

  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Finally I'm down 1.5 pounds. Its been a long 2 weeks of bouncing up from my low point. It is like my body finally gave in and let it go! Woosh! So I've learned to stick with what I know works. Even if it isn't showing on the scales yet, it WILL come.

    I've met my step goal everyday and have been at or under my calorie goal everyday.

    Ohhh! And I definitely found my triceps yesterday! (The underarm batwings). I used a resistance band at the top of the door. Then with your palms gripped facing away from you, pull down. If you change your grip so the palms are facing towards you, it works your bicep. Walk further away from the door and it increases the resistance.

    Happiness to all of you!
    Diana in Northeast Indiana

  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Went to yoga today and then took the deep water class. Tomorrow's plan is to do Gin Miller's Simply Endurance DVD (another new one)

    After exercise stopped at Bell's Outlet to see if they had any bras for me (they didn't) then went to Big Lots to get Vince his rye bread then to the Salvation Army. Not sure if one of the sweaters I got I really like, but I don't mind buying something there if I'm not sure of it because it's so cheap. Got a Very Bradley one and one by Liz Claiborne (that's the one I'm not sure about). Then came home and made an apple pie. Last night I microwaved the apples and then let them sit in the refrigerator over night. I don't think the microwaving did much, but letting them sit in the refrigerator got a fair amount of the juice out of them.

    Joyce - Vince's physical went well, too. Afterwards he went to Waffle House (without me, not that I would have cared to go) to have a chocolate chip waffle, bacon, hash browns, and orange juice (the only decent thing)

    Beth - I've been known to fall asleep at the computer! Thanks for the update on Ashley. I'm so so sorry about your son's predicament (and yours). How horrible that must be! I know I was going crazy when I couldn't drive for 3 months, I can't even imagine what he's going thru

    Margaret - I didn't know about the truck blind spot, either. Thanks for telling us

    - my hubs is on warfarin and there's so many veges he can't eat. But then again, there are so many that he WON'T eat, so it all evens out

    - when our first cat "followed Jessica home from school" (yea, right!), it was the mangiest looking thing you ever in your life saw! We got the worms taken care of, the fleas, got him brushed -- and I've never seen a more beautiful looking cat! How nice of you to help your friend out. I always thought it was the vitamin K that was the culprit with warfarin. I know Vince should be careful about it.

    Sylvia - so glad you're OK, but that must have been so scary!

    Maybe I'd better lie down. Getting sleepy for some reason and that translates into wanting carbs (sugars) which I DO NOT need. I've already had a small piece of the apple pie. Pretty good flavor, if I do say so myself. Not too much juice which is good.

    - why not walk around while you're sitting at your teen's (girl or boy?) activities? Depending on the type of activity, if it's football, go up and down the bleachers. Same at doctor's appts. Hey, it's something. Now depending on the age of that grandbaby, you're either running or else you can walk in place and the baby won't know the difference.

    - (((HUGS))))

    Margaret - good for you talking to that woman. Proud of you. Loved the pic

    - I think it was you who decided not to finish taking that nutrition course at Corsera. Well, I just started one but at edX (it's free). I tell you, it is MUCH more indepth, I don't feel like I'm wasting my time at all.

    Michele in NC

  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts exermom! My grandson is a whopping 10days old! (So blessed)
    Staying with my son &daughterinlaw to support! I find myself doing lunges and walking in place... Like I did with my own 5. Fun memories!!!
    it's too cold to do anything during my daughter's 3 hr.theater classes and just a bench to sit on.
    Also, need to be in dr. Office and need to participate in parents pt. I'm sure I could find time,just not motivated!
    It's great to hear how everyone else does it!!
    Prayers for all who need them
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I am happy to report that even though I was a little naughty and couldn't do my normal routine I lost .2 lbs! Not a big loss but I didn't gain like I was afraid of.

    What do you mean about our conversation being out on the internet? Where?

    Gotta go for now.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Not much to report here. My weight was down a pound from yesterday but still not back to my low from after I was sick. I had been eating out more due to circumstances (having to go places) and I think the hidden salt was doing me in. The last two days eating at home with my own food and drinking lots of water, and it's helping get rid of that salt, I think.

    Yesterday when we walked the dogs I jogged about 3 blocks without stopping. It felt so great! I wouldn't have stopped then but Spot decided to smell something. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a lot to me. Running was never my thing, even when I was young and thin. It's kind of funny that when I run I feel things flopping up and down, especially the back of my arms and the front of my legs. There is still a lot of fat in those areas, not to mention loose skin. I hope all that jiggling will convince it to go away. I have great dangling blobs of fat and skin that sort of pool at my elbows.

