

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    jb - so glad to hear of Mariah's success. Let's keep praying, it sure does help.

    DeeDee - the a/c repairman just left (5:00), and WE HAVE A/C!!!!! OK, so we're a bit poorer....but we have a/c....lol I remember one time when we were moving from PA to NC and we had a truckload (I believe it was a 28' truck) to put in storage. The temp was 102, but there wasn't much humidity, so we could work. Amazing. No mention of the "r" word in the near future. The bad thing is that I'd like to work outside and Jessica is supposed to be here this weekend. I know that if Kris comes with her, he'll want to help. I just feel badly when guests work. But we do need him. There is a gasket on the waterslide that needs to be replaced before we can use the slide. It takes at least 3 people to do it. So if he comes this weekend, we'll put him to work. The reward will be that at the end of it, he can test out the slide. I know, life's tough.....

    I WAS going to go to yoga today, but when I got to the Y there was a note that it was being held in the community center (which is near there). As it is, I have a very hard time getting there exactly at 7:15, and today was no different. By the time I'd walk to the community center then walk back, I'd only be in the class for 15 minutes. So I skipped that and just swam then took the deep water class. Well, most of it anyway. Tomorrow I'll do the Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism tape then we'll probably work outside. I'm hoping that after exercising, I can go to Bi-KLo (there were a few things that I forgot today) and then take the cake to Lynette. She can keep it in her freezer until she needs it. At least it'll be out of my refrigerator.

    After the deep water class, I stopped at one grocery store on my way home, came home and gave Loki his med, made a salad for me to munch on, then went to senior bowling. I thought for sure by the time I got home from bowling the a/c men would be gone, but only one of the guys was gone, the other was still here. So I fed the cats then ran to a store near us for raisins. I'll probably make some zucchinin pineapple muffins. I'll give some to Kris, some for the Newcomer July general meeting, and who knows if there'll be any left over?

    Lucy in DE - Wouldn't surprise me if one day Bryan needs us. Oh well....it'll probably be somewhat strained, but at that point we'll just take it one day at a time. As far as having extra food, if I make something that I know isn't real healthy and I just want to have out of the house, I give the leftovers to the soup kitchen. Vince always says that I cook for an army....lol Glad you had such a great time at the game

    Pat - when I got my hair done yesterday, the gal who does it was telling me that she studied Spanish and the culture. Her understanding is that the Spanish men are somewhat domineering. Now Vince knows that if he ever said to me "you can't talk to that person", I'd be talking to that person. Part of me is sad, Bryan went to college, graduated summa cum laude, was always in the gifted classes...and what is he doing with his life? Teaching English. Duh...that's his native language, it's not like it takes any special skills. What's going to happen when he's 35 and 40? Oh well....he made his choice. Maybe he's taken on the attitude of whatever...... You know, at bowling today I was talking to this one guy about how we were going away and I just said "we're going to Spain". Normally I would have said "we're going to Spain for my son's wedding"

    Heather - sounds like you picked out a yummy meal.

    yanniejannie - I'm not so sure that the "frost" will melt any time soon. Last time Bryan was in the states (about a year and a half ago), I hadn't seen him for a year, so when I did see him I hugged and hugged him and was crying because I was so happy to be seeing him. His interpretation of why I was crying? He interpreted that as my trying to make him feel guilty about living abroad. Even when I told him that I was crying because I haven't seen him, he still feels that I was crying to make him feel guilty. Like someone (and I don't remember who) said once on here "what can be misinterpreted...will be" I'm so so sorry you had such terrible experiences with the nurses who took care of your mom. Yes, I was wondering if you pursued legal action, what a shame that you didn't. How long has your mother been gone? Maybe the statute of limitations hasn't run out yet. I know that no amount of money will bring her back, but doing something (even if you don't win) might help you to come to terms with this whole thing.

    Vicki - oh, my heart goes out to you! You have no idea how many times I've called Bryan and he doesn't call back. Actually, it's been so long since I've talked to him that when I get his answering machine, I start crying. And he doesn't like that so therefore I don't call, which hurts me but that's the way it has to be. I can't think of any other way. Last time I didn't talk to him for weeks on end, Vince had to call because I would start crying. But this time Vince won't even call, and I know that I start crying when he doesn't answer.

