

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Heather, I would love the name of that Band B for our next visit to jolly old!

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies - happy 1st day of summer!!!

    :smile: Phoo513 – I enjoy living here in Delaware as we get all 4 seasons, but the winters aren’t too horrible. The picture was taken on my 50th birthday as I summited Mount Kilimanjaro.
    :wink: Lucy – wish I had off today, it is absolutely beautiful outside! I also like to rummage around Marshalls and TJ Maxx for great deals.
    :wink: Yardtigress – how nice you are able to get low cost massages.

    I have done really well on my goals. I have gotten all my cardio in, have averaged 19k steps each day, logged all food, and today I started some arm exercises w/5 lb weights. Also, I have finally gotten some southern movement on the scale, which makes me very happy.

    Be well,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well today is another day!!!! And it's beautiful. I went to bed last night at 9:30 and got up at 11:30 this morning. I'm kind of stiff from sleeping that long but other than that OK. That's for all the good wishes.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy summer everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Beautiful day here, the sun's trying to come out from behind the clouds. I have a very busy day ahead.

    Just wanted to stop by for a minute to let you know Mariah's tumor was malignant. :cry: Lots of testing going on right now to determine if there's any more cancerous tissue around the area, and she'll have a spinal tap next week.

    All we can do now is wait. Thank you all for you continued positive thoughts and prayers. :heart:

    Be good, be kind. Eat well and be well!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good afternoon from HOT Nebraska. The heat just drags me down, so admit I stay inside as much as possible. I missed yesterday and finally caught up on everyones posts. I do enjoy hearing about everyones news. This thread is great support.

    Joyce- Congrates on the lost inches. That is as good as pounds. Hope you are feeling better.

    Katla- Gald you and DH are enjoying your family visits. I love the time I get to spend with my DGC. I have 27 and one due in Nov.
    They make me feel young and in need of a nap.

    Msstallion38- Welcome and glad to have you as part of our group.

    CrittleSue- Good luck at the Doctor and hope you are feeling better soon. I think being sick when it is hot is harder.

    Brooke- Sorry to hear about you DFIL. My prayers go out to all of you.

    Michelle- Praying for you and DS. I know we want things to be better for our kids but they don't want to listen. I know my son(Jon) just tells me its his life. So I have learned to keep my mouth shut. I do think the letters is a good idea and a small gift. Hopefully when they have childrean they will have a better understanding of how we feel. Keeping you all in my prayers. Sounds like you will have a great trip and see lots of different places. What a Blessing!

    Jane- Sorry about your friend, Mary Ellen. I lost a friend I had since grade school several years ago from Breast Cancer.

    Kathy- Glad DH eyes are doing better and you know for sure what is going on. That helps alot. Hope puppy is feeling better. We have had our share of visits to the vet the last couple weeks. Happy 12th Anniversary!! Every year is something to be proud of.
    I bet you will do fine with the Townhouse Association. I was elected secertary of our CMA chapter this last year. Every month is an adventure.

    Grandmallie- Sounds like you were having an interesting day. Hope your foot is better soon and congrats on 16,000 steps. I am lucky to get much over 3000.

    Heather- Thanks for words of wisdom. Life is to short to worry about what others think. I work on that everyday.

    Robin- sending you prayers and Good Luck with the job. Since the hospital I work for went with a network we are now just a number not a person.

    Pat- I understand about lost days. Hope things are better. Sorry about the loss of your son. Some anniversaries go by without a thought and then somedays everything reminds me. Then I get so mad at him for getting himself killed. Gary and a friend were hit my a train walking on tracks in the middle of a feild.

    Meg- Sorry about Bennys lab work not being good. Hope that turns around for you soon.

    Gail and Pat- I get those leg cramps sometimes and they wake me up and out of bed. Feels like my toes are going one way and ankels another. Hurts like ????. I find I seem to get them when I am low on potassuim or too much caffine.

