gluten hates me...



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited January 2015
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Read her first post. She made claims beyond it making her feel better. Misinformation is a bad thing that should be corrected.

    This is an internet chat board, not a peer-reviewed JAMA publication. 90% of what gets posted here is "misinformation" of one kind or another.


    Well, it's kind of hard to. Self-diagnosis of gluten issues is a bugaboo of mine...
    So no, I won't relax.

    Ok. Just so we're clear that it has nothing to do with OP, and it's just you dragging your own dieting baggage into the conversation.


    Do you actually ever come in to help people, or are you happy to just boost up the drama. In Every. Single. Thread.

    In this case, I'm helping the OP by highlighting the chaff.


  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    als13071 wrote: »
    als13071 wrote: »
    So the past 2 months i have lived my life completely gluten free after a painful and hard year. I have faced weight gain (45lbs), swelling, abdominal pain, heart palputations and sooo many more trying events in the past year. Leaving gluten behind has been my savior. I have lost in total abouy 32lbs so far of the weight i have gained only from dietary changes because i have been too weak to exercize. I look forward to starting a routine soon as i am slowly regaining strength. I have researched my health issues for 8 months and never thought that food was slowly killing me.
    I am addiction free and food no longer holds me hostage. For anyone who needs help with there journey... find a friend in me and i will find a friend in you. We all need someone to be there. I am very knowledgeable and have lots of advice on gluten intollerance. Ask away and i will be there : -).

    Do your research before you say "I will never lose this weight" because if your doing everything right and its still there your body is doing something wrong. Dont wait for it to consume you to make a change

    I think you people are misinterpretting my post... just a heads up. I am not telling any of you not to eat gluten and yes i do beleieve my Medical issues associated with food (gluten being one of them) would have killed me. Do i care if you eat it? Hell no. And quite frankly i dont even know you people so idc what you eat. This post is about my experience. I am a firm beleiver that ALL foods are an addiction and i was addicted to food. It caused weight gain... Including all of it! I also did not say gluten caused weightloss... i said to do your research before assuming your never going to lose weight because if your doing everything right your body is doing something wrong... and yes i believe that too... its also something i have attached to alot of things i post... its not necessarily about gluten. Btw i am also a firm believer in natural remedy and the body healing itself... im guessing that must have some opinionated people stiring too huh.

    Dont read too far into things. If you dont like what i write... dont read it. I think its pretty simple...

    The word addiction is a bit of a hot button, so you're going to get responses.

    In the clinical use of the term, you can't be addicted to food. It is possible to have an unhealthy attachment/relationship to it for sure, though. BUT, a person needs it to survive. Unlike true addictive substances, one can't give up food forever, and it's possible to move on from that unhealthy relationship into a healthy one.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm gluten intolerant too. Just because no blood test has been developed for it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm also soy intolerant. And nuts and packaged meats give me headaches.

    If eliminating gluten works for someone and they are okay going through the trouble keeping gluten free I just don't see how its an issue. Sure couldn't hurt eliminating many of these high carb empty calorie foods anyhow.

    There's no reason to reintroduce offending food just to jump through medical hoops. The treatment is the same with or without an official diagnosis. I think big companies are pushing to discredit that their foods contain allergens to a larger population. If you have ibs- it prob somewhat food related, or least certain foods aggravate it.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    als13071 wrote: »
    YoshiCow wrote: »
    Get checked by your doctor. They'll do tests on you for celiac disease.

    There was a program on TV this week saying about gluten free products. They contain more fat, sugar, sodium etc. People are gaining weight on them even though they think they are good for you.

    Well done on your weight loss though.

    Unfortunately, You cant test for celiac or intollerance when you havent eatten gluten in 2 months. In addition i have been to the doctors probably 3x a month for a year. Also, i dont substitute gluten free products for bread and so on... i do noy eat pastas, breads, ect... i pretty much eat meat, fruit, and veggies.

    Yes, you can. Genetic testing and an endoscopy.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited January 2015
    als13071 wrote: »
    YoshiCow wrote: »
    Get checked by your doctor. They'll do tests on you for celiac disease.

