This will probably start a firestorm.



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member


    Okay, not really.
    Too much generalization.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    That's just BULL%*#$, my husband through no fault of his own is now disabled and can't work But I can and do, never in my wildest dreams would I throw that in his face or blame him when money is tight. In truth I feel guilty that I don't have a second job! My kids need there mom too so we learned to do without and we move on. I have to say that there are alot of things in our world that are contributing to this decline...should we start with technology and how our younger generation no longer knows how to have a face to face conversation! Let's not bash the sexes or blame each other, let's put our heads together and find mutually satisfying solutions. Lets just agree that what is right for your may not be right for me,what works for you does not work for me!
    Keep in mind that you are limited in your own belief in the stereotypes you are spouting and are really missing out on someone who will be the difference in your life!! We all need to talk less and learn to trust abit more, striped down naked WE ARE ALL THE SAME and you are beating your gums and keyboards when you could be doing something to change all of this!

    I know that's right. Marriage is supposed to be a partnership, not a competition. You do what you must to make it work, and don't worry about comparing your situation to someone else's unique situation.

    There's a lot of bulldookey going on these days. At the risk of seeming ignorant, this is why I don't watch the news. Instead of sitting back letting it make you mad, reach out to your community and help wherever you can.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    I will weigh in on this and make you all hate me. I am not sure the woman's movement did society as many favors as its participates would like to believe. Sure I can work now and get paid well but I cannot stay home with my kids because our society now depends on 2 incomes to make ends meet in most markets. I can have a career but it cost me the most important job. There is not an option now for those of us who want to raise our children ourselves. I can either save towards retirement and own a home or I can be a mom to my little ones while they are little ones. I have to pay someone else to do the most important job in the world so I can go give my time to some corporation doing something that will matter to no one when I am gone. Its not a very good trade if you ask me. Plus since we are all free love and independence men treat us like a disposable napkin. There is always another girl willing to put out and why should he have to support us or our kids since we can do it ourselves. We are taken more seriously in our professional lives at the expense of our personal lives. Yes the movement has degraded the values of our society because we cannot be there to instil those values in our children now and the schools and day cares are not going to do the job for us. As women tell me you do not feel the pain of guilt everytime you drop your babies off for someone else to raise. That is what we traded for. I am very smart and fairly good at my job but what I do each day there is not worth what I am missing out on doing.

    I won't go as far as to blame the women's lib movement for our economy. I believe my family could survive on one income if we downgraded a lot. It would mean a lot of sacrifice, but it would be do-able.