Any vegetarians or pseudo-vegetarians?



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    votick wrote: »
    I am in by no means a vegetarian; but I am a student, and as a result I am broke.
    Meat is expensive so I'm making due with tofu.

    Really? Tofu is way more expensive than chicken thighs and ground beef where I am...

    I think it depends where you buy it. I buy my tofu and edamame in Koreatown and it's probably less than 1/2 of the price at Whole Foods or anywhere that it's in the "health food" section.

    Yes, it definitely does. That's a good point.
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,216 Member
    Op can i ask how you gained your weight?
    You probably didnt mean it, but if you re read your OP it doesnt come out pleasant at all. It actually reads like you are above the rest of us. Also nothing wrong with looking nice. Haven't come across anyone who only care about looks. I mostly come across people who want to look good and good health comes as a bonus.
    I just find it amazing how some people get angry or even envious because of what OTHERS eat. Not looking for labels. I care what goes in MY body. I don't care what others think about that at all. Seems some people have poor comprehensions skills too. Those items I listed were personal items I do not eat. It wasn't saying that those who eat them are unhealthy. If you read the next paragraph about the aesthetics part, I was referring to those that eat pizza, ice cream and burgers, and take tons of sketchy supplements. And yes, there are many people on this forum who are vain and closed-minded. PERIOD.

    You guys can think what you want I really don't give a damn. It doesn't affect my life one bit.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    Before I got into calorie counting and serious weight loss I ate a diet that was high in veggies, fruits, seeds, some grains, legumes, seaweed, and occasionally some fish or poultry. However, I only ate fish/poultry about 2-3 times a week. What I discovered was I was not getting enough protein. So I switched to eating a lot more poultry and fish with the addition of goat milk yogurt. With this diet I am still struggling to get the high amount of protein I need. Unlike some people I care what goes into my body. I stay away from red meats, dairy, artificial sweeteners, added sugar, preservatives, peanuts, etc. And I try to eat whole foods or minimally processed foods.

    I make it a point to eat one salad a day. I also have a morning smoothie where I add veggies. I have a higher value on internal health rather than aesthetics. Some people will do whatever it takes to look good but at the cost of having high cholesterol, high blood pressure, vitamin deficiencies, and other issues.

    Anyway, now that this is out of the way I want to know how do some of you people get enough protein? Is it possible to have meatless days? Besides nuts, seeds, legumes, sprouts, and egg whites, what do you do? One thing that is driving me crazy is protein density. Apparently not all proteins are created equal. Non-meat sources usually are not as efficient. You need a higher amount of them. So it makes me question if I am getting the indicated protein on some labels or if some of them are not complete. I know quinoa is complete, egg whites as well. How about plant based protein powder? Who uses them? Is it a complete protein? Looking to learn from you.


    I find this whole post to be quite rude, with emphasis on the bolded parts.

    I'd love to know who all these people are that "don't care" about what goes into their body and are "only about the aesthetics rather than health".

    Consuming red meat and dairy doesn't make one unhealthy. You're views are the reason why so many vegetarians/vegans get a bad rap.

    Some of you have poor comprehension skills. Those items I listed meant I DO NOT eat them. Had nothing to do with saying those that do are unhealthy. What I meant about the aesthetic part is that some people eat pizza and ice cream all the time, and while they look good on the outside, they may not be healthy really. It's amazing that I am finding out a good portion of this forum does indeed feel insecure and envious of people. The ones who get pissed are clearly the one who only give a damn about weight loss and "looking good". Don't even bother you're really ignorant.

    LMAO! Insecure and envious of . . . . what exactly?

  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,216 Member
    And lie I said, in the future I will be reporting posts that are not helpful. If you have nothing to offer the thread and attack members you will be reported. Do something else with your time rather than looking like an ignorant and insecure baby. Worry about your foods and your diet, NOT OTHERS.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    And yet, you keep posting...
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Anger dude has anger issues. As well as an inferiority complex masking itself as a superiority complex. Best to just leave him alone, or he'll hurt someone IRL.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    Rose6300 wrote: »
    Anger dude has anger issues. As well as an inferiority complex masking itself as a superiority complex. Best to just leave him alone, or he'll hurt someone IRL.

    You mean superiority complex:

    "an attitude of superiority that conceals actual feelings of inferiority and failure."

