Reese's peanut butter eggs



  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I hope I was not demonising chocolate or dampening the excitement surrounding our love for yummy snacks. I just think we devote a bit more time and focus to the "foods" which actually do contribute to obesity which tend to be a function of sugar and/or trans-fatty ingredients. I don't notice the same hype for the healthy least not in my experience. Not trying to sound like a zealot. I just want to get this food-life balance right for the first time in over 5 decades and the snacky foods have been my achilles heel. Perhaps I am lone voice in the wilderness. Enjoy your eggs and chocolate and have some for me.

    Nah, you'll find me in threads extolling the greatness of Greek yogurt and its amazing versatility to pump up our protein intake. Or using cauliflower as a thickening in soup instead of using a roux, and blending other veggies to increase the nutritional content in stews and chilis). Oh, and my intense love for all things legume/beans (mmm, they truly are the magical fruit!).

    But alas, this thread is about our love of choc/PB eggs. And will honor and praise this perfect treat, and indulge (very modestly) in them for the short season in which they are available. And yes, balance is SO important. That's how most of us operate (I see a lot of that here in this thread)--we work our butts off to get our nutritious foods eaten within goal, so as to have a bit of room once in a while for this treat.

    And this treat is perfect--we can buy SINGLES of them (that's important for me--I'm a former/recovered binger--NO bags of candy in my house plz), yet the singles still seem like an indulgent size.

    Where can you get singles of them? Sounds like what I need, lol.

    Walmart has a big "bin" of the singles (right in front of the checkout, hence my impulse purchase, lol. Walmart's so smart). I think they're 68 cents or so. Otherwise, my husband found the Reese's hearts in singles at a local C-store/gas station.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I hope I was not demonising chocolate or dampening the excitement surrounding our love for yummy snacks. I just think we devote a bit more time and focus to the "foods" which actually do contribute to obesity which tend to be a function of sugar and/or trans-fatty ingredients. I don't notice the same hype for the healthy least not in my experience. Not trying to sound like a zealot. I just want to get this food-life balance right for the first time in over 5 decades and the snacky foods have been my achilles heel. Perhaps I am lone voice in the wilderness. Enjoy your eggs and chocolate and have some for me.

    Nah, you'll find me in threads extolling the greatness of Greek yogurt and its amazing versatility to pump up our protein intake. Or using cauliflower as a thickening in soup instead of using a roux, and blending other veggies to increase the nutritional content in stews and chilis). Oh, and my intense love for all things legume/beans (mmm, they truly are the magical fruit!).

    But alas, this thread is about our love of choc/PB eggs. And will honor and praise this perfect treat, and indulge (very modestly) in them for the short season in which they are available. And yes, balance is SO important. That's how most of us operate (I see a lot of that here in this thread)--we work our butts off to get our nutritious foods eaten within goal, so as to have a bit of room once in a while for this treat.

    And this treat is perfect--we can buy SINGLES of them (that's important for me--I'm a former/recovered binger--NO bags of candy in my house plz), yet the singles still seem like an indulgent size.

    Where can you get singles of them? Sounds like what I need, lol.

    Walmart has a big "bin" of the singles (right in front of the checkout, hence my impulse purchase, lol. Walmart's so smart). I think they're 68 cents or so. Otherwise, my husband found the Reese's hearts in singles at a local C-store/gas station.

    I saw a box of singles at Walgreens too.

  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    edited February 2015
    earlnabby wrote: »

    Where can you get singles of them? Sounds like what I need, lol.

    Walmart has a big "bin" of the singles (right in front of the checkout, hence my impulse purchase, lol. Walmart's so smart). I think they're 68 cents or so. Otherwise, my husband found the Reese's hearts in singles at a local C-store/gas station.[/quote]

    I saw a box of singles at Walgreens too.


    Oh, yes, definitely check Walgreens. Actually, that's my hookup for the dark chocolate, coconut fluff filled eggs (Russell Stover, YUMMM). Gotta stop by there this week.

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Embrace the fantastic feeling of incredible self control when you don't buy one.

    Working towards a higher goal.

    Munch down a healthy apple for a treat.
    Pls go

    Yes, please do.

  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    This thread is directly responsible for my purchase of 2 at CVS yesterday. And I'm not sorry. Frozen is the best!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited February 2015

    Oh, yes, definitely check Walgreens. Actually, that's my hookup for the dark chocolate, coconut fluff filled eggs (Russell Stover, YUMMM). Gotta stop by there this week.


    Don't like coconut but I love the Russell Stover vanilla ones

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    "(CNN)The makers of Cadbury Creme Eggs are walking on eggshells with fans of the beloved Easter treat after a recent tweak in the recipe."
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »

    Oh, yes, definitely check Walgreens. Actually, that's my hookup for the dark chocolate, coconut fluff filled eggs (Russell Stover, YUMMM). Gotta stop by there this week.


