

  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning! It really is a beautiful one here... before the storm hits. I've been doing lovely yard work which YES< I do count as exercise... just wish it made my muscles more defined! That pesky storm Andrea is supposed to hit here tomorrow, but then, hopefully, clear Saturday. The whole family, all 12 of us are cleaning out my mom's attic... She hasn't been up there in 20 years but a squirrel made his home up there this past spring... he's gone now, but we all realized how much "crap" is up there... of course dear mother thinks she might want to keep some of it... prayers needed!! haha!

    Sunshine -- I love to read about your life in Norway. Bike riding looks so fun, until you get to those darn hills!! It is a bit frustrating to see that fewer calories are burned than walking/running, but you’re right about the different muscles. I always think I’m tricking my body… and then I take an extra little walk. Congrats on the 9.3”!!

    Heather. Wouldn’t you hate to have booked a lovely river cruise and then ended up doing the very thing you were trying to avoid??? Busses and a different hotel every night. Your poor BIL!

    Lucy, How terrible that your parish was robbed like that! Praying they find the culprit or that somehow insurance will help cover it??

    Elaine, Welcome! DH and I are considering a trip to Scotland next year. We have friends that we golf with and they want to do a Scotland trip. You’ll love this board for ideas and encouragement.

    Lorrain – Congratulations!! So happy for your first 10.. Yay!!

    Joyce -- Please don’t be too hard on yourself. Pat yourself on the back, eat healthy, drink lots of water, keep up the exercise…. And (just my opinion) don’t weigh yourself every day. I have a friend who has lost a lot of inches but no weight recently. She lost a lot the first year. She told me the scale is her enemy! She doesn’t weigh herself often anymore because it’s too frustrating. I hope your clothes are beginning to feel a tad bit looser… xoxo

    Meg, Hugs being sent over the internet beams to you. So sorry for all the frustrations you’re having with your dad’s health… He’s lucky to have a caring and knowledgeable daughter… xoxo

    Runningcats. The good thing about Disneyland is you’ll be walking lots!! Have a great time!

    Took a walk yesterday and felt like I was back on track.
    Oh no! Just got a call to substitute... I'm off!
    Have a great day everyone!

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    morning again ladies,
    back from the gym, and I did the treadmill for about 20 minutes and the machines,came back and put laundry in the dryer..
    did the lawn yesterday so I have time to burn...will go to the DH work and meet him outside he goes out for about 10 minutes on his lunch hr. I used to work there so I will probably run into a few old friends:wink:
    they also have a walking trail around the building so I might go early and walk for a bit...
    Our boys will be flying in the cabin with us,and so we have soft sided carriers, they have been crated together when we drive to florida and they are fine. but dont know how this will work:huh:
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    Good Morning Ladies It is a beautiful sunny yet slightly cool day here on the coast of Maine. I am heading to an appointment this morning then going grocery shopping. But I am also having a "me" day. I don't own any special equipment. I cannot afford a gym. I have to do modified exercise. I am going to purchase a stepper a pedometer and anything else within my budget that helps me become a better me. I wanted to add anyone please feel free to add me. I am so happy to have found this group and thank you for the supportive comments already it truly means so much. Have an awesome day

    Lorrain in Maine
    Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    Grandmallie - that's a fun lunch time with DH

    TammyTyler - good luck with cleaning out attic. I'm doing the same with my mother right now. one drawer here, one cupboard here, she wants to keep all of it in the same places :-)

    Garden Gail - have a great day too!

    DeeDee - I hope you caught u pwith your day. Have a good one!

    blackcanvas Ann -- good luck with your goals. I have a goal of DVD 4x week for June. I also ahve a FITBIT but don't have goals on that one. :-)

    cityjane - congrats on the Jalking... perhaps I should quit saying wogging, is it an offensive term? <blushing> congrats on your loss and weigh-in

    sunshine Joy - sounds like a good experience with your pre-prep'ing and flight!

    Sorry, out of time. Didn't even get to read. Nice group of ladies here! Wish I had more time!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I am in love, love, love.....

    with Noosa honey yogurt. I got some yesterday on my shopping trip and tried it this morning with fresh blackberrries. Oh, my goodness! It is better than ice cream. 150 calories for 4 oz and is pure heaven.