    I hope everyone has an good weekend and stays cool. We are going to Lincoln this evening to Branch Oak lake to stay with our son and his family. They have been there camping all week. Then in the morning going to get up and head to Cedar Rapids Iowa to visit our other son and then on Sunday go up and spend sometime with Gary's girls. Tober's birthday is Sunday and looking forward to that. She kind of gets depressed around her birthday since her dad was killed three days before she was born. I do not look forward to the long drive, but love spending time with the grand kids. I hope to find a computer to keep logging my food. DH is going to try and get it on my phone. Have to see how that goes as I sometimes have trouble answering the phone without it doing strange things.

    Blessings, Vicki gi Nebraska
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    So Bodi and Ritter, mostly Bodi, like to dig a nice hole to lay in when it gets a little warm. For Bodi that means the sun is shining and it is above 65 degrees. So we have had a few warm days and I have a huge hole in my flower bed. Then yesterday it rains buckets. Now I have a pond in my flower bed. I also have very muddy foot prints every time they go out. It wasn't a problem with mud until this new hole. I am not sure what I am going to do, other can keep mopping up paw prints and getting an occassional muddy print on my clothes. I still love the beasty boys but right now they are on my last nerve.

    Ever since I started the challenge at work I have actually gained some weight. I am not sure why. I move more and eat the same. I am much more stressed though so I am thinking that is it.

    This weekend I am going to color my hair so I look good for the interview Monday.

    Take care lovely ladies.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    some what muddy PNW
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump for busy June
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh, Jb.........I am soooo sorry to hear about the tumor, hoping they got it all and follow up is manageable....please continue to keep us posted on that beautiful little girl

    Robin........best wishes that you "break a leg" at the interview

    Katla............I'm a DES daughter too
    wonder just how many of us there are???????

    Phoo.....thank you for your kind words.........one of DD's majors is English, but she claims teaching isn't for her; even though one of her campus jobs is tutoring in it........sorry to hear of the loss of your son too

    Jodios.......nice to see you posting; miss your more frequent ones

    Meg...........too awful about Benny Beagle's lab work
    Crestor, anyone?

    Sue...........congrats on a fantastic golf game!!!

    Lucy...........yes, we do the best we can do at the time, I agree...........enjoy your week end and Philly..........have you ever eaten at Moshulu?? Quite the experience!

    Heather..........hope you continue to enjoy your room and social week end........so, how are the reactions you are getting to the new you???

    Last night did tai chi and yoga........today a long yoga session---almost 1 1/2 hrs. Major NSV in that this young (and I mean young, maybe 22) kid said I really LIKE your new hair, miss...........MISS, he called me "miss"!!!........so much better than all the Ma'm's you get constantly around here. He's the check out person at a store I go to fairly often; guess he hadn't seen me for over a month, since I got it cut. Actually, it has made a huge difference and I'm glad I got it cut. Also, I got a pair of skinny jeans on sale
    to replace those that were falling off
    usually $57.98..........for...........are you ready??? $18.77!!!!!! Happy dance!!! and ..............they made too many rotissere (sp?) chickens in the early batch and marked them down to $3.99
    got 2 of those!!!

    Sometimes it's the small things!!!!

    Take care ladies,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

    Bernie thanks you for all your kind words about his picture.

    Bernie is six years old and has lived with us since the day he was old enough to leave his mother.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~and happy summer.Hot and humid today.Storms coming thru.
    Made my appts for routine pap and eye exams,been putting it off.
    Love the pic of Bernie.
    Have a good one.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    For those with leg cramps, I take magnesium, it works every time.

