Matt Smith to leave Dr Who



  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    Sadly, since Matt is leaving this means that the next Doctor will also be the last one. A Time Lord can only regenerate twelve times and since Matt was the 11th regeneration, the next one means Final Doctor. Also, the next one HAS to be a ginger, The Doctor wants to be a ginger, they at least have to grant him his wish on his last regeneration.

    They are going to retcon the regen limit, mark my words. The BBC isn't going to let go of its most popular show.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    People keep mentioning Rupert Grint, and as much as I liked him in HP, he's like 12 years old.

    Actually, back when Matt Smith started Doctor Who he was 26/27. Rupert Grint is 24 so it's not that much of a stretch. I'd rather see Matthew Lewis play the Doctor though.

    I know, and I really didn't like Matt Smith at first. I thought he was wayyyy too young. He eventually grew on me, though. But Matt Smith looks and acts much older, whereas Rupert still has such a baby face. I just really can't see him as the doctor, and I'd be very disappointed if he was. I'd love to see a more grandfatherly Doctor.

    Rupert Grint! He could be rude and ginger. I like this idea.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Sadly, since Matt is leaving this means that the next Doctor will also be the last one. A Time Lord can only regenerate twelve times and since Matt was the 11th regeneration, the next one means Final Doctor. Also, the next one HAS to be a ginger, The Doctor wants to be a ginger, they at least have to grant him his wish on his last regeneration.

    They are going to retcon the regen limit, mark my words. The BBC isn't going to let go of its most popular show.

    I can see them doing some creative workaround. I need to leave this thread now.
  • tskitzoid
    tskitzoid Posts: 51
    Sadly, since Matt is leaving this means that the next Doctor will also be the last one. A Time Lord can only regenerate twelve times and since Matt was the 11th regeneration, the next one means Final Doctor. Also, the next one HAS to be a ginger, The Doctor wants to be a ginger, they at least have to grant him his wish on his last regeneration.

    They are going to retcon the regen limit, mark my words. The BBC isn't going to let go of its most popular show.

    I would hope the BBC wouldn't screw up a rule that's been around since the older Doctor Who. That would be such an American thing to do. =A= Let a show have it's glory and then let it die as all good shows should.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I am not sure who I would pick. Maybe Cumberbatch?

    I feel bad for whoever it is, new Dr.s always get so much hate. Matt was torn a part when he started now people love him. People hate change.

    I can't see Cumerbatch signing on, though. Two-three years is a long commitment for a rising star like him. I think it should be a woman!

    I think it should be a woman or a guy who's a person of color. But they probably won't want to disappoint fan expectations.

    Not to sound racist or sexist, but The Doctor will always be male, regeneration doesn't mean he gets to change sex, he just "jump starts" his molecular structure or something along those lines, it won't change his DNA. Same goes for him changing to a person of colour, it wouldn't make sense, he's always been a white, british male, and I point back to my notion about the regeneration.

    Maybe this is me having only watched 9 and 10, but when 9 regenerated he made a comment about having more than one head, etc. If he can change species why wouldn't he be able to change sex or race? I also read that they'd considered Catherine Zeta-Jones to be doctor at one point.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Richard Ayoade. I would like a non-white doctor, but under Moffat I do not want a woman.

    I know his work a little and can see him in the role. He has the requisite boyish zaniness.
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    Sadly, since Matt is leaving this means that the next Doctor will also be the last one. A Time Lord can only regenerate twelve times and since Matt was the 11th regeneration, the next one means Final Doctor. Also, the next one HAS to be a ginger, The Doctor wants to be a ginger, they at least have to grant him his wish on his last regeneration.

    They are going to retcon the regen limit, mark my words. The BBC isn't going to let go of its most popular show.

    I would hope the BBC wouldn't screw up a rule that's been around since the older Doctor Who. That would be such an American thing to do. =A= Let a show have it's glory and then let it die as all good shows should.

    Even in classic who there were workarounds for the regen limit. The old master, Romana, etc, all had more regenerations.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I am not sure who I would pick. Maybe Cumberbatch?

    I feel bad for whoever it is, new Dr.s always get so much hate. Matt was torn a part when he started now people love him. People hate change.

    I can't see Cumerbatch signing on, though. Two-three years is a long commitment for a rising star like him. I think it should be a woman!

    I think it should be a woman or a guy who's a person of color. But they probably won't want to disappoint fan expectations.

    Not to sound racist or sexist, but The Doctor will always be male, regeneration doesn't mean he gets to change sex, he just "jump starts" his molecular structure or something along those lines, it won't change his DNA. Same goes for him changing to a person of colour, it wouldn't make sense, he's always been a white, british male, and I point back to my notion about the regeneration.

    Maybe this is me having only watched 9 and 10, but when 9 regenerated he made a comment about having more than one head, etc. If he can change species why wouldn't he be able to change sex or race? I also read that they'd considered Catherine Zeta-Jones to be doctor at one point.