    So, I'm at the studio getting ready to go make more bowls. I hope you all have a great day!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning! Great nights sleep and down a pound this am; can't ask for more than that! I was a bit concerned about weight because I didn't log, just judged my food, on the two days away last weekend. Very foggy this am, still some out there.

    I think everyone should simply use the level of privacy they are comfortable with. When I ask new people to let us know where they are from, I think I usually add "specific or general" or something like that........( and for the record, yanniejannie is not my given name, lol! ). My DH is a bit paranoid (if you ask me) on the security stuff but it was part of his job for a lot of years.........frankly, I can't imagine that we are so interesting that we would attract "stalkers" or the like. Having said that, my jaw has dropped on occ. at personal details shared on MFP (not necessarily on this thread)........but, if that is the posters comfort level, so be it.

    On the group vs. thread suggestion.......I think we are much more "visible" as a thread. If you look into the groups a lot of them may have a ton of members but then when you look closer, only a handful are posting. We have faithful every day posters, occ. posters, returners, and newbies.......a lot of whom are never heard from again in print but may be just reading. It's easy to lurk here; I know I did for a couple weeks before peeking out and I've gotten private messages and friend requests from people I've never heard of.

    Migraines, which my DD has had her share, have pretty much gone for months: no school stress and plenty of exercise.......she went out and ran for an hour last night after working a 12hr. day at the barn.........she swears it's the exercise, who am I to argue?

    Mary and Sharon.......Good luck to both on your weigh-ins tomorrow!!!

    Sharon......I have a friend with tatooed eyebrows; they look fine but I think the artist went a little too heavy with them; once again, just my opinion........and they are very black, I wonder if she goes grey, how they will look. I have another friend with the eyeliner done and that looks fabulous!

    Have great days everyone!
    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2015
    I googled my screen name and MyFitnessPal did not show up till the third page of hits. Luckily it turns out that the name "mollywhippet" is not exclusive to me. I do sometimes post embarrassing stuff, but nothing that is secret or would hurt me too badly if someone knew. Plus, I don't think it is linked very easily back to my real name. I suppose a person could search for a person named Sylvia in Pittsburg Kansas from the info I have given, but I'm not too worried. (I just tried it, and that does bring up an old facebook hit for my pottery shop with my phone number and studio address. Hmmm. Not sure how I feel about that.) Still, I don't post pictures of my grandkids because I'm concerned about their security.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    Two cowboy ranchers in Texas, they each had their own horse, but they could never tell them apart. So the first cowboy said, "I've got it!" The second cowboy said "What?" "I'll shave the mane on my horse." Let's do it!” So the cowboy shaves the mane on his horse. But after a while the mane grew back. The cowboys are having a really hard time telling them apart. Then the one cowboy said, "I've got it! "What? What? What’s your idea now? says the other" "I'll cut the tail on my horse really small." "Alright! Let's do it!" So he cut the tail really short. But after a while it grew back. "Then the second cowboy said, "OK, this time I've got it!" You take the black one and I'll take white one!!!!"


    Have a great day!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Robin: The girls are beautiful. DGC are a reward of a good life.

    Vicki: Keep on top of the low blood sugars. Are you diabetic?

    Rita: Sometimes life takes over. Log your food and find something fun to balance the stress. Fun is different for everyone. Movement is good, and so is socializing with friends. I think it was Norman Cousins who said, ”Laughter is the best medicine.” There are lots of web articles to back that up. Here is a quotation from Wiki: Told that he had little chance of surviving, Cousins developed a recovery program incorporating megadoses of Vitamin C, along with a positive attitude, love, faith, hope, and laughter induced by Marx Brothers films. "I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep," he reported. "When the pain-killing effect of the laughter wore off, we would switch on the motion picture projector again and not infrequently, it would lead to another pain-free interval."

    Lesley in Tasmania: I’m happy that you are making progress on your health. Brian sounds like he knows what he is talking about.

    Margaret: I love the Johnny Jump-ups!

    Barbie: I hope Jake feels better soon. I had some falls, which I spoke about at length. They are NOT fun. Head bumping is on the no fun list, too, right up at the top.

    Samanthadee: Welcome to a great group.

    Gail: I’m happy that you’re feeling good after surgery. You’re wise to take it easy for a while.

