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  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~Hubby checked his schedule,they have him still on sat.I`m so upset,how they treat him.He isn`t getting paid for this.he should have just called in sick,but him being the nice guy,he wan`t to not screw someone at work being short.
    Rant over.Baby Jaelyn is scheduled to be born on Jan 27th.can`t wait to see my new gran baby
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    The general mood on the list is much more positive and generally a sunnier. Amazing what a little turn in the weather (and a little more daylight!) will do for everyone’s’ outlook.

    Thursday was herding day for me. The whole herding thing still totally fascinates me. Talga, the greener dog, worked in the medium field with two light (will not use me for protection)sheep and History. History is a black sheep who will stand up to the dogs, split from the flock, and just generally do her own thing. She got the name History because the sheep’s owner said “that one is history!!” the first time she work with her. Dave, our instructor, told her that is the best sheep you will ever own. She will teach you and your dogs more than you ever thought possible. He was absolutely right. How well a dog can work a flock with History in it tells you how well the dog is really doing. Talga did pretty darn good. He kept History with the flock until he started getting tired. One thing I did learn from Talga yesterday, is that I somewhat randomly use the command “steady”. When called on for what it actually means because the dog should have and did at least four different behaviors under that command, the best I could come up with was “I’m getting panicky”. I will work on that. Zedd got to work in the big field with the “turbo” sheep. They are very light and very flighty. For the most part, they are not going to voluntarily go to the handler. We worked on big distances and taking commands over instinct. He did a fabulous job for the first 15 minutes, then started to get tired. I closed up the distance and we worked on some finer skills for the rest of the lesson. He did fabulous work and will definitely be ready to trial at the next level late this spring.

    The only really “problem” with dogs that are finally really learning their job herding, is that I don’t rake up the steps during herding lessons anymore. I use to get at least 5K steps, now it was an ugly lesson if I break 1K.

    After herding, we went home and did farm chores and a little house work. I splurged on pho for dinner (and today’s lunch) again. Yum! The sweet lady in the pho shop both gave me a frequent buyers card and a cup of tea while I wanted. I love it when you are treated like family at these kind of places.

    I did my run this morning. It was a lovely morning. Striped red sky while the sun was trying to come up. Warm enough so I just had on my jacket. Worth being up and about before the sun came up. I was “bad” this morning and had a Krispy Kream when I got to work today, but when I logged it is was the same calories as I burned on the run. It just means I can’t have the other set of empty calories I was planning of having today (that glass of wine with dinner). Did yoga at lunch to loosen everything up again. Enjoying pho for lunch.

    Let me second whatever someone said about ankle and wrist weights. Please use them only for a specific exercise designed for them and then carefully! The engineer in me is requiring that I give you a reason… By placing the weight at a single point away from the main joint (elbow or knee) you are giving the little bit of extra weight a huge lever arm which greatly increases the functional stress you are putting on those joints. Be patient. Fitness will come. Increase slowly. Don’t do the same workout every day. You will not burn out and give your body a chance to recover. The total brilliance of the Couch to 5K running program is that you are only allowed to increase in small steps and not allowed to run every day. It just leaves you wanting more. This is a marathon we are on. Not a sprint.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Heather: keep us (me!) posted on your Skechers and orthotics. I have 2 pairs of Skechers; they're heavenly soft but I need more support if I'm going to be on my feet much.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. I had my first PT session today which lasted about 1 ½ hours. After lots of assessments, I did 2 ½ minutes on the recumbent bike then got ice and TENS for 20 minutes. I’ll be back there Monday and at the dr office Tuesday. The pain kept me up last night so I left a message for the dr asking for a prescription anti-inflammatory with an enteric coating. I simply can’t take any more ibuprofen or naproxen. I feel like I have eaten razor blades. bleh

    DD#2 called in the middle of the night bleeding like crazy again. So she went to the ED again (just there 2 days ago and had strep throat). They packed her uterus and told her to see her dr Monday. She’s been bleeding since baby was born November 5 despite having a D&C for it right after new years.

    Barbie: glad Jake is doing better!

    Kim: if we weren’t going to some friends for dinner I’d be right over for soup in front of the fire!

    Janet: I must have missed the series of posts about privacy here, but I only share what I am comfortable with. I guess I have never thought of what is here getting out all over the internet, but it’s possible

    Michele: good point from you too, but how would people find the ONE Michele in NC who is on a trip? Do you really think that might happen?