    There was a program on TV this week saying about gluten free products. They contain more fat, sugar, sodium etc. People are gaining weight on them even though they think they are good for you.

    Well done on your weight loss though.

    Unfortunately, You cant test for celiac or intollerance when you havent eatten gluten in 2 months. In addition i have been to the doctors probably 3x a month for a year. Also, i dont substitute gluten free products for bread and so on... i do noy eat pastas, breads, ect... i pretty much eat meat, fruit, and veggies.

    Yes, you can. Genetic testing and an endoscopy.

    endoscopy when you aren't showing any symptoms? i have my doubts. i was told that i can't get an endoscopy until i show symptoms for what i think is acid reflux. it is different when they are testing for gluten issues?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    als13071 wrote: »
    YoshiCow wrote: »
    Get checked by your doctor. They'll do tests on you for celiac disease.

    There was a program on TV this week saying about gluten free products. They contain more fat, sugar, sodium etc. People are gaining weight on them even though they think they are good for you.

    Well done on your weight loss though.

    Unfortunately, You cant test for celiac or intollerance when you havent eatten gluten in 2 months. In addition i have been to the doctors probably 3x a month for a year. Also, i dont substitute gluten free products for bread and so on... i do noy eat pastas, breads, ect... i pretty much eat meat, fruit, and veggies.

    Yes, you can. Genetic testing and an endoscopy.

    endoscopy when you aren't showing any symptoms? i have my doubts. i was told that i can't get an endoscopy until i show symptoms for what i think is acid reflux. it is different when they are testing for gluten issues?

    That's baloney. Even if you aren't currently experiencing symptoms for GERD, you absolutely can still have an endoscopy. Without treatment, chronic GERD can cause inflammation, ulcers, and scarring which will show up during an endoscopy whether you are currently experiencing symptoms or not. GERD can also lead to changes in the cells lining the esophagus which leads to Barrett's esophagus.

    The same goes for an endoscopy to diagnose Celiac. In the small intestine, there are fingerlike projections called “villi” that help you absorb nutrients. In individuals with Celiac, gluten damages the villi and causes them to flatten. With a biopsy, doctors can see if the villi are flattened.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    als13071 wrote: »
    YoshiCow wrote: »
    Get checked by your doctor. They'll do tests on you for celiac disease.

    There was a program on TV this week saying about gluten free products. They contain more fat, sugar, sodium etc. People are gaining weight on them even though they think they are good for you.

    Well done on your weight loss though.

    Unfortunately, You cant test for celiac or intollerance when you havent eatten gluten in 2 months. In addition i have been to the doctors probably 3x a month for a year. Also, i dont substitute gluten free products for bread and so on... i do noy eat pastas, breads, ect... i pretty much eat meat, fruit, and veggies.

    Yes, you can. Genetic testing and an endoscopy.

    endoscopy when you aren't showing any symptoms? i have my doubts. i was told that i can't get an endoscopy until i show symptoms for what i think is acid reflux. it is different when they are testing for gluten issues?

    That's baloney. Even if you aren't currently experiencing symptoms for GERD, you absolutely can still have an endoscopy. Without treatment, chronic GERD can cause inflammation, ulcers, and scarring which will show up during an endoscopy whether you are currently experiencing symptoms or not. GERD can also lead to changes in the cells lining the esophagus which leads to Barrett's esophagus.

    The same goes for an endoscopy to diagnose Celiac. In the small intestine, there are fingerlike projections called “villi” that help you absorb nutrients. In individuals with Celiac, gluten damages the villi and causes them to flatten. With a biopsy, doctors can see if the villi are flattened.

    *shrug* my gastroenterologist said it's a waste to do it without symptoms, so i went with it.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Read her first post. She made claims beyond it making her feel better. Misinformation is a bad thing that should be corrected.

    This is an internet chat board, not a peer-reviewed JAMA publication. 90% of what gets posted here is "misinformation" of one kind or another.


