

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hello again,

    Just posting tonight as I'm not sure how much time I will have tomorrow before we set off for Devon. I don't know if the b&b has wifi, but I will take my tablet as there may be somewhere in the village where I can catch up. We want to get our gym session in before we go. The only deadline is picking up DH' s daughter from the station down there at 3pm, but that gives us loads of time. I have finished packing, apart from toiletries, so feel a bit more settled. I normally don't sleep much before a journey, but I feel OK at the moment.

    DH went to his new therapist today and seems to have got a lot from it. He has books to read and forms to fill in. At least it has reassured him that his problem is fairly common and is not hopeless. He had a terrible night last night, but was a bit more chirpy when he got back from her.

    I have printed out a map of the village and looked up the hotel on Street View. So I know where we are going! !:laugh: :blushing: Tomorrow night is a low key family meal at DSIL's b&b, lasagne I think, and the main event is on Saturday. The weather forecast is mixed with some showers.

    Oh well, once I get there it will all be great. I like everyone who is going and love most, so that is a good start. My DSIL. is one of my favourite people.

    Love to all of you who have posted here about children who died before their time. My ex' s sister, that we shared a house with, was killed in a car accident at the age of 29. I still dream of my ex' s sister. It was the most traumatic time as the driver of the other car was convicted of manslaughter in his absence. He had fled the country to Brazil. My ex' s mother, a lovely and caring woman, had a total breakdown and had to be committed to a mental hospital. I was 25 and the whole experience was life changing. Every second of that time is as vivid as if it happened yesterday. I also think I will have some emotion when I see my new granddaughter, due in September, as my daughter, Kate, was stillborn 35 years ago. They are always in our hearts.:heart::heart:

    Bye for now, Heather in muggy Hampshire, UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Robin: I’m sending good thoughts your way for the new position.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Glad to hear your headache has eased. I hope it disappears altogether soon.:flowerforyou:

    LucyT: You are not rationalizing. New clothing as a reward is a fabulous motivator. :bigsmile:

    Sue in TX: I hope you feel better. It sounds like seeking medical help is a good idea.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I hope your DH has found someone who can help him. There are things we just can’t handle on our own. Have a good time in Devon.:flowerforyou:

    I got my coffee this morning and the headache disappeared. Thank goodness. DD decided to meet for lunch wherever in Boulder I wanted so I picked Pei Wei, an Asian place that DH and I discovered on our last visit here. It just happens to be near a Nordstrom's Rack. :wink: While we waited for Mommy, DGD and I shopped and she now has two new outfits and a pair of cute new shoes. :smile: The need to pick up a neighbor boy from day camp went away when his mom made other plans, so after lunch DGD and I stopped to do some grocery shopping and came home. I could use a nap and I think SHE needs one so that can happen—after I try to find a way to calculate my lunch calories.

    Katla in Sunny Colorado for now
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Robin: I’m sending good thoughts your way for the new position.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Glad to hear your headache has eased. I hope it disappears altogether soon.:flowerforyou:

    LucyT: You are not rationalizing. New clothing as a reward is a fabulous motivator. :bigsmile:

    Sue in TX: I hope you feel better. It sounds like seeking medical help is a good idea.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I hope your DH has found someone who can help him. There are things we just can’t handle on our own. Have a good time in Devon.:flowerforyou:

    I got my coffee and the headache disappeared. Thank goodness. DD decided to meet for lunch wherever in Boulder I wanted so I picked Pei Wei, an Asian place that DH and I discovered on our last visit here. It just happens to be near a Nordstrom Rack. :wink: While we waited for Mommy, DGD and I shopped and she now has two new outfits and a pair of cute new shoes. :bigsmile: The need to pick up a neighbor boy from day camp went away when his mom made other plans, so after lunch DGD and I stopped and did some grocery shopping and came home. I could use a nap and I think SHE needs one so that can happen.:noway: :wink:

    Katla in Sunny Colorado for now
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good evening ladies. I only have a few minutes before I need to go start dinner. thanks to all who sent me get well wishes. I'm feeling better but not 100% yet. I did a long bike ride with DH and DD yesterday but they were very sweet and kept on the slower side as I was struggling a bit.