    Katla: I think the upcoming presentation sounds especially interesting

    Viv: I bet the forgetfulness is all from your recent trauma. Sending you (((hugs)))

    Sharon: interesting about the brow reconstruction!

    Grandmallie: you are an angel to DFIL!

    Sylvia: how nice that you got an unexpected visit with your son!

    Heather: I bet you look Maaaah-velous! How did piped music affect you? It annoys the crap out of me sometimes…..!

    Terri: It sounds like you are starting to feel better, so I’m glad to hear that!

    Jane: how many grands will this be for you? I haven’t seen mine since New Years day, but I’m not chasing Tanya around; if she wants us in her life she can make some kind of effort.

    Well, just got off the phone and the ortho doc did just call in a prescription for the anti-inflammatory medication, so we’ll pick that up on the way home. Even tho DD#1 totally ignores me, I’m going to try one more time and make her some borscht tomorrow and take it over to her. I hate to give up on her, but she needs to make some effort. The only time she calls or texts is when she needs something and then it’s always dad, not me. I guess it’s good that she will call someone, but I’m feeling totally left out. Her choice though.

    OK, we’re going to friends for dinner and they always eat very low fat so I’m sure dinner will be fine. Games afterwards. Tomorrow is dinner at our other good friends’, she just had a knee replacement and is recovering very slowing. Take care all meg from gloomy Omaha
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri and Sally,

    Thanks for the info on the wrist and ankle weights. I would have thought that they would be able to be used with any type of exercise.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday morning and enjoyed a sleep-in lol. Stan woke me at 8am with a cup of tea.
    I WAS making Jeannette's buckwheat pancakes, got side tracked and soaked 2 slices of granary bread and put in pan. oh dear - 598 cals
    making Bird's Eye minced chicken and veg puff pastry rolls for lunch, can have 3.
    Going to do Jeannettes' Cardio kick-boxing followed by 8 mins of her Blast Belly.
    Cleaning house today.
    Walk round our tracks after lunch.
    Food = 1636 and fibre = 27

    BRIAN told me to cut out sugar in tea and coffee, to drink MORE water and herb teas and NO soda at all. Doing fine.

    I wear ankle weights for Jeannette's Circuits when she says to

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all. Its great seeing familiar names! I haven't been on this thread in a long time, but I try to log my food and exercise daily. Have cut out salt, refined sugary food and limiting red meat. my face is not as puffy and my cholesterol and triglycerides have gone down...yeah!
    I shoot for 10000 steps daily and some sort of core or cardio. I hope the pounds will come off slowly this year.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening! Had a pretty good eating day until DD came home about 2pm and wanted me to go to California Pizza Kitchen with her; stayed under but could eat a bit of something right now. Trying to distract myself with mugs of tea. Went to luluemon to drool and found about a dozen things I would love to have but will think it over and narrow it down and maybe get one or two as a treat.......

    Supposed to be raining hard here by now but just a little drizzle. There's a race tomorrow; not sure if I want to go help at the finish line or go to yoga..........yoga is winning so far.

    I have held dumbbell weights during parts of the ladies light aerobic sessions just to get a bit more burn with no problem. Very light though, 2 to 4 lbs.

    Heather ........... I'm hungry tonight; hope the cheese demons don't continue their winning ways.

    jane........I do hope your DH can get to that service.

    Sharon.........Don't tatoo artists keep books of their work? Maybe you could look at a few until you find one with work you are comfortable with.

    Vicki........You are doing more partying this weekend than I do in a year!! Have fun!

    meg........Good luck with your PT. Hope your new pain med works and doesn't cause gastric issues.

    G'nite all. Sleep well.
    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *Sweepypie, your loss is terrific. You must be eating crumbs and water for that kind of loss with no exercise. Way to go.

    *yannie, what a beautiful way to start your day!

    *k2boxlady, welcome to our discussions. You had a great start but can’t give up. I had great results the first two and a half months and very, very little this month. But I know if I keep within the calories and keep exercising, it will pay off. This lifestyle works. Hang in there and log everything that goes in your mouth and maybe try to move more. Any and all exercise helps burn calories. If you burn more than you take in, you will lose eventually. I honestly feel that I was losing too fast at first and that can lead to loose, wrinkled skin, so losing a bit slower gives the body to take care of business. Good luck.

    *Sylvia, I liked the joke and it was new to me. I’m glad you had a nice visit with your son and that you got help with the lifting.

