

  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome to the new members! I am new myself, here for about ten days. Nice group!
    Still not feeling well, and Dr. suspects it's the gallbladder. Ultrasound on Monday. I'm so nervous, haven't had any type of surgery in 45 years! Trying to eat small low-fat meals for now...
    Jb, so glad to hear the latest on Mariah.
    Critter Sue
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member

    It's such a beautiful day today. We got a lot of errands done...after I went to zumba. Then we used a gift card to Olive Garden. I did well on calories, but the sodium is waaaaay up there.

    JB...continued prayers for Mariah.

    Grandmallie...contact Fitbit about your battery problem. They have great customer service!

    Joyce...I have my mom's rhubarb custard pie recipe. I LOVE it. It's hard to get rhubarb here though. It's expensive and sometimes not that good.

    I'm doing better now on logging and actually staying in my calories. Sodium is a problem though. I gained a couple of pounds while I had company for 12 days, but not as much as I would have in the past. I was much more careful than I used to be. After I get these couple of pounds back off, I have got to go look for some capris that fit. Mine are too big. (YAY)

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    A new poster said she wasn't sure what she was doing,made me wonder if I had already joined.If not,would like to get to know you all.Have been trying to eat healthy for 6-7 wks.Been doing pretty good,tho at my age-69- the pounds are like glue :grumble:

    Exercise is limited to walking,after a health scare a few mos ago.Dr okey'd me to start back to water aerobics.Hope to get signed up this wk. Not sure how to join..is it by posting or ?
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    If anyone wants to join you just post and you're one of us!!!!!:heart: Look under my topics to find the topic to post or read. We are getting close to 500 posts and Barbie starts a new thread for June.

    Joyce, Indiana. Oh, I am also Joyce without a headache!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good evening all, well DH took me out to dinner he wanted Chinese food, my downfall. I had boiled shrimp, a small amount of Mongolian beef and salad. Boy do I hate iceberg lettuce, no flavor at all. Brought my own salad dressing. So I made it through. :bigsmile:

    Debbie- how do I do it? I think about dying, I'm a diabetic and I'm on this journey not only to lose weight, but to keep my blood sugars under control. I ask myself, do I need this really or is it a want? What do I want more, this food, (fill in what ever food is your downfall) or your goal. If you still want it, have one bite, then throw the rest in the trash. I still go out, my friend and I went out the other day and I had a hamburger (no bun) and a large salad. There is always something I can have and stay on track. My diary is open so you can take a look at what I eat. Good luck! Stay on track.

    So glad that the MRI showed no cancer, pray works! A win for the good guys.

    Grandmallie- I charge my Fitbit one night instead of tracking my sleep. Make sure that the little lights are blinking. The first time I charged mine, it took a little while to start and you have to have it in correctly.

    Well I need another cup of tea. Tomorrow all my VitF friends.

    Tigress in GA.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Its a beautiful sunny day here today. I got out and did some much needed weeding in the back yard and now I am exhausted. We are taking advantage of the weather and grilling some swordfish and a small elk sirloin. grilling the zuchinni and yellow squash and serving with quinoa. gotta love surf and turf on the grill.

    To who ever asked how you keep going after the first month, for me it was a matter of principle. I said I was going to do it and I just wasn;t going to stop. I haven't done well in the last two years I have been back at work but I still love to come here and remind myself that I can. especially with the help of this support system. I feel better when I stay on track and exercise. I have more energy and I like how my clothes fit. I hang on to that feeling knowing that it will come back again.

    Have a lovely rest of your weekend.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    A sunny day in the PNW
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everybody.......just a quick note tonight........

    Liz......sorry you've been sick and about your friend with Ca.........hope your sister is comfortable and pain free

    Joyce.......glad you are feeling better and the party for your mil went as well as it did

    Katla and Lucy........I have "safe places" where I put things too.........safe from me and everybody else.........sometimes I don't find things for years

    Welcome newbies!

    Made it to yoga this am; too late for tai chi thanks to Jay Leno and Terry Bradshaw
    he always makes me laugh so when I saw he was on as a guest, I stayed up.

    Did a bit in the garden today. Dropped off two huge bags of clothes at a donation place; took newspapers to animal rescue. Was taken out to breakfast at a Panera as a thank you after yoga by a woman I did some volunteer work for. That was very nice of her (and totally unexpected!!!). We had a good long talk and solved all the world's problems--LOL. Heard from my DD who ran a 5K this evening. Concert on the agenda tomorrow night.