    Today I had breakfast out with a business associate and then DH wanted to go out at lunch for sushi. Much as I didn't feel like exercising, I'm very proud to say I got my butt in gear and did the Jessica Smith DVD my DS bought me for my b-day. It is low impact but really works up a sweat. I'm trying a new Skinnytaste recipe tonight for Chicken Tikka Marsala. I'm not sure which one of you recommended that blog - but thank you! I've made several of her recipes now and they are yummy yet guilt free.

    Tomorrow we are off to the Cubs game. Going to do a bike ride in the morning so I don't have to feel too bad about eating at the ball park. Hoping the weather is good. Nothing like a sunny day watching baseball!

    Robin - good luck. I hope this interview works out for you

    Brooke - sending prayers. My MIL had lung cancer - my thoughts are with you

    Michelle - hearing about your on-going issues with Bryan breaks my heart. I hope you can enjoy your European trip regardless

    Juanita - happy belated b-day

    Just saw the time - got to run so can't post any longer

    Hugs to all in need

    Jodios in beautiful, sunny, hot N. IL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I thought supper would give me some energy. We went to cracker barrell. I got the beef stew because it is so full of veggies and nice and warm. Knowing that I hadn't eaten much today I figured I could get the mac and cheese also. When I got home I calculated it and I am way over!:sad: So I went ahead and put in my usual bedtime snack. I may or may not eat it but I know with my diabetes I need to eat something. I think as tired as I am even though I had a nice nap, 2 hours, I think it is one of my 'MS days'. I'm glad I don't have them very often but I sure don't like them. It just totally drains me. After I started exercising I have really enjoyed feeling good, walking energetically, being able to do about anything I want to. So a day like today really knocks me down. Oh well. God allowed me to have this and has shown me so much strength through it and that His timing in my life has made a lot more sense than how I was handling it. So I guess I'll just wait until I feel better. But I don't get my Weight Watchers fudge bar:frown:

    HGTV tonight! Joyce in Indiana
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Good evening everyone. Today is day 3 of a big project at work. I am working with a temp to configure and put out 87 or so computers. I am a computer support person. We had been putting out 2 computers a day and today I was told we have to double that! No room in my office. I'm not sure how I will get this set up. I'll have to re-arrange a bunch of stuff. At least this project is making my days go by faster!

    I met my DD for lunch today. We have a standing date to meet for lunch on Thursdays. I really enjoy the time with her. We ate at O'Charlies. I had a spinach/apple/chicken salad half and forgot to get the dressing on the side. They completely soaked the salad in the dressing! Took away from the flavor and added too many extra calories!

    Well, I am very sleepy so signing off now. Best wishes, prayers, and hugs to everyone in this group. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    June Goals:
    8 - 8oz glasses of water daily
    burn 200 calories at least 3 times a week
    25 jumping jacks daily
    7,000 steps a day
    yard work or outside at least 15 min a day
    Complete squat challenge
    Arm weights 3 times a week
    45 min cardio 5 times a week

    Rita from TN
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hey everyone. Whew what a day. First thing this morning (before 8) I got a call from the vet about Benny Beagles’s lab work. I thought yesterday would be the last blood test, it all would be fine, and he’d discharge us back to the regular vet. But Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo his triglycerides (which like humans should be under 150) are over 1000!!!!!!!!! So now he’s on gemfibrozil (a human cholesterol med) and he needs more testing to see why it’s so high. One of the things they want to test him for is cushing’s disease which is an endocrine problem which certainly could explain why he piddles every 20 minutes and drinks nearly a gallon a day. We had it tested once before, but that was when he had pancreatitis and any stress causes you to release stress hormones and throws the results off.

    Went grocery shopping, nearly finished the little test bank, walked in the blazing heat (bleh) and did an hour of gardening. I could deadhead flowers all day long and still never catch up, but that’s ok because I enjoy the yard so much.