    Alison: Depression can be a deep pit. I hope you are able to stay out of it. Movement and vitamin d from both the sun and supplements help me.

    I’m out of time & haven't finished reading everyone’s post. I’m taking my neighbor to see the health club and try out the Zumba class. And need to be ready to go in about 5 minutes.

    Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Twhitehead7 - a bench is great for exercises. Don't be shy at doing stuff. If it's a theatre group they are well used to people doing funny things (I used to run my theatre company) :laugh: You can do push ups and bicep stuff like someone mentioned, step ups, all sorts. I'm sure google has lots of suggestions. Remember, any movement is better than none at all. Even standing up burns more calories than sitting down. :flowerforyou: Once you start to see results motivation will follow. You don't have to be motivated to start, just start. Every morning I am the opposite of motivated - I just know how to put one foot in front of the other so that is what I do. I still don't enjoy exercise, but I do love the results and I love being able to eat more. :bigsmile:

    I've made a hair trim appointment for tomorrow and then DH will colour my roots on Sunday. I save a lot of money doing it that way. I'm not having a blow dry, just a quick rough dry, which is cheaper. It's the trim I want and I can't do that for myself. Gradually getting myself organised for the holiday.

    I typed on the bed this morning, sitting against the pillows, and I found it suited my back much better. Will try that again. I am over half way through my novel now. Still not at all sure about it, but I am persevering.

    Still very cold here, but no snow yet. I don't want it to snow for our departure so I'm watching the long range forecast.

    Sea trout tonight with spinach mixed with a little bit of half fat creme fraiche.

    With regard to caffeine, the latest advice over here is that two cups of coffee a day is good for you and helps with weight loss. I have one cup a day in the morning. I have never sweetened it and don't know anyone who does. Very few people sweeten coffee or tea over here, except builders! ! ! ! ! We call it Builder's Tea, and it's a sort of joke. I love my tea which I have with half fat milk. Like a lot of British I drink 6 or 7 mugs a day. I think my blood is made of tea. :laugh: It's supposed to prevent Alzhiemers.
    Of course the experts are now saying that we should be drinking full fat milk. :ohwell:

    Robin - your DGC are gorgeous! :flowerforyou:

    Vicki - congrats on the new grandbaby, :love: Sweet photo!

    Going to make some lemon and blueberry muffins now for DH. I put a spoonful of lemon curd in each one. He has a cake every afternoon. :bigsmile:
    I was very nearly tempted by chocolate this afternoon as it was so cold at the shops, but I resisted. When I was a teenager I very occasionally had a bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk chocolate if it was very cold or wet and I was waiting for a bus. I think my sudden craving was a throwback to that as I do not have a sweet tooth normally. A Pavlovian response which has passed as quickly as it came. :bigsmile:

    Love to all. Heather in sunny but cold Hampshire UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Quick check in. Not doing well. Somehow in a funk.

    Susan, I would be very interested in your eating plan. I am going to try the flax seed and honey dessert. It sounds pretty healthy.

    Apologies to Beth and Gail. I meant to wish Gail well on her surgery, but accidentally said Beth.

    Beth, I'm so sorry about the van situation. Is there a transport service in your area that you could use occasionally until you could get a new van?

    My two cents on the privacy issue. I don't share anything I wouldn't mind people knowing, especially since my real picture is there to leave no doubt it's me if someone I know sees it.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    stats for the day:
    no bike riding- dental app.
    treadmill- skip/sidestep/squatwalk- 15.22min, 14.11ap, 1.0incl-4.1-4.4sp, 14.11ap = 133cal
    ski machine- 20min, 25-40resist 3-4incl, .99mi = 195cal
    jump, single/fastskip- 15min = 211cal
    total 539cal
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Stopped in over lunch to check in.

    Sharon in Alberta. Why do you have a list of "not allowed" foods?

    I like coffee. I try to stick to 2 cups a day.....sometimes it is more and then I don't sleep well. But today....I am going to have another cup this afternoon so I can stay awake for curling

    Take care every one.
    Lillian in sunny Saskatchewan
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Ha, curling; I think those stones are beautiful (no, seriously).
    Just popping in to wish everyone a good afternoon (or evening). I had a good one myself, for the first time in a while; one of those sudden free afternoons that turns out well. Does a person good!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Lillian and Cynthia - I'm sure you know that those beautiful curling stones are made from the granite of one rock/island called Ailsa Crag, which has a very fine texture. Wonderful!