    Joyce - sending you virtual balloons and streamers!

    katla - good for you swimming off that Taco Bell, I'm very proud of you.

    msstallion - welcome! You've come to a great place for support. That's just awesome how you've increased you walking time. Sounds like you really and truly have the desire to lose the weight.

    crittersue - do you have any idea why you have the pain in your ribcage? Hope you feel better fast. Good luck at the doctors. Let us know how it's going.

    brooke - prayers from NC

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just got a call a good friend of mine died this am from lung cancer.She never smoked.
    She was such a wonderful,caring person.
    She endured 56 chemo treatments and fought the fight for 3 years.
    I`ll miss you Mary Ellen,but glad your suffering is over.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Jane - I am very sorry for your loss of a dear friend!!:brokenheart:

    Brooke - I will keep your FIL and MIL in my prayers!

    Juanita - Happy belated birthday! :flowerforyou: Those Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate pieces are delicious! Only tried them once and gave the rest of the bag to my friend so I wouldn't eat it all!

    Michele-DH's eye wasn't contagious. Turned out to be sun damage but won't impact his vision and if it gets worse there is a procedure they can do in the office for it but 50/50 chance of recurrence so he's really not considering it. Turns out the antibiotic drops immediate care prescribed were actually aggravating the eyes more. Sending prayers and good thoughts that your relationship with Bryan gets better in the future! I do agree with Sue about once a son takes a wife... I know that's true with my son. But I also think Barbie's right, you just have to wish him well in his new life and I just thank God daily that my son is healthy and hopefully happy. I'm so glad that you are getting a chance to travel and enjoy yourself after the wedding!

    JB- Continued prayers for Mariah but I'm so glad to hear the surgery was a success!

    Vicki - There are no words to adequately express how much I feel for you over the loss of your son! I'm so glad you have his children to treasure! Thank you for sharing with all of us here!

    Joyce-Don't be too hard on yourself, that 4 inches is definitely something to be proud of, as well of what you have accomplished already!

    Meg-The plumeria line is one they brought back for the sale!!!! The shower gel and body lotion are only $3.00 each and cream $4.00. Don't know if it's still in stores, but just checked online and was still there!

    Lucy-Wasn't it great how much you could get with the sale and coupon! Think I got like 3 or 4 shower gels, 6 hand sanitizers and a body lotion for $22. :smile: :smile:

    Water Zumba was cancelled today but luckily found out in enough time to go to the Water Aerobics class. It's not quite as intense but still fun. Unfortunately, I stepped wrong on the pool drain and yep top of foot was swollen and painful later but icing helped a little. Guess I'll stick to working on yard tomorrow instead esp. before the temps get into the 90's. I actually had a good conversation with my son tonight and am looking forward to visiting him (and his wife) in a few weeks! Well I was writing this my Yorkie got sick :noway: , so think I'll wait and see if his stomach settles down before hitting the sack.

    Take care Vit F pals!

    Kathy :drinker:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies,
    well im back to my to 37 lbs down, but not feeling well this morning.. woke up and took the window fan out of the window and proceeded to drop it on my big toe...it is the one I usually get gout attacks in, but went to the gym anyway. started feeling worse and came home.. I have a busy day today..have to take my neighbor to the refuse station in town, go get my hair cut,go to Sam's and then come home and mow the lawn.. ahhh and this is my day off from work lol
    hope everyone has a sparkly day,and will try and check in later :heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Good morning from a grey, humid Hampshire.:flowerforyou:

    Jane. - a good friend I met through a cancer group died a couple of months ago and it knocked our small group for six. It has taken until now for us to get back in touch, but we are all saying she most definitely would NOT want us to be like this. She was an inspiring and courageous person and the best thing we can do is live up to the example she set. So we are all going to get together and raise a glass to her memory! :love: I am always aware, having had cancer, that life is SO precious and SO unpredictable and the only way to go on is to LOVE and be the best you can possibly be. It has certainly helped me 'seize the day' a bit more when I used to be super cautious. Life is too short, so if I really want to do something now, within reason, I do it. That has made me decide for my 65th birthday to go to New York, whether DH comes with me or not! Funnily enough loads of people have said they will come with me, including #1 son! My next trip to Rome in the autumn was also inspired by these thoughts as for some reason I had never been to somewhere I really wanted to go to. I think it was so special to me (I studied Latin and Ancient Greek and Roman History at school) that I was somehow 'saving it up' ! ! ! ! :noway: Well, thanks to my friend I decided to just get on with it. WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? ! ! ! ! ! :drinker: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Brooke - so sorry your in-laws are going through it. The end of our lives is no fun, is it. Thoughts winging your way and I hope you will be taking care of YOU as well as them.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Welcome to the newbies.:flowerforyou: This group has been such a help to me.