    Brooke oh I am so sorry to hear about you fil! I hope they can treat it successfully. Good thoughts and many prayers to him, mil, and you too!

    Michelle: it sounds like the closer the wedding gets the more stressed you are getting. I am sending you healing thoughts for peace

    Jane: so sorry to hear about Mary Ellen. Sounds like she was a great person to know. Sending you warm thoughts and healing prayers too.

    Kathy thanks for the heads up on the plumaria at Bath and Body works. I think I emailed you that we had a huge plumaria tree in our front yard in Hawaii and I just love the scent.

    Grandmallie: how’s the toe feeling? You had such a busy day!

    Heather; you have become such a world traveler! It’s nice to be able to seize the day and move forward with dreams.

    DeeDee: thanks for the get well thoughts. I do feel better today!

    Katla; good news that it is sunny there now. I hope your headache went away. Have safe and fun travels. I was so sorry to read about your stillborn daughter. Hugs to you!!!

    Robin: all my fingers and all my toes are crossed for you!!!!!

    Juanita: we could use a little rain but not too much if you don’t mind sending it!

    Yanniejannie: we had low humidity here today too, probably because all the danged wind blew it away. I do hate the wind that we get here

    Sandy: you reminded me…time to dye the hair. I’m sure my church picture will make me look like an old bag…it’s probably been 5 weeks. DH says “Why don’t you just let it go” not understanding it sounds like he thinks I look old enough to be gray!

    Joyce: I sure hope your headache is gone by now!

    Phoo: that’s the spirit. No kicking….just move on and learn. I have seen that movie several times and can related to your experience! I was so sorry to hear you had lost a son. Hugs to you

    Lucy: what great fun…shopping for new clothes you know will fit you well and look great on you! Enjoy!!!

    Suebedew: Ihope you get relief from the poison plants (ivy or oak) soon! Stop scratching LOL

    Jodios: glad you are feeling better. Go cubbies!

    Rita: despite the dressing issue, it sounds like you are making good progress with your goals!

    Well I’m off to a nice warm shower. Or should I say HOT. I love hot showers! We have an “on demand” water heater, so we never run out of hot water. Now that is my idea of heaven! That and plumeria lotion afterwards LOL. Good night and take care, Meg from Omaha home of the college world series
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Jane - I'm so very sorry for your loss

    Kathy - I certainly never expected Bryan to be living right next door or anything like that. I just can't understand him wanting nothing more to do with us (he's said that not in so many words). I don't even have a problem with him living in another country, but not communicating at all with us???? Oh well...... guess God is trying to teach me something, just wish I knew what it was. We do have a letter, one I had translated into the Spain spanish and another in English, to give Dianna and Bryan basically saying that we wish them well, and as a wedding present we're giving them tickets to the US (which I'm sure they won't take, so that's that much money we've saved) since Bryan is able to spend time with her family but we haven't been able to spend any time with Dianna hopefully we can get to know each other. I honestly don't know how happy he is with Dianna. Jessica said that she was surprised he proposed to her because Jessica didn't feel the relationship was very deep at all. Bryan did tell us that the reason for the rush for the wedding was because his visa expires in August and by marring an EU resident, he won't have the visa issue. Is there love there? I don't know, I suppose there is some. Hope your Yorkie is OK

    Did 50 minutes of Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD, then went to WalMart, then to Lynette's office to take the cake to her, then had to stop at one food store on the way home because (and this really surprised me) WalMart doesn't sell ANY beer in 12oz cans in an 8 pack. I'm dying to try this recipe this weekend for beer can chicken. Then came home and Vince was working on taking off a capstone on one of the retaining walls. See, we're going to put in lighting underneath the capstones just so there's enough lighting on the steps etc. Well, two of the capstones were really glued to one of the blocks so we had to lift all three. Talk about heavy! Eventually, Vince was able to get the capstone that he needs off the block. Now he just has to put a groove in the capstone for the wire for the light. That took A LOT of work. Then we put down more riverock. Guess we worked outside from about 10:30 until 5. Well, Vince was actually out there longer since he cut the grass, I came in and started to get dinner ready. He ran out of gas for the tractor/lawn mower so tomorrow he figures he'll use the lawn mower. We'll probably put Kris and Jessica to work some since we need to replace a gasket on the slide and it takes at least 3 people to do this. Oh, I cleaned out the spa, we ran the robotic cleaner.