    G'nite and sleep well all!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy, if it weren’t for the fact that we live in a neighborhood that has a limit on number of pets, I’d have more cats……also, Jake thought two cats was more than enough and now we have on e and he’s happy with just having Bernie.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, it certainly sounds like you need a nap. I think I’m fine on no more than six hours of sleep a night but lately I’ve been taking naps and I feel much better.:yawn:

    :flowerforyou: Katla, traveling is great, but home is best.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I love the image of you doing pushups and squats in your office……..every little bit of extra exercise makes a huge difference
    not everything registers on a pedometer.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, thanks for sharing the positive hopeful news about Mariah.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, your day sounds wonderful.

    :flowerforyou: Jdlyng, you are welcome to join us…….just keep coming back and reading the posts and join in the conversation.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, this community of women has given me support and encouragement for over four years…..take it one day at a time, learn something new each day and make small changes in your eating and exercise and great things will come to pass for you.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, sorry that your MIL had disappointment at her party….I hope she was able to enjoy the rest of her family.

    :flowerforyou: Crittersue, best wishes on your ultrasound on Monday…..until then, stay in the moment and don’t make up any stories about what might happen.

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, I have a friend who grows rhubarb in her garden and brings it to line dance every Friday and begs people to take it. My mother used to make something tasty with rhubarb but every recipe I’ve seen has much more sugar than I’d ever want to use.

    :flowerforyou: Patcoeh, you are now a member of our community, just by posting…..i hope you’ll keep coming back, read the posts, and join in the conversation. I get most of my exercise by walking. I have a pedometer that encourages me to walk more.

    :flowerforyou: Tigress, you are so right about being focused on health, not just calories or the number on the scale. I want to live a long and healthy life.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, your grilling sounds divine.

    :flowerforyou: I am still dealing with the sore muscle in my butt. I have been lying down with the ice bag several times a day and it feels a little better every day. I have been able to do my dancing and dog walking but decided to not do yard work until it feels better. That was an easy decision when I was so busy with other things but today we had beautiful weather and I would have loved to work in the yard and I had to discipline myself to find something to do sitting down in the house instead. This afternoon everybody took a nap and that took almost two hours. Jake just took the dogs out for the last walk of the day and it was hard for me to resist going out one more time in the sunshine.

    :heart: Barbie from rainy NW Washington

    June Resolutions (with week three updates)
    *dig out the rest of the back yard flower bed that’s full of rocks and terrible dirt (Jake started it, but I’ve done nothing partly because of all the time spent dancing and partly because of the sore muscle in my butt)
    *be agreeable---say “OK” (excellent, so far)
    *strength training once a week (nothing yet---blame that on the dancing and sore muscle)
    *act the way I want to feel (excellent, so far)


    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Heather - glad you had such a good time. Sometimes feeling queasy is worth it!

    Sandy - oh, how I can relate to taking care of your kids pets. Only too too well. What a fantastic loss!

    jb - Mariah is one determined for only the best child. Thanks for keeping us updated

    Joyce - sure hope you feel better and enjoy the party

    Meg - lazing around is good therapy.

    jdlyng and Debbie - welcome!

    Joyce - how sad for your MIL, but she is so very lucky to have you

    crittersue - hope you feel better fast

    patceoh - you joined by posting! So glad you're here

    Only did 30 minutes of yoga today . Then I'd seen in the email that they were going to have someone at the farmers market who would shred things so I took two boxes full that we'd had for something like 7 years. Well, he wasn't coming until 9 so I left, went to one food store to get a low sodium veggie burger and almond milk, then another store, then took extra plastic bags to this guy who I sometimes would buy tomatoes from, then went back to the farmers market. We'd had those papers for so long I just wanted to get rid of them.

    Then came home and Vince and I worked outside. Kris actually volunteered to help shovel the riverrock! That was so nice of him, to think, my daughter's boyfriend volunteers to shovel riverrock and my own son won't talk to me! Then I went to church and had a bit of a pity party thinking about Bryan, how wonderful he used to be but in the last year and a half he's really changed. Came home, Jessica, Kris and Vince went shooting at the gunrange while I was in church. Kris wanted to take us out to dinner so we went to Golden Corral. I wasn't as good as I should be. I told you I've been stress eating. Had some dessert. But I did have lots of veggies and only water to drink. In one sense, I really can't wait for this wedding to be over. Weddings should be a time of joy, but I don't feel happy at all.