    Tigress in GA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tigress: Right now I’d love a $25 massage, or a free massage, or maybe even a full price one. Packing around a toddler is making me remember that my back went out every time her momma gained a few ounces way back when.:tongue:

    Kathy: You don’t seem to be holding a pity party. You’re contemplating making big changes and deserve to feel flustered now and then. Take on a little if it seems like a good fit. If both things are too much, ease out of the one least satisfying.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I get overwhelmed in groups sometimes. Taking a little break seems like a great strategy. I hope you enjoy your trip.:flowerforyou:

    JB: I’m so sorry Mariah’s tumor was malignant. That has to scare everyone all over again. I hope they were able to get every little bit of it and propose a treatment plan that will be bearable.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Knowing you look your best will help give you confidence. Your doggy created pond is a hoot. I think I enjoy hearing about it because your attitude is feels like a wry grin.:wink:

    yanniejannie: My daughter is a DES grand-daughter and it has affected her somewhat, too. There are undoubtedly too many of us. Congratulations on the NSVs. The “Miss” compliment is delightful. The skinny jeans are awesome. Woo Hoo!:bigsmile:

    I’m having some quiet time in my room while DGD is sleeping. She’s had quite a day. It started with a major tantrum when Momma had to go to work. My poor daughter was so conflicted about leaving and the baby worked it like a pro.:devil: After my daughter left and she settled a bit, DGD had some amazing firsts in the potty training department. No accidents all day, and did everything herself. :bigsmile: I feel worn to a nubbin though. :tongue: DH is getting tired of visiting his sister and looks forward to going home but I’m still here until Monday, and won't get there until Tuesday. We’ll probably be running for home from there on Wednesday. DD and I are planning to visit a Renaissance Fair on Sunday. I don't want to miss that opportunity to have fun with her and DGD.:love:

    Katla, temporarily in Sunny Colorado

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Just a quick post.....it was a perfect day for a run, and I got mine in this morning. My big NSV was not making excuses not to run on my day off.:happy: Met my girlfriend for lunch at Applebees and then headed to Marshalls. I got myself a new pair of shoes and a new bathing suit, which, I have to say, looks pretty darn good on me! Then headed to Burlington where I got a few blouses and a clip (baby pacifier clip) for my pedometer. Of course, now that I'm home, I can't FIND my pedometer!:grumble: I put it away somewhere where it would be "safe". Uh...oh....that's always a problem! I know it'll turn up sooner or later, but I sure hope it's sooner!

    :ohwell: Joyce - When I run in the mornings, I wear yoga pants which do not have pockets, so I really need the clip.

    Gotta run....Have a great weekend!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening my friends,
    Hope everyone is having a good friday.. Finally Friday though I have to work tomorrow...only a half day...
    well today was a slow day for me exercise wise, but at least got the 7500 steps in...
    wont be able to get to the gym tomorrow either because they shorter hours on the weekends..this week I was a slacker going to the gym.But I wont give up...
    I know it wont happen but would love to lose the last 3 lbs by next Sunday... to hit the 40 lb mark. the 30th is my birthday and it would be a thrill...but alas I wont sweat it:tongue:
    Meg- poor Benny Beagle,bet he had a nice nap today huh?
    Pat-leg cramps I think is low pottasium- have a banana before bedtime.. I do take magnesium also ,but every once in awhile I get a doozie. hope it feels better.
    Lucy good for you.. and the pedometer will show up.. I am crazy I guess but have my fit bit flex,which is a bracelet type thing and pedometer and I wear them both...
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    :cry: News received regarding my dear Father In Law, sadly his cancer is of the virulent variety - 5 to 7 months without chemo, 12-18 months if he decides to do chemo. He's currently in denial about cancer at all so will be awhile before he's prepared to make those decisions. Have been busy gathering information about travel options for both my husband and his brother who lives here, but hard to do with no firm dates yet to work with. FIL is (probably) being discharged Tuesday. They live 2 hours away from the hospital/medical facilities so poor MIL is even more exhausted than she would be and she's still recovering from recent surgery. Continued prayers/positive thoughts would be appreciated. :sad:

    Vicki in NE – thanks for the encouragement! So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear son. I know how difficult these anniversaries can be. You are wise to focus on the blessing he was and the blessings he left behind :flowerforyou:

    Joyce – Wow! You really lost 4 inches since June 7th??? That is awesome! That’s the last date I measured and I’m exactly the same today :tongue:

    Meg – Sorry to hear that Benny is not fully recovered. Hope the testing will find the problem so it can be treated and you can all coexist more comfortably! :wink:

    DeeDee – So glad to hear you’re going to get some time off, you’ve been busier than the Tazmanian Devil! Do something nice for yourself, you deserve it. :smile:

    Robin – Keeping you in my thoughts as you interview for the new position, hope if it’s a job you want you get an offer. As for dogs digging holes, my Siberian husky did that too, dug a big hole in the shade to lie in to keep cool (he was the same one who was terrified of thunder and curled up in a ball in the bathtub during storms) - - gotta love our furkids! :bigsmile:

    Pat and Gail – Try adding potassium to your diet (food or supplements) to ward off cramps. Also hydration is very important :drinker:

    Heather – Your lodgings sound beautiful! I relate so much to your preferring people in smaller doses and needing time to yourself. I’ve no doubt at all that you will indeed be “charm itself” tonight. :wink:

    JB – So sorry to hear about Mariah’s pathology results. My nephew had a brain tumor more than 6 years ago, and after treatment he has been fine thus far. Hoping that to be true for your angel too! :flowerforyou:

    YannieJannie – Wow – multiple NSV’s!!!! I totally feel you about being called “ma’am” UGH! Skinny jeans and yummy chicken on sale? You should buy a lottery ticket girl :laugh:

    Barbie – Bernie is beautiful :smile:

    Katla – Having never had children (therefore no grands) I must say the process sounds pretty daunting! Enjoy your time with them (and your quiet time) :happy:

    Lucy – :laugh: “putting it in a safe place” glad to hear I’m not the only one!!!! :wink:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies-

    I think the leg cramps were just a warning- about 10 a.m. I got a full-blown, crap I hate this headache followed by intestinal cramps. After pain meds and a long nap, I am up and moving again. I think I just got tired out from driving back and forth to Tucson and worrying about my friend. But, I am better now, and am going to go out and socialize at the scrapbook store for a while.

    Thanks for all of your suggestions about the magnesium and potassium. I have not been eating the bananas because they are so danged high in calories! (pathetic, aren't I) I bought some today.

    I am so sorry to hear about the test results for Mariah. I will certainly keep her on our prayer chain and in my daily prayers. Miracles do happen.

    My teaching career was spent in very small schools. They were k - 12, and I did all of the general English/Lit/Writing classes for the junior and senior high students. It was a most unique way to teach. I could, and often did, have the same kids for all 6 years, and I also had them in my drama club, yearbook staffs,& speech teams. I attended their games, and they hugged me after church on Sundays! We knew each other so well that it was like a huge extended (and sometimes dysfunctional) family. It was wonderful. Those who only see the students for a semester or a year and then they all move on, really have a completely different experience. I do not know if I would have enjoyed that type of teaching, but I am grateful everyday for the time I spent in the classroom.

    Ok- It is time for me to put on "outside the house" clothes, and go have some fun. BTW, I made a gluten-free, cream cheese crust pizza to take to the crop. If we cut it into 8 pieces, the calorie cut is 244 per serving. Now, hopefully, it will taste good.

    Have a great night!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have continued to be a little nauseated today but a lot of it was taken care of with a huge session in the bathroom. My calorie count is going to allow me to have a Weight Watchers fudge bar!!!!!

    MB, so sorry to hear about the pathology report. Children have such a huge resilence to disease and just take it and continue to be happy kids. They are the ones who help the adults through it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    jb-so sorry about the report.Praying for you and her .
    Good night all
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi hi to all my lovely friends. :flowerforyou: Boy it was hot and starting to get humid today. I went to aquacize and it was hard today! We used the weights and also the “noodle” as a weight for most of the time. My elbow was hurting when I got home and it was swollen so I iced it for a while then went a-gardening. I trimmed up the rest of the peonies and almost finished the roses. I started cutting back the columbines but noticed they have not yet gone to seed, so I left them. I also finished the little test bank and sent it off. Hooray! That’s one more item off my plate! Now since I’m just waiting for page proofs on the nursing text, I have some free time to get some other things done!

