Comments in the staff room......



  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    I think they are trying to be encouraging. I think it is silly when someone in the break room is chowing down on a slice of pizza while commenting on how good my plain chicken looks. We both know my chicken isn't as enticing as their pizza, but I think they are trying to applaud my choice/restraint.
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    tipadoo wrote: »
    I hate it when people comment on my food - annoys me. Keep your nose out of my lunch!

    +1 totally my pet peeve!
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    What is it about women that makes them think everyone is out to get them? I've had people comment on me using my food scale at work. Nothing bad. Mostly "oh, that looks serious" or "I should be doing that" type of comments. Rather than taking it in a negative way I just chalk it up to the fact that I do stand out a little considering most people don't weigh their food in the break room. It's just small talk. No need to freak out.

    what is it about men that makes them think that one comment made by one woman reflects the thoughts, concerns, and opinions of every woman that has ever existed in the history of the universe? sheesh.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    So today as I was chopping up my salad in the staff room I must have got about 15 people comment "ooo, that looks nice and healthy""wow, that looks healthy""that looks really tasty""thats a colourful salad"etc etc etc

    I wondered how many people genuinely thought yeah that does look yum and how many were thinking look at the silly fat girl eating salad, i bet thats her new yeas reso, i bet it wont last more than 2 weeks.

    I guess i can just use it as motivation to show them nope fat girl really did stick to it and is now fit girl, that will show em, hehe.

    I think you're waaaaay over thinking or analyzing this. If I say a salad or something looks good someone's preparing that's what I mean without the extra $#%#4 you added in. Don't worry what others *might* be thinking about you or speculate. Focus on yourself and the rest will fall into place.
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    1. That is not a sustainable diet. Its too few calories that will likely lead to night binge eating. Causing further self-despair and self-loathing. I wonder if I can say something and have it come out right? depends on what is in the salad actually. My salads are about 6-700 calories.
    2. I bet you that's 400 calories in dressing and they just ruined their efforts at dieting. some people use things other than dressing. like plain yogurt or olive oil or nothing.
    3. Lettuce and a few limp veggies is not healthier than my homemade _{insert lunch for the day}__. that's actually pretty elitest to decide that a salad is only those things or that any salad is less nutritious than what you are eating.
    4. Without a fat source their body is going to have trouble absorbing the nutrients in that salad. What a shame. What a waste. my salads includes walnuts, olive oil, cheese, avocado... plenty of healthy fats.
    5. There is a crazy amount of sugar in that "low-fat" dressing! They are better off drizzling a TBSP of olive oil and balsamic than that crap. Im starting to be scared of the 'salads' you encounter?
    6. I bet you they have a bag of chips in the their desk drawer to go with that publicly eaten miniature salad. now i know why people think everyone is judging them LOL!
    7. Where is the protein? Your body needs a balance of protein, carbs and fat, people! points to the ham and hard boiled egg....
    8. I wonder if they even like salad? you cant pry it from my cold dead goal weight fingers
    9. Oy. They would have been better off calorie-wise by ordering the burger and fries than that salad monstrosity! i hope you realize what you are starting to sound like. Im getting worried.
    10. And very occasionally: Wow that salad looks good! (I'm just not a salad person..)

    obviously... LMAO!

    Thank you, Yoovie. Glad you handled this one!! I agree with your replies 100%!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    none of them thought that.

    why do people who start changing their life for the better so often assume that the people around them are so shallow and blackhearted by default.

    Because they take the thoughts bouncing around in their own head and project them on other people?

    Just a theory.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I hate when people comment on the food i'm eating because i'm super insecure while I eat. I eat a ton, and I used to be fat. And I used to have family members comment negatively on the food I ate, or tell me to lose weight....hence the insecurities...

    if it makes you uncomfortable or you read into it, there is a good reason why, and that's okay, just try to overlook it and move on because no one means any harm by it.

    but ya, it's something that I haven't been able to get over yet. and EVERYONE comments on my food because well, vegan food is weird. You gotta fake it until you make it I guess.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Also, I'd think it was pretty weird if someone was actually chopping their salad in the break room at lunch - I'd make some innocuous comment on it too, just to say "hey I see you've brought the entire produce drawer from your fridge and a knife and a cutting board - that's odd but you do you"

    I've BEEN the person chopping veggies in the breakroom (For a veggie plate for a team potluck that I wanted to be fresh....and was too lazy to get up early to do at home) and a bunch of people said "oh that looks healthy" and I said "yeah I'll inevitably end up munching on leftovers all day so I might as well work a few vegetables in" and then the person agreed and thanked me for bringing something besides typically heavy potluck food.