    I only bought two cartons: one of honey and one of blueberry. I will be going back for more. I used to think Liberte coconut was worth every one of its 260 calories, but I don't know. It may be time for a divorce!
  • Tapricias
    Tapricias Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning
    I joined "your" group last year, then I didn't log in or exercise for 8 months...what the heck..now I am back, with 45 pounds to lose.
    Here is my June goals:

    walk one mile a day (in 3, 4, or 5 days)
    only weigh in on Wednesdays (as opposed to everyday)
    count and record my calories in my diary - hold at 1200 to 1500 calories per day- eat back my exercise calories
    drink 8 glasses of water per day.

    And good luck to all of you...:drinker:
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I got a great walk in this morning. Really loving this group! :smile:

    bb55shawn – I got a very cheap pedometer on Tuesday. I just wanted to see if I could keep it with me before I bought a more expensive one. This morning I think it is somewhere on the floor of the car. :frown: How are you doing with yours? Hope you are doing better than I did.

    runningcats – I am planning a couple of amusement park trips for the summer; one to Busch Gardens and another to Disneyworld. I am going to build 10 ounces of wine into my anticipated calories each day :drinker: I know that they both have great salad selections available so I will be partaking of those versus the usual amusement park selections. Keep in mind the great walking opportunities these parks present. Most of all have fun!

    tammytylerjon – Cleaning out “Mom’s” attic will test the patience of a saint. I am helping Mom clean out my late grandmother’s house. We pulled a pickup truck under the attic window and pitched stuff out destined for the dump! We had three full loads in one day! Whew! The rest of the house was almost as bad. One thing that I tried to keep in mind was that she had survived the depression so there so she kept everything that anyone might ever need in a lifetime including boxes, wrapping paper, string, etc.:huh: It has made me reduce the clutter in my house and encourage my Mom to do the same. Unfortunately, her clutter is ending up at my house :laugh:

    Liz_Mfp – I like the term wogging! :wink:

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    :smile: Well today is day 5 of "Operation Bust Plateau" my experiment in increased calories (+100). I have not lost (or gained) a single ounce. I was going to try this for 2 weeks but am thinking perhaps at the one week mark if there is still no change I may add another 100 calories and see what that does. I'm pretty confused at this point. I've had different advice re: whether or not it is best to "eat back" exercise calories (I hadn't been). Anyway, I'm going to see where this plan takes me on my health journey. :smile:

    Joyce – Like you, I’ve been routinely parking as far away in the parking lot as possible to get in extra steps. Drives my (slim) DH crazy when he’s with me :bigsmile:

    Lynn – Great news re: the 5 pounds down since Monday!

    Alice – Terrific working out you’re accomplishing! I feel you when you say sometimes you get overwhelmed about what’s still left to lose, but also like you I will now remember how heavy those potato sacks are

    Joan – Congrats on the capris NSV! May smaller sizes continue to beckon

    Liz – Sorry to hear about the a/c - - I guess your choice depends on what kind (and size) of bugs :wink:

    Katla – Glad to hear DH has received the new medicine, hoping it helps (both of you). Adventures await!!!!

    Runningcats – Good plan re: Disneyland trip, you’ll definitely get your steps in. The biggest challenge will probably be the produce tallys but otherwise you’ve got this!

    Joy – 9.3 inches, woo hoo indeed!!!! Also, be sure to log your house cleaning into your exercise diary too (hey, it all counts). Oh, just read your post about traveling with your dogs, I would have been a nervous wreck too!

    Heather – Your description of your mother’s medical delusions brought back such memories! My mother went through the same thing when she was hospitalized and once called me to ask me why I was crawling across her ceiling! Congratulations on your “jalking” accomplishment (:laugh: re: “wogging”)

    Ann from So. Carolina – Please do keep us posted on how you like (and how it works) the Hip Hop Abs workout. Good goals

    Brooke from Colorado

    :heart: “Speak to yourself as you would to someone you really love.” :heart:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    OMG- Just an observation but some of the topics people start up on the message boards are so crazy! :noway: Very rarely do I post on any other thread but this one, that I was fortunate to discover quite awhile back! I usually don't even have the time to check any other ones out but this am was just looking at a few new ones. Just shaking my head and glad we are a great group with among other things, commonsense! Enough said!