    Joyce - inches are a great NSV! My sodium lbs came off today, but no weight loss this week. If I don't put anything on this weekend I will be SO grateful. I hope to eat small portions of things and when I get hungry in between meals, which I am sure to do, I have apples and nuts and mini pretzels to nibble on. Every one else will be stuffed from their gigantic meals and I will be starving from my small portion! ! ! :laugh: :tongue:

    I might post this evening before I go tomorrow.

    Till then my lovelies,

    Heather from grey, misty Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Not a lot of time this morning, however I do have a few replies.

    Brooke :smile: I know the dreaded plateau well:grumble: :angry: , I`m still trying to figure out what to do. Just keep trying things, surely one of these days doing things right it will start moving in the right direction. Believe me I feel your pain! I`m so sorry to hear about your father in law:flowerforyou: , will be keeping everyone in my prayers!

    Yanniejannie :smile: I wish I had more time I could tell you horror stories about the last time my mom was in the hospital:explode: , it got to the point where someone in the family was always with her, night and day, it was a horrible time made worse by lack of caring in the medical field! Rant away if you need to!!!

    Vicki :smile: My deepest sympathies for the loss of your son:flowerforyou: . My husband died 15 years ago and I so understand the feelings. Sending you a hug!

    Joyce :smile: Congrats on those 4 inches gone!!!!

    Katla :smile: Have a wonderful time in Co. with your daughter and granddaughter! Hope things are perfect for you:flowerforyou: !

    Critter Sue :smile: Feel better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Meg :smile: Slow down:noway: ???? What’s that:huh: :laugh: ???? Hope you feel better today:flowerforyou: !

    Michele :smile: Yay for a/c:glasses: !!!!

    Jane Martin :smile: So sorry for the loss of your friend:flowerforyou: !

    Kathy :smile: Take care of your foot:flowerforyou: !!!

    Grandmallie :smile: Ouch….I know that had to hurt:sad: , I hope you`ll feel better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Okay, I have zero- time left. Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in sunny NC:glasses:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome! This is a great group with members from all over the world. Please sign using your location because it is so much fun to know where people are.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: It is too bad your dance group has to move due to a rent increase, but I’m happy you’ve found a place that will do. I agree that it is great to know I can travel on my own, but I don’t want to have to do it often. I miss DH.:heart:

    Brooke: I’m sorry your FIL has been diagnosed with cancer. I hope it is treatable with surgery and/or drug therapy. My auntie had it and underwent treatment. She lived for many additional years.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I like your seize the day mentality. Some things should not be put off forever. I traveled to New York City as a chaperone for a group of students and had a wonderful time there. This was an exceptionally great group of kids and the people we met along the way were wonderful. I’d expected people in NYC to be rude, but they were quite the opposite, in fact. I’m not sure why I had that preconceived notion. The New Yorkers we met were both friendly and helpful.:flowerforyou:

    Today I’m planning to drive to Boulder to pick up a neighbor’s child from day camp, and meet my daughter for lunch in the process. I woke up with a horrible headache from altitude changes and have taken Advil plus I’m drinking a lot of water. I hope it saves me soon. Coffee would be a big help. I know DD has it, but not where to find it or the coffee maker. :noway: She is evidently not a regular coffee drinker any more.:huh:

    Katla in Sunny Colorado for now

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello dear friends.

    I am sending all the postive thoughts and energy I can to those of you in need. coming here and reading about the true trials we face in life reminds me that my work situation really isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.


    So my "buffer boss" was sent on special assignment so the b wants HR to put me back under her again. Really? So nothing, absolutely nothing has been done since I filed my complaint and I am reporting to her again. I am angry at the company for basically saying I don't matter.

    Requesting crossed fingers:

    I have an interview on Monday for a postition that I networked my way into. (good people giving me good references)

    Thank you all for being here for me over the past 3 years. I really appreciate this lovely group of women.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Drizzly PNW
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, Seems like so many are in need of Hugs and Prayers so I'm sending both out to those in need. Nice to know we have a soft place to fall when all the world is going out of control and all the Ladies here provide that Thank you one and all.
    No outdoor work today its raining of course we had 5 days without it so guess that was a record this year so far, so inside jobs will get done.