    Tomorrow I'll do some incline intervals at the Y then probably go to Aldi's to get water and some other things. I like to have water for Vince to drink (also he likes Gatorade). I think I only have about 8 bottles left so I'll get another case of 24.

    grandmalle - do you take anything to prevent gout? Vince takes Uloric.

    The lady who is altering my dress for the wedding called today. The dress is ready. She couldn't get over how poorly the alterations were done! I'm going to pick it up Tuesday. I bet she's done a great job.

    Made a key lime pie for this weekend and took the fudge cookies out of the freezer so Jessica and Kris have something. Of course, I have cookies for them to take home....lol

    Robin - you've got crossed fingers, toes, eyes, and anything else that can be crossed. Sure hope the interview goes well. I'm sure you'll let us know.

    Baked some sweet potatoes for this weekend, now baking baked potatoes. I know Kris likes sweet potatoes, and so do I. Vince and Jessica don't so they can have the white baked potatoes.

    On the bright side - I admit that I've been stress eating, but I haven't gained very much at all. I was afraid that I'd gain more, but I'm still around 130-135, which is where I've been for the last who knows how many years. Usually, in the summertime I lose more because I'm in the pool or whatever. If this whole Bryan thing hadn't come up, I probably would have. it is what it is. Oh, hot stock tip for anyone. Invest in a company that makes sunscreen. On me alone, the stock will go thru the roof!!! lol Also invest in a company that makes bar soap. Every day I have to take a shower, we're going thru more soap and shampoo than you can imagine.

    Joyce - hope your headache is history very soon.

    Lucy in DE - congrats on the pushups! When we lived in Kennett Square, we always bought our big items in DE. That's one of the things I miss in NC -- no tax free. I want to give Dianna SOMETHING in addition to the wedding gift. I'm thinking that I can take a scarf to her and give her mother maybe a crocheted scaft, just a little something.

    Sue in TX - congrats on the win! We had poison ivy (one of those poisons ivy, sumac, whatever). There is this stuff called "ivy Block". I got it at the drugstore. Basically, you put it on before you go out, the only thing is that you have to wash it off when you come in. But it does work.

    grandmalle - awesome steps

    Heather - have fun in Devon! That's terrible about your ex's sister and how it affected her mother. You've certainly had your share of terrible experiences (Kate)

    jodios - I tried a SkinnyTaste recipe for these mini meatloaves. I was sure they'd be dry as can be, but they were so moist!

    Meg - sure hope Benny Beagle gets better fast. You're right, the closer the wedding gets the more stressed I'm getting. But I'm also trying to take it out in doing the riverrock, not really thinking a whole lot but sweating

    Michele in NC
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Michelle - we love beer can chicken...if you can't get the beer you can always use a can of soda

    Meg - sorry about your fur baby

    Off to shower and bed...have a great night ladies

    Jodios in still hot and a bit muggy N. Il
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I have been line dancing since 2004. When I moved to Washington I found a notice in the paper about a beginning line dance class and I decided to try it. Now I go to classes three mornings a week and am currently teaching the beginning class as a substitute for the regular teacher who is recovering from an injury. I also practice one day a week with a performance group that will dancing at an assisted living place next week and at the county fair in August

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Another lovely day of dancing and dog walking…pedometer says 23,000 steps

    :heart: Barbie from rainy NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Evening,