    *Heather, how wonderful about your haircut as well as being able to take the music again. Sounds like a banner day. (But stay away from that cheese. LOL) OH no, you did it! Guess next time, no wine?  ;)

    *Welcome NannyKely, and any other new or returning ladies. This is a terrific group for support and information. How nice that some of you know the dangers of wrist weights. Who knew? You are always here for us with interesting and informative tidbits and I love you all.

    It has cooled back off after a couple of days near 60. I made a big pot of ham and bean soup that turned out yummy. My weight is not moving again, but while trying on clothes for my cruise, I find many things are too big. So I will just ignore the scale for a while and keep doing what I’m doing. For some reason I Googled the effects of diet coke on the body today. Wow, it’s worse than I ever knew. I’m glad I stopped drinking them every day.
    I wish us all great health and happiness.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 14.25min 12.3amph, 3mi = 116cal
    lateral machine- 16min, 7laps, lvl5 10lat, 1.75mi = 134cal
    rowing machine- 15min, 144aw, 3369meters = 99cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.56min, 12.4amph 1.4mi = 75cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.22min 9amph 2.7mi = 192cal
    Total 616cal
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Good afternoon,

    It was a cold rainy day today, with sleet and snow moving in this evening. We had some errand's and needed a few items from the store, I sure didn't want to get out.

    I enjoyed reading all the post again.

    Sue from TN
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    edited January 2015

    Goodnight all!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Did about an hour of a spinning downloadable workout today. Tomorrow's plan is to do some more of the "30 Day Butt Lift" DVD

    Welcome everyone new!

    Gail - Vince bought a new tree this year (a smaller one for the dining room) and he said that he'll probably get one more next year (all artificial). I have a kit for a penguin tree skirt that I'm going to latch hook this year and I've downloaded a pattern (crochet) for another tree skirt.

    After exercise today went to Aldi, came home and did some running around with Vince.

    Well, it looks like we've got all the positions filled for the nominating committee. Phew! Can't wait for this whole thing to be over!

    Don't know what it is, but I am so so cold right now. Maybe I'll lay down under the down padding. It's probably the cold rain that's making me feel this way.

    - what a loss! You're doing great!

    - the best advice I can give you is "don't give up". Sometimes it takes a while for our bodies to register a loss, but never, never, never give up (like barbie would say). I have found that lately I got real warm and then I get cold. I'm thinking that these are mini-hot-flashes. I really do attribute the reason they are "mini" is because of my exercising. See, I broke a bone in my foot a few years ago and couldn't exercise. I thought I'd die!!! There were times when I honestly could feel the sweat dripping down the backs of my legs. Good for you wanting to take care of yourself! You deserve it!

    - OK, I will bite. What is a "pot throwing" party? I'm imaging someone throwing pots.

    - congrats on the 5 lbs down. But if you don't see that for a while, DON'T GIVE UP

    Determined to be
    - What kind of classes are you taking?

    One thing I'd ask, if someone doesn't want to sign their post with their name or location, that's OK. But please have a nickname that is short that we can use.

    - I can't help but wonder if some of the "loose skin going away" doesn't have to do with genetics and/or age. I've been waiting for years for my loose skin to go away, and it hasn't. Yet, there is one lady in my extremepump class who told me she lost a lot of weight (I didn't know her when she was heavy) and she said that in time her loose skin went away. I honestly don't know. But you're right, at least we're healthier now. To me, one hard thing is that when you go out to eat, most things seem to be deep fried, or with lots of sauces (meaning butter), you have to specially ask for plain vegetables.

    - good for you doing that aerobics!

    terri - I was wondering about ankle weights, too. What does you aunt say about wearing a weighted vest while walking on a treadmill? I spoke to one personal trainer and he felt that it put too much stress on your knees. I would think that walking while carrying weights would do the same thing. So glad your coughing is better. Welcome Claire!

    - do you have a TENS unit at home or just at the PT's? I do try to (somewhat) keep my identity mysterious. If someone were to look up my profile, they'd see that I was in Newton. I wouldn't think there'd be only one Michele in Newton, NC, but that does narrow down the area in NC where that Michele is located. But I do think I'm vague enough that a hacker won't find me. Whenever I meet someone from the net, I do try to make the arrangements via a personal message or email.

    - welcome back! Sounds like you're doing great!