    Michele: your trip to spain sounds wonderful, enjoy your time away with your DH like a second honeymoon you guys need the rest
    hopefully your son will come around and be happy your there, you were invited that's a plus

    Hope everyone has a great day take care

    Juanita in Sudbury ont. canada
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Another breezy low humidity day.........this time of year, these are to be treasured and enjoyed!! I'm almost done my squats for the day already. Last night I added going up and down the flight of stairs in my home to the mix......knocked out 10 flights; hope to increase. I got three different weights this am----and all of them repeated several times---so I have no Idea if I've lost of not; I guess I could still be up there stepping off and on; would that be exercise???

    Vicky........I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child; my heart goes out to you............hoping Gary's children continue to help lift your spirits

    Katla..........enjoy Colorado and your family----I've only been through there once and a very long time ago at that but I remember liking it very much

    Barbie.......our folkdance group has had to change location 3 times since I've been going, so I know where you're coming from on that, one location was simply too far away for us to participate

    Meg.......continue to fight the good fight with your students.......good medical staff (and there were some great ones, even if it didn't sound like that yesterday) are always needed.........I was sooooooooo discouraged and upset with my profession that I stopped even renewing my license after my mom died

    Brooke.........so sorry to hear about your FIL's lung ca.

    Janemartin..........also sorry about your friend, may she rest in peace

    Michele............it's been 9yrs., and realistically, I don't think the courts are interested in the least in the death of an old (late 80's) woman with dementia........as much as I wish it were different. The woman (a director of nursing) with the staff I had the most complaints about, with the staff that made the most frequent, outrageous, and downright dangerous errors, was named "nurse of the year" by her rehab centers' parent company 2 months after my mother died, announced with a full page ad in the local paper.

    Dee Dee..........So sorry to hear that you faced the same situation
    I share your pain and anger; it just should NOT happen!

    Take care, ladies----onward AND downward!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! You all are so active and I love to catch up on your lives. Thank you all for including me.

    It’s a beautiful sunny day here in Ontario. It’s not too hot or humid. Too bad I have to work through most of it :grumble: I dyed my hair last night…I had a goal of getting to be under 300 lbs before going to get it done. At this rate my hair will be down to my knees and I’ll be totally gray. Hmph. At least the gray is gone..yay :happy:

    My DD is doing amazing at keeping up with her exercise & healthy eating choices. It would be nice if she could get her weight under control before she hits 30. Of course she loses it easier than I do but I’m ok with that. I’m so proud of her.
    I’m still drinking my 8 glasses of water every day even though I’m still spending a lot of my time in the bathroom. At least I’m getting my steps in too :noway:

    Brooke - I will keep your FIL and MIL in my prayers!

    Jane – so sorry for your loss of such a great friend.

    Michele – I will pray for you & Bryan. I don’t know how I would handle not being in constant contact with either of my kids. Sometimes they have to make their own mistakes only to find out that they really do need us. My DS dropped out of high school in grade 10, it broke my heart. He regrets it now and is considering applying to college as a mature student and taking the upgrading to get into college. He is working and doing well but could be doing so much better. He too is so darn smart, what a waste. Be patient with him, he will come around.

    Critter sue – sorry you aren’t feeling well, I hope you feel better soon.

    Jb – wonderful news about Mariah, praying for a complete recovery and good news too!

    Vicki – I’m so so sorry for your loss of your son. We should not bury our children. We should outlive them. I’m glad you have your grandchildren that carry on for him.

    Barbie – what type of dancing do you do? I love your saying, it’s so true that we are the only ones that hurt when we hold onto anger.

    Meg – they just started selling fitbit here in Canada. I wanted to get the fitbit flex but went online to order and they were sold out before the date they were even available. I guess I’ll try and find another way to buy one.

    Robin – so sorry for your boss troubles. It makes working unbearable….been there. I really hope that the interview goes well on Monday.

    Have a great day everyone! Smile & make healthy choices :heart:

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning Vit F women. I need all the help I can get today. I went to bed with a really bad headache last night, had very restless dreams all night and this morning the headache is worse. I took my Aleve and hope it helps soon because I don't even feel like eating.

    All this talk about bad care in hospitals makes me kind of glad that God took me off work when he did. It was beginning to get difficult with nurse/patient ratio and sending patients home to early before I left. I wasn't brought up to be that kind of nurse and am so glad I didn't have to.