    Finally a few minutes to sit down and catch up! :smile: Quite a busy but also productive day! I started off with stretching and a dog walk but didn't get the weeding in today. My foot is better but calf is tight as usual after doing water class yesterday. Then for some reason knee pain really kicked in tonight when walking to neighborhood meeting. :grumble: Met with a program director at a college and am seriously considering going for an Associate's in Criminal Justice. Doing some testing tomorrow so we'll see. Then tonight at our Neighborhood Assn. meeting decided to throw my hat in the ring for the newly vacant VP position. It's a volunteer position but figured it'd be interesting and a chance to give back as well as something to add to my resume. Also, if I do pursue a career in this field, I'd probably make some good connections in the community along the way. Again, we'll see. My DD was quite helpful going with me to both the college and meeting tonight!

    Grandmallie - Hope your toe feels better soon!

    Robin - Best of luck on your interview!

    Sue- I don't blame you with not wanting the hassle with the resale shop! I took my long dress and jacket from my son's wedding, which originally was over $200, to a resale shop and was told it would probably sell around $70. Then of course I'd only get 40 percent of that. Come to find out, the day after I dropped it off, all formalwear went on sale for 75 percent off! It sold for next to nothing and I think I ended up with something like $15 out of it. Now I'm just going back to donating my clothes to Salvation Army!

    Heather- Have a great time on your trip!

    Jodios-It caught my attention when you mentioned the Cubs game. I didn't realize before that you live in IL also! I grew up in Chicago and still have family there. What Jessica Smith DVD do you have? Am always looking for new low impact workouts!

    Joyce-I truly feel for you! Because my sister has MS, I know how tough it is on the bad days! :frown: Hugs!

    Meg-Hope Benny Beagle is feeling better soon! It's so hard to watch our furry babies with illnesses!

    Michele-Believe me I understand how tough it is when your son doesn't communicate and you have no idea how he really feels! I am not being judgmental at all! I'm sorry if I came off sounding that way!!! And yes my Benji is feeling better, thanks!

    Barbie-I keep forgetting to tell you that I like the picture of your cat! :smile:

    Hugs at all and to all a good night!

    Kathy, in going to get quite hot IL :drinker: :drinker:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Morning all,
    Michelle, yes I take Allopurinol for gout.. it is not because I eat alot of shellfish or drink, it is all about the kidney disease.
    Toe much better,but like someone else, (cant keep up with who is who)im just not feeling 100% so I wont be going to the gym today and I have to work tomorrow morning.
    yesterday was a busy day,today work from 10-5 and have laundry in the washer..
    trying to figure out what to make the DH for dinner..
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Heather:smile: Hope you have a fantastic time this weekend!

    Meg:smile: Sending good wishes to Benny:flowerforyou:!

    Kathy:smile: Good luck with your projects, sounds like you have some great things going on!

    Happy first full day of summer:flowerforyou: :glasses: :flowerforyou: !!!! I plan on taking some time off:bigsmile: , getting some much needed rest, and enjoying this beautiful season. Hopefully I`ll get to spend a few extra minutes here chatting with everyone:happy: !

    Wishing everyone a fabulous Friday! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in beautiful sunny, low humidity NC:glasses:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: You may have me mixed up with someone else. I never had a stillborn child although my mother had two miscarriages before I was born. She thought the men “brought something back” from WWII. I thought that her chain smoking was the culprit. She was hospitalized for a while during her pregnancy with me and took DES during that time. DES was a bad medical experiment on unsuspecting women and their descendents. :grumble: :angry:

    Michele: I’m sorry that your son has taken such a negative attitude toward you. I hope the situation improves as time passes, and that your experience at the wedding will help put things on a better track. I love your letter idea.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy: I’ve been an officer in our townhouse association in the past. It was a positive experience, but a lot of work. DH is currently treasurer, a job I think he generally enjoys. Active involvement in something like that is good on many levels. Having a mental challenge and serving the neighborhood or city are things that make a person feel useful and productive. They enrich your life and your resume. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Last night while DD and I were enjoying the evening we got to talking about my weight loss. I told her about how helpful MFP has been. She has a friend at work that is apparently also a member and having good results, so she joined. I hope she finds a support group here that is as positive for her as this one is for me. You are all very special. I hope her husband gets on the bandwagon with her once he gets home. Having DH do this with me has really helped me to stay focused and avoid conflicts at home.