  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Rose6300 wrote: »
    Anger dude has anger issues. As well as an inferiority complex masking itself as a superiority complex. Best to just leave him alone, or he'll hurt someone IRL.

    You mean superiority complex:

    "an attitude of superiority that conceals actual feelings of inferiority and failure."

    Methinks you're right. But you got the gist. ;)

  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    edited January 2015
    PRMinx wrote: »
    And yet, you keep posting...
    All I can think of is that Bugs Bunny with the Gangster .. Shut up shuttin' up ...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited January 2015
    my gif sucked

    so this will have to do6et1op_zps796277ed.jpg
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    I'm a pseudo-Vegan, but since almost nobody knows what Vegans really look like or that they can reach our solar system, I can pull it off pretty well I think. Of course I get some odd looks from people though...

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    Before I got into calorie counting and serious weight loss I ate a diet that was high in veggies, fruits, seeds, some grains, legumes, seaweed, and occasionally some fish or poultry. However, I only ate fish/poultry about 2-3 times a week. What I discovered was I was not getting enough protein. So I switched to eating a lot more poultry and fish with the addition of goat milk yogurt. With this diet I am still struggling to get the high amount of protein I need. Unlike some people I care what goes into my body. I stay away from red meats, dairy, artificial sweeteners, added sugar, preservatives, peanuts, etc. And I try to eat whole foods or minimally processed foods.

    I make it a point to eat one salad a day. I also have a morning smoothie where I add veggies. I have a higher value on internal health rather than aesthetics. Some people will do whatever it takes to look good but at the cost of having high cholesterol, high blood pressure, vitamin deficiencies, and other issues.

    Anyway, now that this is out of the way I want to know how do some of you people get enough protein? Is it possible to have meatless days? Besides nuts, seeds, legumes, sprouts, and egg whites, what do you do? One thing that is driving me crazy is protein density. Apparently not all proteins are created equal. Non-meat sources usually are not as efficient. You need a higher amount of them. So it makes me question if I am getting the indicated protein on some labels or if some of them are not complete. I know quinoa is complete, egg whites as well. How about plant based protein powder? Who uses them? Is it a complete protein? Looking to learn from you.


    I find this whole post to be quite rude, with emphasis on the bolded parts.

    I'd love to know who all these people are that "don't care" about what goes into their body and are "only about the aesthetics rather than health".

    Consuming red meat and dairy doesn't make one unhealthy. You're views are the reason why so many vegetarians/vegans get a bad rap.

    Yep...I was going to offer help, but after seeing the wording of the OP, nope.

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    Op can i ask how you gained your weight?
    You probably didnt mean it, but if you re read your OP it doesnt come out pleasant at all. It actually reads like you are above the rest of us. Also nothing wrong with looking nice. Haven't come across anyone who only care about looks. I mostly come across people who want to look good and good health comes as a bonus.
    I just find it amazing how some people get angry or even envious because of what OTHERS eat. Not looking for labels. I care what goes in MY body. I don't care what others think about that at all. Seems some people have poor comprehensions skills too. Those items I listed were personal items I do not eat. It wasn't saying that those who eat them are unhealthy. If you read the next paragraph about the aesthetics part, I was referring to those that eat pizza, ice cream and burgers, and take tons of sketchy supplements. And yes, there are many people on this forum who are vain and closed-minded. PERIOD.

    You guys can think what you want I really don't give a damn. It doesn't affect my life one bit.
    Your the one actually that sounds quite angry and brought up what others eat in your OP. You could have just said how can i get more protein. Are you possibly abit envious of others who choose to eat pizza, ice cream and burgers ?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    Before I got into calorie counting and serious weight loss I ate a diet that was high in veggies, fruits, seeds, some grains, legumes, seaweed, and occasionally some fish or poultry. However, I only ate fish/poultry about 2-3 times a week. What I discovered was I was not getting enough protein. So I switched to eating a lot more poultry and fish with the addition of goat milk yogurt. With this diet I am still struggling to get the high amount of protein I need. Unlike some people I care what goes into my body. I stay away from red meats, dairy, artificial sweeteners, added sugar, preservatives, peanuts, etc. And I try to eat whole foods or minimally processed foods.

    I make it a point to eat one salad a day. I also have a morning smoothie where I add veggies. I have a higher value on internal health rather than aesthetics. Some people will do whatever it takes to look good but at the cost of having high cholesterol, high blood pressure, vitamin deficiencies, and other issues.