    This.^ The fact is, no one who is actually qualified to make any truly knowledgable observations would bother doing so on a forum such as this. Als, I'm glad you feel better and that you're losing weight. Keep up the good work!

    Actually, there are plenty of qualified people on here who do take the time to educate and help people here.
    Qualified to do what?

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    als13071 wrote: »
    YoshiCow wrote: »
    Get checked by your doctor. They'll do tests on you for celiac disease.

    There was a program on TV this week saying about gluten free products. They contain more fat, sugar, sodium etc. People are gaining weight on them even though they think they are good for you.

    Well done on your weight loss though.

    Unfortunately, You cant test for celiac or intollerance when you havent eatten gluten in 2 months. In addition i have been to the doctors probably 3x a month for a year. Also, i dont substitute gluten free products for bread and so on... i do noy eat pastas, breads, ect... i pretty much eat meat, fruit, and veggies.

    A Fat Malabsorption Stool Test can be another indicator of malabsorption and malnutrition due to gluten intolerance or Celiac, and the test will work up to a year and a half after you've stopped eating gluten.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited January 2015
    You don't have it until a medical professional diagnoses you with it.

    Farking self-diagnosis is shenanigans ...
    Technically, you just have it before you are diagnosed. It would be difficult to diagnose something that didn't exist. It's a diagnosis, not a spell. I don't think you meant to keep saying they couldn't have it before being diagnosed, but you kept saying it, so...there it is.

    I do agree that self-diagnosing can, at times, be dangerous. If that was your point, it's a good point.

    I don't agree that everyone who self-diagnoses must be called on the carpet. In the name of FeelGoodies and WhoIsItHurtingAnyway, that is. Also in the name of WhoGivesAChitWhatOtherPeopleEat.

    But carry on!

    That's a lovely picture you've got there, with the nature and stuff. :)
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    edited January 2015
    als13071 wrote: »
    So the past 2 months i have lived my life completely gluten free after a painful and hard year. I have faced weight gain (45lbs), swelling, abdominal pain, heart palputations and sooo many more trying events in the past year. Leaving gluten behind has been my savior. I have lost in total abouy 32lbs so far of the weight i have gained only from dietary changes because i have been too weak to exercize. I look forward to starting a routine soon as i am slowly regaining strength. I have researched my health issues for 8 months and never thought that food was slowly killing me.
    I am addiction free and food no longer holds me hostage. For anyone who needs help with there journey... find a friend in me and i will find a friend in you. We all need someone to be there. I am very knowledgeable and have lots of advice on gluten intollerance. Ask away and i will be there : -).

    Do your research before you say "I will never lose this weight" because if your doing everything right and its still there your body is doing something wrong. Dont wait for it to consume you to make a change

    Yep. Gluten hates me and the feeling is mutual.
    Good luck sweetheart and chin up amongst this nastiness.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited January 2015
    tigersword wrote: »
    als13071 wrote: »
    Unless you've been medically diagnosed with a Gluten Sensitivity, it's in your head.

    Don't buy into the hype, folks: Gluten ain't gonna kill you (and it won't even cause you problems)

    Fyi, its not hype. And i have a long family history of celiac, and gluten intollerance. Odds are i havr one of the two.

    If you really have celiac, giving up gluten would have caused weight GAIN, not weight loss. Someone with celiac has issues digesting food and absorbing nutrients. Eliminating the gluten heals the gut, and suddenly it can absorb all the calories being eaten, leading to weight gain if no other dietary changes take place. Cutting gluten leading to weight loss means you have no such issue.

    My personal experience agrees with this poster's comment. When my doctor had me go gluten free, I DID NOT lose weight. I was already nearly underweight from long-term lack of nutrition, chronic diarrhea and frequent vomiting. After going GF, I was able to bring my weight back up and I've been able to maintain at my ideal goal weight now for years.

    I suffered for over a decade with these awful symptoms before finally I found a doctor who pointed me in the right direction. I had multiple doctors do all sorts of tests and scopes and prescribe meds, but never did any of them suggest a problem with gluten or do a Celiac screening. They even suspected cancer at one point and noted that I was having some massive immune response to "something." (This was before the gluten craze, but shouldn't they have at least thought of it - I mean, Celiacs have been around for awhile...)