    Katla in Sunny and Hot Colorado for a few more days

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    good morning one and all --- hope everyone has a great day!

    Heard from a friend I haven't seen face-to-face in years. He will be in town next week on business and DH and I will meet up with him for dinner one night. (He worked in the WI office of the company and I worked in the GA office, same area of the business, so our paths crossed.) Over the years we have visited some, but mostly kept in touch at Christmas. Saw pictures as each of his daughters arrived and now they are both college girls. Just a joy to know them. I'm really looking forward to it.

    Man-oh-man, did I have leg cramps last night. Ended up getting out of bed for half an hour or so at 2am.

    Have lab work this morning, so I think that afterward I'll enjoy a McDonald's chicken biscuit or something equally out of the ordinary. Michele, maybe I should have a donut in Vince's honor!

    Well, need to get things together and get to the lab before work. Hooray for Friday!!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all. I got up early to water the garden, before I go for a massage. We have two massage schools here and you can get a good massage from a student for $25 an hour.
    Had boiled and broiled chicken wings last night so lots of sodium, I will drink lots of water to rinse it out for Mondays weigh in. They were super good.

    Meg- you like yard work? Sarcasm right? I hope Benny is ok, sending prayers.

    Michele- you can't tell them anything. We also have a Bryan, yes spelled the same, a few years ago he wanted to marry a girl he hadn't know for very long, she lied to her parents and had no manners. He of course didn't listen, now he's paying child support for 2 kids he never gets to see. Does he listen now, no he always tells us He knows what he's doing? Now I just shake my head..

    Kathy- I did the newsletter for the neighborhood assc., that we lived in before we moved out to the country, I did it for two years and walked the neighborhood to deliver them for those same two years. Then one of the people in the neighborhood had his company do it. Raves for him and not even a thank you for me. I was so glad to move out of that neighborhood of stuck up, snobs. Sorry, I am ranting, but I'm still angry over it.

    Have to take a shower and go, when I get back, I have an order to fill for 3 pendants. Have a great on track day all.

    Tigress in GA
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, quick post before I tackle the day. I need to breathe before I have a full blown anxiety attack! :frown: I'm overthinking and wondering if I'm trying to tackle to many new things at once, with the school and position on assn. board. Couldn't sleep well pondering all the potential pitfalls. I am excited about both opportunities and feel like I'm ready to put myself out there and I'm already an active member of out assn. but......? I'm going to take a moment to step back, breathe, eat a good breakfast, watch my guilty pleasure, the TV show Mistresses (which is not quite as scandalous as it sounds :laugh: ), and then tackle the admission test, that I just do from home. I'm so thankful for my DD's help and full support in all of this, not that DH is not supportive, just too wiped out from the stresses of his job to be involved in my goings on at the moment. Our 12 yr anniversary is tomorrow so even though he has to work part of the day, we are hoping to get out and use the giftcard he got for TGI Fridays for Father's day! :smile: Then, I have to help him deal with all the paperwork that has to be filled out before he goes to the Spine Ctr Tuesday! On top of this, investigating a possible re-fi to afford school. Nothing like everything happening at once, :noway: At least it keeps things interesting I guess:smile:

    Tigress- I'm so sorry all your hard work was not appreciated more! It sounds like you put a lot of hard work into doing and delivering a great newsletter. Kudos to you! :flowerforyou: I know what you mean about things like that still getting your blood boiling when you start thinking about it again! At least we have great people in our group, a little drama and conflict, but no snobby stuck-up people, although there is one over-inflated ego (the President).

    Katla- Not afraid of hard work since I already get involved with neighborhood projects and my DD is even thinking since there is no secretary (never has been) that maybe she'll jump in with me but a little leary about being front and center. Good for both of you for your hard work and getting involved! I know what you mean about feeling useful! Since I have been so discouraged with job hunting, I haven't felt too much like a useful member of society lately.

