

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    DH, DD and I had hoped to do a long bike ride this morning but we woke up to thunderstorms.:sad: Instead I did a Jazzercise DVD I got out of the library. I didn't have high hopes for it but actually enjoyed doing it and burned up a bunch of calories.:bigsmile: It was both cardio and strength. Then I followed it up with a healthy breakfast of a green smoothie and oatmeal with fresh fruit. DH just got back from the health club so I think I'll join him for leftovers from yesterday's Indian lunch. Feels like a good start to the week!:smile:

    Heather you are so good – garlic bread is irresistible to me (why I don’t eat it anymore)…amazing will power:drinker:

    Molly – lack of sleep can interfere with weight loss. I’ve just started having trouble sleeping so would also love to hear what advice others have. I really don’t want to take any meds:noway:

    Karen – I gained 2.5 lbs when I first started and then it started to come off. I think it might have been muscle gain. Muscle boosts metabolism so having more muscle is ultimately good. Stick with it – keep eating at or below your calories and exercising and it will start to come off. Make sure your portions are true – that can be a pitfall.:grumble:

    Kathy – I think just being honest with your friend is the way to go…tell her its just too hard for you to stick to your calorie goals when you go out, but you would love to share a meal with her. Ask her if she would like to share a picnic sometime or come over to your place.:wink:

    Amanda – hope the surgery takes care of your cyst. Hopefully your sibs will step up while you are in the hospital and when you are recovering. Sending you healing thoughts:heart:

    MsKarl02 – do NOT give up. First of all you should not eat less that 1200 calories. Your body will go into starvation mode. Eat your 1200 calories and maybe some of your exercise calories as well. You may need to play with your diet a bit. Its good to have some carbs in the form of fruits and veggies. Try adding in more veggies and see how you feel (hopefully fuller) and what happens with the scale. Plateaus happen…don’t lose faith, you’ll bust through.:flowerforyou:

    Well have to get to work

    Have a great day, Jodios in soon to be stormy (again) N. IL:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm not sure if I am going to be able to get to the Y today or not. We ahve had some very heavy rain in a very short time and all the streets are flooded around here. Not flooded like they had in Canada or any of these other big floods but a little impassable. As the drains begin accepting the water the streets will go down and it will be OK. It was supposed to be trash pick up day and our trash cans are all floating. The scales said 199.8 again today for the first time but I'm not getting excited about it this time. My official weigh in day is Wednesday so I will see what it says then
  • keatsgeckos
    Hi gang,

    Cruising along in a bit of a plateau right now. However, my pants fit well and I feel stronger every day. So the scale that goes up and down on the same pound is a challenge, but I know I have to control my calories and portions to get the last pounds off. I am close to my 50 miles in one month on my bike goal. I rode 9 miles on the greenway along the river Saturday and only have another 9 mile ride to hit 50 :) Other challenges are continuing to add weight during strength training. Yesterday was leg day :) I've just started to transition to adding heavier weight.

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies-

    I am still feeling nasty, but better than yesterday. Am still not up to going out and about, but I WILL get to my app't tomorrow. Hopefully, Dr Klein will help me figure out what the heck happened!

    We are going to be in the triple digits down here all week. I am thinking there will not be many long walks, short walks, or any other kind of walks happening for a while! They keep telling us that it is now officially 'monsoon' season, but someone forgot to tell the monsoon! Not a drop of rain anywhere in the state!

    I heard from my family up in MN, and I may be making a trip up there eventhough I did not want to go until the Holidays. If I disappear, it will be because I am traveling, and that won't happen until Dr. K helps me feel better.

    Michele- Thanks for sending healing thoughts; I am feeling a little better, but.... still going to the gastrointerologist tomorrow.

    Jan- Congratulations of quitting the smoking vice.

    Katiebug- You are not horrible! My partner and I only actually live together for about half the year. I find that the perfect amount of time for him to go off and run the fish camp while I 'forget' why I wanted to about kill him just before he left! Absence makes the brain numb and the heart fonder, I guess.

    Amanda- It sounds like you need to take care of you, and tell your brother and sister to step up w/ dad. Take care of that cyst and get well soon.

    MsKario- First of all, I am so sorry that you are so frustrated! Go beat up and pillow or two.... we will wait for you to get back...... OK- how'd that feel? Now, as an experiement, Keep the exercise up but add 100 or 200 cals for one week and see if that doesn't get the system moving again. I really think sometimes our bodies just need that little kick start. Take care and be well, and remember we are here cheering you on.