    Why does he always have to be English? :smile: It's called Fan Service, baby. :smile:

    J/K: Doctor Who is a quintessentially English character. He should definitely never be American, or at least not until they've rn through all the other several hundred nationalities.
  • tskitzoid
    tskitzoid Posts: 51
    I am not sure who I would pick. Maybe Cumberbatch?

    I feel bad for whoever it is, new Dr.s always get so much hate. Matt was torn a part when he started now people love him. People hate change.

    I can't see Cumerbatch signing on, though. Two-three years is a long commitment for a rising star like him. I think it should be a woman!

    I think it should be a woman or a guy who's a person of color. But they probably won't want to disappoint fan expectations.

    Not to sound racist or sexist, but The Doctor will always be male, regeneration doesn't mean he gets to change sex, he just "jump starts" his molecular structure or something along those lines, it won't change his DNA. Same goes for him changing to a person of colour, it wouldn't make sense, he's always been a white, british male, and I point back to my notion about the regeneration.

    Maybe this is me having only watched 9 and 10, but when 9 regenerated he made a comment about having more than one head, etc. If he can change species why wouldn't he be able to change sex or race? I also read that they'd considered Catherine Zeta-Jones to be doctor at one point.
    I don't think he changed species when he was talking about that, considering if he had changed species he'd no longer be a Time Lord. If Catherine had been a time-lord I probably would have stopped watching Doctor Who. It just wouldn't be right to have a female Time Lord regeneration after all the previous ones were male.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Matt Smith looks like a less decomposed and patchy Frankenstein.
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    Matt Smith looks like a less decomposed and patchy Frankenstein.

    Thanks for your contribution to this thread. It was illuminating.
  • tskitzoid
    tskitzoid Posts: 51
    Sadly, since Matt is leaving this means that the next Doctor will also be the last one. A Time Lord can only regenerate twelve times and since Matt was the 11th regeneration, the next one means Final Doctor. Also, the next one HAS to be a ginger, The Doctor wants to be a ginger, they at least have to grant him his wish on his last regeneration.

    They are going to retcon the regen limit, mark my words. The BBC isn't going to let go of its most popular show.

    I would hope the BBC wouldn't screw up a rule that's been around since the older Doctor Who. That would be such an American thing to do. =A= Let a show have it's glory and then let it die as all good shows should.

    Even in classic who there were workarounds for the regen limit. The old master, Romana, etc, all had more regenerations.

    I didn't know Romana had more than 12 regens....I thought she'd only had about 3 or 4? I must re-re-rewatch the old Doctor Who and see what's up! (After I finish re-rewatching the current)
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    Sadly, since Matt is leaving this means that the next Doctor will also be the last one. A Time Lord can only regenerate twelve times and since Matt was the 11th regeneration, the next one means Final Doctor. Also, the next one HAS to be a ginger, The Doctor wants to be a ginger, they at least have to grant him his wish on his last regeneration.

    They are going to retcon the regen limit, mark my words. The BBC isn't going to let go of its most popular show.

    I would hope the BBC wouldn't screw up a rule that's been around since the older Doctor Who. That would be such an American thing to do. =A= Let a show have it's glory and then let it die as all good shows should.

    Even in classic who there were workarounds for the regen limit. The old master, Romana, etc, all had more regenerations.

    I didn't know Romana had more than 12 regens....I thought she'd only had about 3 or 4? I must re-re-rewatch the old Doctor Who and see what's up! (After I finish re-rewatching the current)

    She changed her appearance very frequently, but now I am questioning whether they were full regens. That being said, I am certain the master worked around the 12 limit.
  • tskitzoid
    tskitzoid Posts: 51

    She changed her appearance very frequently, but now I am questioning whether they were full regens. That being said, I am certain the master worked around the 12 limit.

    Well, The Master is a dirty hoarbag, so he can go suck it >3> lol
  • What316
    What316 Posts: 563
    It should be iris Elba a doctor who could just beat the **** out of a cyberman
  • dawnymc1
    dawnymc1 Posts: 29
    The next Dr. Who has to be someone with "swag" please. Like a young Jeff Goldblum, someone you wouldn't consider extremely handsome, but devishly intelligent, witty, with a little edge of sarcasm, charmer, etc.
  • seamatt
    seamatt Posts: 199 Member
    Read on a a forum today that it's an actor called Peter Stray. He is a British actor who has been in some US stuff from what I can see on Google. Fits the bill for the Dr.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I am not sure who I would pick. Maybe Cumberbatch?
    great idea. there needs to be ginger! the doctor is always so disappointed that he's never ginger
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member

    She changed her appearance very frequently, but now I am questioning whether they were full regens. That being said, I am certain the master worked around the 12 limit.

    Well, The Master is a dirty hoarbag, so he can go suck it >3> lol

    I like you.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Matt Smith looks like a less decomposed and patchy Frankenstein.

    Thanks for your contribution to this thread. It was illuminating.
    No problem! I'm glad that you were able to discern the more poignant and subtle theses of my comment :)