    We went to Schnucks the other night to pick out a flower for MIL and I was out of my yogurt I eat for my bedtime snack so I got it there. I got the Schnucks brand and it is so much thicker than my Walmart brand I usually get. It's not like the Greek, I don't like that but I will definetely got back to Walmart for future yogurt.. I also can't find the Bear Naked fit granola anywhere but Target so I tried a box of Quacker granola that has honey and almonds in it. So when my bag of the other is gone I will try the new one.

    I hurt so bad I don't feel like eating but I know that I have to. I am not going to got ot he Y feeling like this. I feel like I cold throw up on some one. I don't have migraines so that's not it.

    Have a good day everyone, stay cool, drink your water and remember to give your pets all the love you can
    Joyce, southern Indiana
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    No drama- just the facts- Yesterday was a "lost day". Too hot, too tired, too emotional= eating without thinking. So, I will start over today. Boy, I just hate it when all that stuff gets in the way of my taking care of myself, but it happens, so.... here we go....... For today- I will plan my food. I will get some exercise (even though I slept through water aerobics). I will eat some of those nasty green, leafy things. I will NOT kick myself for yesterday. (Do any of you remember "The Lost Weekend" w/ Frank Sinatra from all those years ago? That's how I feel this morning, all hung-over and no alcohol was involved!) Alright, my friends, I am off to have a good day, and I hope you all have one, too
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Ok- After the drama post, I went back and read all of the posts I have missed over the last two days. Oh, it is hard to read about others who are having difficultties and suffering when we are not close enough to give real hugs, but I am sending them ..... (((((my friends))))))

    YannieJannie- I am so sorry that the medical care system let you down in such a traumatic and violent way. There is nothing to say to correct or make any of those experiences go away or change, but you need to know that there are people out here (and probably in your own personal life) who are willing to listen, pray with you, and support you through your anger, disappoint and grief.

    Vicki- I am so sorry for your loss. Jan. 9, 1982- I lost a 14 yr old son. Time away doesn't matter. Loss is painful and ever present when it is a child. It always amazes me that some anniversaries go by and I can be okay for that day, and others go by and are devastating. I guess we just take our lives one day at a time, and we continue on. Live in the moment and enjoy those moments of wonderful memories and soft reminders of the gift that your son was in your life. Be well, my friend.

    Suzy- That white stuff on the ground in your picture...... I packed up and moved 2,000 miles to get away from that stuff! :laugh:

    Msstallion38- Welcome! I find your picture absolutely fascinating! There must be a wonderful story behind that artist's eye of yours! :flowerforyou:

    Critter Sue- Glad you are going to the dr. Sending healing vibes your way! :wink:

    BarbieCat- I wish I lived near you so I could take your classes! :love:

    Brooke- So sorry about the diagnosis- Healing prayers for you and your FIL

    ExerMom- I really hope that you look at your son through loving eyes and that you both see the love. I pray that you both see only positive things about each other, and that your love for each other strengthens.
    (I do need to tell you, however, that I 'taught English' for 32 years, and that it certainly does take a few special talents)

    Jane- I am so sorry.

    Joyce- I hope the headache goes away quickly! I am so sorry that your are suffering.

    Take care, my friends, stay well!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    We are in for a wonderful stretch of beautiful weather just in time for the beginning of summer. Thank goodness, because I am SO over all that rain! I am fortunate to be on a hill, so we never have problems with flooding, but it was all too much! Going to work is a drag in torrential downpours.

    I was asleep on the couch by 8:00 last night and DH woke me up to go up to bed around 9:30. :yawn: I was exhausted after getting to bed so late the night before! I feel MUCH better today, though. Well rested, and although I’m sore, it’s the good kind of sore. I wonder if you ever get to the point where you are NOT sore anymore? I got my exercise in this morning. Lunges, push-ups, and curls with dumb bells. I’m getting so much better at the push-ups. I could hardly do two or three when I started, and now I can do about twenty. I haven’t been using my pedometer because I still never got a chance to get a replacement clip for the one that broke when my pedometer fell in the street a month ago. I am going to meet a girlfriend in Philly tomorrow (day off) for lunch and we plan to go shopping, so I’m going to look for something then. I know that there is tax-free shopping in Delaware, but I still love my Philly stores, and luckily, there is no tax on clothing or shoes even in Philly, so Marshall’s….here I come! I don’t often buy myself new clothing and/or shoes because I tend to shop at thrift stores, but once in awhile it’s uplifting to get something new, especially since losing the weight. It feels good to try stuff on that actually looks good on me. It’s a great motivator to stay focused and stay on track. Hmmmmm….that’s what I’m going to tell DH about my shopping trip! Sounds reasonable to me.

