashley is improving and your son has been migraine free!

    Heather.......Yay for such a positive shopping experience!!!

    jane........So glad your DH is able to get to the service.

    Barbie.......Hope that Jake heals quickly.

    I took that AARP course; they told us that, when passing a big truck, to do it fairly fast; that's the main takeaway I got.

    Gwen was told to do as Carol said, to eat her greens in an even manner, not to cut them out completely, which surprised me at the time. I suppose each dr. has his own methods.

    Margaret......The grief program you are working on sounds very valuable and I'm sure will help many people with no other place to find that type of help. I adore johnny jump ups; the first flower I remember from my childhood. I talk to strangers ALL the time!

    Robin..........I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time of it. Will be thinking of you and wishing you emotional balance.

    Susan.......Congrats on your great weight loss start!!

    meg.........Hope you are out of "mom jail" by now!!!

    Joyce.......chair dips: you sit on the edge of a sturdy chair, hands on the edge of the seat and lower and raise yourself off the edge with the weight on your hands........position of feet makes it easier or more difficult.

    Off to bed.
    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone

    I'm home from my MIL and the weekend of my husband buying me 3 1/2 lbs of chocolate. I am dreading weighing myself tomorrow. I only missed 2 days of exercise and had only 1 really extremely high calorie day, the one with 3 Colorado Bulldogs and a Mikes Hard Lemonade wow I sound like a drunk! This isn't the norm;)

    Beth - I suffered from migraines nearly daily. I have 2 broken vertebrae in my neck. I accidentally had Botox for wrinkle control and was amazed when I no longer got migraines. I only start having them when the Botox starts to wear off. About 3 months. I have been virtually migraine free for 5 years. I had them daily!

    Time for bed!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Finally got done reading. Whew, lot to take in for just a day. Wonderful choir practice tonight.Almost everyone is back from being sick except one of the older couples who have so many other health problems then getting the flu. Started Easter music tonight.

    Beth hve you and your son ever thought of home schooling? Here in Indiana we have an online program. You actually have teachers on line on a video link that you talk to routinely. I have a friend that home schools all 3 of her children and loves it. She has no teaching experience, just didn't like the things her middle schooler was going through in school and decided to home school. So glad Ashley is better.
    Allison big hugs to you. As some one else said, you deserve to be wanted. believe me we do want you. I remember having to counsel family members of dementia patients when they have been so disrespected by their loved one. It isn't easy to go in there every morning and help him and have him talk to you like that.
    Beth I can't remember what kind of disability your son has but I have MS and the local MS society has a newsletter and there are mobility vehicles for sale frequently. Also the NMSAA has grants. Maybe the similar organization for your son's illness may be able to give you some help.
    Carol in GA the others are correct. You don't have to give up greens. You just have to keep them consistent. My Mom was on Wafarin and lived in a retirement home and she had no control over what the kitchen was serving so she couldn't eat them at all. Now if she was cooking in her own home and had them consistently she could have had them. And she loved them and dearly missed them
    Kim Thanks for the little note about giving out only the info you are comfortable with. If anyone is concerned about that, give only what you want. Or give a fake name or a stage name. O believe some one here gives their location as the PNW meaning Pacific north west. So you can still sign off but still be private. It jsut helps us know who is who
    peachstalegal you mention having a lot of things to go through and don't know what to do with. Here in my city we have numerous face book online yard sale sites. Yes, you do have to be careful when going to pick something up or a stranger coming to your house but there are ways to work around that. Our local fire stations ad police stations all are public places we can agree to meet at. That way you at least make some money on what you don't want.
    Heather my daughter Michelle is that person for me. She goes with me shopping and gets me to buy things I never would have thought of. I still would be in my Walmart Faded Glory jeans if she hadn't introduced me to Kohl's and I get all my jeans there now. Plus the colors, oh the colors she gets me to wear now.
    Robin big hugs to you. I have never experienced depression like you have. I don't know what to say except to give you big hugs
    Vicki please keep something with you like hard candy with a blood sugar that low.
    Twhitehead7 you are doing just fine. Just talk about yourself, ask questions, say something about the post right above you, etc

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Missed a day so had lots to catch up on
    Alison- You must be happy to land the bird store job. It will be nice to have some "pin" money but you will feel better if you whittle down the credit card bill.

    Terri - My eyebrows will be finished on Friday morning. I would post before and after but I can't figure out how to post photos on here.

