Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    I love reading everyone's comments. Cheers to continued happy healthy lives.
  • kimb00p
    kimb00p Posts: 9 Member
    My BMI has never been anything but normal until one day I checked it again and realized I had gained about 25 pounds. Because I’m 4’11” I think the weight looks like a lot more than 25 pounds. When I met my husband over 3 years ago I was a size 2 pants and a small top and now I don’t even know what pant size I am because nothing fits and I just wear leggings. And my top size is in between medium/large but the sleeves are never right because I’m so short.

    And a lot of my self confidence is gone.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    At age 51, almost overnight, it seemed, I had gained 36 lbs in about 4 years ! I could not stand what I saw in the mirror.
    Now age 59. And I have dropped 49 lbs. Thanks to MFP and learning portion control/nutrition. Seeing my collar bone again for the first time again was amazing !
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    It was for my healths sake.
  • alainacarman8448
    My kick in the butt was, getting the results of a blood glucose screening, and seeing what my waist measurements were. 2 months ago my doctor warned me that I was borderline diabetic. I decided to try Keto as I know several people who not only lost weight, but lowered their bp
    and blood sugar levels. Down 24lbs, 1clothing size, and blood sugar, and bp are in the normal range. I am a carb j
  • squeaker87
    squeaker87 Posts: 82 Member
    I’ve been right on the edge of the plus size department for a while now. Got a new dress the other day and needed an 18/20, weighed and was over 200 lbs. I just don’t want to do it anymore. I want to change my habits and be healthier. I’m tired of hating pictures taken of me, too. I’m just over being fat.
  • diazirism1
    diazirism1 Posts: 2 Member
    I notice my boss lost weight, she told me about my fitness pal and how she lost 20lbs. She said it was easy, besides I'm diabetic and need to lose weight for my blood sugar to be normal
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Pretty sure I've posted in this thread before, but I come back to it often to read it and nod my head in recognition of other people's reasons. I find it helps to give me a kick in the butt when I've fallen off the wagon.

    My latest reason - my 5 year old nephew made a comment that I was round and his mum and dad were straight. He's not yet learnt to describe people as fat and thin. But it still made me wince inside. All I could do was agree with him because he is right. I am round. His mum and dad are straight. Can't escape these facts!
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    edited December 2017
    - I had to start standing with my feet on schoulderwidth in order for my thighs not to touch. Because of my wide hips I never had that before and it felt really uncomfortable.
    - Sitting became really uncomfortable.
    - I had to buy a size 42/XL pants (German sized). Always having been a skinny girl that was a tough moment to me.
    - I started to have fat under my chin. It was a confrontation every time I looked at myself in the mirror while brushing teeth.
    - I started feeling insecure about myself and unhappy in my own skin.

    I didn't really have a lightbulb moment, but was just fed up with it all one day and decided I needed to make a change.
  • wsusan162
    wsusan162 Posts: 58 Member
    For me it was a family reunion. Saw the pictures and couldn't believe I looked that big. I don't see it looking in the mirror (of course it's not a full length mirror LOL)
  • paulwatts747
    paulwatts747 Posts: 60 Member
    dougl004 wrote: »
    That was my AH HA moment. What was yours?

    Realising I had sleep apnea.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Sick of being the biggest one in the room (almost)......whether work or family and I was just a little over 200lbs! Just do not want to feel out of place anymore!
  • Tinkachu
    Tinkachu Posts: 25 Member
    My body is objectively unattractive and it hurts my self-esteem. I love how skinny girls look as long as they don't go too far.
  • mbminx
    mbminx Posts: 21 Member
    On Christmas, I got a look at myself in a full-length mirror, naked, for the first time in years. I couldn't believe what I looked like. This has got to stop.
    HDBKLM Posts: 466 Member