    Sorry for sounding whiny, not trying to have a pity party at all! It's a new day, new me, right?! :laugh:

    Thanks all of you for being you! :heart:

    Kathy in soon to be hot IL :drinker:

    Water Zumba tonight, yay!!
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    I am up well before I planned to get up. And, I am not happy about it! :grumble: Gail, we have something in common today. I flew out of bed about 5:30 a.m. because of a severe leg cramp. My calf was like a rock and my toes were curled towards heaven! I freely admit that I said really bad words! :mad: Do any of you know what cause these cramps? What vitamin or nutrient are Gail and I short of? Hopefully, tonight will better for both of us.

    -I did get those nasty leafy-greens in yesterday, but it was the weirdest way I have ever eaten them! I received a call asking if I could go up to Tucson to sit at the hospital w/ a 98 yr old friend because she was really having a bad day. So I seperated the Romaine lettuce leaves, cut cheese slices and made mini-wraps that I could eat in the car on the drive. Those along w/ a baggie of sugar snap peas were my greens for the day. Weird, but I ate them. (BTW- my friend is getting stronger every day and may be moved back down here to the rehab center today. Blessings happen!)

    - I have a Friday night/ all day Saturday scrapbook crop starting today. I am going to make a no-crust pizza for the crop. Hopefully, it will taste as good as it looks in the picture!

    - Don't think I will get to the pool today, so I will take a couple of short walks to make up for it.

    -Goals for the crop weekend: 1- Take along dinner for tonight and lunch for tomorrow that fit my meal plan
    2- Take along snacks that fit my meal plan.
    3- Take a couple of breaks for short walks around the mall to make up for lack of pool time.
    4- Drink more water than coffee (really, it is harder for me than it should be, isn't that pathetic!)

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Summer Solstice to all the Vitamin F pals, new and old. I have been away a lot, and miss my time here.

    I am hoping that you all have a wonderful day and weekend....

    Completed one major project, working on second to be done in a week or so...and then one final in July!
    It feels like forever...then I will be a free girl again....

    Will try to check in more, thank goodness summer is here, now if the pool would warm up, I will be happy!

    BJ, SWOntario
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Indulging in my guilty pleasure, talking to you lot, when I should be socialising with the group.:huh:
    We arrived, dumped the car, raced to the station to meet DH' s daughter, then took her back to the b and b. Then we sat in a pub until the rest of the party arrived and had a nice chat with everyone. I enjoyed all that. Then the bit I don't enjoy which is trying to get everyone at once to do the same thing. A walk to a pub across the river was proposed, but first everyone had to walk down to our b and b to pick up the champagne and take it back to theirs to chill. By this time I felt I really wanted some R and R. I hadn't even taken my bags out of the car! So we went in to our beautiful room, in a tower, with an upper sitting room with a view over the estuary. Gorgeous! And there is even room on the sofa up there for one of us to decamp if we are having a bad night! :laugh: So, I have sent DH out to find the party again while I stay behind and chill - my favourite pastime. I love people, but can get agitated when there are too many for too long. I will be all the better tonight for a rest and will enjoy the company when 3 more people and a baby arrive for an informal meal. Phew!
    I just hope they don't think I am being rude, but I just do prefer people in small doses and I find it all very tiring. Tonight I am resolved to be charm itself.:bigsmile:
    What a relief to find the wi fi and take a break.:tongue:

    Anyway, the journey was pleasant, the town is lovely and our view is fabulous. I have kept to my calories so far and am hoping to be moderate at the meal tonight. All the extra walking has given me extra calories to eat! I will have 600 exercise calories to eat including the gymming this morning. Some of that will go down in the form of champagne I am sure! :laugh:
    Love to all. Sorry for those with aches and pains etc. My new trainers are rubbing my toe which is annoying.

    Heather in Glorious Devon UK