    Yannijannie - I make my steel cut oats in the slow cooker and keep it in the fridge to heat up as need. I hope your finger isn't burnt too badly.
    I am so sorry to hear that the horse didn't make it.
    I lost my brows due to the anaesthetic when I had the colon cancer and it just continued until I had none at all. The tech said it was the biggest reconstruction she had taken on. I suspect the upkeep is going to prove too costly. I should have had them tattooed on.

    Barbie - Sending prayers of healing for Jake

    Beth - Here's hoping a solution to the van situation appears soon. Is there a Service Club in your area that would be willing to help? I know that here you can put a request in with the Kinsmen Club.

    Sylvia - I am glad that you escaped the trucks and arrived home safe and sound. You went through a very stressful experience.

    Jane - I am glad your hubby worked it out and will be there to support his family.
    The boss doesn't sound like a compassionate man.

    I am slowly (very slowly) getting adjusted to my new No list. Caffeinated drinks are down to 2 a day. Next week going for 1 a day. I was advised not to go off them cold turkey as I could get my migraines back. I am missing my afternoon tea, decaf tastes nothing like tea. Now I am thinking I am going to have to put tomato sauce on the No list. This is a process!!! I miss my hot water with lemon in the morning. DD says that is just weird.
    Tomorrow I go to see my weight loss nurse. I will weigh for the 1st time in 2 weeks and I am really hoping for a good result.
    DDIL went for a job interview again today, fingers crossed that this is the one.

    Sharon in Alberta
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Barbie and any others: I do understand your point about being able to "place" people; that's definitely fun. I think that sometimes people don't realize how widespread their information is. For example, it's not just the people on this thread (love you ladies) who can read these posts; it's millions of people who find the thread by googling a word that appears in one of our posts. All those people don't need to know my full name, my family's names, or where I live. Just my point of view.

    Sharon: I understand the reconstruction is not tattooed. Did I miss what technique they're using? If you want to share it, that is.

    Had a bad night due to restless legs. Sometimes the medication just doesn't work; I don't understand that. We have a half day off today and wanted to do something fun, but I'll have to see how I feel later.

    Hope we all have a good day! :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    morning ladies~
    well here I am..
    yesterday went from bad to worse...
    I take my DFIL with a grain of salt... I know it is not the real him talking..
    went to the kidney Dr and still doing ok ..then went to the credit union and got that straightened out..except for my credit card.. I finally told the DH about how much I had on it and he didnt yell.. but I am cutting it up. and just keep paying it off I guess. which means I will not be able to carry a credit card..
    but the most devastating news is that Rick from the bird store called me and reneged on the job, said he spoke to his wife and that they really need someone with more flexability for when people go on vacation.. so there goes that ..
    I am sinking into depression and I dont like the feeling.. I am trying to do what I think is right and the stack of cards is falling down..
    light snow today, but heavy stuff on saterday,and I have to work 7:30- noon ,we shall see when friday rolls around how many people cancel..if we close for the day I dont get payed for it unless I want to use a sick day of which I only get 3 or a vacation day which I only get 10..
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    After reading what Cynthia360 said about these posts being out there on the internet, I googled my username and yup, any posts I made in the Community posts is there. Makes me a little uncomfortable...I do notice that the threads from a group I belong to on here don't seem to be on the internet, and neither are my private messages or the posts I make on my homepage. Has this group ever considered making this a group instead of a message board thread? Susan
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Allison: {{{hugs}}}
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Thank you all for your input on the warfarin. Michelle, my DH would also probably never miss the vegies. I try to have something green every night and I end up eating it.

    Going to see my mom in the nursing home today. Hoping the I-75 traffic won't be too bad. There is one county that I go through that is always backed up. Now, they are trying to put a toll lane there. I really can't see that it will ease the traffic problem that much but time will tell.

    Hugs for all who need them! Have a great day everyone.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    First of all, I meant vitamin K instead of vitamin E!! Brain doesn't always fire on all cylinders! I guess different doctors have different methods. Mine said that the dark green leafy veggies had way too many things in them that were good for me to completely avoid them. Besides, the thought of going without salads forever was very distressing. The main thing is consistency so that the bloodwork doesn't keep going up and down because of eating the greens irregularly.