    .........and then neither of us thought about it again, until you triggered the memory and now I'm probably going to have horrible PTSD flashbacks about how a coworker called me fat for bringing vegetables to a potluck.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    I wish people could just not make situations awkward by making silly comments. It's lunch. Time to eat. You are eating. No comments needed thanks!
    If you seriously consider complimenting someone's salad to be "making a situation awkward" I'd say the problem is yours. ETA: If you don't want people talking while you eat your best bet is to eat alone.

    You are right. I don't understand the need for idle chit chat. Hate it actually. The problem is mine. Some people are more introverted than others and when other people need to comment on every single move we make it makes us feel awkward.

    Introversion doesn't mean what you think it means. Please stop making introverts sound bad.

    You are shy and reclusive. That's ok, that's who you are. It has nothing to do with being introverted.

    PREACH! :)

  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    edited January 2015
    That's why I eat at my desk. It drives me nuts when people ask me 100 questions about my lunch.

    I like my quiet time and it's honestly the only quiet time I have all day long.
  • maria0104
    maria0104 Posts: 64 Member
    If someone noticed my healthy lunch, in a weird way regardless of how they were saying it, it would spur me on. Often I find one of the hardest hurdles is to tell people you are changing your lifestyle, and if they are actively noticing it saves me a job and spurs me on like, good, it's out there, and they know now so don't let yourself down.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Today I learned that a truly amazing number of people can turn even a compliment into an offensive comment.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Lol. I did see a new, full-figured co-worker with a HUGE bag of stuff making a salad in the kitchen and I did think to myself that she's committed to losing weight in the New Year. She also had on knits like she had just went for a walk, so I was thinking "Good for her!" However, I work in family therapy. I get paid to think about people's motivations and overanalyze everything. I don't think most people would have given it a second thought.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    So today as I was chopping up my salad in the staff room I must have got about 15 people comment "ooo, that looks nice and healthy""wow, that looks healthy""that looks really tasty""thats a colourful salad"etc etc etc

    I wondered how many people genuinely thought yeah that does look yum and how many were thinking look at the silly fat girl eating salad, i bet thats her new yeas reso, i bet it wont last more than 2 weeks.

    I guess i can just use it as motivation to show them nope fat girl really did stick to it and is now fit girl, that will show em, hehe.

    Do your coworkers know you have such a low opinion of them? Because I'm betting they have a higher opinion of you than you have of them.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Today I learned that a truly amazing number of people can turn even a compliment into an offensive comment.

    You look great today
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Today I learned that a truly amazing number of people can turn even a compliment into an offensive comment.

    You look great today

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Today I learned that a truly amazing number of people can turn even a compliment into an offensive comment.

    You look great today

    I like your abs.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Today I learned that a truly amazing number of people can turn even a compliment into an offensive comment.

    You look great today

    I like your abs.

  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Today I learned that a truly amazing number of people can turn even a compliment into an offensive comment.

    You look great today

    I like your abs.

    You must mean that sarcastically.

    I just can't take all this judgment.
  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    I'm sure your salad looked wonderful. In fact, just imagining a salad right now is making me want to make one for dinner. Romaine, tomatoes, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, avocado, some cheese, and some hard boiled egg. Mmmm......

    If you believe in what you are doing, just do it. If they are all secretly wishing you harm, who cares? This is your deal. If they are all supporting you, it still won't change a thing you do. You are not doing it for them, you are doing it for you. And unless you ask them whether they are in some way making fun of you or whether they really mean it, you will never know. So assume the best, do what you need to do for yourself, and let it go, let it go....

    In the famous words of Elsa from Frozen, "I don't care what they're going to say."