    So doctors don't always know best. Thankfully, I finally found one that did. At this point, though, I don't care what some doctor says, I'm off gluten for life, and that's based solely on how I FEEL when I'm not eating it. I don't need a doctor's blessing. I never want to go back to living half my life in the bathroom again and half starving to death. And my family is fully supportive, since they also suffered when I was sick. It was misery for all of us.

    In response to the previous post, maybe it works differently for different people. I would agree, though, that the most probable explanation for GF weight loss would be because they cut out a lot of calories when they cut out the wheat products. Personally, I think anybody who wants to go GF for any reason should be able to do so without getting harassed or belittled. If it's not harmful (gluten is not a required nutrient) and even if it's only a placebo effect, why should anyone care what other people choose to do? Just do what you want and don't even worry about it.

    ETA: I just thought about it. Although I didn't lose any weight when I went GF, I did lose an entire pant size when the bloating went away. I was already thin before, but when the bloat left I finally got to see my abs.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    tigersword wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Read her first post. She made claims beyond it making her feel better. Misinformation is a bad thing that should be corrected.

    This is an internet chat board, not a peer-reviewed JAMA publication. 90% of what gets posted here is "misinformation" of one kind or another.


    This.^ The fact is, no one who is actually qualified to make any truly knowledgable observations would bother doing so on a forum such as this. Als, I'm glad you feel better and that you're losing weight. Keep up the good work!

    Actually, there are plenty of qualified people on here who do take the time to educate and help people here.
    Qualified to do what?

    There are personal trainers, exercise physiologists, registered dietitians, microbiologists, food scientists, biochemists, geneticists, all as members of this site. So qualified to do a lot of different things to help and educate people.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    edited January 2015
    What won't she get?? There is nothing to get. The girl doesn't eat wheat because it gives her a gut ache. Big deal. Get over it and move on.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    tigersword wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Read her first post. She made claims beyond it making her feel better. Misinformation is a bad thing that should be corrected.

    This is an internet chat board, not a peer-reviewed JAMA publication. 90% of what gets posted here is "misinformation" of one kind or another.


    This.^ The fact is, no one who is actually qualified to make any truly knowledgable observations would bother doing so on a forum such as this. Als, I'm glad you feel better and that you're losing weight. Keep up the good work!

    Actually, there are plenty of qualified people on here who do take the time to educate and help people here.
    Qualified to do what?

    There are personal trainers, exercise physiologists, registered dietitians, microbiologists, food scientists, biochemists, geneticists, all as members of this site. So qualified to do a lot of different things to help and educate people.

    Whew! I thought that maybe you were implying that they could diagnose or rule out diseases online and was hoping you wouldn't say that. :)
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    You don't have it until a medical professional diagnoses you with it.

    Farking self-diagnosis is shenanigans ...

    Fantastic then it that case I'm never seeing a doctor again - by your reckoning I'll never be farking ill again.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    What won't she get?? There is nothing to get. The girl doesn't eat wheat because it gives her a gut ache. Big deal. Get over it and move on.

    Because that's how trolling works!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    als13071 wrote: »
    YoshiCow wrote: »
    Get checked by your doctor. They'll do tests on you for celiac disease.

    There was a program on TV this week saying about gluten free products. They contain more fat, sugar, sodium etc. People are gaining weight on them even though they think they are good for you.

    Well done on your weight loss though.

    Unfortunately, You cant test for celiac or intollerance when you havent eatten gluten in 2 months. In addition i have been to the doctors probably 3x a month for a year. Also, i dont substitute gluten free products for bread and so on... i do noy eat pastas, breads, ect... i pretty much eat meat, fruit, and veggies.

    Sensible swap out for gluten based foods.

    As you've cut back on gluten and this would mean cutting out wheat based foods, you may find its actually wheat that you have a sensitivity too, as opposed to gluten.

    But at the end of the day you don't need gluten in your diet, so if it's working for you - keep on doing it.