    Yesterday turned out to be a fairly good day. I left my second job a little over an hour early which is always a treat. I told my supervisor that I just simply needed to see the sunshine! I had simple work that I could take home and I did that while I watched American Idol (I addressed a bunch of envelopes). I drove straight home, ran in and changed my clothes, then walked over to the park and walked the walking path. It's not quite as long as I had hoped--only .6 miles--but still wonderful. I had time to do only two laps before it started getting too dark to make the trek back home on the highway, but it felt awesome!! I know that I hate the hot weather of summer, but I so miss the sunshine during the winter; I leave home home when it is barely light and leave work in the pitch dark. I offered my daughter a free meal if she would go to my house and cook it, so I had a low-fat chili for dinner that I didn't have to prepare! It's less than 200 calories per serving and I had enough calories left to have two servings plus some sour cream and cheese on top. I'm looking forward to having it for lunch today, too.

    Spot peed on my carpet yesterday. It was right outside the room where her litter box is and from the shape of the wetness, it looked like she may just not have quite made it. That is worrisome! She is also definitely wanting to go out at night. If the rain isn't too heavy this weekend, I will let her go out and explore, but in the daylight so *I* can see!

    Heather - I, too, tend to stick to mostly solids in the color palette that suits my coloring (I wear autumn colors), but I have been trying really hard to buy more prints and liven up my wardrobe a bit. I'm glad you had a good shopping day. It's always more fun if someone is with you to give an opinion and rejoice with you when you find something special!

    Alison - I am so sorry about the bird job. Although you have a lot to be depressed about right now, try hard to stave off that fall into depression. It is such a hard hole to crawl out of! Other than encouraging you to seek counseling, I don't know what to say other than you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I had more to say, but I need to go take a quick walk around the building before anyone else gets here.

    Carol in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions regarding wheelchair transportation. We've been down this road before (bad pun) ... and are in the process of checking most of the sources you all have mentioned. Sadly, there are many, many people in the same situation ... and the dollars are spread thin. But we have to start somewhere ... so this weekend we are meeting with several vendors to weigh options. Paratransit or public transportation has been severely reduced in our area. Even state provided transportation for medical appointments is difficult to get.

    When it rains ... it pours. Just learned that two of my son's primary aides are moving on. I think he might be coming home to live with us until we can get a more solid block of days with aide care ...

    And I wonder why I'm stress eating!

    Carol ... the van is way too "young" do be junked. Sickening really, because there's nothing wrong with the engine or mechanical parts ... it's all body/frame/structural corrosion. Mini vans have lowered floors. We live in the Northeast. We used to kid that the van would drag on a cigarette butt (we literally couldn't get over some speed bumps). So imagine what all the snow and ice and SALT does to these vans. Great vehicles for those in drier climates ... not such a great choice for us up north. Considering going back to a full-size van again.

    Mary ... my son also receives Botox injections ... this seems to be the one treatment that consistently helps. Learning how to "chew the elephant one bite at a time" seems to be helping him as well. Anxiety can be a ferocious beast.

    Joyce ... we kid that for his safety and well-being, he needs to attend school. Our personalities are too much the same for me to home school him! Oh would we butt heads!

    Gail ... heal quickly!

    So the Pastor has asked me to teach his Sunday School class again this week .... at least I have all the material prepared! We'll see if anyone attends ...

    Of to work I go!

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Today's plan is falling into place. I finally got up early and hit the treadmill. Did some calisthenics and switched things up for breakfast with an egg white omelette and toast. Packed a lunch that was NOT another salad and hope to get out at noon for another 30 minute walk. Taking it one day at a time is the only way I can do this.

    @wiveliscombe‌ - I hear ya about the knees!! I'm hoping once I'm a few weeks into regular walking they will not interfere.

    Keep it skinny
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Good Morning,

    Cynthia and Susan you bring up a good point about privacy. I only share on here what I do not mind the world knowing. It is the difference between a private and public space. I consider this space between those two. I have contacted members on this board via the private message feature when I felt I did not want to share so publicly.

    Alison good news about your doctor visit. I am proud of you for cutting up your credit card. I know it will be an adjustment. Hopefully something will come out of the bird store yet. You never know.

    There are many contributing factors why depression can hit. Illness, life circumstances like divorce, job loss, new job, taking care of sick loved one, or major move, poor sleep, a diet that does not meet your nutritional needs, and lack of exercise. Some are out of your control or just a necessary part of life. When I find myself facing challenges I do my best to improve my sleep, diet, and exercise. It may not change the situation. I do believe it helps me to cope.

    2015 word: Strength

    Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite.

    :heart: MNMargaret