    Michele- You mean maybe I'd feel better if I skipped that cheesecake brownie from Starbuck's? :laugh: Seriously though, I mostly have been eating much cleaner lately with tons of veggies in my homemade salads! :smile: As always, I sympathize with your worry about Bryan, I still always worry about my DS, like you said it makes it so much more difficult when our sons don't even communicate with us. I did briefly exchange texts with him the other day though and he said he'd call me this weekend. :smile:

    Mary C. - Feel free to share/vent etc. with us anytime! Continued hugs and prayers!

    Vickil57-Soooo sorry for your loss.:brokenheart: Thanks for mentioning Melatonin. Been thinking about trying that. Sometimes Tylenol PM helps but I don't like taking it if I'm not in pain and I too would worry about getting hooked on sleeping pills. That's grate that your in. co. is going to cover all that! A lot of shingles have come off our roof with all the wind as of late but not sure if ins. co. would think I was just trying to scam them if I submitted a claim since the shingles are in bad condition and we certainly have no money to even consider replacing even half the roof at this time.

    Phoo-Just got an e-mail today, think it was from Lifescripts abt Gluten with gluten free recipes. If you'd like the link message me and I'll find it for you!

    Brooke and Leigh-Ann- I couldn't run 2 miles even if zombies were chasing me!!! :laugh: But I do impress my family with how fast I can walk now and how much easier I can get up from the floor!!

    Katla-Continued prayers that the new meds will improve your DH's quality of life!

    Joy-That's fantastic that you lost so many inches!!! :happy: Sometimes I notice the loss in inches and how my clothes fit before the scale catches up. Uh oh, hope the kitty doesn't get those birds!! I can't even imagine flying with my neurotic Yorkie but my other one, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, is so laid back that he'd probably take it in stride.

    Heather-Great NSV!! :flowerforyou:

    Lorrain- It's always fum to have a "me" day!! Enjoy!

    Hope everyone enjoys their day!! Going to add some power walking in the water before water zumba class this am.

    Kathy :drinker: in IL counting all of you among my blessings :heart:
  • Lpop50
    Lpop50 Posts: 4 Member
    My goals - 40 min on Walk it out - 6000-7000 steps and 1.8 miles or more.
    Jog/walk at local h.s. track 2 times a week and walk 3 miles.
    Participate in a 5k walk/run event.


    Home on my day off and will get back into my exercise routine. Today and the weekends are when I do best. Hopefully, I'll stay away from the cookies today in the pantry.

    Started to do some strength training on wii fitplus and gained 2 pounds. Argh! :grumble:

    Have a great day everyone.
  • runningcats
    runningcats Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies! Just enough time for a quick check in before heading out for a quick run, pick up cat food, pack and head out to the airport.

    Tere: great plan about building in the wine! I probably won't be drinking any alcohol this trip, but if anytime would be good, this would be it. We'll be on our feet all day. The boys are *so* excited and have the energy of their age!

    Joy: 20 pages? 25? I'm going to predict (from 15 right now) that there will be 28 pages on Tuesday when I next check. Hehe.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good sunny morning once again :glasses:

    Oh Meg. Hang in there honey. :flowerforyou:

    I have no idea what I'll do if and when I ever hit the 70 lb mark. Probably faint! :laugh: At 50 lbs lost I put a lit candle in a cookie, noticing how small it was compared to a whole cake. :wink: At 60 lbs I was dumbstruck and didn't celebrate lol. Now I need to toss out every single item of clothing that's been bagged up in my closet for the last year...I finally know for certain that I'm never, ever going back.