    Don't like coconut but I love the Russell Stover vanilla ones

    Oh my.
  • shelleygold
    shelleygold Posts: 178 Member
    Wow, you are all so mindful of keeping the perfect balance and demonstrate such accurate self control. You even give yourself the luxury of sarcasm and defensiveness. I'm sure you will never escalate again and ruin what you have worked so hard to achieve! I'm sure of that. Enjoy your sugar. It's only once in a while.
  • shelleygold
    shelleygold Posts: 178 Member
    Someone flagged my comment as "abuse". Really? I don't get it. I am curious about the extent to which individuals such as ourselves are clearly committed to healthy life-style choices and weight loss management and at the same time, focus so deeply on the very foods that can become problematic. I raise this and I either get ignored or pacified. But none has the courage to admit that there just might be a hint of an issue at some level. Who here is still not at their ideal goal? Any ideas why?
    Can we have a friendly discussion or am I going to get the worshipping yogurt response again?
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I love the white chocolate peanut butter eggs, I actually have the recipe for the peanut butter cups somewhere in my recipe collection.. Now that I know they are out I'll have to pick some up...
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Someone flagged my comment as "abuse". Really? I don't get it. I am curious about the extent to which individuals such as ourselves are clearly committed to healthy life-style choices and weight loss management and at the same time, focus so deeply on the very foods that can become problematic. I raise this and I either get ignored or pacified. But none has the courage to admit that there just might be a hint of an issue at some level. Who here is still not at their ideal goal? Any ideas why?
    Can we have a friendly discussion or am I going to get the worshipping yogurt response again?

    For me personally I didn't gain the weight from eating Reese's peanut butter eggs (or other candy) I gained because I continued to eat the same number of calories that I ate as a runner, but due to injury's and life getting in the way I wasn't running anymore add in some tough pregnancies and medical issues after birth and boom I packed on the pounds.

    Honestly I don't get the reference your trying to make with this thread. It's like saying having a thread about how awesome this dream vacation is (and how much we'd like to go as well), is an issue because people are in debt and spending money on vacations causes that debt. Eating "junk" or candy doesn't make people fat, eating a surplus of calories makes people fat. Is it easy to go over your calorie needs if you eat more than one serving of Reese's peanut butter eggs, absolutely that doesn't make the food bad it means your self control is bad.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Someone flagged my comment as "abuse". Really? I don't get it. I am curious about the extent to which individuals such as ourselves are clearly committed to healthy life-style choices and weight loss management and at the same time, focus so deeply on the very foods that can become problematic. I raise this and I either get ignored or pacified. But none has the courage to admit that there just might be a hint of an issue at some level. Who here is still not at their ideal goal? Any ideas why?
    Can we have a friendly discussion or am I going to get the worshipping yogurt response again?
    Um, you sure read a lot into my response that I didn't mean or say at all. I love those foods as well. If you read any other thing I write on MFP, I say what I mean and mean what I say.

    The flagger probably wasn't any one in this thread. But to ask who here is not at goal (considering we are in the weight loss subforum) in the way you did is not very nice. You claim we are defensive & sarcastic. And when you find none you create it yourself.

    None of us sharing our love of these treats are as you portray. At all. We were/are having a friendly discussion. If you can't see that, well that's on you.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Someone flagged my comment as "abuse". Really? I don't get it. I am curious about the extent to which individuals such as ourselves are clearly committed to healthy life-style choices and weight loss management and at the same time, focus so deeply on the very foods that can become problematic. I raise this and I either get ignored or pacified. But none has the courage to admit that there just might be a hint of an issue at some level. Who here is still not at their ideal goal? Any ideas why?
    Can we have a friendly discussion or am I going to get the worshipping yogurt response again?

    I was at my goal weight before I got pregnant with my third, and I'm steadily losing weight to get back there again. I don't go crazy with chocolate, but I allow myself treats occasionally, same as I do with my children. I lost all my baby weight after my other children while not denying myself treats.

    Foods are only problematic if you eat too much of them. If you ate too many apples or bananas you'd gain weight.

    Anyway, they don't sell those Reeses eggs in England as far as I'm aware. They look yummy though.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Wow, you are all so mindful of keeping the perfect balance and demonstrate such accurate self control. You even give yourself the luxury of sarcasm and defensiveness. I'm sure you will never escalate again and ruin what you have worked so hard to achieve! I'm sure of that. Enjoy your sugar. It's only once in a while.

    You sound very bitter. Just because you can't control yourself, doesn't mean everyone is the same!
  • amandarunning
    amandarunning Posts: 306 Member
    I love PB and also love Chocolate - Cadbury Dairy Milk is the best unless the new owners start messing with that recipe!! Found these - pricey but worth it in the interest of research :-) They're not exactly egg shaped though are they?!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    ashleycde wrote: »
    I don't think we have these in Canada :'(

    oh yes, We very much do have these in Canada
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited February 2015
    Someone flagged my comment as "abuse". Really? I don't get it. I am curious about the extent to which individuals such as ourselves are clearly committed to healthy life-style choices and weight loss management and at the same time, focus so deeply on the very foods that can become problematic. I raise this and I either get ignored or pacified. But none has the courage to admit that there just might be a hint of an issue at some level. Who here is still not at their ideal goal? Any ideas why?
    Can we have a friendly discussion or am I going to get the worshipping yogurt response again?

    There's that fantastic thing called 'moderation'. Google it.

    I mean, sure, if I never had treats, I'd probably be at my goal weight now (I'm 2 pounds away, it's not like it matters at this point). But what a sad, sad, life it would be.

    Just because YOU don't like treats and can very well do without them, doesn't mean we WANT to. Heck I'd rather be 2 pounds heavier (and still 17 pounds under the 'overweight' category, thank you very much) but still have a treat when I feel like one. I'm sure there are things you love that I can very well live without. I'm not going to go and judge what you do with your money or your life, or what you eat, and what you like. What business do you have judging what I do with mine?

    ETA: where do you find the white chocolate ones???