    I am a hungry girl tonight! :ohwell: I still have stewed plums and yoghourt to come, and will have some cals left over afterwards so all is not lost, but I could eat a horse! ! ! ! ! ! I did get ALL the muffins into the freezer, but I scraped the bowl - and logged 50 cals. :laugh: I feel some zero cal jello coming on. :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies. I went down for break this morning and rode the nustep and when I get off I will stop on my way out and ride it again and walk the treadmill. I did that yesterday when I got off work and that worked well. My eating yesterday was way over. The dumb thing is I was not hungry and felt full, but it was like I was sitting back watching myself do it. Not sure why??

    Jane--Glad to hear DH boss changed his mind.

    Gail--Be sure and do what the doctors tell you so that you can be at 100%.

    Joyce--Thanks for the concern. This morning my blood surgar was back where it normaly is 76. Not sure what happened yesterday, but I took it twice with the same result.

    Diana--thanks for the arm exercise. I have been thinking about getting some bands to use at home.

    Sylvia--That is about 2 1/2 blocks farther then I could do. I have the things jumping around also. I keep thinking that all that bouncing should do some good.

    Katla--I am diabetic type 2 controled with meds. But since I have lost weight my surgar has been doing good. I am hoping when I go to the doctor next month he will cut back on my meds.

    My thoughts on the privacy and this group. I love you each and everyone and we do so much for each other, that I can not see someone tracking us who is not interested in being healthly. And to be honest I guess I never think about it much.

    Cynthia--Glad your free afternoon was a good one. I agree we all need that once in awhile.

    Sending good wishes to each of you and Thank you for being here. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I tried something new this morning. I did kenpo X wearing wrist weights. I think that was a good idea. I haven't sweated that much since I started that exercise.

    Sylvia - I also have loose skin and what I heard called elephant skin. I wanted to ask the ladies on this site if there is anything that they have done that would improve this or maybe it goes away?

    Vickil57 - I do that mindless eating as well. It feels like I'm in The Twilight Zone. We just need to get back to the program when that happens. I just did that last Saturday. Got back on track and lost .2 not much but okay. I'm sure you will do well.

    Well time to get up Christmas tree must come down!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Feeling a little better each day, but I am anxious to be able to catch my breath, not cough, and be rid of this rib pain (Doc said probably another week). When it is time, I will likely go back to the exercise bike in 5 minute increments, so my joints and muscles and RA don't get freaked.

    Tonight after work; grocery store again. Milk is 2 gal. for $5. Plus progresso light 5/$5 and lunchables for DS snack are 5/$5. This weekend DS needs new basketball shoes, so I need to pinch pennies for that expense. Plus, he was invited to a Doubles Tournament with one of the Seniors, so I need to prepare his entry fee and transportation and food for the weekend (and maybe even a hotel room, since it is the same weekend as DH bowls Nationals in El Paso).

    Not sure why the picture of all the things I made for my neice's daughter, but it just may be here 3-4 times, since i tried but my computer keeps acting crazy. So, if it is here multiple times, I apologize.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday morning here and scales KIND again.
    Stan has taken Mildred beagle to the beach (50 Km round trip in car) so she can have a run on sand and a paddle. He said she slept really well last night.
    Slept until Stan brought tea in at 7.30am, so had breakfast. Going to do jeannette's SA Cardio Sculpt in an hour. Will walk after lunch.
    Washed clothes in basket and drying on line, will iron late this afternoon.
    Have more energy since switching Vitamins.
    I just LOVE Brian as he talk more sense than the fat dietitian. I plan my meals in a morning and stick to them, is 1595 cals today. Happy with that. Hot so salad with steak for dinner.
    I only have black coffe (no sugar) with breakfast and white coffee after dinner, rest of time is herb teas or water
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    Lillian and Cynthia - I'm sure you know that those beautiful curling stones are made from the granite of one rock/island called Ailsa Crag, which has a very fine texture. Wonderful!

    I am a hungry girl tonight! :ohwell: I still have stewed plums and yoghourt to come, and will have some cals left over afterwards so all is not lost, but I could eat a horse! ! ! ! ! ! I did get ALL the muffins into the freezer, but I scraped the bowl - and logged 50 cals. :laugh: I feel some zero cal jello coming on. :laugh:

    Heather UK

    u r funny
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Pip. - I ended up scraping through the day with 50 cals to spare. And yes I did eat the calorie free strawberry jello. :laugh: Now I'm going to bed before I raid the fridge.
    - Heather, still hungry in Hampshire UK. :ohwell: