The January Gym Crowd



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Nazy_Ak wrote: »
    Thank you @jofjltncb6‌ that's really nice to hear! It's not so much that they would get in MY way, but rather that I will be that annoying person doing low intensity whilst they twiddle their thumbs waiting to do a 'proper' workout lol.

    We have actually looked into gyms in our local area and doing research through reviews etc so we can decide what gym is right for us. My husband has said he is willing to come along for moral support (he pretty fit already). I guess the best option would be to do a trial the gym offers and see how I feel.

    You have pushed me abit further along my decision :)

    Taking your husband with you is a great idea...and not just because he's your husband. Taking *anyone* with you will make this new ordeal infinitely easier.

    I'm a very confident person even in(/especially in) new situations...but having someone with me essentially eliminates any possible anxiety I might have. And most importantly, if something crazy does go down, I have someone with whom I can discuss it.

    And definitely try gyms before you sign up. Different gyms just *feel* different. And go when you'll be using them most often...because that feel often changes depending on the day/time of day.

    TL;DR - Having a "did that really just happen?" partner is invaluable.
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    Thank you @999tigger‌ if I do go I do have a rough idea what's a decent routine but to fair at this weight anything would help! Lol. But Yeh maybe the first session with a personal trainer may help with confidence.

    I may just wait few months. Totally undecided lol
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    *Sorry for missing out so many words in that post, anxiety issues! Lol but you get what I mean :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Nazy_Ak wrote: »
    Thank you @999tigger‌ if I do go I do have a rough idea what's a decent routine but to fair at this weight anything would help! Lol. But Yeh maybe the first session with a personal trainer may help with confidence.

    I may just wait few months. Totally undecided lol


    Now is the *perfect* time to go. Crowds have started thinning slightly from Resolutioners, but still enough of them there so you're less likely to feel like the only new person.

    Seriously. Go. This week. You'll thank me later this year.
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    That's really good advice @jofjltncb6‌ thanks!!
    I'll keep those points in mind when shopping around :)

    Haha yes, got to have a person like that around, we always look at each other when we think somethings weird or hilarious :D that would definitely alleviate some anxiety!
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »

    Now is the *perfect* time to go. Crowds have started thinning slightly from Resolutioners, but still enough of them there so you're less likely to feel like the only new person.

    Seriously. Go. This week. You'll thank me later this year.

    I am definitely considering and you are definitely motivating me lol but I also have real anxiety problems than lead to panic attacks if I don't get it under control. I sound like a shy person but I'm not! I have moments of extreme anxiety and then I'm me again lol

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm not a gym member. I need to know what I can do at home.

    About crowds?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Nazy_Ak wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »

    Now is the *perfect* time to go. Crowds have started thinning slightly from Resolutioners, but still enough of them there so you're less likely to feel like the only new person.

    Seriously. Go. This week. You'll thank me later this year.

    I am definitely considering and you are definitely motivating me lol but I also have real anxiety problems than lead to panic attacks if I don't get it under control. I sound like a shy person but I'm not! I have moments of extreme anxiety and then I'm me again lol

    Tbh you are making it into something bugger than it is. A personal trainer for a few sessions could ease you into the comfort zone and be worth it for you imo. Not sure which bits you are anxious about but if its people just go at a less busy time.

    Choose your gym carefully, some are really nice community ones that are less intimidating.

    In the meantime walk ten minutes a ay and increase it by five ot ten on a regular basis.

    Focus on your diet, weighing food and getting the logging correct for weight loss.
  • Pucks_and_Balls
    Pucks_and_Balls Posts: 95 Member
    I go to my gym at off-peak times, and there's a local college that includes the membership in tuition. I haven't had any problems getting a machine, but sometimes during my workout I notice that it either gets more crowded or people finish up, which leaves the cardio room not really crowded.

    At the yoga studio I go to, there was a decent crowd in class last week, but it was largely made up of regulars and maybe one or two newbies.
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks @999tigger‌ I'm sure I'm definitely making it bigger in my mind than it is - that's why I have anxiety disorders! But I'm working out at home anyway, so it wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't join a gym. Whether I do or not will ultimately depend on where I am with my agoraphobia so in the meantime I have a stationary bike and a rowing machine. I was just adding my thoughts to the topic from a different perspective (i.e not a regular).

    Thank you, I am logging everyday since I rejoined mfp and will continue to do so :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Not at 5am or Sunday mornings when I go.
  • gshifrin
    gshifrin Posts: 53 Member
    I think the problem is that the gym's business model depends on people continuing to pay long after they've given up on regular workouts. If everyone showed up regularly the gym would be unusable.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    the new gym is great. Saturday morning and Sunday morning, both light traffic in the cardio area, and then a bunch of folks lifting, but knowing their role. Even the women are squatting at this place. It's great.
  • harmar21
    harmar21 Posts: 215 Member
    I go in before work, and havent noticed any increase at all. No idea about primetime of 5-7 as I never go during that time.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    gshifrin wrote: »
    I think the problem is that the gym's business model depends on people continuing to pay long after they've given up on regular workouts. If everyone showed up regularly the gym would be unusable.

    Personally, I don't see this as a "problem" at all. If the system was pay per use, my costs would skyrocket. I don't mind those paying for a "membership" subsidizing those who actually use the gym at all.

    Related tangent: this is one of the reasons Crossfit gyms are generally more expensive...because the users/members ratio is generally much higher.
  • harmar21
    harmar21 Posts: 215 Member
    edited January 2015
    Nazy_Ak wrote: »
    This is something that terrifies me. As someone who has approx 100lbs to lose, I can't build up the courage to join a gym! I've attempted weightloss a few times, and even before I was so huge I was always active so do have machines at home (bike, rower and few free weights) but have motivation highs and lows. This time feels different and I've been flirting with the idea of joining a gym, seeing other people work out would inspire me but terrified of being judged, 'taking up space', crowding the gym for regulars etc

    I guess I either have to ignore it and go anyway or just stick to my home gym!

    Hey I started with 150lbs to lose. Trust me, no one gives a *kitten*. They are busy doing their own thing not even thinking about you. I had this fear too, but not once did I get a comment or a weird look. If anything people are probably happy that you are doing something.

    If you mean taking up space for weight equipment, just let other people rotate in with you, then you don't have to feel guilty.

    A couple pointers that helped me -- I did a small personal trainer package since I knew nothing about weightlifting. They taught me good form, order of muscle groups to do each day, etc.
    Another thing that will help a lot is finding someone to go with to be spotter, or just to talk to. I currently go on my own, but I noticed 2 other guys who have almost exact same schedule as I do so I may see if I can rotate in with them.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    gshifrin wrote: »
    I think the problem is that the gym's business model depends on people continuing to pay long after they've given up on regular workouts. If everyone showed up regularly the gym would be unusable.

    Personally, I don't see this as a "problem" at all. If the system was pay per use, my costs would skyrocket. I don't mind those paying for a "membership" subsidizing those who actually use the gym at all.

    Related tangent: this is one of the reasons Crossfit gyms are generally more expensive...because the users/members ratio is generally much higher.
    lol, no.

    They're generally much higher because they have solid marketing and trend status for now. People pay more for cult trends. Apple is an obvious example.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Yup, it'll calm down by end of February though. Unfortunately a lot of people don't stick to the resolution.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    gshifrin wrote: »
    I think the problem is that the gym's business model depends on people continuing to pay long after they've given up on regular workouts. If everyone showed up regularly the gym would be unusable.

    Personally, I don't see this as a "problem" at all. If the system was pay per use, my costs would skyrocket. I don't mind those paying for a "membership" subsidizing those who actually use the gym at all.

    Related tangent: this is one of the reasons Crossfit gyms are generally more expensive...because the users/members ratio is generally much higher.
    lol, no.

    They're generally much higher because they have solid marketing and trend status for now. People pay more for cult trends. Apple is an obvious example.

    so you believe that if Crossfit wasn't the new Hot Thing that membership would be $40 a month, just like 24 Hour Fitness and LA Fitness? did you math that out and everything?
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Nazy_Ak wrote: »
    This is something that terrifies me. As someone who has approx 100lbs to lose, I can't build up the courage to join a gym! I've attempted weightloss a few times, and even before I was so huge I was always active so do have machines at home (bike, rower and few free weights) but have motivation highs and lows. This time feels different and I've been flirting with the idea of joining a gym, seeing other people work out would inspire me but terrified of being judged, 'taking up space', crowding the gym for regulars etc

    I guess I either have to ignore it and go anyway or just stick to my home gym!

    Wish I knew you personally. I'd bring you along with me and show you the ropes. Don't be timid or intimated; everyone had to start somewhere.