Busy mom's fun at home fitness!



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    I ended up playing tug of war with Roxie, my dog, dancing and jogging through the house. I love it when she literally jumps in to join me. I always feel guilty when I can't take her on a walk around the neighborhood, because it's arctic outside. We both got in a good 20 minute workout.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Happy Sunday! Only 19 days til' Spring! (*)
  • enochsig
    enochsig Posts: 7 Member
    It may be FREEZING outside and the snow may be up to my first floor window but it's nice inside and I plan on folding my laundry standing and moving in place. Then taking as many trips to the rooms as possible while putting it away. And if I'm listening to Disney music with my 9 year old dancing who cares? :)
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Enochsig, sounds like you and your daughter had fun despite the weather.☀️

    I stepped on the scale a minute ago, and my mindless weekend snacking has caught up to me. I can get grumpy, or use this as a reminder that I need to track everything, and get my dancing on this morning.

    We need to take the lemons and turn them into lemonade! Mmm...lemonade...
  • enochsig
    enochsig Posts: 7 Member
    Haha sounds good. I purposefully don't buy snacks other than the ones my kids take to school. Thst way I don't get caught grabbing something to eat that I shouldn't.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    At work there are Otis Spunkmeir chocolate chip cookies...torture, right?

    But if I plan my lunch and track it, I'm okay.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Love this thread. I shoveled for about 15 minutes this morning. Winter creates more workouts. So many people complain about not getting to the gym, it is nice to see someone finding ways to workout without one.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    I love shoveling snow, too! I like to cut the grass, too! (Maybe I should start a landscaping company?? :smiley: ). Free cardio is great.

    I worked out again this morning with my dog...got some good jogging around the house with her... a great start to the day. I was pretty good at lunch too...until the munchies came. I need to start bringing in more crunchy veggies to work.

    No worries though...each day is a fresh start!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Mornings come so early...
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    Love this thread. I shoveled for about 15 minutes this morning. Winter creates more workouts. So many people complain about not getting to the gym, it is nice to see someone finding ways to workout without one.

    I shoveled snow this morning and thought of you. Cardio... Done! :smiley:
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    I'm substitute teaching elementary school gym this afternoon...let's see how many steps I can get in!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    14 days until Spring! :)
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Happy Saturday!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Finally it is warm enough today for a nice long walk outside. :D
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Great job, Lizzy622!
    I look forward to walking the dog around the block tomorrow morning.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Don't forget to Spring forward tonight.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Ugh! Up 2 pounds today. I must log my food daily... Not just good days. Trying to get back on track...
  • enochsig
    enochsig Posts: 7 Member
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member

    That was just what I needed! I'm putting on boots and taking the dog for a nice long walk before heading off to work. We both need the sunshine and fresh air. Carpe Diem!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Gluteus maximus is a bit sore after 1.5 mile walk. Probably also because the road was very sandy causing extra work to stabilize.