    Jessica said they're leaving tomorrow around 10-10:15. She's going to go away 4th of July weekend, so she's just going to leave her cats here. Then we'll be going to europe, they'll be here, then she has the interview in Knoxville so they'll be here, then she's going to Maine to see Kris's parents so they'll be here. I guess in all they'll be here for about a month.

    Michele in NC
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Sorry that I haven't been around, ladies, but I just have not been feeling well at all, at all. I don't know if I got into something gluten or if I ate something that kicked in my diverticulosis. Either way, I am not happy. I will get back up to speed soon. Just wanted you to know that I haven't dropped out or quit, I just am not really communicative right now (or even happy) Be Back Soon! I Promise!

    Be Well and take care, my friends.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    It’s great to be home for a whole weekend. Didn’t appreciate how much my back was out of whack until I went to the chiropractor this morning. He pushed on a spot that made a very loud crack and I saw stars. :noway: Two minutes later I was fine and felt much, much better. I did okay on this last trip to Kansas City. The bread basket was hard to pass up, but I did workout in the hotel gym and didn't come back with any extra poundage. Next biz trip is this Wednesday to Madison, Wisconsin.

    To all of you who are teachers, mothers, sisters and daughters: Have you seen the CNN special “Girl Rising”? I found it profoundly moving.:cry:

    Today’s affirmation: “I think and behave like a naturally fit and healthy person.” :happy:

    Robin: Visualize yourself in that job. I’m crossing my fingers for your interview.:wink:

    Meg: Sending good thoughts for Benny. :happy:

    DebA: Like you, I have to make smart decisions about retirement planning. Just this week my employer started a reduction in workforce and I was provided an early retirement package. :grumble: I’m not emotionally or financially ready to make that life transition, and have told my boss 'no thanks'.

    Michele: I hope the trip to Europe brings you some sweet surprises once you are reunited with Bryan and face to face with your new DIL. Your heart is full of love, the most powerful force in the world. May it serve you well. :heart:

    Brooke: Terribly sorry to hear about your FIL. May your family find strength in the days ahead. :brokenheart:

    JB: Glad to know the encouraging results from Mariah’s MRI. Hoping that every day in every way she is getting better and better. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Great NSV getting all the positive reactions from relatives. Hope the party is fantastic. :glasses:

    Liz: Hope you are feeling better.:sick:

    Kathy: It’s a full moon. My pet cat Mars goes a little crazy during these times of the month so maybe that’s what happening at your zoo? :laugh:

    DeeDee: Take care to sleep more than 5 hours a night! Hope the retail therapy was successful. :smokin:

    Katla: Hope you have fun at the Renaissance Fair. :laugh:

    Sandy: Congratulations on a great week on the scales! :wink:

    Critter Sue: Sending you healing thoughts. Stay brave. :flowerforyou:

    Eileen: Congrats on the NSV and I hope you find the perfect replacement capris.:glasses:

    Barbie: I never used to take naps until I got a cat. Talk about the power of suggestion. Just seeing him all stretched out catching his zzzzzzzz in a sunbeam…I’m yawning just writing this.:yawn: :yawn:

    Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    June Goals and progress to date:
    80 oz of water per day - check
    3-5 servings of vegetables daily - check
    Log every day, even on the road – Getting better
    Drop 2 pounds – I'm STILL TRYING.
    Nourish my mind and my faith with daily positive affirmations - check

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    First off - apologies for my absence, life has been tripping me up lately. Still dealing with the everyday details of trying to get my dad into sheltered accommodation after his stroke. He is improving well in every way apart from clinginess and mood swings. As is always the way, my siblings are far too busy living their own lives to help. I have officially asked both of them to help and nothing has happened except they had a row between the two of them about not doing enough for dad and then both, independently phoned me up to tell me how unreasonable the other was being. In the meantime I continued to struggle!

    On top of that I haven't been well myself. Some of you may recall that I had a problem with my navel bleeding. It was caused by a cyst behind my navel and has been really painful and swollen. I have been on antibiotics for two weeks and go back to see my GP tomorrow. I may need surgery, but I’m hoping I won’t.