    Michele in NC
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm new to MFP and to this forum. I have various health issues and need to lose weight. Most of all, I need to improve my lifestyle as I have been very sedentary for the last few years, (suffer from depression). I have been seeing various doctors and am now seeing a weight management doctor. Just started with a personal trainer, but I am notorious for starting something and then not following through. I have logged my food on MFP for five days in a row now. (That's probably a record for me...not kidding!) I could use all the motivation and insight you may have to share with me. Thanks for listening!
    Judy in PA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening! I just got home after 13 hours in the studio. Boy am I tired.

    Michele, 6 of my friends came over to make pots. Only three actually threw pots on the wheel. Throwing is what it's called to make a pot on the wheel. The others were building bowls with slabs. It was a lot of fun. We made about 30 bowls.

    Good night everyone.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    K2boxlady: Stick with what you’re doing. Weight loss is not a steady decline. There are times when you do everything right and don’t see a loss for quite a while, and then suddenly the weight drops again. We call the episodes when you are doing all the right things and the weight stubbornly hangs on plateaus. I don’t know anybody who has not experienced plateaus along the way. Many of us were vying for plateau princess for months. Be patient and keep doing the right thing. Drink plenty of water and move more. I like to walk and take yoga classes, and others go to gyms, dance, ride bikes, etc. If you move more and have fun, win-win. You get to enjoy what you’re doing, burn calories and improve your health. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Congratulations on spending pleasant time with your son today.

    Vicki GI NE: You seem to be very busy with friends & family. I’m happy to hear that you’re having fun with your motorcycle group.

    Heather: The right shoes make a lot of difference in how far you can walk. I hope the Skechers turn out to be just right. Congratulations on putting up with the hair salon music.

    Terri_mom: The people in your life who don’t like misuse of wrist and ankle weights seem to be giving wise advice. It sounds as though you’re recovering from your illness. I hope things keep getting better for you.

    SallyW in Oregon: I love hearing about your herding dogs and the adventures you have working with them. I agree with you on this point, “This is a marathon we are on. Not a sprint.” We need to take care of ourselves and find safe and enjoyable ways to be more active.

    Lesley in Tasmaina: I am more impressed with the advice you are getting from Brian every time you mention him. He seems to be an excellent advisor.

    Barbie: I’m sure that ankle weights would make a plank more challenging, but I’m challenged enough already. I don’t need any extra weight. :noway:

    Judy in PA: My best advice is hang around here for support and never give up.

    I went to the gym this morning for abs class, which was difficult, and also for yoga, which was excellent. This evening I had my riding lesson, which included a personal victory. I managed to find the right rhythm and balance to move harmoniously with the horse at a canter. Wahoo! It was wonderful!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good evening,

    Had date night with my husband! Saw a rotten movie with a depressing ending. I like happy endings. Gotta get up early to go to GS basketball tournament that will be fun.

    Kala - what breed of horse do you ride? I had a fox trotter which was a fun ride. My daughter is in to team penning which is done with cows very fun to watch. Happy that you got your seat!

    Sylvia - glad to hear that you accomplished so much with your pottery. That is such a worthwhile cause. We had been through Joplin on a vacation. My husband proposed at the Precious Moment Chapel. We will be going back periodically to visit friends in Springfield. Beautiful area to ride motorcycle!

    Sally - do you herd dogs for competition at all? I saw that on TV before and it looked like fun.

    Have a great night.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    Nannykely – welcome

    Gardengail – what great projects, good thoughts for your sister!

    Katla – what a great idea, I would love to go to presentations like that – who put it on?

    Viv – Those moments are both a delightful memory and a sad teary moment I am sure…. Thinking of you!

    Sharon- hope this is the next step to good health

    K2boxlady – welcome, and the only words I have are log everything, never give up, if you slip it is only one meal – just hop right back on the journey…

    Heather – Hope the skechers work out they are all the craze here for the young teens – bright colors ! I don’t find them comfortable, but my arch seems to not be in the “normal” location as I can’t wear nikes either…. Sorry the cheese demon got you - I got invited out tonight and just ordered what ever sounded good and ate! OMG – Baked pasta with sausage, ham, olives, cheese… BUT was surprised that I could not even eat ½ of it…so boxed and home it came.. That is a first for me, I have forced myself to only eat ½ but to be too full and realize it is a break through….

    Meg - it is so hard to have family that is not in sync…. I hope all come around with time.

    Terri, Sally, and Mary – I second Mary’s comment, I have not been using or tempted to use weights, BUT have them and did not realize the complications

    Susanrechter – welcome back!

    Judy in PA – welcome

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla, sorry for the misspelled name above!