    Everyone have a wonderful day and have fun loading up those potatoes! :bigsmile:

    :smile: jb making strawberry jam in warm, sunny Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joy: Congratulations on the lost inches! WTG! :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I agree with you about the naked yoga. Well, I might do it in the privacy of my own home with the doors locked and the shades drawn, but I doubt it.:wink::laugh:

    DeeDee: Thanks for your good wishes for DH. MS is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack its own nerves. The goal of the medicine is to stop or slow the attacks and prevent further damage. I doubt damage that is already done can be repaired, but it is a lovely idea. I’m just happy to have hope that things won’t keep deteriorating. The PT he’s been doing is helping improve his walking and that is nearly a miracle all by itself. :heart: One day down and, hopefully, decades to go.:bigsmile:

    Tammy: I compared biking and walking for one hour. Walking one hour, 3 mph moderate pace=238 calories. Biking one hour, 12-14 mph moderate pace=579 calories. If you go by distance, walking may give more calories, but if you go by time, biking is the winner. I like to do both on different on days so that I don’t end up using the same muscles all the time and things stay interesting. Both are good. Add yoga to that, and I’m a happy camper.:flowerforyou:

    Lorraine in Maine: Good for you. Me days are great. I don’t have special equipment either, other than bike, shoes and a timer app for my phone that I can use to time my workouts. I can set it to chime after so many minutes in count down mode, or simply add minutes until I stop it in stopwatch mode. I do some of each.:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: Divorce your yogurt? :noway: Maybe you should start with a trial separation, or go scientific and do a side by side comparison test.:bigsmile:

    Kathy: I agree with you about the excellent quality of this group. There are so many “flamethrowers” out there, but not here. PTL!:heart::heart: :heart:

    JB: Enjoy yourself purging your closets! Congratulations on all your success.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Newbies and Boomerangs! This is a great group. Please sign your post with your location. It is so much fun knowing where everyone is.

    I’m off to yoga this morning. And we have PT for DH after that. It is a gorgeous morning here. And we have a concert in the park to look forward to this evening. Count your blessings and even your so-sos.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Sorry if I'm hogging the postings, but I must tell you about my p.m., when I accomplished another of my June goals.
    We drove over to a running shop and I had my gait measured etc by a sweet young woman who put me on a treadmill. I am not going running, but the 'jalking' seems to be a good idea while we have some good weather. I have to wear orthotics so there was a bit of discussion, but I have come away with a new pair of shoes that feel very comfortable if a bit expensive! I wear these things all the time so it's an investment. Hooray! :drinker:
    Then another June goal was to buy some nice exercise clothes. I couldn't find any pants I liked, but I bought a great top with a built in shelf bra - very fitted - so I am on my way. My village won't know me when I set off round the lanes! :blushing:
    The noodles were great. I made an Asian type soup and loved it. Then I was starving by 3pm!:laugh: I have just had a granary bagel to make up for the lost carbs.:bigsmile:
    My DBIL is back on the boat at Vienna. So many places devastated by floods. He went to Eagles Nest (Hitler's place) and it was snowing! I keep telling him it's glorious summer here.:laugh: :laugh: :wink:
    Love to all again.:heart: Hearing of all your pet traumas reminds me of why I don't have any pets. When I was young horrible accidents and tragedies happened to nearly all my pets and it broke my heart. I could not bear to go through all that again.:cry:

    Thankyou for listening, Heather in hot Hampshire UK :love:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    No news on our church theft. DH went to pick up the Phillies tickets we won at the carnival and no one said a thing about it, so I guess they’re keeping it quiet for now. I am still trying to wrap my head around how someone could steal from a church, but I guess we’re not the first church to get burglarized and we probably won’t be the last. It’s a sad state of affairs in this world today.

    One of my friends moved from Philly to NC when she retired and is up here for a visit, so I’m meeting with her and some other friends for dinner tonight. I’m off tomorrow so I don’t have to worry about being home early to get up for work in the morning…..oh yeah, but I still have to get up early because I have to take Milo to the groomers at 8:30 and then I have a mammogram appointment at 9:00. I’ll probably still get up early to exercise before my shower so that’s out of the way.

    The circuit routine I followed this morning had me using two weights in one hand for bicep curls, and now that I increased my weights to 5 pounds, that means 10 pounds in each hand, and it was HARD! I suspect I’ll be feeling it tomorrow, but I stuck with it so I feel pretty good about it.