    Today was a day I ate back some of my calories! I was starving all day long but at dinner could not eat any salad. I did get 30 grams of fiber though. Need to up the water. I won’t get all my steps in today since it was water aerobics.

    This morning DH (bless his little heart) gave Benny the wrong medications. He gave him a sedative from when he had his surgery and one of his old liver pills we kept until we had this blood work done in case he needed to go back on them. Funny thing was he wouldn’t take them….DH even tried just shoving them down his throat. He finally got them in and poor Benny was passed out most of the day. I came down, put the right pill in “doggy deli” and he snarfed it right up! I think DH was a little pissed!:laugh:

    Michele: I’m sure you will look lovely in your dress that now has good alterations!

    Jodios: thank goodness for air conditioning!

    Barbie: wow your step count is awesome! I love the picture of Bernie

    Kathy: sounds like you are stepping out and taking on some new challenges! Good for you

    Grandmallie: hope that toe is getting better!

    DeeDee: I thought it was illegal in NC to not have humidity during the summer! :tongue:

    Katla: I’m sorry I mixed you up with someone! Good thing ES is off the market at least for pregnant women…they use it now for Hanson’s disease (leprosy)

    Gail: donuts! They are always yummy!:heart:

    Tigress: I actually do like yard work; I even like mowing. I can’t stand trimming though…hurts my back. I love puttering around, cutting a few flowers here and there, that sort of thing.

    Pat: those green leafies didn’t sound so nasty the way you ate them today! Good job. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium all
    can cause leg cramps if they are too low. My culprit is the magnesium.

    BJ: here’s hoping you get a nice refreshing swim in soon!

    Heather: good for you to be so consistent even on holiday. Enjoy your trip!

    Suzie: 19000 steps??? Wow you are getting close to Barbie!

    Jb: so sorry to hear the news about Mariah.:sad: I hope they were able to get all the cancer and she’ll do well with whatever treatment is left. I’ll continue sending my prayers to her, her family, and you:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: boy its hot here near Omaha too! UGH. I love Branched Oak lake but haven’t been there in years. Try to stay cool….it will be in the 90s all week here.

    Robin: still keeping those fingers and toes crossed for the interview!

    MISS yanniejannie: wow lots of victories for you today! I bet you felt great all day!:happy:

    Lucy: yay for bathing suits that actually look good!

    Brooke: oh, dear. I’m so sorry about your fil. I will be sending prayers and good thoughts for you and dh, fil, and mil. Take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:

    We had a spectacular dinner; steak with mushrooms, asperagus with cherry tomatoes and balsalmic vinegar, an interesting potato salad with lime, and of course the salad I did not eat. And I got a glass of wine….yay. Tomorrow is my first free day in 3 weeks; we are going to breakfast, to the farmer’s market, and then out to dinner at the Bonefish Grill. Can’t wait!!!

    Everyone have a great day and stay cool!

    Take care, Meg from Omaha, home of the college workd series where everyone is sweating now

    June goals:
    90 ounces of water
    6500 steps
    <1800 calories/day
    Exercise 5x/week
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: This morning the regular line dance teacher came to class for the first time since March. She danced most of the dances and everyone was glad to see her. It was a bittersweet event for me. I am happy that my friend is finally feeling strong enough to dance again but am sad at the idea of not teaching the class anymore except on an occasional basis. I don’t know what the next chapter will be. She said she would be in touch with me about what we’ll do next week. On an even happier note, a woman who has battled cancer for years and hasn’t danced for many months showed up and said she felt weak but wanted to start back dancing in the beginner class and refresh her memory about the dances.

    :flowerforyou: This has been another lovely day, getting up early to walk the dogs before a 7 AM meeting and teaching line dance at 9:30 then a restful afternoon with Jake interrupted by dog walking, a short nap, and cooking roast chicken with veggies and quinoa/sprouted rice. We’ll be in bed early again tonight…..pedometer counted 24,000 steps.

    :heart: Barbie from rainy NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."