    JMK- If there is enough water to float the trash cans, you really need to keep yourself safely at home! It does not take much water to float a car, and water rescues are expensive! I live down in Az, and every summer they will have to rescue people (usually women w/ their kids in the car!) who think they can drive through the flooded low spots in the arroyos or washes. They can't. Usually when they are asked why they didn't just wait the 20 to 30 minutes it takes for the washes to clear, they say "I have too much to do to just sit here!" Be careful! Be safe!

    Keatsgeckos- Love, love, love the puppy on the porch!!!! Poor baby. Sounds like you are doing a great job w/ your riding.

    Take care, my friends.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Just got back from a 40 min walk to the pool and 2 hours in the pool=1 tired gram and Violet.
    Got my ex in today for sure.
    Have a good rest of the day!!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Another Monday!

    I found my pedometer right under my nose on the kitchen counter! I found it when I was cleaning on Saturday. I thought for sure I put it in a “safe” place, but I guess I just left it out waiting for the clip. I did get a baby clip, (with Tweetie Bird) but it’s not exactly what I need. It will work for now until I can figure out something better.

    We are in for some really hot and humid weather this week, but thankfully, I got my run in at 6am, and although I certainly did work up a sweat, it was doable. Mornings always work the best for me anyhow. By the time I get home for work, I’m wiped and don’t feel much like exercising.

    Had a nice weekend. We went to the Blue Rocks game on Saturday night. It wasn’t nearly as crowded as the last time we went. We had great seats four rows back from the dugout. That’s the good thing about local farm teams…they are affordable! Afterward, we walked over to the riverfront and had a drink (well, it was chilly by that time, and I had hot tea) and a bite to eat. We went to Frank’s mom’s pool on Sunday and had dinner with her. The sun was in and out, but it still beat power washing the deck (which we still have to do)! I also finished reading The Hunger Games and liked it enough to want to read the other two in the series. They’re an easy summer read. I’m one of those people who either read like crazy for months, and then don’t read at all for months. Last year, on my SIL’s recommendation, I got Fifty Shades of Grey, and I’ll tell you that I HATED it! I’ll never understand how most of my friends loved it.

    My girlfriend who retired to North Carolina called and said she was thinking about moving back up north, maybe to Delaware. Our plan is to move south to her area when we retire, but I guess we’ll have to do some research, as she is telling me that the cost of living in her area (near Myrtle Beach) is high. I asked her if she could wait about five years, because we really love her house and would consider buying it, but not sure she wants to hold out that long.

    This morning started off hot and humid, but we had a deluge of rain in the middle of the day! I was expecting showers, but that was unbelievable! I can’t get over how weird the weather has been this year.

    :wink: Alison – Unfortunately, we can’t rush weight loss. Don’t concentrate on a number….your overall loss and improved health are proof of your success!

    :brokenheart: Brooke – So sorry to hear about your FIL’s illness. No matter how much time you know in advance, you can never be prepared for something like that.

    :ohwell: Pat – When dealing with your health, you really have to decide if the benefits of eating/not eating certain foods outweigh the disadvantages. A few calories aren’t going to matter if you can relieve your cramps. We can afford to send some water your way. I’ll see what I can do!:laugh:

    :heart: Meg – I LOVE Bonefish Grille! The Bang Bang shrimp is awesome! Enjoy yourself on your free time while you can!

    :happy: Michele – I didn’t know gout had anything to do with the kidney either until my son (who donated his kidney to his daughter) got it and they told him that having one kidney exacerbates the symptoms. So glad you have a good relationship with your daughter and her boyfriend. Try not to obsess about the wedding. It might turn out better than you think. I’m really hoping it does.

    :smile: Liz – Glad to hear your sister is doing well and it’s wonderful that you get to spend time with her. Family is so important, and none of us really knows how much time we have left.

    :heart: Kathy in IL. – Happy Anniversary!

    :yawn: DeeDee – Allergies can make you feel tired. Hope the sniffles go away soon!

    :happy: Katla – So glad you enjoyed your visit with DD and DGD. Have a safe trip home!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy – Congrats on your amazing weight loss! 5.6 pounds in one week? Fantastic!

    :heart: Jb – It’s wonderful to hear some good news about Mariah. We’re praying for her continued recovery.

    :drinker: Debbie – Welcome! The best advice I have is to take it one day at a time and try to accurately log everything you eat. Drink the recommended amount of water….it makes a difference, and keep coming back!