    Anyway, now that this is out of the way I want to know how do some of you people get enough protein? Is it possible to have meatless days? Besides nuts, seeds, legumes, sprouts, and egg whites, what do you do? One thing that is driving me crazy is protein density. Apparently not all proteins are created equal. Non-meat sources usually are not as efficient. You need a higher amount of them. So it makes me question if I am getting the indicated protein on some labels or if some of them are not complete. I know quinoa is complete, egg whites as well. How about plant based protein powder? Who uses them? Is it a complete protein? Looking to learn from you.


    I find this whole post to be quite rude, with emphasis on the bolded parts.

    I'd love to know who all these people are that "don't care" about what goes into their body and are "only about the aesthetics rather than health".

    Consuming red meat and dairy doesn't make one unhealthy. You're views are the reason why so many vegetarians/vegans get a bad rap.


    Neither does anything on that list tbh (and where the heck did peanuts come from...that's a new one).

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    zenaxe wrote: »
    Although this detours somewhat from the OP, and given that there is some discussion about this, I'm wondering where I land in terms of categories and labels. I love meat and ate it freely all my life but over the past three years have only been eating fish and eggs in terms of meat etc. That said, it's not exactly vegetarian and not I guess it just is what it is without label. Very liberating.

    You learned a valuable lesson it seems.... you don't need a label.

    You just eat food's you like and make you happy and are conducive to your lifestyle.

    end of story.
    agreed and the feeling of superiority of eating one way or another is not necessary
    Has nothing to do with superiority. Some of you people are really envious and insecure about others. If you have nothing to offer the thread then leave instead making yourself look immature.

    Pls re read your responses and your OP and you might include yourself in this . Also read some of the comments about people being ashamed of the different variants of vegans. and you will see the superiority coming out.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    And lie I said, in the future I will be reporting posts that are not helpful. If you have nothing to offer the thread and attack members you will be reported. Do something else with your time rather than looking like an ignorant and insecure baby. Worry about your foods and your diet, NOT OTHERS.

    Please read the rules about what is a reportable post as I don't think you are aware of what is based on this statement.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    zenaxe wrote: »
    Although this detours somewhat from the OP, and given that there is some discussion about this, I'm wondering where I land in terms of categories and labels. I love meat and ate it freely all my life but over the past three years have only been eating fish and eggs in terms of meat etc. That said, it's not exactly vegetarian and not I guess it just is what it is without label. Very liberating.

    If you only eat fish, then you are a pescatarian.
  • gothomson
    gothomson Posts: 215 Member
    And another lesson learnt is that if you have a food / diet related questions dont stray into making judgment calls on peoples eating habits.

    MennoniteMaid said it well and is bang on the money. I'm a vegetarian but I do not make judgments on people that eat meat - it's your choice. However I do get annoyed / insulted when some (not all) meat eaters try to label their meat eating as something else; "flexitarian", "pesciterain" its all the same and very straight forward: Q: do you eat meat in any form? A: Yes = you eat meat, so your not a vegetarian.

    One last thing - sometimes labels are needed - restaurants and food makers need to know who's a vegetarian and vegan so when they make their food according to the "rules" of that group. Emmm thats about it really.

    Now can I get back to dieting :-)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You are not anything close to a vegetarian if you consume poultry or fish.

    I am vegan and have no issues hitting, and exceeding my protein goals. I eat lentils, beans, dark green vegetables, soy milk, coconut or soy yogurt, tofu, tempeh, seitan, and some of the vegan meat replacements. It isn't hard to hit your protein goals without consuming meat, fish or any animal products for that matter.


    eeeeeehhhhhhh 150 grams of none meat product protein is a lot harder to eat and stay under a certain calorie content.

    And honestly I've heard some sketchy stories about processed tof/meat 'replacements'. So yeah- you can hit your min goals- and get a reasonable amount- but if you're trying to hit high protein- you're going to have to do some serious supplementing without meats.

    Not at all if you consume dairy. Unless on a pretty decent cut, I rarely need to supplement, have a pretty high protein target and am often having issues with not going over it too much and I am a....well, apparently I am not allowed to call myself what I usually lets say I do not eat meats or fish.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited January 2015
    Unlike some people I care what goes into my body.