    :ohwell: Joyce – I don’t know that women are “expected” to take care of the older generation, but women are just more “likely” to do the work. I hate to generalize, but a lot of women are just born “caretakers”.

    :wink: Sandy in ONT – Don’t get discouraged about exercise. It takes some getting used to, but I promise it will get better if you keep up with it. We are all different, so I can’t say everyone feels the same, but if you haven’t exercised before, this is a shock to your body, and it might just need time to adjust.

    :grumble: Molly – I can’t believe what a difference the Premarin has made already. This morning when I washed my hair I noticed no clumps of hair in the drain. The hot flashes are gone and I am sleeping so much better! I wish this stuff wasn’t so bad for you because it sure makes you feel great. Getting old sucks!!! Congrats, though, on resisting all the goodies!

    :happy: Barbie – I keep telling myself that “nothing tastes as good as thin feels”, and I know it’s true. Sometimes, though, even though the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak, ya know?

    :heart: Sue in CA – Hopefully, there will be more “good” days than “bad” ones!

    :laugh: Joy – Yep, that’s me with my husband in a kayak in Key West. I look professional don’t I? As soon as the picture was taken, DH told me to put the paddles in and just enjoy the ride! We had to keep up with our group, and apparently, I was holding everyone back! LOL!

    :noway: Heather – The circuit exercises I do ARE lunges, squats and bicep curls. WOW! I have a LOT of work to do! I know my upper body strength is weak, but I am working on it.

    :embarassed: Alison – I’m with you on the tummy pouch. Mine definitely got smaller, but I don’t know if it’ll ever be as flat as it was when I was younger! Oh well, it’s not as if I would wear anything that would show my belly anyway (at least not outside!)

    :wink: Tere – Things do change as we get older, but I think a lot of it is mind over matter. I choose to try new things and not be afraid. We’ve all taken the first step by choosing to get healthy. Who knows? When you discover what you CAN do, you might change your mind about what you CAN’T do!

    :heart: Jb – So true! Thanks for the reminder of what is important.

    :ohwell: Yanniejannie – Your closet sounds like mine! Deciding what to get rid of is a tough one indeed! Good luck!

    :smile: Phoo513 – Yep, eating out seems to be where my resentments come in too. I guess I have to accept that sometimes I’ll make healthy choices, and other times, not so much! MFP has made me aware of what I had been putting in my body on a regular basis, and logging holds me accountable, so I’m hoping that in the long run, the healthy choices will come easier.

    :glasses: Katla – Where are you going? Wherever it is, enjoy your trip!

    :drinker: Lorrain- Congrats on your first 10 pound weight loss! You are on your way to a new you!

    :heart: Meg – So sorry to hear about all the problems you’re having with your father’s care. I understand your frustration as I took care of my sick mother at home for 10 years before she died. Sometimes the system just stinks! I hope things improve.

    :flowerforyou: Drkatiebug – Seriously? Resisting 3 out of 4 nights is fantastic! Progress….not perfection!

    :tongue: Michele – I’ve thought about buying the shirataki noodles, but read so many negative things about them. The only time I’ve seen them (online) they were only available in multiple amounts and I don’t want to risk it if I don’t like them. Where do you buy a single bag (or box)? I haven’t seen them in stores around here.

    :smile: Mary – Hopefully, this “situation” will finally have a happy ending for you. It looks like your DH realized it was getting out of hand and took care of it.

    :brokenheart: Vicki – So sorry about Sassy. Our pets become a member of the family. Please accept my condolences for your loss.

    :flowerforyou: Katla – Best of luck with your DH’s new medicine. Positive thoughts going out for improvement.

    :ohwell: Tammy – I am hoping that there is insurance that may cover the loss, but as of now, I don’t have any more information. Maybe when we go to Mass on Sunday our pastor will fill us in.

    :happy: Brooke – Don’t be discouraged. Plateaus can hang on, but if you stick with it, you’ll eventually break through. I KNOW you can do this!