    :wink: Critter Sue – I know a lot of people who have had gall bladder surgery, and they do it laproscopically now so it’s not as invasive and the recovery time is much shorter.

    :laugh: Rori – I wish I had your problem. I would take that package in a minute! I am SOOOO ready to retire and counting the days…..1½ years to go…..tick…tick….tick….

    :flowerforyou: Amanda – You have a lot going on right now. You don’t need to worry about not checking in with us. We’ll be here whenever you have the time. Take care of yourself….we care about you! Just read that you need the surgery. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery.

    :happy: Heather – So glad you had fun at the party. If I’m going to “cheat”, I try to make it worth my while by eating something that was worth the calories. That crab risotto sounds like it fills the bill! I know what you mean about groups although we’ve always vacationed with friends. You have to learn how to break away (as you did) sometimes and take some time for yourselves. BTW, you look FAB in your party dress!

    :smile: Barbie – Your fur-babies sure know their way around a camera!

    :blushing: Jodios – Thanks for mentioning the green smoothie. We make fruit smoothies all the time, but I never thought of adding something “green”. Somehow I always thought you needed a juicer for that….duh! See, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!

    :flowerforyou: Jan – I don’t know you from the past, but welcome back!

    :tongue: MsKari02 – Are you accurately measuring your foods? I got a scale to weigh my meat and I always use measuring cups so I know exactly what to enter. I found that either underestimating the calories in the food or overestimating the calories burned in exercise can make a big difference in whether you lose weight or not.

    :laugh: Keatsgeckos – ROFL! Loved the pic!!! I can relate!

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each.
    Consistent logging
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Find an exercise class I enjoy

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I waited until the water went down in the street in front of our house and I knew the other streets would be OK. We live on a snow route and know that most of the streets are well taken care of. So I went to the Y. It was still raining so I was trying to get umbrella, water, phone in my hands when I got out of the car. I didn't now what to do with my phone so I put it in my bra. When I got to the front door I realized I didn't have my car key.:sad: So I stopped at the desk to ask for a phone book to call AAA. The car has a key pad but I have no idea what the number is. My husband does but we left at the same time and he goes tot he mall and I go to the Y. I knew it wouldn't be time for him to be home yet. Since the engine was running along with the key in the car I knew it needed to be taken care of. So AAA said it may be 2 hours before some one could be out there:sad: So I go in and start my exercise. after I had ridden 3 miles I called DH hoping he would be home. He was:heart: So he gave me the number and I went out to unlock it. THE CAR WASN'T EVEN LOCKED:cry: So I breathed a sigh of relief that nothing, including the car, was stolen and turned it off, locked it and took the key and called AAA to cancel the service call. So it started out bad today. I listened to the news and we had about 5 inches of rain.

    I am wearing one of the tops my sister gave me for my birthday in March that I couldn't wear then:happy:

    Joyce, happy and dry in Indiana
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So my interview went really well this morning. the hiring manager and I really got along well. I really hope this works out. We bonded over a past that we were in the same area of Tampa Florida and since we are in Washington state now that was kind of weird. At one point she remarked that she thought my brain seems to work like hers. I took that as a good sign.

    I will try to be good tonight but I am all gittery now about the interview. I just want to know if I get the job or not. Doug was so supportive this morning. He did not ask when my interview was he asked, "When is your introduction to your new boss?" That is some seriously positive thinking. :bigsmile:

    MsKari02 - we need calories to burn calories. we also need good carbs and good healthy fats. yes fats(nuts, olives, avacados, etc.). with out all these things our machine doesn't run well. Also water and sleep are very important. You can do it. but you may need to adjust some things. it takes time to figure it all out. ( i had it all figured out and then I went to work for a stress monger and it all went to hell in a hand basket)

    Amanda, sorry about your troubles.

