Bulking – A Complete Guide For Beginners



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    @MrM27 do you have anything on cutting after your bulk? As in should you cut down to your pre bulk weight or not, etc, etc???????

    I bulked from 176 to 186 and have now cut down to about 179.5 ...I guess I am struggling with if I should cut down to 176 or below, or just transition to maintenance at some point....?? Don't want to sacrifice all my gains ...


    is it a matter of personal preference in how lean one wants to be???????
    I don't have any actual reading material addressing that transition but as far as sacrificing muscle mass by cutting further is something you need to mitigate by having your training right along with a macro distribution that will properly address your protein needs. If you've shifting from 13 or 14 percent down to 11 or 12 muscle loss shouldn't be something that is so easily achieved unless you're getting sloppy with you variables. Getting below 10% and traveling through the single digits is where it because more of a concern and we have seen from some of the research presented by Eric Helms that a higher protein intake is beneficial to retaining lbm.

    Knowing what I know about you personally I'm not sure that going below your 12% bf would be much of a benefit to you besides vanity, which I haven't seen be a concern for you over the time I've know you. You seem to be content to sit around 12% so why not just chill there at maintenance the bulk again when you're ready. Eventually at some point of running several cycles you'll like the way you look at 12% compared to how it looks now. You could also reduce the size of the surplus to a minimal and just cruise there so it doesn't feel like so much of a cut.

    Thanks man, that makes sense...

    I don't mind being at 12% and happy with that number..however, it would be nice to try to push down to 10%....

    I will think it over as I have a few more weeks at this intake level...

  • keithcw_the_first
    keithcw_the_first Posts: 382 Member
    Is it best to evaluate weight gain on a rolling average? I keep reading "no more than .5 or 1 lb a week" but that could get difficult to evaluate based on water weight and all that.
  • NoMorePaiN7
    NoMorePaiN7 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello guys, im kinda a noobie and I'm seeking consultation and advice on my bulking process..
    I've gained 25 lbs, from 138 into 163, in just 2 months and a half (I see results and I'm very happy but want more ofc ). I wasn't very committed to the adviced macros during this period( sometimes I'd complete 50%, other days 85%) and it was cleanbulk in total (80%).and used only aminos in the past month an a half, no other supps.. when I started bulking my fat perc was maybe around 11%.
    Height: 174, age: 21
    So, tell me what do u think. Thx.
  • echoresco
    echoresco Posts: 57 Member
    Ok bulk is complete can someone steer me to the cutting page with carb cycling
  • echoresco
    echoresco Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you in advance
  • NoMorePaiN7
    NoMorePaiN7 Posts: 24 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    25 lbs in 2 and a half months is a whole lot. I can say that of those 25 a good amount of it would be fat. We can't see how you look now because you didn't post a picture.

    If I had to guess my current fat perc, i'd say it's around 14%, Cuz it's not that much and I have some not so badly visible abs. Btw how can I post a pic?

  • NoMorePaiN7
    NoMorePaiN7 Posts: 24 Member
    echoresco wrote: »
    Ok bulk is complete can someone steer me to the cutting page with carb cycling

    Theres another section for cutting
  • NoMorePaiN7
    NoMorePaiN7 Posts: 24 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »

    You estimating that you were 11% then gained 25 lbs in 2 months and only gained 3% bf? Can you post current pictures?

    Well, I'm pretty sure it was below 11% but I said 11% just in case.
    And if u could guide me on how I can post a picture, that would be great, and should I flex? or just stand without pulling my stomach? cuz u know it makes a difference, or both in 2 separate pics?

  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »

    You estimating that you were 11% then gained 25 lbs in 2 months and only gained 3% bf? Can you post current pictures?

    Well, I'm pretty sure it was below 11% but I said 11% just in case.
    And if u could guide me on how I can post a picture, that would be great, and should I flex? or just stand without pulling my stomach? cuz u know it makes a difference, or both in 2 separate pics?

    Use the wee bit of paper with a folded corner icon (above the box for typing) to post pics.

  • nakima
    nakima Posts: 37 Member
    I'm at around 21% is it to soon to bulk? I've been cutting for abt 12 weeks went from 148lbs to about 136 lbs I still have some belly fat but feel I'm getting to small everywhere else. I still have my strength although I have had a couple weak days. I want to bulk but with the belly fat I'm not sure if it's to soon and maybe I should go another couple of weeks or so. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Loved the article by the way, very informative.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    So I read this a few times and have some confusion; hoping someone can help clarify it.

    1. When you bulk (especially on the 1st bulk), is it more ideal to do a lower rep 5 to 8 rep workout (power/strength) or a hypertrophy style 8-15 reps?
    2. Should you bulk prior to hitting max reps in your program? If I read the article correctly, it appeared that you should maximize gains in your current program (hitting max reps) prior to going to a bulk to maximize the amount of nuclei produced during your bulk? If that is true, should would it benefit me to transition to maintenance for a few months to see if I get any additional gains from the extra 500 calories?
    3. Is there a breakdown of the primary sugar sources to get during a bulk. It mentioned fructose is the least effective, and I know dextrose (found in gummy bears) is one of the most effective for replenishing glycogen, but what about in between?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    edited May 2015
    Thanks MrM. If I have more questions, I will let you know.

    ps- one follow up. So for a person who has been cutting for a few months, it is ideal to transition to maintenance for a few months prior to a bulk?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    MrM27 wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Thanks MrM. If I have more questions, I will let you know.

    ps- one follow up. So for a person who has been cutting for a few months, it is ideal to transition to maintenance for a few months prior to a bulk?

    You have different people that have different sentiments on that topic alone. Going to maintenance for a few months I would say absolutely not. That's just way to much time and I wouldn't see why it's necessary. After a prolonged caloric deficit we do experience a certain level of metabolic adaptation so in reality we would be guessing at guessing where maintenence is so if we choose a number we feel is maintenance and go straight to it then you potentially and likely over shoot your metabolic drive and can end up in a surplus. I prefer to reverse diet out of a deficit by adding 75 to 100 calories a week, mostly carbs and monitor weekly trends. Then I like to get somewhere where I see where my weight stall then I stay there for 2 or 3 weeks then I walk my way into a surplus. It takes more time and patience but I like doing it that way to be able to gather more accurate data as well as reducing that influx of glycogen and that fat boy feeling.

    Some people prefer to just guess maintenance and go there, sit there for 2 or 3 weeks then hit a surplus.

    They both have their benefits in my opinion.

    Thanks. I will definitely take that into consideration when it comes time for me to bulk.
  • rachelyahyah
    rachelyahyah Posts: 7 Member
    What's the best way to measure body fat?! And as a "skinny fat" woman...what should my body fat percent be at before I bulk? Been lifting for 3 months now...I see changes...more muscle and fat...did I try to build muscle too early?! And can I build muscle without having to bulk? Sorry for the lame questions ...I'm new to the game.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    What's the best way to measure body fat?! And as a "skinny fat" woman...what should my body fat percent be at before I bulk? Been lifting for 3 months now...I see changes...more muscle and fat...did I try to build muscle too early?! And can I build muscle without having to bulk? Sorry for the lame questions ...I'm new to the game.

    Body fat calipers are one of the more accurate ways of measuring body fat. Here is the 12 point calculator that I use. But for this, you generally need someone to do it for you. If you have access to a DEXA or Hydrostatic (water immersion) they will be a lot more accurate. If you look at the link the MrM27 post in the first post, you can see an alternative way with a tap measure. But, IIRC, it's only accurate on pear or apple shaped women.