    I am over my little “hissy fit” from yesterday and trying to keep in mind the words of the Serenity Prayer that say “Accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and have wisdom the know the difference”.

    There are so many new people on here that I can’t respond to everyone individually, but know that you are all welcome. We encourage you to stop in often and post whenever you can as we all can use the support. It helps if you can sign your name and location.

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each.
    Consistent logging
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Find an exercise class I enjoy

    Hang in there ladies….we are all in this together and we can do this!!!

    Lucy in DE.
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, this is the last you'll hear from me until Monday. I made some really yummy muffins to take along to eat while on the hike. They have sprouted grain wheat, coconut sugar, walnuts and fresh blueberries! I tasted one and told hubby I wanted to start hiking so we could eat them! His cousin arrives from Paris at 11:45 tonight. UGH! I'm so glad we live so close to the airport. We have to get up early tomorrow to catch the ferry to get the the base of Preikestolen. Then we're off to a cabin in the mountains for the weekend. Can't wait! I'll try to catch up with everything on Monday!

    Heather - I've heard of those noodles but I've never tried them. Let me know if they are any good! WAY TO GO on your walk! GREAT job!! :bigsmile: Whoops, just saw that you liked the noodles! I'll have to look into something like that. Congrats on the new shoes and workout clothes!

    Tammy - It is BEAUTIFUL here in Norway! I'm so lucky that hubby got stationed here. Home (IL) is best but we're taking full advantage of every moment that we can!

    grandmallie - It sounds like it will be MUCH easier for you then it was for us! What kind of dogs do you have that can fly in the cabin AND be crated together? They must be tiny.

    Lorrain - "me" days are so much fun! And I think they are beneficial to your mental health. Have fun!

    drkatiebug - honey yogurt? Sounds like something I would love!

    PatLemire - WELCOME BACK! :flowerforyou:

    Brooke - I like that! "Operation Bust Plateau". Let me know if it does end up working. I seem to be a little stuck too!

    Kathy - I don't look at other threads. This one takes up SO MUCH TIME! :wink: I'd get sucked in and have no time for exercising!

    Lpop50 - I've never heard of "Walk it out". What is that?

    runningcats - I'll never keep catch up at that rate! :noway:

    jb - What do you mean IF?!?!?! I know you can do it! And I like the idea of the cookie with a candle!

    Katla - I love concerts in the park! A nice blanket, a bottle of wine, a plate of cheese. :love: Have fun!

    Lucy - That's why I wanted a two person, so I could enjoy the ride! But alas, I had to do all the work myself. And I kept steering to the left! I was way behind everyone else ... but I'll get better with practice!

    Joy (An American living the good life in Stavanger, Norway)
  • ElaineRN100
    ElaineRN100 Posts: 201 Member
    Newbie here. Love the socialization here - reading everyone's posts, sounds like a great bunch of ladies supporting each other. If there is room for one more - I'm in.

    57 yo RN - I've lost 18 lbs so far since using MFP but have about 40 more to go. I joined Feb. 2013.

    I try very hard to eat clean - by that I mean very little processed food if I can help it. My SO is trying to go gluten free - personal choice so I do as well when it suits me. lol Exercise was a stretch for me at first especially when I'm working. I work 6 twelve hr night shifts in a row each week. But now I love exercise and I've started a very impressive DVD collection. I live way out in the boonies so streaming them from Utube was not an option,.

    Anyway - log story short - would love to be added to the group. Can't have too many friends on this journey.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member

    They arrested a 25 year old man who stole his parent's keys to the church and safe to take the money from our church carnival. The parents turned him in. The police found most of the money along with drug paraphernalia. I feel so sorry for the parents who did the right thing. I have only been a member of this church for a few years and only know most people by their first name, so I'm not sure who the parents are at this point. The kid's picture was in the paper, but I didn't recognize him. My life has been touched by addiction, so I understand how powerful this disease is and the lengths the addicts will go to get their drugs. It's heart-breaking. Please keep this family in your prayers. I am relieved that an arrest has been made and the money (at least most of it) will be returned to the church.

    Thanks to everyone who sent messages of support.

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    Love to read this thread
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member