    Loving you all,

    Robin Bodi and Ritter
  • MsKari02
    MsKari02 Posts: 19 Member
    I need some serious help here. I am eating less that 1000 calories a day , walking 3 miles 3 times a week, very very little carbs, no added sugar and eat nothing but veggies, fish and chicken. I am losing nothing at all for the last 2 weeks. I don't know what else to do. I have 18 pounds off so far, since April 15th. I am so discouraged. I think I'm working hard at this but to no avail.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening ladies,
    forgive me father for I have sinned:embarassed: can you tell I was raised a good catholic girl?
    I had 2 -S'mores today, had a wicked sugar craving and caved. but I logged them.still under the calorie count but dam-. I hate having a sugar addiction.. well at least I had a salad for lunch...
    Heather- I didn't see a picture of you in your party dress? did I miss something?
    Yes I know I am losing a little at a time an I am proud of that because I know it will stay off.planning on getting my butt to the gym in the a.m.
    I go 4-5 times a week..and am on my feet at work alot so im getting the steps in anyway..
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies: Well this Monday started off with a bang here a transport truck went down our street and pulled down every wire there was
    Hydro, phone, cable, internet, what a mess. but good news is they worked very fast and we are all back to normal.
    very long day as we couldn't go out of the house because of the wires everywhere! and of course today it's the hottest day
    we've had so far. anyway grumbeling over,

    Amanda so sorry to here about your surgery healing thoughts going out to you
    welcome to all who are new congrats to all the NSV and losses so far this week

    love all the critter pictures so cute take care everyone

    Juanita in sudbury
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I need some serious help here. I am eating less that 1000 calories a day , walking 3 miles 3 times a week, very very little carbs, no added sugar and eat nothing but veggies, fish and chicken. I am losing nothing at all for the last 2 weeks. I don't know what else to do. I have 18 pounds off so far, since April 15th. I am so discouraged. I think I'm working hard at this but to no avail.

    you are eating too little. Your body needs fuel to burn fat.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Marking my spot before the 500 post hits. Dealing with poison ivy or something and it's a pain in this heat. The PA told me last time it would go away in three week whether I had a shot or not. So I'm trying to stay away from the steroids as they make me gain weight. Just what I need. Going to do some reading now. Take care and be strong.

    Sue in TX
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone from humid Omaha. We had a big storm today but it only lasted about 20 minutes, however in that 20 minutes 53,000 people lost power and trees are down everywhere. I had such an exciting day: went to the eye doctor and went to the dentist. I am still his oldest patient without a cavity! Woo hoo! Then I stopped by the “designer” bathroom/kitchen showroom to see if they could match a towel rack I bought there 3 years ago; they don’t have records that old. Believe it or not it was matched and I’ll have it either tomorrow or Wednesday! I slept in so I missed aquasize but I walked and did an hour of gardening.

    Jodios: so they finally got that game in? I waited for over 2 hours and finally gave up and went to bed!

    Jane: enjoy your time with Violet

    Gail: your summer pickling veggies sound great!

    Kadie I see Barbie already answered your question, so welcome!

    Katiebug: fingers crossed to get through that plateau

    Jan: Welcome back! So glad to see you back here and glad to hear you are still smoke free! That is the best news ever. Sorry that you have been ill, but glad you are better!

    Kathy: I love TGIF Fridays but don’t go there very often…no real reason why not. Good attitude about the math

    Yanniejannie: what concert did you go to?

    DeeDee: stay cool over there

    Barbie : you always have such good advice!

    Michele: can’t wait to heart what you think of the dress!

    Molly: sleep problems do interfere with weight control but I can’t tell you the reason why. No it’s not a secret, I just don’t know! 

    Karen: welcome to our group! The weight gain isn’t from an ice cream cone….it could be water weight especially if you still have your periods or if you eat too much sodium, or it could be that after working out you have gained muscle which weighs more that fat

    Katla; sounds like the fair was at least partly fun!

    Heather: great nsv!!!

    Amanda: so sorry you have to have surgery! I sure hope yoru sibs do step up to the plate…have you told them they will need to do certain things while you are laid up?

    Mskari: maybe 1200 calories is not enough for you. Some people here actually increased their calories and lost weight. Now that I have read your second post where you say you are eating less than 1000 I really do think you need to up your calories. I can’t remember who wrote this but your body does go into starvation mode when you don’t eat enough!

    Keatsgeckos: that has to be the funniest dog picture I have ever seen!

    Lucy: whose team is the Blue Rocks the farm team for?

    Robin: so glad your interview went well! Fingers and toes still crossed!

    Grandmallie: you are so funny. No need to seek forgiveness for a little treat!

    Juanita: that’s too bad about the havoc from that truck! How hot does it get there?

    Sue have you tried Aveeno cream with calamine? You may need to order it on line, but it’s the best for itchy poison crud!