    Of course, the antibiotics have played havoc with my IBS, which hasn’t been fun at all. I have also had an arthritis flare up in my knee. What an old crock I am!

    Meanwhile, I’m going to work and helping my DH with his new book (which involves lots of Latin translation for me ... that’s the bit I like, it seems to be my calm place).

    Still, all these little disturbances mean that I am still alive and I’m sure things will improve.

    This afternoon I am babysitting my gorgeous grandtwins. For once I am having them at home and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it won’t be too rainy to play in our gardens. I’ve got loads of activities set up around the garden closest to the house and then I’ve got their playhouse in the second garden, set up with lots of things inside and outside. If it rains I think we will just have to hide in the playhouse.

    Must get on now. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to offer my support to you all lately. Please know that I do think of you and will (hopefully) be back to posting regularly soon.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Hi all,

    It was a great party, but I am suffering a tiny bit this a.m.. I was good on the food, not eating the potatoes and the escalope, and only eating the things that were delicious and unusual. The crab risotto was heavenly and worth every calorie! :laugh: Lots of champagne though and three other wines, so . . . .:frown:

    My dress looked great. I will try to get a picture up on my profile some time, but I'm not good at getting the resolution down. Will investigate. I managed to stagger the length of the high street in my heels - just! Great fun was had by all. I got to have a cuddle with the baby niece of DH . We were all loud, but I hope not too loud! :blushing: :bigsmile:

    In the day we all went on a walk that wasn't very well thought through and the 87 year old found a bit hard going. Pushing a pram wasn't a great idea either. Oh well, it all eventually turned out OK and we managed to find a pub still open. I just had soup and water and half a slice of bread! I brought the old lady back on the train.

    Today we are going on the train to the seaside and hope the weather holds out. There will be showers, but don't know how many! I think I will be making an early return to catch a nap.

    Love to you all,

    Heather in cloudy Devon UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Michele:smile: Sounds like Jessica has a very nice boyfriend! Are you spending time in your pool:glasses: ??? I`ve a got a couple of boxes of things that need to be shredded, I keep thinking I`ll do it, I do have a little shredder, however being able to take it a place that does it sounds great.

    Rori:smile: Good for you passing on the bread basket, and not bringing home any extra pounds:bigsmile: !

    Pat:smile: Hope you get to feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Barbie:smile: A 2 hour nap sounds so good:yawn: ! I was going to have a nap yesterday and oops, I got busy and didn`t have time:grumble: , I was so tired and it was too late for a nap so I decided to take a walk instead:bigsmile: , it perked me up a little bit.

    Amanda:smile: So glad to see you again! Hope your dad continues to improve:flowerforyou: ! Hope the antibiotics work and you won`t have to have surgery:flowerforyou: ! Have a wonderful time with the grandtwins:love: , sounds like you`ve got a nice day planned!

    Heather:smile: Glad you had a great time at the party! Looking forward to seeing the pics of you in your dress, I`m sure you looked awesome!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and just start chatting!

    I`m debating if I want to go boss the boys this morning:devil: , or stay home and hang out on the back deck with a book:glasses: . i could probably do both:tongue: , boss for a bit and then hang out outside with a book in the afternoon. They say we might get showers and thunderstorms later this afternoon though. This decision should be easy, but it`s not:grumble: :ohwell: .

    Have a great Sunday ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny (at the moment) NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning my friends,
    well we are up and it is going to be a scorcher here today.. have the windows open and fans in window's until it gets to warm... my DH never stops he alway's has to have something to do.So dont know what his plan is today. I am going to get over to the gym this morning.I was a slacker about going last week and have to get back into the swing of it.. I would love to hit 40lbs off by a week from now for my 53 birthday but unless a miracle happens,it wont happen. everyone enjoy there day.. ta ta for now:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sandy in Ont: Wow! 5.6 pounds in a week is amazing. Congratulations.:flowerforyou:

    JB: Thanks for sharing the good news about Mariah’s MRI. I hope there is a lot more good news for her in the coming days and weeks.:heart:

    Amanda: It is nice to see your post. I’m sorry your siblings aren’t stepping up to help your dad but he is lucky to have you in his corner. I’m an only child, and there was never anyone to help other than DH. I’ve always envied people with siblings for the connections they provide. I’m sorry for the frustration you are experiencing because yours aren’t helping you care for your dad.:grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I hope you enjoy the seaside and the weather is in your favor.:flowerforyou:

    Today we’re headed to a Renaissance Festival that apparently operates on weekends all summer. I look forward to it and hope to see some jousting. Tomorrow I’m headed west towards DH. I don’t think I can drive all the way to SIL’s place in one day and am contemplating where to spend the night. Ogden, UT and Burley, ID are both possibilities. Planning trips as the only driver is taking some adjustment as I learn my limitations.