    :grumble: Brooke – Those plateaus can last for awhile at our age (sorry), but stick with it and you will eventually see results! Also, I’m NOT a runner….never have been. Believe me, I am not running for the whole time. I run for a bit (enough to get my heart rate up), and then walk for a bit. I WILL say that my legs are SORE, and they never were when I was walking/jogging on the TM. I wanted to change it up because I read somewhere that if you do the same things every day, your body will get used to it and it won’t be effective anymore. If sore muscles are any indication, it’s working! Prayers going out for your MIL and FIL.

    :happy: Heather – I’ve always wanted to try those OTC tan lotions. Let me know how they look. I’m glad you’ve decided to have a good time at the party and not worry so much about the calories. If I had to watch everything I eat every day for the rest of my life, I don’t think I could do it, but if I allow myself a day of guilty pleasure here and there, I find it easier to stay on track the rest of the time.

    :angry: Yanniejannie – I understand your frustration with the medical system. I took care of my bed-ridden mother for 10 years, and we had plenty of interaction with hospitals and rehabs. Sometimes speaking up worked, and sometimes not so much, but we do the best we can for our loved ones and that’s all we can do.

    :brokenheart: Vicki – So sorry for your loss. It’s never easy losing a child. It’s just not natural. His legacy will live on in his children.

    :wink: Suzy – Great attitude! Patience and persistence are key to weight loss at our age!

    :smile: Joyce – Congrats on your NSV of inches lost! That’s quite an accomplishment!

    :glasses: Katla – Enjoy your trip with DD and DGD! Good for you getting in your exercise while on vacation!

    :happy: Msstallion38 – Welcome to our group. Sounds like you have a great attitude and already are off to a good start.

    :flowerforyou: CritterSue – I hope that pain isn’t serious. Keep us posted.

    :frown: Meg – I think we all have those blah days sometimes. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

    :happy: Michele – Try and keep a positive attitude about the wedding, and maybe you’ll be surprised to find things between you Bryan and Diane improve. I really hope you can enjoy your time with them and hope the rest of your vacation is wonderful too. Sounds like a fabulous itinerary.

    :cry: Janemartin – So sorry about the loss of your good friend.

    :glasses: Kathy – The sun can be a wonderful thing, but we have to be so careful because there is so much damage it can do. I hope your DH’s eye condition improves soon.

    :wink: Robin – Best wishes that your job interview results in an improved work situation.

    I am off tomorrow, so I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. They are predicting beautiful weather for the first time in a long time around here, so I am looking forward to spending some time in the sun!:glasses:

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each.
    Consistent logging
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Find an exercise class I enjoy

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Thurs.
    Thanks for all the sympathy wishes.She will be missed by many.
    How true life is short,as someone else said,what are you waiting for?
    Have a good one.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    afternoon chica's,
    just came in from mowing the lawn, got my hair cut,then to sam's bought myself more clothes,most on clearance:bigsmile:
    and my pedometer says 13,000 steps and the fitbit is 10,000 + so I dont know which one is off, but hey honest I will take either...
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Can you believe it's almost 3 in the afternoon and I still have my "patio" dress on. Been moving clothes from one closet to another and trying on before deciding whether to give away or save. My DD said I should take them to the resale shop since some of them are really expensive clothes but I'm not sure I want the hassle of that!
    We won 1St place gross in our flight! I was so pleased as it's the first time in awhile I've done so well in a tournament. However it was really hot and humid. I brought most of my lunch home for DH and he had it for dinner. I was so exhausted I went to bed at 8:30 and slept until 7 this morning.
    Michele - I think what I've gotten into is either poison ivy or oak or something. Unfortunately I'm very allergic to it so may have to cal dr tomorrow about a shot.Its beginning to spread and once that happens it's a mess.
    I've read all the posts and send prayers for all that requested. Going to go take a nap and try to get my energy back.
    Promise to be more responsive tomorrow.
    Sue in TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    whooo hooo im over 16,000 steps , i am freaking amazed.. and Im not even tired ....
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Dull headache now. So much better, thanks all for your concern. I took a nap and slept 2 hours.

    Lucy, I keep my pedometer in my pocket and it works fine. I hate the clip

    Joyce, Indiana