    Well I want to post before we hit 500 and get a shower in before baseball starts. Tomorrow is weight day and I only hope not to gain after my free night and a high sodium week. Take care, Meg from Omaha, home of the college world series and lots of humidity!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today I was supposed to walk with a friend but she called and said that she’d overslept so she didn’t come and that gave me the chance to finish the paperwork to renew my passport and get photos taken. My passport expires at the end of August and although we have no immediate travel plans, just holding onto the passport gave me the urge to travel…..this afternoon we spent two hours practicing for our line dance performance at the assisted living home tomorrow.

    :heart: Barbie from rainy NW Washington

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Molly - I find that when I get lots of sleep, I usually have a loss. Coincidence? Somehow I don't think so. I've just read too much saying that sleep helps with weight loss.

    Did yoga then took the extremepump class. Came home and worked outside until around 3 (from about 11). Well, we've run out of riverrock. Bad thing is that that means we need to order more. Vince figured out the square footage, and it looks like we'll only need 4 cubic yards. The first load was 10, the second 5, now this one 4. This BETTER be the last load. Mahjongg tonight.

    Tomorrow I'll just do some swimming at the Y. In the evening there's a "volunteer appreciation picnic" for the Green Room. We'll probably go, if only for a little bit. That is, assuming it doesn't rain. The forecast for the next few days seems to be nice in the a.m. then showers. Oh, after the Y I need to stop by the house of the lady who is fixing my dress to pick it up. I'll take her the blueberry muffins that I made for her.

    karen - welcome! Sometimes when we're doing everything right, it just takes our bodies a while to realize what's happening. Don't get frustrated, keep your good habits and the weight WILL come off.

    katla - sounds like you had a great day at the fair. So happy for you.

    Heather - congrats on just sniffing that bread. You're awesome!

    I have some fudge cookies that I made. Vince hasn't eaten them and I want them out of the house (out of temptation's way) so I'll take them to mahjongg tonight.

    jodios - how right you are about measuring. That was a REAL eye opener for me

    Amanda - you take care of yourself for once. when is the surgery, or haven't you decided yet?

    Heather - vavavavoom. That dress is spectacular

    MsKari - never, never, never quit. Maybe you should have some fats and carbs, not a lot of refined carbs and good fats. Be sure you don't eat less than 1200 calories.

    Lucy in DE - the NC Myrtle Beach area might very well be expensive to live. However, the area where we live (near Hickory) isn't. One thing we were thinking of when we decided on this area was that the last time there was a hurricane in this area was in the 70's. Yet, we have change of seasons, but very little humidity (compared to PA) because we're so far inland.

    Joyce - isn't that maddening when you find that the car wasn't even locked? Glad nothing got stolen

    Robin - so glad the interview went so well. I'm with your hubby "when do you meet your new boss".

    MsKari - honestly, you're probably sabotaging yourself. You should never eat less than 1200 calories/day. Eating less than 1000 of course you won't lose any weight. Your body is in starvation mode. Absolutely, try upping your calories. your body needs good carbs, carbs from fruits and veggies.

    Went to mahjongg tonight, only maj'd once. The gal whose house it is at made lime sorbet and she wanted us all to try it. I kept telling her how good it was but deep inside alls I could think of was "eewww...too much sugar"

    Meg - ANYTHING is going to be better than the alterations that other place did! The lady said that basically she had to take the dress apart. She couldn't believe how they did the alterations. She thought it looked like a high school kid did them

    Well, going to post this before I lose my place. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I would just say bump but it will probably be a new thread tomorrow. Good night all

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Quick one before the thread moves. - I DID NOT GAIN ANY WEIGHT at the party weekend!

    Love to all. I could not have done it without you! :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning .... I think this will carry us over to the next part x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I'm going to try to get my surgery at the end of next week. I want it to be over and done with so I can get on with moving my dad into the sheltered housing. Unfortunately I won't be able to do a lot of lifting for a while (the surgery being on my navel area). I messaged my siblings yesterday and all I got back was, well we're busy! They may just as well say 'We're important and you're not'. So I'm just going to get on with it without them as much as I can. At least that way I will know that my dad is being treated well ... instead of with indifference which is what he would get from my brother and sister. Grr. Moan over for the day.

    Today the sky is blue in London, but it is definitely not warm. I really wanted to go to the new gym this evening, but just can't. I'll just have to stick with my lovely home gym. At least it has everything I need in there and I can collapse whenever I like.

    I hope everyone of you is doing well and being kind to yourselves .... which is something we all have to remember to do and often forget.

    Must do some work. Love to all.
    Amanda x