    Katla in Colorado for now

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning ladies, just came in from the garden, and my hands smell like fresh tomatoes. I am having tomatoes for lunch, it seems like they are all ready at once. Lol.

    Amanda- sounds like you need some support from us. Don't worry I have a sister who doesn't do anything for my mother either, but complains that I don't do enough.

    Time to start the grocery list later all.

    Tigress in GA
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning friends, thank you for your support regarding Mariah, and just for being here. :flowerforyou: I've just rec'd news that Mariah had a fairly quiet night after a few days of severe agitation and anxiety from the steriods. They'll start weaning her off of them now.

    Pat, Amanda and everyone else suffering with physical problems, I'm wishing you well! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Debbie :flowerforyou: Make small changes every day instead of big changes all at once. Gradually reduce the portions of foods you know you shouldn't eat too much of. Log everything, and keep notes there on your food diary page about how you did that day - i.e. "Had one bite of cake instead of the whole piece", things like that. Giving yourself a bit of praise helps a lot!! :drinker:

    When I started MFP I began studying about nutrition, researching which foods would keep me energized and emotionally balanced. I'm a stress eater, and can binge like there's no tomorrow. :huh: I'm a lot better now, though! I've been here over 2 years, constantly working on getting control of my habits. 5 decades of bad eating doesn't change overninght! Exercising more really helps, along with including Omega-3s and foods high in potassium.

    I've laughed, I've cried, I've moped and moaned,
    I've beamed with success at times!
    I've had to focus on changing my life,
    A little at a time. :wink:

    Ahhh, well, it's raining this morning, guess what that means? Housework! :tongue: Had an absolutely Beautiful day in the garden yesterday, so I guess it's time to scrubba-dubba and get this house clean.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Woke up with no headache or nausea!!!!!!:bigsmile: Some times I wonder if it is because of my water.When I am just sitting watching TV or whatever and guzzle down some water I get this empty feeling in my stomach which is what I have been describing as my mild nausea.

    Everyone have a wonderful day.

    Joyce Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Hi again,

    Amanda - what a lot of trials.. I was wondering where you had got to. Hope the cyst clears up. The twins are very lucky to have you.:flowerforyou:

    Today we went down to the coast and I had another day of frustration at the planning. The weather could have been better, but it didn't actually pour down so we managed. It is the thing that I was worried about before we met. - the difficulty of trying to do things in a big group. DSIL wanted to go on the ferry, but, of course, hadn't checked the tide times so that was not happening. We just walked down the promenade until I suggested we stop somewhere for coffee. Then I began to realise that lunch was going to be VERY late and that is hard for me as I don't eat a lot at one meal and like to eat regularly. I did have nuts in my bag, but was beginning to feel a bit queasy from low blood sugar from the hangover. I decided to make a break for it and left for the station. They probably think I am an anti social nightmare, but the dithering gets me very agitated as I am someone who likes to be organised as much as possible.. OK a control freak! :embarassed: DH took the excuse of accompanying me to the station as I wasn't feeling well so we felt a bit like naughty school children who had escaped from school! When we arrived back at our village we had a lovely civilised lunch of moules marinieres.
    Supper is going to be later tonight, so I have had an apple and will have a few nuts. I expect they will have had a substantial lunch and wont be hungry! :noway: Oh well, I have survived the weekend and we are home tomorrow. At least we haven't scived off today as we thought we might. All has come to pass as I predicted, but I LOVED both the evenings and felt fabulous.

    Sorry to rant on and I think I am a bit unreasonable, but their way of going about life is not mine and DH' s way. And I AM NOT GOOD AT GROUPS! ! ! ! ! :sad: :sad: :yawn:

    Had a lovely nap with DH this pm:blushing: so I am feeling fit for tonight now.

    Thanks for listening.

    Heather from drizzly Devon UK